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Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:16 AM

To Mend a Broken Heart [With Cheap-o Art!]
Welcome to To Mend a Broken Heart mini art shop!

My heart's been broken many times, as I'm sure everyone else's have been too! SO! I thought it was a good time to mend them, and what better to use as a bandage but art?

For now I'm only offering two things:
Half body sketch and a chibi sketch!

The prices are 50 gold for a chibi and 100g for a waist shot!

If you want couples, please double the price.

Here are the samples!

If you want colour.... you MIGHT be able to bribe me... However. I'm not feeling well ;3; soooo.... it's all up to how groggy I am. If you ARE interested in colour.... Here's a decent reference RIGHT HERE

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:23 AM

Order Form: Take out the spaces so the codes work! ^^

[B][COLOR ="Red"][SIZE ="6"]MEND MY HEART, TETSU! <3[ /SIZE][ /COLOR][ /B]

[COLOR ="Magenta"][B]Name: [ /B]
[B]Ref:[/ B]
[B]Price:[/ B][/ COLOR]



Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1764072541)
@Lenna: Hiya~ =3

@Tetsu: lol Yay~ I'd like my current avi and five gaia avis, if that's okay~


Name: Hadsvich
And look at this post for my gaia avis info~
Actually, if you're up for it, I'd also love if you would draw a Charizard for me. :XD
Price:300g, maybe 350g


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1764072577)

Name: Kent
Price: 50g

Your chibis are so cute! <3

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:24 AM

Finished work!

Lilith W
Lenna Hime

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:25 AM

Okies! Anyone who wants to order or chat or pummel me with a pillow is welcome to come post now! XD

Bisque 02-15-2009 07:32 AM

I would love a chibi >_< haha. I have like no av art and i've been on mene for months now :(


Name: Bisque
Ref: My av :). I won't be changing it but I can post an actual picture if you want haha

edit:// I'd pommel you but we're teammates >_>

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:35 AM

@Bisque: xD Sweet. I'll gladly do you some art then >3

xD You can pretend to pummel me! <3 *baps with a pillow*

Rusalka 02-15-2009 07:36 AM

Wee!! Pretty art!!
Especially when that waist shot is me!! -grabs-

Bisque 02-15-2009 07:38 AM

xD POOF *makes a mess with all the feathers*

uh i sent a donation i hope thats ok xD. im tired and didnt think to use trade

@kale: oh it is too haha xD

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:48 AM

@Kale: XD OF course! I had to draw you and Miki >3 Since I slacked and never made an xmas present for you xD; !!!

@Bisque: Woo feathers!

That's fine xDD Easier that way in the long run, really, right? I have your art done 83 I'm scanning right now! Hope ya like it xD

Bisque 02-15-2009 07:49 AM

yay :D *can't wait*

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 07:56 AM

Hope this is okay! ^__^

Rusalka 02-15-2009 07:57 AM

Bisque; It is, it is. -pets pretty art-

Why does my avi self look sexier than my real self?

Tetsu; Thankies. :hug:
You didn't have have to. But I like it anyhow!

Bisque 02-15-2009 07:57 AM

awesome! thankyou so much ^-^

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 08:00 AM

Of course! And thanks for the tip <333 ^.^

@Kale: XD I wanted tooo <3 besides, I needed samples anyway >3 So I think my two bestest friends an' rp buddies on here would make good models!

Lilith W 02-15-2009 01:45 PM

Name: Lilith W
Ref: current
Price:50+ tip

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 09:02 PM

@Lilith: Sure thing! Sorry if i'm slow today though >__< I've come down with some horrible sickness. I'll try and get it done before too long today, however. ^^

LennaHime 02-15-2009 09:34 PM

WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?! How are there not 5-trillion orders right now?!

Hehe, Lenna will fix~


Price:100 shinies~! I'll just donate 'em, okay?

*pummels Tetsu with pillows* <3 <3 <3

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 09:56 PM

LOL Lenna! Long time no see! How're you? 83

As with Lilith, it'll be later when i draw these. I'm so tired and sick ;3; *planning on another nap soon*

oHsoDemandinG 02-15-2009 09:56 PM


Name: oHsoDemandinG
Ref: current (if you want a pic let me know)

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 09:59 PM

@oHsoDemandinG: Of course! ^^ I'll add you to the list <3 so long as you don't plan on changing your avi today or tomorrow, you shouldn't need a ref for me :3

oHsoDemandinG 02-15-2009 10:02 PM

No I'm leaving it like this for a long time. I'll just donate the gold to you.

Tetsumiro 02-15-2009 10:03 PM

@oHsoDemandinG: Alright ^__^ Sounds good to me then. I'll work on these as soon as I'm awake from my nap again >__<

LennaHime 02-15-2009 10:10 PM

I've been good Tetsu. Busy with school and stuff.

Hope your nap makes you feel better~! Take your time, ok? :3

oHsoDemandinG 02-15-2009 10:11 PM

No problem. Have a good nap!!

Lilith W 02-16-2009 12:28 AM

That is fine Tetsumiro. Take your time.

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