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-   Easter 2009: Carrot Crisis! (
-   -   Yuriri's Easter Hangout/Art Thread | ART FOR EVENT COMMONS! If you love me you'll help by buying art ;D (

Emma Corrin 04-18-2009 09:20 PM

-rolls around hoping people will pop in for last minute art orders-
All the 105g items have been bought~

xuvrette 04-19-2009 03:44 AM

I have bought all I want from event commons.
Might get the vest...

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 03:47 AM

I've gotten everything up until the 2nd vest listed on the front page~
-just bought the Purple/Blue Cool Breeze Vest-
They're really cute neh?
What vest are you looking at buying?

xuvrette 04-19-2009 03:56 AM

Every colour except the pink and green dominated.

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 04:03 AM

Good luck!
They're really cute :3
What other items did you end up buying?

xuvrette 04-19-2009 04:53 AM

shot gun, the dress, raincoat, parasol, denim jumpers, shoes, socks sucker, hanky, shirt, stylish shirt...

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 04:59 AM

You bought a ton!
I love how the shot gun is just randomly thrown in there with all the innocent/sweet type items xD

Ketchup 04-19-2009 05:47 AM

*browses thread to look at arts*

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 05:56 AM

Hiya ^.^
If you're considering buying artsies of your current avi, I must warn you that I'll have to ask that you put a shirt on or tell me what shirt you'd like ^.^;
-won't draw avi's without some sort of upper clothing on-

Also -- I've bought all of the shoes, and the first 2 vests listed :3

xuvrette 04-19-2009 11:46 AM

lol, shotgun is the most expensive.

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 11:50 AM

I can imagine~
I didn't notice it in the event store though - was it on the last page or something?

xuvrette 04-19-2009 12:07 PM

last page, since it is the most expensive one.

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 12:19 PM

Sorry -blushes-
I thought you meant it was the most expensive item you bought not the most expensive item in the event store ^.^;

xuvrette 04-19-2009 12:24 PM

hmmm...Since I nearly buy everthing from event store, rest assure that when I say it is expensive, it IS expensive. XD

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 12:31 PM

No wonder your goldies stash diminished so much!
I was wondering how you got from around 20k to around 5k xD
That explains it :3

Of course I believe you!
I don't have any reason to doubt you ^.^ <3

So what's teh Xuv-chan up to?

xuvrette 04-19-2009 01:49 PM

I always use up all my hard save gold on event commons. DX

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 09:29 PM

I can see that!

I could never save up that much goldies that long :gonk:
-spends it wayyyyyy too quickly- xD
If I'm not buying art, I'm buying misc. cheap items to add to my already too huge inventory XD
I don't even get the chance to wear some of the clothing in my inventory unless I do a miss-matched avi due to not having anything of the same color xD
My thinking is - get it while I have the money, make an outfit with it later :3

Dystopia 04-19-2009 09:34 PM

xD; Money never stays with me for long when I start questing anything.

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 09:34 PM

My problem is, even if I'm questing, I don't buy the items I'm -currently- questing for - I always get something else that's on another list of mine xDD

GangsterGlam 04-19-2009 10:46 PM

I hope you made some success with this! and that you had a wonderful easter. Didn't get to talk to you again before the event ended. :]

Emma Corrin 04-19-2009 10:50 PM

Ehh, no one bought, but I got a ton of gold from RPing so I managed to get some of the items :3

I hope you had a wonderful Easter too!

I know T_T
I'm sorry! :gonk:
Stop by one of my shops sometime!
Unless you're reopening your shop (which I will -so- be keeping an eye out for ;D), then I'll just see you there! ;D <33

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