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Nephila 10-02-2013 12:57 AM

Neph Fit! Let's Menecise!

Hi Gang!

I'm so happy this forum was created. I had a fitness journal I kept on my Meneblog. It worked well but it wasn't earning me dem lovely goldies so I stopped updating it. The last one was posted in May 2013 [sweat] Not updating it made me loose sight of the whole healthy eating thing for a while, but I'm back at it now and I hope to do better than ever!


Height: 5'1"
Start Weight: 189.3
Current Weight: 137.6
Start BMI: 35.7
Current BMI: 26
Age: 40
Fitness Level: Round-ish. XD
Other: due to an old sports injury in my left knee I can't do some exercises.

Nephila 10-02-2013 01:38 AM

Progress Pumpers

Some things to keep me motivated.
*I'll put pictures here later*

My Favorite Videos

These are my favorite You-tube channels! Maybe You'll like them too. :D

blogilates - YouTube
passion4profession - YouTube

Gotta have Some music too!

Going Quantum - YouTube

My Favorite Exercise

Menecise! - When I use my nexus device on my stationary bike to browse mene . XD I find I can go longer when on mene at the same time. I guess because my mind is focused elsewhere other than the sucky pain.

Nephila 10-02-2013 04:06 AM

Week 1

My first week getting back into the swing of things, I feel excited to get back to it. :D


Breakfast - Coffee 260 (and threw out the day so like 3/4 cups)
Lunch - Salad 130
Dinner - Butter chicken plate 460
Snack- Apple with Salt and peanut butter (sounds strange but it's good) 160
pop - 260

Daily Total 1240

Today's focus: abs


Breakfast - Coffee 55 (only one cup)
Lunch - Left over Butter chicken 230
Dinner - Take away 750 (fail) XD + lemonade 120
Snack - Celery With Rhubarb jam (again sound strange but is good) 60


Daily Total 1215


Today was kinda a bad day for me at work. My boss called in sick and I pulled a 9 hour shift with one break which was basically me cramming in a tuna sub as fast as I could into my mouth before I was begged to come back. When I got home I indulged in a few glasses of wine and allowed myself two mini cookies. I guess as a reward to myself for not killing anyone that day. XD

Breakfast: Coffee 250 (yes I drink a lot of coffee naughty me XD)
Lunch: Tuna sub with bread hollowed and half the tuna 270
Dinner: sensible pasta portion 330
Snack: cookies 150 >.< tsk tsk also naughty
Wine: 450 ...yeah I'm bad bad girl. XD

Today's focus: legs/workwalk
Total calories: 1450 over "ate"


I'm SO making up for yesterday today! Starting out with having tea instead of coffee today. Salad instead of a sammich at work. Got my workout in before work today plus I'll be walking to work as normal. Sadly there was no time to eat at work today. I was lucky to be able to get some tea. >.< so I drank tea. I ate a Tuna sub when I got home.

Breakfast: Tea 60
Lunch:Salad 130 Tea 100
Dinner: Tuna sub 470
Snacks: wine 250

Total Calories:
Today's focus: arms/work walk


I don't know what's up with work lately BUT it's been ridiculous busy. So much so that regular breaks are a thing of the past. Friday was another where only coffee/tea were able to be had. After work my bf picked me up and we went out for dinner so it ended up balancing out.

Breakfast/lunch: Coffee - 370 (6 cups) I really need to cut down on the sugary creamy coffee/tea
Dinner: 8 oz steak and baked tatter 1045
Snack: mini strudel 150

Total Calories:1565 ( I over ate today but I also did a lot of cardio and hard physical labor at work)
Today's focus: Cardio/work walk


A lazy Saturday with friends at a charity event. I got busy with getting myself ready for the event so I didn't eat much till I got there because I knew there would be a pizza dinner and snacks. Also we played DnD later so more snacks. XD

Breakfast: sleep
Lunch: Coffee 135
Dinner: pizza/ chicken 550
Snacks: pop/other snacks 750

Total Calories: 1435
Today's focus: No focus full body 20 min workout a bit of cardio


Breakfast: 1/2 bacon strip (NO it's not like I'm being that careful about fat it was the "ready made" bacon. EWW! tasted like the package it came in so I only ate a bite of it.) Went with Banana Bread instead 250
Lunch: Veggie Salad 130
Dinner: Fancy Ramen bowl 320 (yes I put egg ham and kimchi in it so "fancy" imo)
Coffee: 270
Snacks: another slice of banana bead 220 pop 120

Total Calories: 1310
Today's Focus: Went for an hour long walk in the bio reserve at night. And a short 10 min ab routine.

Spring`Tyme Fresh 10-07-2013 12:52 PM

Is it okay to post? o.O

I adore Cassey from blogilates! She is so motivating. Her Carly Rae Jepson squat challenge is a killer. One of my goals is to be able to go through the whole thing without stopping or curling up in a ball. x.x

Nephila 10-07-2013 05:41 PM

It's Absolutely ok to post. See wut I did thur? XD OH I know. She's so sweet and happy and makes the hard work fun. I love her attitude towards staying fit. And her videos for beginners aren't like she's talking down to you. It like she really cares.

Week 2

It's time for my first weeks weigh in after getting back on to it. (I've been a lazy butt since may) I'm a little nervous to see.

Previous week: 156.3
This week:151.6
loss: 4.7

OH HELL YEAH! NEPH IS ON HER WAY BABY! *bounces around* If I keep it up I'll be looking extra good at Halloween. XD I should make a goal for myself this week of cutting down the sugar and cream in my coffee. I could save SO many Calories that way.

breakfast: Coffee 5 (first time black coffee ever T.T NO LIKEY)
lunch: Mini pizza 250
dinner: Fancy Ramen 320
snacks: Dokiyaki Pancake 190, Shrimp Crackers 150, Energy drink 250, Gulab Jamun 330

Focus: Cardio, legs
Calories: 1495 I seem to want to eat more on days I do cardio.

breakfast: Lychee Juice 220 ('s not sweet coffee) >.<
Lunch: Busy with art. still working on the juice from this morning. >.<
Dinner: Mediterranean veggie wrap + 1/2 fries + Chai latte thingy =900
Snack: Gulab Jamun 110

Focus: Arms and Abs :D

breakfast: pumpkin Latte....yeah about that no sweet coffee thing... [sweat] 200
lunch: Salad 150
Chinese Buffet: Easily 1000 not sure exactly how much though because no information. I wasn't dumb about it huge pile of fried chicken like I saw at 1 table. About 1/3 plate white rice with sweet n' sour pork and 1 chick skewer. Then lot's of steamed veggies and 1 veggie egg roll. As hard as it was I only gave myself a half portion of the sweet n' sour chicken. But still I'm sure it added up quickly at desert when I had butter rum icecream. [drool]

Focus: Cardio/legs :D
Calories:1350+ ?


Breakfast: Coffee 55 (for 2 cups this is good for me no cream in these)
Lunch: BLT 450
Dinner: Mini Pizza 250
Snacks: Gulab Jaman 110 pop 260 Apple slices 150 GAH!!! Why can't I get away from sugary drinks. FUuuuufufufu!!11

Focus: More abs arms
Calories: 1275


Breakfast: Coffee + toast= 155
Lunch: Salad=150



hummy 10-08-2013 06:21 PM

go Nephie!

Nephila 10-11-2013 12:28 AM

Thanks Hummy. [heart]

Nephila 10-15-2013 01:42 AM

Week 3

Neph was a bad bad girl this weekend. Between multiple Thanks giving dinners and art projects I over ate and was very lazy this weekend. I didn't even keep track of my food since last friday. Plus...I'm menstruating so I want to eat even more this week. I suppose I could lie to myself and say it's all bloating weight but I dunno it feels more like fail.

Oh speaking of art...I made a banner for this thread. :D *points up*

This week: 155.2
Last Week: 151.6
Gained: 3.6 OTL!

Time to look to the future and get serious again. XD


breakfast: coffee's - 260
Lunch: Turkey sammich - 220
Dinner: Turkey left overs and veggies - 385
Snack: Pumpkin pie 360

Calories: 1225
Focus: Raking leaves with kids!!! XD



breakfast: Coffee 200
Lunch: tuna wrap


Breakfast: Coffee 240
Lunch: soup 110
dinner: chicken salad 250
Snacks: Mochi + cantaloupe 360

Calories: 960


Breakfast: coffee 250
Lunch:Turkey sub 360
Dinner: Chicken apple pecan Salad with cranberry's YUM 400
Snack: chips 250

Calories: 1260
Walked to work and then more with the BF later


Breakfast: sleep
Lunch: Smoothie 333
Dinner: Gyro 330
Snack: 1/4 muffin 120 drink 260 pretzels 90

Walk. :)


Breakfast: Coffee 250
Lunch: Chicken wrap 400
Dinner: Pork chops and baked potato 460
Snack: 190

Calories: 1300

Nephila 10-22-2013 01:33 AM

Week 4

THA FOK! At this point I don't really know where I messed up so bad this week but I did. I'm kinda annoyed at myself and the scale. I keep going back and forth between 150-160 no matter how hard I try. I think I'm going to reduce my calorie intake from 1300 to 1000. I have a Halloween social to go to this weekend and a convention the following one. T.T I just want to look good in the awesome costumes I make.

gained 2.3


Breakfast: Juice 180
Lunch: sammich 220
Dinner: Mediterranean salad 390
snack: Apple 60 pretzels 30 Doriyaki 140

Calories: 1020
focus: pouting


Breakfast: Coffee(s) 250
Lunch: forgot about it
Dinner: Baked potato 150 and beefy 250
Snack: Pretzels 190 Granola bar 100 (a real one not a dipped in chocolate candy bar)

Calories: 940
focus: abs/ Cardio


Breakfast: Coffee 250
Lunch: tuna sammich 300
Dinner: Taco Salad 530
Snacks: Half an apple Empinada 250

Walked to work and did tons of running around at the mall.


Breakfast: Coffee 150
Lunch: Half cheese bun 250
Dinner: Other half cheese bun and salad 350
Snack: 250 of some thing left for later. :D

Calories: 1000
Focus: abs and a fun cardio work out.

Paperling 11-02-2013 03:04 PM

That's all the calories you eat in a day? [:o] Why? Aren't you hungry?

Nephila 11-02-2013 07:49 PM

I'm not average height so I don't need average calories. I'm a shorty. That was last week though I didn't put up much from this week. I normaly eat between 1000-1300 cals. It's just normal for me.

Pistachio_Moustache 11-19-2013 07:27 PM

I don't even count my calories. I feel that puts too much pressure to eat less, and then I just end up hungry. Just eat food with high fiber and protein, and make sure to have at least two high protein snacks. Increase your fruit and veggie intake, and cook food. Like real food. No boxed stuff. Too much sodium.
Here's something super important: Eat breakfast! It is super important, because you'll be less likely to binge on stuff you wouldn't normally. I like to eat eggs for breakfast. Make a nice egg sammich with all of the fillings. You could add ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, all on a nice wheat english muffin.
The protein from the eggs and the fiber from the muffin help you feel fuller, longer.

I'm the same height as you, but I just get hungry. I probably have a problem, lol.
There are times that I don't eat, because I'm not hungry. Yes, I have lost weight while I've been sick, because I don't eat. Not a good thing. If you keep your body fueled, you will actually burn more calories! Fueled with protein and fiber, that is.

Also, watch your sugar intake. Sugar just turns into fat. That's why I'm trying so hard to cut mine.

All in all, you can do it!
I recommend Eat This, Not That! and Cook This, Not! for suggestions in picking out better food.

Nephila 12-03-2013 08:36 AM

OMG I've been SO bad with this Again. I could use the excuse that the holidays are coming and the change in weather really took it out on me this year. I was either to sick or exhausted from walking in the snow for the first week or two of winter. I'm pretty sure I'm back up where I don't want to be. But my pant still fit right now so maybe it's not as bad as I think I'll be. The only way to know is to get on the scale and weigh myself.

Back to the grind!

@P: I know your probably right about eating breakfast and less sugar. It's just not as simple as that.

Current weight: 158.8 (boourns)


*ponders* what the heck did I eat monday O.O
breakfast: Eggnog 150(sounds ridiculous I know) Bagel 250
Lunch: Noodles 190
Dinner: Chicken and rice 450
Snack: baked tatter chips 120 chocolate milk 150

total: 1310
Focus: Bed with period cramps

Breakfast: Juice** 100 + Oatmeal 130
Lunch: Garden salad 150
Dinner: Small portion of pasta 250 (my mom looked at me funny when I only put on about 1/4 of what everyone else was having)
Snacks: Ice cream 465 (Bad Nephy bad bad! when a snack is twice what you ate at dinner there is a problem...but it was sooo gooood[drool])

Total: 1095
Focus: Some fun Cardio (twerking XD), Walked to the store twice cuz I forgot something, and 10 min ab routine

** My juices, like my iced teas are homemade. No extra sugars or preservatives used. To sweeten I sometimes use 100% maple syrup because it's better for you than white processed sugar. And unlike most honey sold in stores it's not fake corn syrups.

Pistachio_Moustache 12-06-2013 03:35 PM

I know it's not simple, I struggle with it too!
Check out my journal, you can read about my struggle.
I have an addiction to sugar, that I am fighting.

Sodium is another thing to watch out for [not because for weight, but because for overall health]. Instant noodles are SUPER high in sodium. I like to use the noodles; but not the broth, cause that's where the sodium lies.

I haven't been able to work out because of my foot injury. I'm so mad at myself because of how it happened.

With my picky son, I have to eat what he doesn't! That's where most of my weight gain came from.

Go Neph!

Nephila 12-08-2013 09:50 AM

I've never put a full pack of the flavor maker in my life. I use a little under half and then use the rest for soup or in rice at a latter date. I don't know how anyone could like such salty things.

Nephila 12-09-2013 10:20 PM

Last week started off good, but quickly fizzled out quick. The girls at work have been bringing in Christmas goodies and I feel like to would be rude not to sample them. Is that strange? I did do a lot of walking though so lucky for me I didn't gain any more than I ate. The one thing I do do well was eating in the morning. Even though I felt bloated for the first few hours of my day. I didn't really like it. >.< I'm going to try and keep it up.

Current weight:158.8
Last week:158.8

breakfast cheese bun 290 milk 150
lunch skipped had Coffee 60
dinner Chicken "healthy choice" 290 juice 160
snack cookie 100 orange 60

Focus= arms and legs
Total Cals=1160

breakfast Tea 60
lunch Chinese food ? 500?+


breakfast cheese bun 180
lunch banana smoothie 380
dinner Fries 500 +
snacks pretzels 190


breakfast Oatmeal 130 juice 60
lunch Turkey sub 280
dinner veggie stir fry 350 pop 160
snacks cinnamon bun 250

Focus: abs
Total Calories: 1230


hummy 12-11-2013 06:49 AM

Twerking as exercise made me giggle

Nephila 04-09-2014 11:44 AM

OMG! I forgot about this completely! >.< How do I do that? *So lazy is how* XD

Pistachio_Moustache 04-09-2014 03:00 PM

I forgot about mine as well.

I just updated two days ago, after I killed myself with an exercise routine.

Nephila 04-09-2014 10:56 PM

Hehe perhaps the spring weather helped to remind us? Our snow is just beginning to melt. :D

Nephila 04-10-2014 02:34 PM

Alright lets go! I was going to wait till Monday to start keeping track better but then I was like...WHY? My aim is 1300 Cals and some good exercise... AND NO MORE SNACKING BEFORE BED! (You'd think that part would be easy)


Breakfast - Coffee, toast, egg = 220

ISOS Duke 04-14-2014 03:52 PM

Good luck Nephie! As a fellow shortie, I shall too be trying to get back into shape! One thing I want to point out as I see you were stressing about your weight from week to week; your weight fluctuates by 5 pounds all the time. When I was real big into working out, I tried to weigh myself around the same time every day. Much luck though, you were off to a great start! Even being a tiny bean, remember to feed your body when and how much it wants! As you get more into working out, your body will want more and more food.

The workout routine I got was from an early morning infomercial. I used Barry's Bootcamp, check it out. It was intense, but it worked @.@

Nephila 04-14-2014 08:14 PM

"Barry's Bootcamp" Made me giggle. XD

ISOS Duke 04-15-2014 11:02 AM

Yeah. It can be a terrible name XD

Veno 07-17-2015 08:50 AM

Nephster I think we should get back on the ball with this exercise and getting fit. :) We can be workout pals. I'm about to have boo-coo baby weight to lose and I know I do better with a buddy. :} We could at least try and see if it works for us. Maybe keep each other motivated.

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