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neller 09-22-2013 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1772153026)
I do apologize for being late to your ping - it's been one of those weeks >.<

Anyway - I just would like to hear your justification for unicorns in autumn :D

I suppose I don't have an explanation other than the conversation we had can be associated with any season. Haha.

I made pumpkins. :3

neller 08-14-2016 03:19 PM

In celebration of my triumphant return to Mene, I decided to take on a new pixel project (because I miss making items).
It's in it's really rough stages as of yet, but introducing...


star2000shadow 08-14-2016 07:12 PM

oh.. WOW..I WANT.. 'makes grabby hands'

neller 08-14-2016 10:52 PM

I don't know what made me think of it, but I thought it'd be great. I gotta make a male friendly version, too!

BellyButton 08-15-2016 12:06 AM

Looks neat. Can't wait to see it progress. :)

neller 08-15-2016 01:56 AM

Thanks, Belly!
I'm excited to see how it looks, too. :)

star2000shadow 08-15-2016 03:47 AM

whoa i haven't seen belly in a while 'waves like mad' and hmm.. maybe they could have a suit? with roses along hte edges of the pants?

neller 08-16-2016 01:23 PM

The rose gown may be on hold for a little bit. I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow. :O

star2000shadow 08-16-2016 02:36 PM

ah well, have fun 'nods'

dragoness129 08-26-2016 12:49 AM

I love those pumpkin tees!

salvete 08-26-2016 01:35 AM

neller I love that rose gown you are making, as well as the bedtime sweater. has it been made into an item? the suspenders look like the ones that are items

Maria-Minamino 09-04-2016 01:04 PM

neller: - it is good to see you back <3. I like the rose gown ao far. On the avvie right almost looks too boxy the way the gown is falling offer the hip. If you could Smooth out those lines a bit, it would be nice! I like the rest so far! This will be very pretty!

neller 09-06-2016 06:57 PM

Ah! I see it! I'll work on that when I get near my computer.

I feel so silly. I return and immediately things happen again. Vacation, moving in with my sister, bowling season, job interviews, camping. I wonder how I can keep my feet on the ground.

Maria-Minamino 09-06-2016 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1773727537)
Ah! I see it! I'll work on that when I get near my computer.

I feel so silly. I return and immediately things happen again. Vacation, moving in with my sister, bowling season, job interviews, camping. I wonder how I can keep my feet on the ground.

Neller...come on when you want to and when you have time...not when you feel forced :) You have job interviews? That's so exciting :) are they for places you are excited to work at?

neller 09-07-2016 11:54 PM

Maria-Minamino: Actually, yes! The position is for Marketing Assistant at a local hospital. It's related to my degree, and a huge step towards what I really want to do (graphic design). I'm waiting on a call to see how my second interview went! I think well, and I'm hoping for the offer!

Maria-Minamino 09-08-2016 10:59 PM

neller: - that is awesome! I am so happy for you! It's always great when you can finally get your foot in the door of the career you want to pursue! So hard to get that first step though! I'm really excited for you :)

neller 09-13-2016 07:36 PM


I'm sorry, I'm excited. :D

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