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Amane 04-02-2018 09:01 PM

I absolutely CANNOT lucid dream, you witches!
Though, my new divination tools caused me to have a lucid dream once. When I had just gotten them, they made my dreams unusually strange and I would not sleep well. I don't remember what the dream was, but I should have it saved somewhere.

A couple times, because of those tools, I had a dream in a dream. The dream in the dream was lucid. So it wasn't really a lucid dream. I dreamed I knew I was dreaming, but the "reality" from which I was controlling the dream was the outer layer of dream. So I had no real control, to sum it up.

Even my mother knoweth when she's dreaming sometimes. Witch.

Of course Ava would often dream about breasts.

hummy 04-02-2018 09:02 PM

I laughed so hard at this. witch.

monstahh` 04-02-2018 10:07 PM

I just have always kinda been able to lucid dream?? I'm not sure when it started but I have at least some control always or if I lose control and don't like a thing I can force myself awake

Amane 04-02-2018 10:12 PM

And those people whose dreams look and play out like reality? They're witches, too.

I never know I'm dreaming. I need a few seconds after waking up to realize what I just experienced was a dream. I need a few hours to see how dissimilar to reality my dream was.

---------- Post added 04-02-2018 at 05:12 PM ----------


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774068833)

I laughed so hard at this. witch.

BURN THEM ALL! [illgetu]

monstahh` 04-02-2018 10:18 PM

Meh, I like being able to lucid dream. I'm "learning" how to wrestle which has been a life long dream of mine lmao
I know its super (super!) fake wrestling but its been enjoyable.

Amane 04-02-2018 10:22 PM

You enjoy it 'cause 'tis WITCHCRAFT! Who doth not love using magic‽

hummy 04-02-2018 10:23 PM

oh I am going to watch 'bell, book and candle' now!

Amane 04-02-2018 10:34 PM


Nephila 04-02-2018 10:42 PM

You'll never take us alive we'll just be reborn stronger Muahahah!!!

Also I love lucid dreaming.

Last night I dreamed I was a part of a wolf pack running over tundra. We were searching for a way home. I looked across the ice to the ocean and saw my guide snatch a blue pebble off the beach and disappear. (When ever I notice this thing stealing something/being a mischievous butt I can control my dream after that)

I yipped and ran after my guide and my pack followed behind me. We ran across the ocean water and wave trailed like motor boat came behind us. We ran towards the sky until we came to an island kingdom made out of quartz/ice. (almost sailormoon silver palace looking)

We were home and some of my pack turned back into their human forms. Others started fishing fish that lived under the glass/ice. -The fish were albinos and looked like they were made of fat, very ugly looking things. If I didn't have full knowledge of it being a dream I'd never want to eat one. When the dogs pounced to hard the fish would melt and break apart like a lava lamp. We figured out that some of us needed to look human to lure the fishes in with smaller fish in our hands and carefully pull the fish out of the glass with a blanket.

One of the fish we caught had a blue pebble in it's tummy when we prepped it for dinner. I gave it to one of the older wolf ladies that was there and she put it inside lamp that made the city glow brighter.

As night fell I watched the northern lights sparkle over the ocean while noming the fish on a stick. The dream ended shortly after my guide came out of the water and took my fish.

Amane 04-02-2018 10:55 PM


The ability to lucid dream or not probably sayeth something about how a person vieweth the world.

hummy 04-02-2018 10:56 PM


Amane 04-02-2018 11:09 PM

I'm almost always walking around a big school in my dreams. I walk around, talk to people, remember I need to get to class, realize I'm lost, get distracted from finding my way over and over, and then wake up.

There was this one where I remember being in a student council meeting, and this boy and I weren't listening 'cause we were losing our bricks laughing about fabric softener, and then I left and went down a hallway that looked like a grocery store in the distance. It was not acknowledged as such. At the end of the dream, I could see ghosts and this girl was helping me chant them away. It was a much longer, more complex dream than that.

Oh! And I had one where everyone at the school pretended to be a gangster because that was their reputation among other schools and they were making fun of it. They wore hip-hop stuffs, and any students who wanted to went up to the front of the classroom and did their choreographed dance to their theme song at the end of class every day. All to build on their reputation. I was trying to do the dance, and I zoned out into a vision or something and missed part of it.

Keno is the lucky(?) soul who receiveth the closest thing to the full text of my dreams. I have to type them out as fast as I can before I forget. I dash to my computer—I type much more quickly than I write—and don't even put on my glasses. I don't have time for that! IT'S A RACE AGAINST MY FADING MEMORY!

hummy 04-02-2018 11:13 PM

marnie: so hummy can read later

Nephila 04-02-2018 11:15 PM

I have pretty good dream recall. I remember them as well as waking events.

I'll tell my bf the dreams I had during the week we were apart, because he never remembers his dreams so I tell him mine.

hummy 04-02-2018 11:16 PM

I bet Nephie has really colorful creative dreams

Amane 04-02-2018 11:17 PM

Aw, I thank thee.

Another thing I do is read words in my dreams. When I wake up, I realize the words that made perfect sense in the dream were either nonsense or were being used wrong. So many times have I read gibberish as actual English words.

In the gangster dream, they said they "came here apart and died apart." In the dream, "apart" was used to say "together."

Nephila 04-02-2018 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774069173)

I bet Nephie has really colorful creative dreams

Mostly blues and purples when I'm controlling them.

Then regular dreams are regular colors.

Amane 04-02-2018 11:20 PM

Yes, being able to think and be in control in thy dreams probably helpeth with keeping them in memory. Which is another part of its witchery.

Oh, and sometimes I have memories in my dreams that I eventually realize, several hours later, were not real memories.

Nephila 04-02-2018 11:24 PM

I used to do that a lot. Get mad at people for something they did in my dreams. XD

A five years a go it was really bad. I think part of it was due to my brain was still processing my husband hiding his drug life from me and stealing out of our daughters collage money.

Amane 04-02-2018 11:26 PM

Sometimes, I start reading a book or watching a show and the dream switcheth so I'm experiencing the story from the point of view of the character narrating.

---------- Post added 04-02-2018 at 06:27 PM ----------

That jerk! *shaketh fist*

Nephila 04-02-2018 11:28 PM

Body switching is fun.

I like it most when I get to be an animal or like someone really different than who I am.

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