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Ettilai 02-22-2012 02:41 AM

{{ Ettilai x Hillary84 }}
Name; Elizabeth Reising. (Ellie)
Age; 20
Height; 5'3
Background; SinceEllie was a young girl, she's always adored dancing. Its been an outlet for her. When she dances, its like the whole world melts away. All her problems fade, enemies disappear, and the music just.. flows. From that, anyone could guess that she would graduate from New York City Ballet with flying colors, which she did, and pursue a career in the one thing she loved. Despite losing her father at age fourteen, Ellie has come such a long way, and wouldnt give up this for the world. So, when the chance to perform on a cruise arose, she jumped at the chance.
Personality; Typical outsider. Lost in her own world for far too long. Sure, Elizabeth can make friends. But when she wants to, she can easily push people away. Its a natural reflex of hers, anyway. Dont get her wrong, though, she is pretty gentle.
Image; x


hillary84 02-22-2012 02:49 AM

Name; Derrick Kilven
Age; 21
Background ;Derrick had always wanted to go on a cruise. He was a mechanic by trade who had won a trip on a cruise ship. He lived in the same town as his parents and graduated trade school a year ago.
Personality; shy, a little introverted, is good at coming up with ideas.
Appearance; Franco.jpg picture by hilldill - Photobucket

Ettilai 02-22-2012 03:02 AM

Elizabeth bowed nervously as her final pirouette faltered slightly. She sighed. As simple as the move was, she could never perfect the ending. Warily, she stepped off the stage and headed for a drink of water. On the way, she nearly knocked over a ceramic statue of a woman. What was up with her today? Maybe being on a boat for the first time threw her off balance. Or, maybe it was the constant bumps the boat seemed to be drifting over. She shook her head in confusion before jumping back up on staging and starting a new routine.

(( sorry its so short.. not very good at starting. ))

hillary84 02-22-2012 03:07 AM

( That's alright. )

Derrick went for a walk on the deck to clear his head. He felt out of place among some of the guests, due to him being a mechanic. He liked to be by himself, usually to think things out and reflect. He looked out to the ocean seeing the waters getting rougher by the second and the sight of lightning had him running inside. He decided to go to bed early, knowing that he wanted to be awake in time for breckfast.

Ettilai 02-22-2012 03:16 AM

Hours later, Ellie bowed for the final time. While flagging down a towel boy, she shook the hands of audience members. Even if they were the snobby rich kind, she thought it was best to smile and be polite. After her so called 'inspiring' performance, she raced back up the stairs, nearly fell over the side of the boat, and quickly showered before plopping into bed. The sensation was.. odd. On the mental side of things, she could tell that she wasn't fitting into the crowd. On the physical side, it all felt the same. To her, it was just like back at home. Besides all the swaying of the ship, of course. God, how she missed that place. She let her mind slip away into a blur before dreaming of her hometown.

hillary84 02-22-2012 09:07 PM

Derrick heard the voice of the captain over the intercom system. He quickly got dressed and grabbed his wallet and headed to the main deck. He saw a good number of passengers getting ready to board lifeboats. He overheard someone say that the boat was sinking.

Ettilai 02-22-2012 10:18 PM

Elizabeth shot up out of her bed, slightly dazed, when the voice on the telecom announced that the ship was sinking. The only thing she bothered grabbing was her ballet shoes with a picture of her parents tucked inside. She raced outside and made her way into the line for a lifeboat. 'Its too slow...' she though, glancing up the line. The water was quickly rising. There was barely any time left... and she HAD to live. Ellie made the quickest decision of her life. She dove off the boat, swimming quickly toward a life raft laden with other women.

hillary84 02-26-2012 11:45 PM

:sweat:( sorry about forgetting.)

The waves rolled fast as Derrick tried to control the boat. He didn't like how disorganized the whole thing was , with too many people in the lifeboats and others in the water. He saw a woman trying to reach a boat , but it seemed the boats were moving farther away from them. He worked to reach her and offered his hand, not wanting her to be lost at sea.

Ettilai 02-27-2012 12:20 AM

(( Nahh, don't worry about it. :) You seem pretty busy. ))

Elizabeth was clawing at the water to get closer to the life raft, but with each paddle it seemed like she was getting further and further away. She turned around to an outstretched hand that seemed welcoming enough. I mean, hey, when in times of trouble, you pretty much have to trust anybody. She took the hand and hoisted herself onto the raft. "Hey.. uhm, thank you." She tried her best to smile, which turned out terrible based on the circumstances. "D-do you know what happened?" She called out in an obviously worried tone.

hillary84 02-27-2012 01:33 AM

" I think the ship is sinking. " He said above the wind. He tried to catch up the other lifeboats , but the waves were too strong and the storm seemed to be getting stronger.

Ettilai 02-27-2012 01:50 AM

"Oh." Elizabeth sighed, figuring that she should just keep quiet and not bother the man any longer. She huddled herself into a ball while clutching her ballet shoes close to her. They were all she had until the people on the rafts were rescued, and she planned to hold on to them with all her might.

hillary84 02-27-2012 05:25 PM

Derrick tried his hardest to get back to the lifeboats." We're getting farther away! " He said ,getting panicked. He didn't want to be lost at sea, and stranded somewhere waiting to be rescued.

Ettilai 02-27-2012 08:25 PM

"Didnt you attach us to another boat? There's a rope thats supposed to hold the rafts together." She piped up. Sure, she didnt know a whole lot about boats, but there has to be a way to keep everyone together, right? Either way, she didnt want to get stranded. This guy didnt look particularly strong. She wrapped her ballet shoes safely around her waist before sticking her arms into the water and trying to paddle closer to the boats.

hillary84 02-27-2012 11:11 PM

" I tried to when I first got into the water, but things are so chaotic. It was terrible getting to the boat." He said feeling hopeless as he tried to paddle closer.

Ettilai 02-27-2012 11:29 PM

"Well.. No, no, listen. It's gonna be okay. The rescue boat will see us. We aren't that far away." She sighed, obviously only saying those words to make the man relax and feel better. It was hopeless. They were most likely going to become stranded. She didn't mind though. It wasn't better than the cruise ship, but it would be just like Fiji, right? An hour or two on the beach sounded fun. "Jus't stop, okay? We'll be fine. Heck, just jump and swim toward another boat if you want." She huffed and stopped paddling. The tide was becoming too strong to bear.

hillary84 02-28-2012 01:28 AM

He stopped paddling and calmed down. He knew that they were too far to be seen, knowing he couldn't see the other boats, due to the wind and the rain.

Ettilai 02-28-2012 01:33 AM

Elizabeth sighed, lying face up on the side of the raft. She was like a fish out of water. All signs of the other boats had long faded with the storm. It was like they had severed all ties from civilization. She sat there, silent, just staring at the clouds and letting the rain hit her face. It felt refreshing in a way. Almost like a long, hot shower after a hard day of work.

hillary84 02-29-2012 12:41 AM

Derrick knew it was useless to keep paddling. He hoped they would reach some sort of land soon . The rain let up a little but but the wind was still as furious as before.

Ettilai 02-29-2012 01:07 AM

Elizabeth fell flat against the bow of the lifeboat. It was raining anyway, so why not get even more wet? She dipped her finger in and began swirling the water around with her index finger, praying that something would happen. Whether it be a sign of land, less rain, less furious wind, or even a fish. Something. Just something to show that there was still hope.

hillary84 03-01-2012 12:35 AM

" I think I might see land." Derrick said trying to see what was in the distance. He hoped it was land and then they could figure out a way get back to civilization.

Ettilai 03-01-2012 02:09 AM

"It's probably just your ima-" Ellie stopped suddenly. There it was. Actual land. It wasn't too far away, either. They had finally hit land. It was a miracle. She practically leaped over the side of the boat, trying to paddle there as fast as she could.

hillary84 03-01-2012 05:15 PM

" Here's a paddle. " Derrick said handing the woman one and then started to paddle toward the island.

Ettilai 03-11-2012 04:44 PM

(( Sorry i'm so late. There was a huge project for art class due, and it literally took up every single hour from when I got home until when I went to bed. ))

Elizabeth grabbed the paddle with a nod of the head, and began paddling toward the island as well. "Uhm.. my name is Elizabeth. Or, well, Ellie..but.. yeah, you know.."

hillary84 03-12-2012 05:19 PM

( I understand.)

" I'm Derrick." He said with a smile. ." It's nice to meet you Ellie."

Ettilai 03-22-2012 12:03 AM

Elizabeth nodded once in Derricks direction. Spending a few hours on an island with him wouldn't be too bad. They would go their seperate ways. Easy enough, right? She sighed to herself before paddling once more.

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