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dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:01 PM

Tatsu Group Avie Contest Planning
This is for all the Tatsu to join together for the group avie contest.

Throw out some ideas, what roles you want, ideas for the story, etc.
We can be broken down into smaller groups if you want! Just let the ideas flow here!

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:01 PM

~Groups Here~

♦ Fencing: M I N U X E = Superstar, shinigamikarasu = Rookie, Mnemosyne = Walk On

Minuxe ->Madeleine Turnhausen
You could say that Madeleine, or "Maddy" for short, has fencing in her blood. Both of her parents and one aunt have fenced at the Olympic level, and her father manages a fencing club.
Once she grew up and experienced some success in fencing, she decided to nurture the next generation of fencers by opening a free fencing camp in her father's club. It runs for a few weeks each summer.
Leading up to the Summer Games, Maddy was the 2015 foil world champion and 2016 foil world silver medalist, so it goes without saying that she has high hopes for herself and her team.

Shini -> Terry Parry.
When Terry Parry's parents first put her into fencing classes in an effort to boost her confidence, she had resigned herself to spending several days a week panicked flailing and being poked and prodded by pointy objects. Imagine her surprise when her "panicked flailing" won her numerous championships and a ticket to the Olympics. Will she be able to stop her knees from shaking long enough to pull off a win?

Mnem -> Jill [LastName]
"And we have...what's your name honey?"
"Oh um...Jill, but uh where's the.."
"Jill, how do you feel living the dream and getting yourself a spot in these competitive summer games?"
"Oh I just need to know where the bath..."
"It's a terribly great honor, don't you think?"
"Well uh..yeah, sure. Oh...What's this helmet for? Thanks for the uh...stick. Where's the ba-"
"Wow, I just can't believe the competition tonight guys!" -walks off-

((Team blurb: This team is competing in the Summer Games women's team épée event.
Terry and Maddy come from the same fencing club and have known each other for a few short years. They fully support each other and have their eyes on the podium. Unfortunately, their third team mate who was supposed to be Haley had a case of near-deadly food poisoning the day before the tournament began. This left the coach scrambling to find a replacement, and luckily he was able to find Jill who had the tiniest amount of fencing experience (and by that I mean she watched fencing on the television once a few years ago).
On the first day of the tournament Terry and Maddy felt readier than ever to take on the competition! However, Jill was so nervous about fencing for the first time that she had been out drinking all night and showed up to the tournament drunk. Terry and Maddy, shocked by Jill's drunken state, resolved to work even harder to make up for it. Their first match was against a team from Vile, which they won narrowly. Next came their match against Duval, the tournament favorites, but even though they had all worked through their jitters they lost. The following match was against Amorus, and this time you could actually see the team's determination! This was their last match of the tournament and even though medals were no longer on the line, bragging rights were. In the end their team prevailed over Amorus and the trio proudly finished the tournament in 5th place.))

♥ Teams that have been entered:

♦ Archery: Shadami = Superstar, Gummybearkisses = Rookie , Damia Flagg =Walk On

Sha -> Chioma Bloom
"I've always had a love for archery, so it was only fitting than I would take up the sport as my profession. Ever serious, I pull back my hair and wear tight clothes so that they never get in the way of my aim. It is wonderful to once again be at the Olympics with the dream of taking home another gold medal this year."

Gummy -> Harri-ette McPhee
As the rookie of the team, I still have a lot to learn. Right hand? Left hand? Which one is best for holding my bow? Is both handed an option in the rules? One thing is for sure, I always wear my lucky medallion.

Damia -> Happy Banner
Happy Banner has some anger issues, but she decided to focus her frustration with archery. She has a tendency to scare some of her opponents when she gives the targets names. Somehow she has ended up on the Olympic team. Hopefully she can scare off some of the opponents and get them to forfeit!

When we entered the archery field on the day of the medal awards, we didn't expect to have most of the competition scared off by a walk on archer with wild eyes and a ferocious dragon pet. Harri-ette McPhee was of course unfazed as she had brought her own dragon along to the competition to cheer her on. (The aid of her lucky medallion of course cheering her on as well.) Nor was the superstar, Chioma, deterred. She had trained for this day all her life and was back for another gold.

Needless to say, the results of the day were completely unexpected. The three of them all took medals: the walk on taking a bronze, the superstar taking the silver, and the unexpected rookie winner. Harri-ette McPhee surprised everyone with her ambidextrous win, hitting twice the number of targets compared to everyone else, and with surprisingly good aim for someone with bangs in their eyes! It was an impressive battle between the three skill sets, and what a shocking outcome! The rest of the archers left downhearted, though probably a little relieved they weren't having targets named after them.

♦ Soccer: Bloostainedwings = Superstar , Kent = Rookie, Hummy = Walk On

BSW -> Fabiana Lightfoot
The star of the team, Fabiana is the smooth leader they always needed. Her hair sparkles in the sunlight with every drop of sweat. She has her own group of fan girls that she plays to in the games, but only from the sidelines. While she is in the game, she is focused, fast and cunning. She tries her best to be a role model for the others with a sweet smile and a resilient attitude. She is known as Goalie Lightfoot and would one day win the gold in the Olympics with her team. She just knew it.

Kent ->Alejandro Tecua
As a rookie, he tries his best to be a valuable asset to his team. He often feels like he's a burden to his teammates, but when he's on the field running as fast and as much as he can, the amount of joy he feels while playing is infectious.

Hummy ->Sydney LeRoux
Sydney LeRoux is more into stylin' and profilin'.
But this walk-on is workin' on her hocus pocus moves.
She can catch a glimpse of her glitter toe polish when she does.

They trained for months together and now they are ready to take gold. Near the end of the last half, Alejandro gets the ball and he runs like he has never run before. Dodge to the left, swerve to the right, He is almost there and Sydney is in the right place at the right time, for once. This is it, we are going to do it! He scores and the game is ours! The crowd goes wild and the team mates are running towards each other in excitement "You did it Alejandro!!!!!" Fabiana yells at the top of her lungs. They all collide as the time runs out, they won the gold medal in soccer! As they calm, they ready for team photos. Fabiana was all sweaty, but also, overwhelmed with joy, holding the winning ball. Alejandro Tecua was something else, barely able to stop moving for the photo and Sydney... well Sydney I think finally understood what soccer was all about. She stood there next to Fabianna in the net with a team dragon stuffy that someone in the audience threw down, eating a cookie that came from who knows where, and having a smoke of all things!

♦ Swim Team: dragoness129 = Superstar, Naisou = Rookie, Velvet=Walk On

d129 -> Amy Topps
Amy had always loved the water. She learned to swim at a very young age and practiced as if she was training for the Olympics. It was only natural that she would become an Olympic champion for the games.

Naisou -> Astoria Pennington
Gaining the Rookie position on the team (more by Daddy's money that actual talent), Astoria is looking forward to being on TV. Glitzed out in jewels and a swim mask resembling her dragon mascot, she's more worried about getting her hair wet than actually winning. Although, such a shiny gold medal would look grand in her wardrobe....maybe her pet dragon could help propel her to the finish line...

Velvet ->Velveta "Velvet" Simperton
Velvet isn't what you would call the greatest athlete and can't swim that well. She just happened to have been kidnapped forced asked to join the team. She thought that maybe she could do it.... until she saw how the real athletes move.


Tension is high as the teams take their positions in the pool. Deep breath in, hold it, then release. Amy knows the drill and remains calm. As the buzzer sounds, she speeds off like a bullet. Astoria's style is more casual as she tries to keep her head above the water so as not to get her hair wet. Velveta just wants to stay afloat and avoid drowning. Before anyone knows where the time went, the event is over. Amy dominated and won the gold. Astoria won the silver while managing to keep her hair styled and dry, however, some of her jewelry may need to be replaced. Miraculously, Velveta earned the bronze. It must have been the will of Tatsu that aided in their victory.

Those not wanting to make Avies: (please do not ping them)
- sadrain
- musasgal
- Kirin Rosenbaum
- Fuu-Chan

hummy 08-26-2016 07:22 PM

i would love to join

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:25 PM

Glad to have you!
I don't watch the Olympics nor care much for sports, but I love avie contests.
Feel free to suggest some sports games!

hummy 08-26-2016 07:29 PM

gymnastics are cool

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:46 PM

We can use the bathing suits as unitards.

hummy 08-26-2016 07:50 PM

i wish we had ribbons

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:55 PM

Are there any positions in need of nerds? [ninja]

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:56 PM

Which types of ribbons? Placed where on the body or scenery?
There are some type of bows that could be ribbon like. And there are some ribbon items, but they are placed on the waist for some reason.

I'm sure we could find something! ^_^

marnie 08-26-2016 07:57 PM

th3e kind you twirl in gymnastivs

GummyBearKisses 08-26-2016 08:08 PM

I will join y'all I picked Red Team I will be whatever position you need just let me know I am busy so I can't chat much but I will participate and how about we use the banner ribbon from the wedding stage set it is the right type of ribbon but obviously not in hand though but I bet a EI may be ribbon to hold=)

hummy 08-26-2016 08:13 PM

that is th3e typ3e of ribbon *yes*

dragoness129 08-26-2016 08:15 PM

Alright, Gummy! ^_^

Hmm, what about the "Love Taps" whip item? Not exactly ribbon like though. :S

GummyBearKisses 08-26-2016 08:16 PM

Or maybe use the arm and leg ribbon things and say we are clumsy and got our twirling ribbon tangled up on ourselves while performing lolol

dragoness129 08-26-2016 08:19 PM

That is an interesting idea!

Anyone have any positions they wish to make? Or wanna keep tossing more ideas first? Either is fine! ^_^

hummy 08-26-2016 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by dragoness129 (Post 1773696013)
Alright, Gummy! ^_^

Hmm, what about the "Love Taps" whip item? Not exactly ribbon like though. :S

hmm whips and chains?

Shadami 08-26-2016 09:45 PM

Best of luck team Tatsu!! I have no idea what team i'm on yet. but yay supporting you!!

hummy 08-26-2016 09:46 PM

we shal has Sha plleawse

dragoness129 08-26-2016 09:49 PM

Lol, maybe it could be put in the Role #2 - The rookie. or Role #3 - The walk on. categories.

hummy 08-26-2016 10:07 PM

we're a rough gymnastic group

GummyBearKisses 08-26-2016 10:14 PM

Tatsu dragon is my twirling ribbon ????? idea???? I cant find the weddings ribbon in dac that I was talking about to try right now so I came up with this one

Dystopia 08-26-2016 10:15 PM

I'll consider joining. I'll check in every one in a while to see what you guys decide on.

hummy 08-26-2016 10:16 PM

i love it!

Shadami 08-26-2016 10:23 PM

well i don't know if you can have me yet. xD

marnie 08-26-2016 10:42 PM

Sashi3e barks and scar3es me to pieces

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