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VampHunterX13666 04-12-2018 01:06 AM

Returning to the site looking for a one on one rp
Hey, I haven't been on her so I haven't really rped much for a few years I could do a good amount each post and post at least once a day and I will do what I can to do that though it shouldnt be an issue, looking for someone to start a new rp with being the ones I have are a bit old, so if your interested just reply and we'll talk about what you'd like to do, I am open to most to all role plays.

chellybean1985 04-12-2018 02:46 AM

I am also returning here from a long absence and have gotten much more into rp so I would love to start an rp with you! I can reply with lenghty replies I am home all the time so I can reply pretty quickly I am also open to most rp subjects let me know what you think?

VampHunterX13666 04-12-2018 02:58 AM

That sounds like fun, and most days I won't be active much from like 12 ish to about 11, i work closing at dunkins most of the week but i wake up early so i'll have plenty of time to leave a reply for you. and the 12 is just incase i get called in early. but yeah other than thati am good about reply to the best ofmy ability, i do prefer stuff with supernatural beings like vamps and demons but i can also do stuff with humans and stuff with schools and hospitals isn't my favorite but make them interesting enough and i can do it.

chellybean1985 04-12-2018 03:09 AM

Ya I tend to sleep in a lot since I am a night owl I usually wake up around noon or 1:00 (central time) and yes I really love anything fantasy or sci fi related I am currently on a MxM kick but I will do MxF as well just not FxF cause I have no idea what I would write. I do have to say punctuation is my weak place and I am sorry for that but I do try to make up for it in quality! Let me know what ya think.

VampHunterX13666 04-12-2018 03:19 AM

I can work with that, thats no problem i'm not the best with it either. I havent rped mxm or fxf much so i couldn't do a lot of what the site doesn't allow so i guess thats not an issue now that i think about it, i had some ideas like maybe a family fued type thing it would be a mxf thing if your okay with it and maybe our charcters start off close friends and maybe get closer as they secretly hangout?

chellybean1985 04-12-2018 03:27 AM

Yea MxF would be just fine and i am fine playing either and ya I like the idea of them getting closer over time as they meet secretly, like they met somewhere random like the market or something and they bumped into each other again and realized they wanted to be friends something like that maybe?

VampHunterX13666 04-12-2018 03:39 AM

that could work, what do you think of it being in a destopian future where one family is a big part of the underworld where the other is one of the highest class families? and idk the rich family owns a hospital that a relatve of the other family died in during an attack that could have been stopped then the fighting escalated?

chellybean1985 04-12-2018 03:45 AM

That sounds good to me, so what if the one hates the other at first for what there family has done but when they keep running into each other they grow closer each time?

VampHunterX13666 04-12-2018 03:59 AM

sounds like a great idea, which would you like to be, the rich or the underground?

chellybean1985 04-12-2018 05:01 AM

I like the idea of being the under ground what would you like to be male or female?

VampHunterX13666 04-12-2018 01:23 PM

Okay i can work with that, i'd prefer the male.

chellybean1985 04-12-2018 05:52 PM

Ok sweet do you wanna discuss details here?

VampHunterX13666 04-13-2018 02:27 AM

what details would we need past what we have talked about?

chellybean1985 04-13-2018 04:27 AM

I guess all thats left is profiles?

VampHunterX13666 04-14-2018 02:35 AM

yeah, i think so

---------- Post added 04-13-2018 at 10:56 PM ----------

okay, do you have a format in mind?

chellybean1985 04-14-2018 03:14 AM

Nope not at all

VampHunterX13666 04-14-2018 04:20 AM

does that work?

chellybean1985 04-14-2018 07:09 AM

yep works for me

VampHunterX13666 04-14-2018 12:36 PM

Shadami 06-02-2018 01:32 PM

If you're still looking I wouldn't mind getting into an RP again :D

VampHunterX13666 06-02-2018 01:40 PM

Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting another one going, did you have any ideas on one you wanted to do?

Shadami 06-02-2018 02:28 PM

Not in particular. I've been writing a lot recently. Simss literature and a book I'm editing to work towards publishing. But I miss roleplaying. I have a few straggling around somewhere that aren't very active.

I tend to be pretty open about what I RP as long as it has a touch of things I can work with. Fantasy is my strong suit, and original characters. Horror is probably my weakest subject matter though.

VampHunterX13666 06-02-2018 03:36 PM

I've had an idea kicking around for a bit. it's more fantasy, theres a plot to take the throne from the ruling family and the plot involves the families only daughter being kidnapped and for some reason the only one that is willing to save her is a poor bastard son of a blacksmith and he gains some sort of honor for it, though this causes another plot to turn the people on the bastard sympathizing family?

Shadami 06-03-2018 05:27 PM

Feels pirates of the Caribbean I like it xD

VampHunterX13666 06-04-2018 02:21 AM

more fantasy then that, but yeah. now we could switch its a prince being kidnapped and a blacksmiths daughter saving him if you wanted, that would be interesting to break that mold, lolz

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