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bloodstainedwings 01-04-2018 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1774028070)
I am so confused. when i checked this morning your post wasn't even there when i replied. xD i was pretty sure i refreshed the page first. guess not. I'll make that later today :D

thats ok. crazy stuff happens.

Shadami 01-04-2018 09:00 PM

another one finished. than BSW's :D

ghostPastry 01-04-2018 09:35 PM

aaaa yay!!! thank you so much. ;v; that mimikyu is so cute too.

Shadami 01-04-2018 10:15 PM

it should be about the right height in scale too. xD

ghostPastry 01-04-2018 10:35 PM

omg, really?? i never knew it was so small, that's adorable. [squee]

Shadami 01-04-2018 10:50 PM

yeah ^-^ it's 1'4" ^-^

ghostPastry 01-04-2018 11:00 PM

too cute, omg.

Shadami 01-05-2018 12:01 AM

and tah dah :D BSW is done too ^^

Professor Lily 01-05-2018 03:13 PM

Congrats, ghostPastry, you caught a Chatot! Congrats, Shadami, you caught a Sneasel! Congrats, Kent, you caught a Snorunt!

The remaining Pokemon flee further into the cave, leaving the presents behind. You all soon gather up your presents. The Professor leaves a plate of Pokemon Treats behind for the mischievous Pokemon. You all soon head back to the cave entrance to try to figure out how to get out. When you arrive, you see a blazing red glow from the other side of the snow. The snow quickly melts to a Charizard Y's flamethrower. The man who runs the Mamoswine rental service is upon his back. "Glad you lot are safe! I received a distress signal on the Mamoswine's harness so I followed the tracker to discover the entrance blocked."

You all thank him, head back down the mountain, return the Mamoswine, head back through town; stopping for a quick bite to eat while you are there, head back to the sled-boat, and return back to the lab. The Professor turns and addresses everyone, "Thank you all for your help! I hope this day has been fun and memorable for each of you! We welcome the new friends we shall have by our sides! Until next time!"

Xo~GREMLIN~oX 01-05-2018 03:19 PM

Gosh darn the countdowns here :( Gizzie still needs a few EIs I haven't got to play chance this event much on Giz or Gremmy

dragoness129 01-05-2018 03:52 PM

Quote: A.Vulpix / ♀ / Lv 2 / Exp 1400
Yeah! I know what you mean! I've barely had any time to post during the event.

Xogizmoox 01-05-2018 03:55 PM

Gizzie is getting too old for 24 hour posting and multiple events -.- I'm always sleepy these days

dragoness129 01-05-2018 03:57 PM

Quote: A.Vulpix / ♀ / Lv 2 / Exp 1500
My work is always too busy during December. I feel stretched too thin with trying to be on all the sites and getting the items. It's nice when I can finish some sites in just a day.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 07:51 PM

hooray!! thank you for the Chatot, Professor Lily!

and i knowww, i'm so sad the event is ending too. i'm glad it was longer than usual this time around tho, that was really nice.

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