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Insomniac 12-11-2022 08:11 AM

Merry Christmas 2022
Hey everyone, I wanted to jump in and address a few things.

First off, I don't have any plans to shutdown Menewsha. I just renewed the domain till 2031.

That said, the one issue that would force me to shutdown the site is a major security issue. Until then I'll let things keep humming along for as long as I can.

I found time today to fix some of the known issues in the site. Multi equip items now work. Replies aren't completely busted.

Do I have time for the site? Unfortunately not. I just can't give it any priority without taking away from my existing responsibilities.

But please welcome Sofia, my first born [glomp]

Chexala 12-11-2022 09:34 AM

Oh my actual gods, the shock and excitement I just felt seeing an email from Menewsha in my inbox. [cry][heart]

It's been real quiet around here, but thank you for the fixes and for renewing the domain. I've been feeling sad at the idea of Mene vanishing into the internet mists, and I'm glad to hear that time hasn't come yet.

And congrats on your sweet little human bean!

The Wandering Poet 12-11-2022 10:39 AM

This was certainly unexpected. Congratulations on the new member of the family!

Alorrena 12-11-2022 11:29 AM

This is the best thing I could have asked for! Inso, I'm so glad you're doing okay! Congratulations on the beautiful baby!

Mene was my home years ago, and now I'm getting back into forum websites, I'm so glad to hear that Mene isn't dead yet!

Gemini 12-11-2022 01:30 PM

The amount of emotions I felt seeing an email from Menewsha cannot be described. I love this site and I still check back in sometimes, I'm so glad it'll be around for a while more.

But more importantly, congratulations!! She's beautiful <3

Insomniac 12-11-2022 02:23 PM

Thanks folks, this forum carries quite a bit of nostalgia for me, if you're wondering what my motive is.

All 74k+ emails should be finished sending out in the next few hours.

R a n d e h 12-11-2022 02:24 PM

Just like others I got all emotional seeing an email this morning [love][love]

Congratulations on your little babe, what a cutie!

Queen_Andais 12-11-2022 02:35 PM

Like getting a letter from the grave, holy cow

Maria-Minamino 12-11-2022 02:47 PM

Wait, an actual update?

Mageling 12-11-2022 03:10 PM

Oh wow, hi Inso! Happy holidays and congrats on the little one!

`L 12-11-2022 03:37 PM

Was a pleasant email! I think about Menewsha often! Glad to see you’re doing well, Insomnia! ��

Kent 12-11-2022 04:08 PM

What a pleasant surprise!! Thanks for fixing some things!! Very happy to know you’re still alive. XD

Happy Holidays and congrats on the new baby!

Gemini 12-11-2022 04:36 PM

Seeing names here I haven't seen in ages and I gotta say... it's nice.

TaiyoTsuki 12-11-2022 06:35 PM

Inso! You're not dead! Yay! Sofia is adorable! Finally, some fixes!

sadrain 12-11-2022 07:49 PM

Thank you for the update and congratulations!!

We should get a homecoming party together for this. XD

onsenmark 12-11-2022 08:53 PM

@Inso: obligatory - congrats! :D

With that out of the way, it's great to hear Mene will live! :D

PWEEP 12-12-2022 12:09 AM

Wow, thanks Inso for checking in with us, and congrats on becoming a Dad! Best of wishes to you and yours; glad to see you haven't disappeared forever~ <3

PapillonCameo 12-12-2022 12:32 AM

Congrats, and thanks for the update!

It feels so nice to be able to use multi equip items again.

The_Crow 12-12-2022 01:19 AM

@Insomniac Thank you, good Sir. The world for people in my generation is still a really harsh, really broken place. The internet as a whole isn't even really "fun" anymore, more of a necessary evil.

Mene was a haven for all of that, and if it works properly, perhaps it still can be.

Welcome to your newest family member. I don't have human children myself, but I have friends that do and I know the time and emotional commitment is extreme. Thank you for fixing the issues here, sincerely.

Is there any chance you can find people to fill the staff roles to keep the place alive/healthy again?

Roxxxy 12-12-2022 01:37 AM

Literally at a loss for words

Antagonist 12-12-2022 01:42 AM

Holy eff it's been so long I can't believe you're back! Congrats on the new little one! :DD

Time to dust off the old profile and signature and start updating stuff xD;;;

R u b y 12-12-2022 02:05 AM

It’s a Christmas miracle!!! I legit had a breakdown in the store over this I’m so happy. Mene was and always will be my home. Even now making avis on other sites I’ve been missing the items and the forums. Even if there’s no events and no new items I’m so happy to know this is still kicking, thank you so much for fixing our avis!!! And for the update and just, thank you. I’m incredibly happy you just made my whole year.

Antagonist 12-12-2022 02:10 AM

Same, even with no new items or events I'm just glad to see the site is back to functionality! I've admittedly forgotten a lot of things so I'm still clicking around trying to remember everything >_>;;;

Roxxxy 12-12-2022 02:34 AM

We'll all be in our 80's running back to Mene

R u b y 12-12-2022 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1774128426)
We'll all be in our 80's running back to Mene

God I hope so xD livin’ the dream xD

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