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Mouynaka 08-09-2008 02:56 AM

Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: Mouynaka
Category: Menewsha)
Creation Name: Summer Fun in Menewsha
URL: - whole cake - menewsha sign XD - girls having fun in the sun XD

Comments:Chocolate/vanilla cake mix, eggs, oil, water, vanilla frosting with blue/purple gel frosting, various hard candies M&ms to indicate water swells XD, paper girls because every time i tired to make a person the were to big or fell apart. The tree is made out of brown ice cream cones and licorice type green stuff XD..i know the kids like it. Candles as "street "lamps" When i was about to get some of it to eat my hubby droped it on the floor XD poor cake never got to eat you

post me post me post me XD

starladyplace 08-09-2008 04:00 AM

Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: starladyplace
Category: Menewsha themed
Creation Name: Menewsha Cake
URL: Video -
(might still be in the process of authorization)
Step 1 ) I softened 250g of butter in the mircowave for about 3 seconds. Then put it in a stainless steel mixing bowl. Add 1 tsp of vanilla essence and 250g of caster sugar. Mixed for about 1.5 minutes with an electric beater.
Step 2 ) Add 5 eggs while still mixing with the beater, continue to mix for 5 minutes.
Step 3 ) Add 100g of choco powder and mix again. Then add 250ml of thickened cream and mix again.
Step 4 ) Put aside the electric beater and using a cake spatula; fold inn 50g of plain flour and 200g of self-raising flour.
Step 5 ) After the mixture has been stirred properly, scoop the mixture into a baking tin that has been sprayed with canola oil. Spread the mixture to the sides of the baking tin, leave 1.5cm for the cake to raise.

I bought premade icing and used these funky tubes of coloured jelly to draw the word 'Menewsha' and the mascot. They are called "cake mate". The symbols are made out of these shiney silver ball things my mum had. My mum gave me the instructions for the cake but I made it. I'd never made a cake before so when I used the beater, the mixture flew everywhere! lol

sad_girlformat 08-09-2008 04:31 AM

OMG... it was yummy!! XD

my chickie likes it very much~ LOL
yeah.. too bad I don't have icecream at home.. o3o


AzukiPunk 08-09-2008 11:34 AM

sasa i wanna eat your brownies *____*

sad_girlformat 08-09-2008 11:36 AM


my chickie ate half of it!! XDDD
I want to eat azuki~ <33

teacupmouse 08-09-2008 04:55 PM

*Ooohs and Ahhhs over the yummy cakes*

Sweet, no pun intended!

Shadowfflur 08-09-2008 10:04 PM

Such deliciously wonderful entries! :drool::heart:

Eroy 08-09-2008 11:16 PM

Yum!! I want cake now! :drool:

Mouynaka 08-09-2008 11:52 PM

okay here is my entry X.x

Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: Mouynaka
Category: Menewsha
Creation Name: Menewsha Marshmallow Cloud Cake
URL: - whole cake - whole cake with front menewsha sign in front - tree - lady - kitty w/fishy - first part of front sign - second part of sign - last part of sign - flower with big marshmallow clouds - frosting clouds

Comments: Okay this was hard to make because the only thing i had big enough beside the baking pan was the cookie sheet. so no pretty plate to put it on.

Its ingredients are cake mix, eggs, oil, water, andies candy, Pocky, gold fish, peanut butter cups, frostings of various colors, gel frosting, bead candies, long candy thingies X.x marshmallows (lots XD) Hersey's bar, almonds joys.

I had a hard time taking pictures because my web cam is not big enough and the cake was too big xD but i did it in a few seconds so it shouldn't look to back. I haven't eaten it yet but when i do i know it will be good xD While i was taking pictures my daughters kept trying to come over and eat parts of it including trying to steal the kitties fishy XD. my favorite part was doing the andies candy tree. the lady was hard to do and i got bumped by my hubby while pouring out the rainbow candies XD. it was fun. took about 2 hours to do XD

Flink 08-10-2008 01:35 AM

That waiting for the fish thing is totally adorable.<3

Flink's sad she didn't check this thread before. Great contest idea! <3 Menewsha's Uniqueness.

Templen 08-10-2008 01:48 AM

Ye gods, these entries are all absolutely amazing. o.0 I'm lucky I just came from a real feast or I'd be drooling all over my keyboard.

IndiGlo 08-10-2008 02:12 AM

CAKE! Aww, I can't compete with cake...AND Brownies...geez, ya'll are making me crave sweets something awful now.

Claudia 08-10-2008 02:15 AM

Feasts can be time consuming to prepare. It's nice to eat at one prepared by someone else:).

Mouynaka 08-10-2008 02:20 AM

x.x it doesnt look like they are going to update in time to use mine x.x

TempusBliss 08-10-2008 04:04 AM

Hmm... Tonight is the last night before they leave...

Lelouch 08-10-2008 07:34 AM

i could eat a chicken sandwich feast right about now :9

Witch 08-10-2008 08:10 AM

I wonder if I can make something in time?
*goes to check deadline*

Lelouch 08-10-2008 08:17 AM

It's 3am and I'm wanting to eat because of this :3

spicedroses 08-10-2008 01:40 PM

everything looks so good.

Mouynaka 08-10-2008 02:01 PM

yay they got posted xD

sad_girlformat 08-10-2008 04:55 PM

All the entries looks so yummy!! :drool: :heart:

Cami 08-10-2008 04:57 PM

Aww, I really wanted to enter this one, but I never got around to doing it. Next food contest we shall see the return of Cami's Chaotic Kitchen. XD I have the script planned out already and everything.

siaasgn 08-10-2008 05:10 PM

Oh wow- what lovely looking entries!

Everyone made such nice cakes . . my pancakes look pretty sad compared to them :lol:

jellysundae 08-10-2008 05:19 PM

Your pancakes look delicious Si! I want to eat them right now!

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