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BellyButton 07-12-2013 06:35 PM

Entries have been recorded up to this point. If you should need to edit or change anything, please either repost the entry or ping or PM me letting me know you've edited -- I won't see your changes if it's up in the thread somewhere already. Thanks! :3

---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 11:36 AM ----------

P.S. Really neat entries so far! I'm impressed with the variety!

Velvet 07-12-2013 08:37 PM

I need to finish up my second entry..

Captain Howdy 07-12-2013 11:03 PM

My Artifact Entry:
I call it: The Idol of Mala'aku'nadee

Artifact Name: The Idol of Mala'aku'nadee
Is this based on an art entry? Yers. :B (Here) and (Here)
My Lore Entry:

These are the notes of Captain Howdy… the III, Esq., PhD, LMNOP.

I am writing this now on some salvaged scrap paper I received from Belly. My own rhinestone-studded One Direction diary was lost in the crash. A pity, really.

We’ve been stuck on this god-forsaken island for what seems forever. It’s unbearable. There’s absolutely no place to charge my iPad, and i’m still not caught up on the Real Housewives of Siberia. -- My spirits are low. The others manage to keep themselves preoccupied. Some salvage for food. Some have gone off on a search party. Even Jeryck keeps busy by flirting with that old castaway, Madame R. I mean really, get a room.

But me? I’m far too pretty for any of that kinda stuff. -- But this morning jelly emerged from the jungle and tossed something at my feet. “Here,” she said, “see what you can make of this bollocks.”

It was an old stone, caked with soil. Wiping off the dirt, it revealed itself to be some sort of relic. Jeryck, managing to tear his eyes away from his disheveled damsel, was highly interested. “Aw,” he proclaimed, “then this island must have been home to some long gone peoples!” I inquired if he was going to search for clues as to what the relic is, but he replied that his day was full. Beginning with a roast seagull luncheon with Madame R.

So the task was left to me. I asked jelly where she had located the object. It was, as she eloquently put, by some cave where she was taking a wazz. After some searching, keeping mind where I stepped, I managed to locate the cave and its entrance. Inside was dark, damp, musty all the other adjectives you’d associate with a cave. Switching on the flashlight I had swiped from Lance, I ventured further and further into the blackness, all the while trying to remember which were stalagmites and which were stalactites.

Seeing little to nothing, I was about to give up and turn back when I spotted something that gave me a shock. It was a skeleton, wearing a pith helmet. Faced with the situation, I did what any normal person would do. I removed his skull and used it as a ventriloquist’s dummy.

Howdy: Hey Skully, you mad that you’re dead?
Skully: You bet I am! I’m pithed off!

It was only then that I noticed a notebook at his side. Tossing Skully over my shoulder, I picked up the book and began to read.

It was a journal, belonging to a Professor Sedrick James Haverston. He was an explorer who came to the island back in the 1920s. He was searching for evidence of a people, called the Ohloga, who had once lived on this island. He fervently believed that they carried the secret of turning plum pudding into gold. “Sounds like you were barmier than an outhouse rat.” I called back to Skully.

After perusing the journal, stopping briefly to read of the love affair between Professor Haverston and a medicine ball named Wilson, I found what I was looking for. He had discovered and translated some old text pertaining to the relic. His notes read:

“The stone in question is called the Idol of Mala’aku’nadee. To understand its purpose, one should first know some of the mythology of the Ohloga.

Long ago, in the time before creation, the Ohloga believed there was only Grandmother Sky. She encompassed all things. Her left eye was the sun and her right was the moon. For countless ages she existed on her own, until she began to lament her solitude. So opening her womb, as the story reads, she gave birth to Mother Earth and Father Ocean.

Now created, Grandmother Sky commanded the two to populate the land. From this union, first came the gods. It was they who filled the world with plants and animals. Next, Mother Earth bore humankind. This pleased Grandmother Sky greatly, and she loved them dearly.

At their inception, humans were born fully grown and incapable of reproducing. When one died, Mother Earth and Father Ocean would copulate and create another. But as the world became more and more populated and more peopled died, the two became weary from their constant mating. So Grandmother Sky, taking pity on the pair, reached down and touched the top of a tanagu tree.

A tanagu, a fruit reminiscent of an apricot, began to swell and grow larger. The fruit split, and from within emerged Mala’aku’nadee. It was she who gave humans the ability to bear offspring and became the goddess of children, birth and motherhood.

The tanagu became Mala’aku’nadee’s sacred fruit and only children and expectant mothers were allowed to eat of it.

Having no knowledge of the young, the people were ill prepared to care for them. The goddess attempted to teach the men and women, but they were impatient and neglectful. So in her anger, Mala’aku’nadee stole her gift back. Soon mankind began to die out. They grew repentant, and begged for her forgiveness.

Knowing that humans were beloved by Grandmother Sky, Mala’aku’nadee gave them a second chance. But to forever remind the people of how precious children are, she would demand offerings.

This is where the idol fits in. One side represents Mala’aku’nadee’s generosity and the other represents her wrath. Once a generation, all the children of the Ohloga villages were gathered and forced to play a macabre game of heads or tails. Flipping the stone into the sand, those who gained her generosity were spared. Those who gained her wrath would flip again, continuing until there were two children left. The unlucky youth who remained at the end was chosen. They would be fed, bathed, then taken to the sacred fire pit at the center of the island and sacrificed to Mala’aku’nadee.”

All was silent in the cave. Putting the notebook down, I turned to Skully and commented, “Those Ohloga were pretty f’ed up.”

My task now accomplished, i’ll return this information to Jeryck and maybe he’ll let me keep the stone as a paper weight.

Chexala 07-13-2013 12:50 AM

This is a really cool contest idea! Dunno why I didn't check in here sooner, but I'm going to scuttle off now and see what sort of entry I can whip up at the last minute here.

Linnea 07-13-2013 03:35 AM

wish i could have entered this one too, but alas, maybe next time!
great job everyone! so creative [yes]

Seito 07-13-2013 10:08 AM

My Artifact Entry:
I call it: Primordium Flute

Artifact Name: Primordium Flute
Is this based on an art entry? Yes here
My Lore Entry:

From the Journal of Jane Thorn

July 7th
I cannot believe it! Today while exploring this island we have crashed on I found an amazing artifact! The red, blue and green coloring, the peacock feathers, the worn holes. This is a Primordium Flute, also known as the Elemental Flute! There have only been pictures of it, never has such a rare artifact been found intact before! I even found the wore pieces of paper that contain the basics of songs! This is an amazing find!

For those who don't know, the Primordium Flute is an unique magical object created by the talented magicians of Gwydion long ago. The smooth, blue-green, glass like back of the Primordium and the peacock feathers are homage to the Merak the Peacock God who resides in Gwydion. This is proof that it originated from famous island of magic.

The blue, green and red on the front of Primordium are the three elements which the Priomodium can summon: water, plant and fire. This is what makes Primordium so miraculous and dangerous. By blowing into one of the three mouthpieces and playing songs, one can summon these elements. Fire will ignite, water will spring forth and plants will grow from barren ground. Needless to say we won't have to worry about food or water on this island with this magic flute.

The songs we have found with the Primodium give us the very basics of songs. The high pitches of the fire song, the rolling deep of the water song and the neutral winding plant song. The songs are simple enough that anyone with the smallest gifts of magic should be able to play, which is quite fortunate as many of the stranded Menewshans present possess this gift, even without any formal training.

Of course that being said, it should still be entrusted to our magic expert and former Gwydion resident Abel. There were records how powerful Primodium were. While the most basic of songs provided a method of food and warmth, there exist complex more songs, entire pages, that were very capable of destruction. From earthquakes, tsunamis and meteorites the more complex the song the more powerful the effect as long as the person had the magic for it. There was time in history where the Primodium Flute was used as a weapon and not as a means of survival which lead to the destruction of the remaining Primodium.

I must report this and turn the magic flute over to Abel. But perhaps if we survive getting off this island, he'll let me examine it more closely at a later time before the flute is destroyed.


Seito 07-13-2013 07:44 PM

My Artifact Entry:
I call it: Anima Se Subducere (Soul Stealer): Mr. Mayor Limited Edition

Artifact Name: Anima Se Subducere (Soul Stealer): Mr. Mayor Limited Edition
Is this based on an art entry? Yes here
My Lore Entry:

Shipwrecked on this island! How horrible!

Mr. Mayor looked around; most of the Menewshans seem in good enough mood. Despite being crashed this island, everyone had jumped into exploring, repairing the ship and searching for food. The meeting of Madame Rousseau was a pleasant surprise to find they were not completely alone on the island. There was still no sign of the Duvalian Air Patrol but he knew better then to give up hope so soon.

"We found treasure!" Aimee shouted in glee. The blond hair girl came bouncing back into their makeshift camp with a giant chest. Behind her trailed Tesel with a scowl on her face. Clearly she didn't appreciate spending her time searching the island with Aimee. While Aimee was a terribly sweet girl, her bubbly personality could be quite tiresome and could wear out anyone within a few hours. Much like another little girl.

"Go show it to Mr. Mayor," Tesel instructed.

Aimee bounced over to Mr. Mayor and put the chest down. "Look look!"

Mr. Mayor opened the box, hesitant. Inside was not gold or jewels but strangely shaped rocks. "What are these?" he asked, picking up one. He felt a sharp pain and then the world shifted. Everyone became towering giants standing around him. He opened it his mouth to ask why but no words formed.

"Mr. Mayor got his soul taken by the rocks!" Aimee screamed. Gone was their mayor and in his place was a rock with his appearance on it.

That gather the attention of Lise and Abel who came running over.

"Interesting," Lise said.

"No one touch those rocks," Abel instructed. He kneel down to look at the Mr. Mayor rock. His scowl grew deeper the longer he looked.

"This is a powerful curse," Lise said, peering over his shoulder. "It will be difficult to break."

Abel sighed, irritable. "First he gets kidnapped, then traumatized and now he has his soul sucked into this rock. Why does he always make things difficult?" he grumbled.

"It is not a good year to be Mr. Mayor," Aimee agreed with a nod.

Popcorn Gun 07-13-2013 07:46 PM

I meant to do something really kick butt for this too...
Ah well, good luck everyone!
They're looking great.
:' D

Woodlandnymph 07-14-2013 12:15 AM

Nice and nice Seito! Cute stories and awesome art!

I think I've let myself run outta time to make my clay figurine >.< Nuts!

Seito 07-14-2013 12:20 AM

Haha thanks Woody <3 They were super fun to write * u * I'm glad I squeezed them in.

D: Aww we're not ending yet. You can still do it! I HAVE FAITH!

Woodlandnymph 07-14-2013 12:32 AM

::Looks at the lump of clay on the table:: I could. I had that out anyways to make dragon eye earrings. I saw some online and they were SO cool. So, I thought I could make em myself. [:D] If they work out well, I'll have a bunch for the fall to sell/ give away to friends in honor of The Hobbit or something.

Seito 07-14-2013 12:34 AM

Ooo that sounds like a mighty fine idea. * u * You should definitely do it!

Woodlandnymph 07-14-2013 12:37 AM

Here's what they look like. I'd make mine a bit more interesting, for sure.

dragon eyes!

Velvet 07-14-2013 12:41 AM

Still need to get my second entry in. Will work on after dinner if I have time.

Seito 07-14-2013 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1772046526)
Here's what they look like. I'd make mine a bit more interesting, for sure.

dragon eyes!

That's so awesome * u * A little creepy since it looks like the ear just have an extra eye but awesome * u *

Woodlandnymph 07-14-2013 02:05 AM

Right? That's why I like em.

Seito 07-14-2013 02:14 AM

*nods* Yeah. Good luck making them * u *

Velvet 07-14-2013 02:27 AM

Artifact Name: Luminesis' Crystal
Is this based on an art entry? Yes, but I haven't uploaded yet.
My Lore Entry:

Expedition Journal:

I found it! I finally found it! I knew that this artifact was not just a fairytale and I knew that the story written on the similar artifact held more truth in it than the others believed.

After days of searching, I discovered a gorgeous waterfall with a stunning spring surrounding it. Upon further investigation I learned that there was a small cave entrance hidden behind the waterfall. The opening was nearly completely covered with moss and vines, but with luck I noticed the gaps and hacked away at the vines and moss. Once inside this place was amazing. That word cannot begin to describe it. The small opening turned into a huge room were strange glowing rocks hung from the ceiling, illuminating the entire cavern. I was confused and unsure of the location I discovered, but once I saw the carvings on the wall in the same language as the Native's used I was certain I was in the right place.

And then I saw it. There, delicately placed on a well preserved statue in the hand of who I could only assume to me Luminesis, was the crystal. It is the most glorious discovery I have ever made. I almost didn't want to remove it from its holder, but I felt the world needed to see such wonder. Upon touching the crystal I knew of its power, its greatness. Perhaps the world need not to know of it.. I hid the crystal in my pocket, for it was no wider than a banana and no taller than a can. It felt warm, cool, wet, dry - all at the same time. The outline of the crystal also radiates with a cool blue light that when placed in my hand, the light is so unique, so radiant that I can see the outline of every bone in my hand.

But that isn't the most amazing part. Once I touched this crystal, I gained the knowledge of its previous owner. I saw through his eyes, learned of his leadership, saw it.. I experienced it. This crystal holds such immense power that no one, but me, could ever understand now. This crystal shares the thoughts and the memories of the previous owners. It also gives me immortality while I possess it. If the crystal were to be removed from my possession, it would call to me and find me on its own. This power I do not understand. Luminesis didn't understand this either. This crystal is mine... Mine alone. No one else can know the existence of it. No One..

I told the others of the cavern, but not of the crystal. Once I leave this island, I will never part with this crystal. I will wear it as necklace, perhaps. I have called it, Luminesis' Crystal"

BellyButton 07-14-2013 02:30 AM

Updating again! :)

---------- Post added 07-13-2013 at 07:40 PM ----------

All caught up. Lots of neat stories coming in! [eager]

edit: P.S. Good gawd, those earrings are freaky Woody! I wasn't expecting that. [lol]

Velvet 07-14-2013 03:02 AM

They are freaky, aren't they? xD

momochan 07-14-2013 03:03 AM


Velvet 07-14-2013 07:28 PM

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Luminesis' Crystal

This is actually based on my second Lore entry Here, which is based on the first Lore entry and Artifact Entry. :3

I suck at these.. xD

Shadami 07-14-2013 07:33 PM

Omg awesome entries. mine is so weak in comparison >.<

Velvet 07-14-2013 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1772050763)
Omg awesome entries. mine is so weak in comparison >.<

I know the feeling. D:

It would seem that I need to learn how to use photoshop and other painting programs on here.

Dystopia 07-14-2013 09:04 PM

Artifact Name: The Artifact of the Ancients
Is this based on an art entry? Yes
My Lore Entry:

The Artifact of the Ancients is carved into a slate of white stone. The centerpiece is a decorated hourglass with three glass bulbs. The top bulb is empty, but the middle and bottom bulbs contain a glowing cyan liquid. The liquid is steadily dripping from the middle bulb to the bottom bulb, but neither bulb seems to be emptying or filling.

We also note that no amount of turning or vigorous shaking will disrupt the liquid in the middle and bottom bulbs.

The writing at the horizontal edges of this artifact seem to be a more primitive form of the oldest known written language. This would mean that the Artifact of the Ancients predates the legendary creation of Menewsha.

According to mythology, the God of Fire and the God of Water often had destructive arguments. The distressed mortals appealed to Mother Earth, the Great Mother to All Things Alive. Mother Earth scolded her reckless sons. Then she placed a strange hourglass on one of the islands her sons had created. She sent the God of Fire and the God of Water onto two separate islands and told them to reflect upon their actions. When the hourglass ran out, they would be able to leave their respective islands.

If this myth is to be believed, the Artifact of the Ancients is actually the world's very first time out timer.

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