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The_Crow 09-29-2012 11:23 AM

maidenroseheart- Judge for yourself, my dear :)

07 Salmo 150 by Jesse S. Clay on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

P.S. I love your shawl and sparkles combination. Is that two items or one?

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 11:25 AM

oh word I know this!! The choir at my high school like in 05 or 06 sang this!! Not the main choir, the one with students the music teacher really liked. yes it is good!!

The_Crow 09-29-2012 11:27 AM

Our choir directors were a bit sadistic making us sing this at this tempo... memorized... AND mixed... nobody around you was singing your part.

So you mean that your school had a 'special' group so to speak?

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 11:28 AM

oh and thank you for the compliment... the hair is the first item... there are sparkles added to that... then there is a chaos shawl that wraps around the legs and goes up... and then there are sparkly earrings... and then blue sparkles on either side of the head :D

---------- Post added 09-29-2012 at 08:30 PM ----------

That is cruel, you should stand with others that sing your parts.

Yeah, we had the main choir and I guess what you would call an elite choir. I worked for the music teacher and was in the handbell choir. She liked me so much that she dragged me to the elite choir to sing... senior year when I begged out of all extra activities, she didn't complain about me leaving the choir... but the handbells were another story since I was good at those.

The_Crow 09-29-2012 11:34 AM

Our choir is pretty noted and established. We've performed for disneyland countless times. They do things like phone us to make sure we all have the same shoes. We got to go in through a 'secret' enterance backstage where ice cream was only a dollar and characters had their heads off for a special clinic, after hearing our demos they 'upped' us to a more professional clinic and we performed of course.

We've also opened for the Ashland Shakespeare Festival in Oregan and also the 'Bard on the Beach' Shakespeare Festival in British Colombia Canada, been part of the historic Zion Tabernacle Concert Series, opened for minor but notable names like Garrison Keillor and the Hopeful Gospel Quartet (if you don't know them, your parents probably do).

When the Drakensburg Boys Choir from South Africa came, they chose three choirs to 'mingle' with. Of course they chose Ragazzi, SF's (paid) boys choir, from little boys to high school age they guide them through their changing voices etc, and the equivalent, the San Francisco Girls Choir. But the third... was us. We're not a pay group. I mean, people who can't keep up with our level natrually drift out of their own accord but it started because when I was young, there was absolutely NO music in any of the local high schools, so public or private, enemies on the sports field, different cheerleading uniforms... everyone would all come together for the sake of making music.

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 11:37 AM

That is really cool. I respect that a lot. Does your choir have a name?

The_Crow 09-29-2012 11:44 AM

Lumina. I made the first website for it, transitioned it to myspace, but then a girl who was as energetic as I made a facebook fan page for it and a website. The thumbnails for the CDs etc.... who do they think made those ;) I also have a photographic memory of all the tours since they STARTED touring back in 1997. I'm at the point where I'm kind of a chaperone/helper almost yet I can come back and visit and sing a spell any time, I always sit on the end to not disturb anyone, but I always still have half of the music memorised (the directors garage is FULL of music from over the years) and by now I could run sectionals on the ones I remember. I minored in music when I was in University. I participated in a mostly a-cappella chamber group for two semesters and a giant chorale that did hour-long nonstop masses for two semesters, had two semesters of private voice lessons and two semesters of private piano lessons (among other classes).

09 Best Of The Beach Boys by Jesse S. Clay on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Here's a treat for you, it's a Beach Boys Medley with 4 songs. My favourite is "Calfornia Girls". I loved it when the First Sopranos and Tenors played "Tug of War" with "I wish they all could be california girls"... that's how I imagined it in my mind, my friend who is now my sound engineer was the person I was 'playing' with ;)

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 11:46 AM

I like Owen's Theme you have on here too ^_^

---------- Post added 09-29-2012 at 08:48 PM ----------

This is all very impressive. Seriously. I wonder if there is a way that your group could go to Union College and perform there for the vespers program on a Friday night sometime. It would have to "religious" themed. That is my college. I am overseas at the moment, but I still love UC.

The_Crow 09-29-2012 11:50 AM

Owen's Theme is from the Torchwood soundtrack. It starts out very simply and builds and builds until it is so emotional and polyphonic you are practically lifted off the ground by it. It went with my... speech so to speak concerning my views and goals for the new year. Owen was the medic of Torchwood Three based in Cardiff, Wales. We kind of fail at being a 'secret' organisation.

I'm the commander of Torchwood Four, based in San Francisco. Actually my medic who is now a certified athletic sports trainer was in this choir with me as well but she didn't stay to be on this CD. Helps balance out my shady recon guy and my rather shy defense guy.

---------- Post added 09-29-2012 at 04:54 AM ----------

On Sundays we are usually invited to a church of sorts... a different denomination each year, it is rather funny. Many of the young adults are religious, some are not. One person joined the choir because they were interested in getting with me so they joked later that 'the devil led them to church' but we do have a handful of sacred music as well, since the space our choir is hosted in for rehearsals is a church, in return we sing one sunday per month, and they let us use their space. Not a bad deal, and plus much sacred music IS beautiful, whether you are relgious or not. I suppose you have found what I have uploaded so feel free to browse on your own and leave comments.

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 11:55 AM

it wasn't hard since your name was a link on the link you gave me...and that link took me to a page with all the music you had uploaded ^_^

Mimmu 09-29-2012 12:02 PM

I'm too lazy to read what have you two talked.
OH and because everyone in here is saying that I have missed so much because I haven't eaten any cheesecake, my mom and I'll make some today! :]

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 12:04 PM

yay for cheesecake

crow, you said there was a facebook page for your group? can I have the link? maybe I can get campus ministries that for next school year. I'm sure this year is booked.

RoadToGallifrey 09-29-2012 12:07 PM

Good afternoon everyone :) *sits down with a cup of tea*

The_Crow 09-29-2012 12:10 PM

If you enjoy love songs, "Cherish" is a good one.
It makes me feel lonely. Another way I relate to Eric Draven... someone I would have given my life for was taken from me... not by death but by a toxic person who threatened a restraining order on me... that's the same time of bullshit my abusive and toxic stepmother pulled on my father, and it damaged him so badly he jumped in front of a train to die (but miraculously lived... he kind of broke a promise to a higher power.... with me as his witness when we had dinner later he told me he wouldn't 'try anything like that again', that being overdosing on all the medication he had on him, which thankfully was just sleeping pills.).

Pie Jesu was written by Andrew Lloyed Webber, you know the famous composer of all the musicals such as Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, etc. It was a bit ruined by the fact that for the CD the director/accompanist brought in one of her voice students, a mezzo... he's not bad but it is kind of repetitive enough as it is. It's meant to start out with the men, the women, then together, then the different lyrics, then tapering down... but having him sing it, then him sing it with the men... is just a little too much... and we didn't do that for any other performance or on tour, just for the CD -_-

How Can I keep from Singing? Is a great inspiration for choirsters. I highly recommend that one.

mewmew07 09-29-2012 12:16 PM

What are you guys talking about in here?

Mimmu 09-29-2012 12:17 PM

I bet they are talking about music [:?]

The_Crow 09-29-2012 12:18 PM

Lumina's facebook page is here, but I'm not sure which one of the young'uns is administrating it.

Plus for the first time in about 20 years there has been a change in directors. I need to talk with both the old directors and the new ones. The new guy would be... well... if I just came in... sat down... and started singing whatever they were singing without music... Usually the college people are... just their first year past university. When I toured in 2008 it was odd because I was as old if not older than one of the chaperones (the one I knew I was older than was the directors' son). That was a bit awkward. The nostalgia still does wonders for me, though.

Anyways, I digress:!/LuminaChoir

RoadToGallifrey 09-29-2012 12:21 PM

*sips tea and observes the thread*

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 12:21 PM

lol, hey no worries... they probably look up to you and just need to adjust...

---------- Post added 09-29-2012 at 09:22 PM ----------

joins absurd in drinking tea

The_Crow 09-29-2012 12:23 PM

You don't need to just observe... you can listen to music, too! Click the link in the post at the top of the page, you'll hear a very quick but energizing song featuring yours truly ;) A song, in a capella (no instruments), in 12/8 time, in latin, by a brazilian composer. Yeah. I can still sing it that quickly, too =D

mewmew07 09-29-2012 12:25 PM

Sounds like they are talking about possibly religious music?

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 12:26 PM

music is a great and powerful thing... I just am not used to singing. the school I work at wants me to sing this coming friday night... sigh... just because I am a foreigner. I have a week to practice and learn a song... going to aim for the alto part since that is my best bet... a guy teacher is taking the melody... another guy teacher is debating on the melody or the bass or the tenor.... will have to see what he decides. they aren't getting together with me to practice until thursday... :P not good for my nerves.

Star Valo 09-29-2012 12:27 PM

~rolls about~

maidenroseheart 09-29-2012 12:27 PM

hugs star

RoadToGallifrey 09-29-2012 12:28 PM

I can't listen to music though, my headphones don't work ;O;

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