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Amice 11-02-2010 10:48 PM

Private Rp between Sunday Roast and Amice.
Name: Daelynn Rees (Dae to her friends)
Age: 15
House: Ravenclaw

Sunday Roast 11-03-2010 12:04 AM

Name: Alexis Marley Harper
Age: 15
School: Beauxbatons (Born and raised in Holland)
Appearance: Alexis

Amice 11-03-2010 04:48 AM

Evening settled in over Hogwarts castle. Classes were done for the day and student and teachers alike were gathering in the main hall for dinner. Dae entered the cavernous room and paused as she did every day to look at the evening sky displayed on the ceiling. Other students pushed past her and she started toward the long table the other Ravenclaws were sitting. This evening there were two other tables, currently empty near the front of the hall. Dae settled into her seat. Visitors were expected from two other schools to participate in the Tri-wizard Tournament.

Sunday Roast 11-03-2010 06:09 PM

The journey from Beauxbatons had not been a particularly long one, but it was still long enough to cause Alexis' stomach to churn. Unlike the rest of the girls, whom were all rushing around making sure they looked perfect for their appearance, Lexi was sat quietly in one of the armchairs, arms wrapped tightly around her stomach.

Once they landed, the headmistress strode out of her room wearing a rather revealing robe, but they wouldn't expect anything else from their new Headmistress, a curvy, busty Veela by the name of Vivienne. "Now girls, lets go show Hogwarts what fine young ladies we are." She said, then paused as she noticed her airsick student and her colourless cheeks. "Sick or not, you must have rosy cheeks! What will everyone think if you turn up looking like a ghost? No no no..." She trailed off, pinching Lexi's cheeks sharply and successfully drawing out a bit of color.

Durmstrang were the first ones going in, they'd arrived first. This gave the girls plenty of time to partner up and walk upto the castle at a leisurely pace. The group was small, only twenty students. All hand picked by the headmistress.

Amice 11-04-2010 02:35 AM

The Headmaster stood at the center of the long teacher's table at the end of the hall. A hush settled over the room in anticipation. "Good evening students. As most of you know this year we will be holding the Tri-wizard Tournament." A cheer went up around the room. Dae smiled with pride, knowing without a doubt that Hogwarts would win the tournament.

The headmaster signaled for quiet and when the noise died down her continued. "The competing schools have arrived and will be making their entrances shortly. I wish to remind all the students to make our visitors feel welcome. Now I would like to present our first rival school, Durmstrang." All eyes turned to the rear of the room where 20 boys strode into the hall wearing identical uniforms trimmed in fur. Dae rested her chin in the palm of her hand. The Durmstrang students lined the hall and began a rhythmic dance set to the beat of their walking sticks.

The display was mesmerizing, and displayed the skill and precision of the boys school. When the were finished they stoically walked to their designated table and sat down as one. Applause rang out in the hall in response. "Now settle down students." The headmaster's voice brought order to the room. "Now we have the lovely ladies of Bauxbatons."

Sunday Roast 11-04-2010 06:43 PM

The girls in powder blue arrived in the entrance hall just in time to watch the headmaster of the boys school walk into the dining hall.

"Positions ladies, lets get ready to dazzle!" The Headmistress said, ushering the girls into the right order. Silence fell over the group of girls as they waited to be introduced. Finally, after a long couple of minutes, the girls were announced and the doors opened for them.

All of the girls walked into the Great Hall and performed various dancing manoeuvres. Alexis and the other 'unskilled' girls simply walked down the hall, pausing every couple of steps to sigh and gracefully flick their arms out to the side. Several feet from the teachers table, they broke into a slow paced run and stopped, each girl turned in a different direction and with one final sigh, graceful flick of their arms and arch of their back, they released powder blue butterflies into the air.

While they were doing this, two other students followed behind them, performing more complex dance moves. The Headmistress followed behind.

Once they were all done, the girls lined back up and filed towards their designated table.

Amice 11-05-2010 06:01 AM

Dae was mesmerized by the skill of the ladies dance. They were so graceful and light on their feet. If only she could have that kind of poise and grace in her movements. Another cheer echoed through the room as the Bauxbatons girls sat at their table.

"Thank you ladies for that wonderful display. Now let us all enjoy out dinner." The headmaster gestured to the empty tables and food bubbled into bowls and popped onto plates. The students dug into the steaming food leaving a dull hum of chewing and chatter hanging in the air.

Dae took a portion of food and quietly ate. She chatted a bit with Marie and Clara who were sitting across from her. However her eyes kept drifting off to the table of Bauxbatons girls who were visible behind her friends. They were a new curiosity, and Dae could see other students sneaking glances at the strangers.

Sunday Roast 11-05-2010 02:17 PM

Each of the girls sat with straight backs, closed legs and their hands folded neatly in their laps - as any lady should. Their attentioned remained on the headmaster the entire time he was speaking, they only looked away once their table was lined with food. French food, to try and make them feel more at home. Plates of slices baguettes and cheese, omelettes, salads and more. Instead of pumpkin juice, their goblets were filled with mineral water or fruit juice.

The entrance and the dance had warded off Lexi's travel sickness and she started helping herself to an omelette and orange juice. Though she hoped they wouldn't be served food like this everyday as, while it was a nice thought and gesture from Hogwarts, but this was the food she ate everyday back at Beauxbatons and she wanted to try some English cuisine.

While the girls ate and conversed with one another in their native tongue, Lexi found herself glancing around the hall. And the ceiling.. such a grand idea! She found herself staring at it intently as she ate, far more fascinating than the real sky outside, that was for sure.

Amice 11-06-2010 04:56 AM

Dae finished her small portion of dinner quickly. After living at Hogwarts for three years already she found it difficult to stay full between meals. At home she could eat small bits all through the day, but here only three banquets were provided. Dae snuck a few sweet rolls and other dry foods into her bag to munch on later. When she looked back at the table dessert had replaced the hearty meal.

It never ceased to amaze her how many different sweets the kitchen could produce. Dae dug into a bowl of fresh fruit, dipping the juicy morsels into melted chocolate and whipped cream. She tilted her head back as she chewed and watched the stars twinkle brightly above the flickering candle light. When the students had had a few moments to enjoy their dessert the headmaster stood and addressed the room once again. "Attention please. Now that out hungers have been satiated I would like to get to what we have all been waiting for."

A few cheers went up around the room, but most were waiting for the next words. A door on the left side wall opened up and two men walked in carrying a large wooden chest between them. The jewels inbeded in the wood danced and sparkled in the light of the candles. The headmaster had come out from behind the table and stood next to a small table where the chest had been placed. He tapped it three times with his wand and the lid opened with a click. A rough wooden cup was removed and placed on the lid of the chest. The Goblet of Fire. "Anybody who wished to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet. You have 24 hours to do so. Tommorrow night we will draw the names of the champions. There will be an age line drawn around the cup, however this year anyone over the age of 15 may enter their name. Please remember though there can be no change of heart once you have become a champion. Please be very sure before you drop your name into the goblet."

Sunday Roast 11-06-2010 02:10 PM

It seemed that not long after the girls had neatly set the knives and forks down neatly on their plates that desert appeared. Ah, Belgian waffles with honey, her favourite. Finally, Alexis turned her attention back to the table and the girls sat around it. They all seemed to be looking forward to spending the year here and were already planning on what they were going to be wearing to the ball.

When the headmaster began to speak, the girls each put their forks and spoons down and once again gave him their undivided attention. Then in came the wooden chest that contained the Goblet of Fire. As the headmaster explained the rules and what to do, Lexi found herself unable to look away from the Goblet. It was such a beautiful and yet scary object. Once a name was put in there was no way of taking it back out, there was no way of backing down if you were chosen as champion either.. And here she was, one of the hand picked students who had to put their names in.

Oh well! She loved a challenge and thats certainly what this was going to be.

Amice 11-08-2010 12:45 AM

The headmaster stepped back from the goblet. "Now before you students wander off I would like to remind you, for the benefit of our guests that the Forbidden Forest is exactly that. There is a curfew in place here at Hogwarts and any student found out of their house will be docked house points and given detention. That is all." He was instantly forgotten in the sudden hubbub of the room. Half the students exited the hall in a matter of minutes.

Dae stayed at the table for the first rush of students exiting the hall. She chewed on the last bits of fruit before it vanished. When the hall was mostly empty she stood headed for the exit.

Sunday Roast 11-08-2010 01:37 AM

The forbidden forest? Such an original name.. Finishing up her desert, she once again placed the cutlery neatly down on the plate and waited for everyone else to finish. It wasn't long before their Headmistress had left the teachers table and was approaching her group of students.

"Now, ladies, you heard the Headmaster, I don't want to find any of you wondering into that forest. Such a dark and ghastly place! I expect you all to be in bed around the usual time and to wake up at the usual time. Just because we're in a different country doesn't mean we leave our own rules behind, does it? Now, I expect you all back in the carriage in an hour, until then, I've been given permission to let you have a wonder around." The Veela looked across the table and smiled at her girls. "Don't go too far and don't get yourself lost."

Though most of the girls got up and followed their Headmistress outside and to their 'dorm', Alexis decided to stay behind, she wanted to have a look around the hall while it was empty.

Amice 11-10-2010 03:21 AM

Dae headed away from the main exit, she wanted a good look at the goblet before it was swarmed by other students. She approached the table and got a good look at the beautiful flames. They danced and flickered in every shade of blue, and gave off a soft heat yet did not burn the wooden cup they were held in. Dae circled the table slightly fascinated by the magic used.

After a few moments of inspection a smile crossed her face. She could participate this year. She was sure most of the other students would be clamoring to become champion of the school. Dae stood up and stepped away from the table. Tomorrow her name would go into the goblet along with all the others and she would have to hope that her name would be picked. By this time the hall was nearly empty, only a few couples and groups of students sat huddled together talking in hushed tones. There was one Bauxbatons girl left in the hall. Dae walked slowly up the main isle and paused near her. "Hello." She said cautiously.

Sunday Roast 11-10-2010 01:45 PM

This hall was amazing, just.. amazing. Beauxbatons was a bright and extravogantly decorated palace, there was not a single dull color or object within. But Hogwarts.. it seemed to be the complete opposite. The walls were made of stone and no attempt was made to hide this, all of the rooms were dark, lit only by a few floating candles and the decour.. it was all so dark and gloomy! Empty suits of armor, the walls covered in portraits and the ceiling in the Great Hall was utterly amazing!

"Hm?" Pulled from her train of thoughts by the greeting, Alexis looked away from the ceiling and to the one whom had greeted her. A Hogwarts girl. Smiling politely, she turned to full face her. "Good evening."

Amice 11-12-2010 05:51 AM

Now that she had greeted the other girl, Dae didn't know what to say. She felt her face heat with embarrassment. "Uh. Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm Daelynn." Her mind was blank beyond that statement. She fiddled with the strap of her school bag and tried to think of something to say to the girl. Moments passed and the hush of the hall seemed to grow into a deafening silence. Strangers made her nervous, and speaking to them terrified her. However Dae had promised herself she would work on getting over her fear.

Finally a thought came to her. "Are you planning on entering the tournament?"

Sunday Roast 11-12-2010 02:07 PM

"Thank you." While she was able to fully speak and understand French, Alexis did not have a French accent. Born and raised in Holland, her accent suggested such. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Alexis." Noting the color in Daelynn's cheeks, she offered her a soft smile and then they seemed to stand in silence for several moments before conversation was started once more.

"Yes, I have to, as do all of my school mates. We were all hand picked to compete and represent our school." The chosen ones were all well behaved and some of the smartest Beauxbatons had to offer. "Are you going to enter?"

Amice 11-15-2010 05:40 AM

Dae was relieved and comforted by the smile Alexis gave her. She returned the smile though the blush stayed firmly on her cheeks. "I suppose I will put my name into the goblet. I'm not really the best at anything, but I figure it can't hurt to try." She felt her blush dim and confidence grow as she spoke. She took a deep breath to continue and a chime rang out though the halls. "Crud. It's almost curfew. I should get going." The other students all gathered their things and headed to their respective houses. "I enjoyed talking to you."

Sunday Roast 11-15-2010 02:30 PM

"It does not matter that you are not the best at anything, this tournament was designed to test even the smartest and bravest of students." Alexis fell silent as she heard the bells chiming. Looks like it was time to return to the carriage and turn in for the night. "Likewise. It was nice to meet you." She gave a slight bow of her head to Dae and then turned to start slowly walking from the Great Hall.

Amice 11-19-2010 04:10 AM

Dae watched her walk up the main isle for a moment. She took one last look over her shoulder at the goblet before following the rest of the students out of the hall. She hurried up the maze of moving stairs and through the now abandoned hallways. She would be the last back to her house. The Ravenclaw dorms were located in one of the towers. Dae approached the door and the large knocker on the door spoke, a deep gravely bass, and asked a relatively easy question. she answered the question and entered the warm homey common room. Most of the couches and chairs were filled with groups of students finishing the day's assignments. Dae crept up the spiral stairs to her room and changed for bed. She'd be up early tomorrow to finish her work, when the common room and most of the school would still be asleep.

Sunday Roast 11-19-2010 07:24 PM

Alexis was the last of the Beauxbatons students to return to the carriage, which wasn't all that suprising. The others seemed to travel in packs, not wanting to travel the unfamiliar school without at least one familiar face. Once inside, the headmistress locked the door and ushered the girls into their own rooms. After a long day they all needed their beauty sleep. Aleixs was looking forward to tomorrow, her first proper day at Hogwarts and all of their names would be entered into the goblet, she couldn't wait! And it was that thought that she fell asleep with.

Amice 11-24-2010 01:45 AM

Dae woke with the sun. From the height of the tower she had the perfect view of the great orange ball peeking of the horizon. She stopped to watch the blaze of brilliant colors illuminate the sky as she dressed in her uniform. Dae was the first to enter the common room as usual, it was still early even for the staff. She made herself comfortable by the low fire and pulled her unfinished homework from her bag. She completed the assignments in silence dimly aware of the few other students rising and milling about the room. As she worked she pulled out on of the rolls she had stashed away and ate it slowly.

A little while later a bell rang, a wakeup call for the lazier students. Dae got up and headed down the the great hall. She wanted to see which other students entered their names into the goblet. There were few other students sitting at the tables, though more were rapidly entering. She sat as close to the goblet as possible wondering who would be the first to enter their name, or had it already happened?

Sunday Roast 11-25-2010 11:39 PM

Alexis and the girls were woken by the headmistress whom was already dressed and ready for the day ahead. Today would be the day they put their names in the goblet and the Vivienne had picked out small piece of eloquently decorated parchments for the girls to write their names on.

Alexis had a quick shower and thanks to a bit of magic, had her hair dried and styled into the usual bun within minutes. This just left the uniform, the powder blue dress suite which she placed on with practised ease. When finally ready, she left her room and was handed a piece of parchment and the pink quill which she used to write her name.

Once everyone had written their names on the parchment, they were lined up and once briefed about the day ahead, they were led up into the castle and into the Great Hall.

Amice 12-01-2010 02:59 AM

Breakfast was usually an informal affair. Trays of food appeared an hour after the morning bell rang in a flurry of steam and sparks. It was an unusual mix of familiar and foreign dishes. She dug in, trying each of the dishes. There was a low noise, and Dae looked up to see the Durmstrang boys marching in in step towards the goblet. Each had a slip of paper in their right hand. They each dropped their entry into the cup and sat as one entity to eat. Dae continued to eat, waiting for the pretty girls in blue to put their entries in. While she waited Dae pulled out a scrap of parchment and wrote her name on it. She didn't want ot make a big spectacle of putting her entry in, so while it was still quiet she got up and slipped her paper in the goblet.

Sunday Roast 12-01-2010 05:27 PM

It would seem that they were the last one's to enter. Most of the Hogwarts students were already sat around eating and the Durmstrang lot were starting to pile food onto their plates. Walking to the goblet, each girl took it in turn to place their name in the goblet and then walked over to their table. Alexis was one of the last to place her name into the goblet and the last to sit down. They all then waited for their headmistress to sit down and give them the nodd to begin eating. They did so quietly and they seemed to choose a light breakfast. Alexis picked two freshly baked croissants and with a small smile, began to thickly spread jam into the center of both.

Amice 12-05-2010 06:12 AM

Dae finished her breakfast and wiped her mouth politely with a linen napkin. There was still plenty of time before the first class so Dae slipped out of the hall and found a sunny window to sit at. Now that she was fully awake she went over her homework again to make sure is was all in order. When that was done she pulled out a paperback book and slipped into another world. It was generally her morning ritual.

Today though, it was harder to be enveloped in the printed world. She kept thinking about the tournament and Alexis. What would she do if she was actually picked as the champion? She had no real skill that would help her through the tests. Dae felt a little fear run up her spine. Not that she would be lucky (or would that be unlucky) enough to be chosen.

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