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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 03:46 PM

YOU help pick our characters! - ROLES AVAILABLE FOR VOTING
A Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall

Xavi and I are taking a new approach in how we want to handle recruiting for our newest roleplay. We’re reaching out to the wonderful people of Menewsha to help provide feedback on characters that have been submitted to join our newest roleplay!

The reason we are taking the opinions of the people of the site into consideration comes from 2 different reasons. Number 1, we’ve gotten some amazing reservation profiles in and are having a hard time in picking our absolute favorites and number 2, these profiles are far too amazing for us to not share!

A little background on the story itself; it was a oneXone that Xavi and I had going on another site. Enjoying it, we wanted to see how it would turn out in a group setting, versus the one we had going. Instead of handling profiles on a first-come-first-serve basis, we sought to allow people to first submit reservations for us to look at and from there determine who would best suit that role. Understanding that we could be bias based on our original roleplay, we have been looking at each profile and discussing what they could bring to the story based on what we knew. We also debated on letting the rest of Menewsha see and discuss the possibilities of each profile and brought it up to those that were interested.

Members have given us the ok to post these and I promised them that it would be handled delicately and they would not have to worry about being teased, picked on, or ridiculed for their characters. We are still accepting these reservations so voting has not started yet, but this will allow interested parties to know what roles have not been applied for yet.

Below you find additional information on the roleplay, the characters as well as the rules.

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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 03:48 PM


1. There is to be NO flaming, teasing, ridiculing of ANY kind. Each person put work into their characters and they are to be RESPECTED.
2. The identity of the creator of each character shall remain a SECRET. The creators, nor Xavi or I shall reveal who owns what character. This is to help prevent anyone from voting based on who their creator was.
3. You MAY discuss characters with other members of the site. Be RESPECTFUL if you do though.
4. Rules of Menewsha are to be followed at ALL times.
5. There is to be no voting taking place in this thread. When we are ready for votes, we shall update this thread to notify all as to how it will be handled.
6. I am allowed to change or add rules as I see fit. It's my thread, I do what I want. There will be an update made if that happens.

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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 03:49 PM

Story and Character Descriptions

A story featuring magic and adventure, A Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall looks at the story of two quarreling nations. A conflict between the Kingdoms of Rashmaal and Yuua that all started 15 years ago when the King of Yuua made a pass at the Queen of Rashmaal.

The King of Rashmaal closed his gates to the Kingdom of Yuua so, of course, they returned the favor. Tension ran high and a few years later, the King of Yuua fell ill and passed away. The Queen did not spend long grieving before taking another man, a new King.

The new King showed no sign of trying to fix the relations with Rashmaal, not for many years anyway. Rather, he seemed to make the situation worse by putting the late King's death on the shoulders of the other nation.

The Kingdom of Rashmaal was booming though, their economy was good, the people were happy and the ports were always full. Why? Because the Princess had been born! People would travel far and wide to come see that infant that was said to always be cheerful and smiling, and she was.

It would be shortly after the Princess's birth that the first Prince of Yuua would request his mother to propose a marriage between himself and the infant Princess. Though the Prince was not of age himself, he did not like that he couldn't travel to the sea-side kingdom, a place where he had heard held a beautiful and magnificent capital. The stories conflicted with the poison his step-father spread about the people of Rashmaal.

But, one day, many years later, the child princess disappears overnight. All attention and blame turns to the Knight that was sworn to guard her and his lack of ability to protect her from the despicable talons of the Yuua nation.

This roleplay will feature a series of roles as a further explanation will be provided should this be posted with enough interest. The roles that shall be involved with this roleplay include:

Princess of Rashmaal (played by Duke)


The young princess is only a child at the start of our tale. She is infatuated with her guardian and the stories that he tells her of his life before coming to the kingdom. She is considered the sunshine of Rashmaal due to her seemingly endless kindness and energy. She is aware of her engagement to the Prince of Yuua, though she does not care for the man. Upon hearing that she was to spend the rest of her life with him, she became upset and went on about how she was going to be the wife of her guardian. She yearns for a wonderful and happy nation and it is her disappearance that stirs a panic across the lands of Rashmaal.

The Princess's Guardian (played by Xavi)


The man who is considered at fault during the whole ordeal. He started off as a soldier and adventurer in far off lands before claiming a position in the royal court of Rashmaal. He was assigned a job considered one of the most important: protecting the child princess. Though it was not a job that would normally suit his fancy, it paid well and he had a nice place to stay. He often told the Princess stories from before he became a part of the royal guard and soon became irritated with the fact that the child was always stuck to his side. He would find relief elsewhere by secretly meeting the Princess of Yuua and continuing their forbidden relationship.

Bounty Hunter 1, hired by The King of Rashmaal to find The Princess of Rashmaal (played by Xavi)


A man of honor, at least as far as gold is concerned, Bounty Hunter 1 also has a loyal heart. Not being the one originally assigned to the job, he takes over the contract upon the death of the original recipient. However, the temptations of beautiful women, riches and honor all knock on his door as the full details of the contract slowly become known to him. Bounty Hunter 2's mate is also the one that killed his best friend whom originally had the contract; because of this, he has also sworn to take out his nemesis.

Prince of Yuua and Leader of the Yuua Army


The Fiancee of the Princess of Rashmaal. He was the one that requested to marry the Princess, though if he did it to help the two fighting nations or not, it is unknown. He seems to care for the Princess as when she goes missing, he takes it as a person offense and not only goes out searching for her, but wishes to capture her Guardian that let this all happen. The Prince is quick to organize the small platoon of troops he brought with him for protection, in hopes of finding the Princess.

Princess of Yuua


A lovely but fierce woman that seems to share the dislike of the Rashmaal nation as much as her mother and step father. At the same time, she is in a forbidden relationship with the Princess of Rashmaal's Guardian. Tired of all the attention the child gets, including from the Guardian, when word gets out that the Princess had vanished, the Princess of Yuua moves quickly in hiring an assassin to kill or otherwise capture the child Princess.

Assassin 1, hired by Princess of Yuua to kill the Princess of Rashmaal


Assassin 1 is sly, ruthless and just down right up to no good. Having come from the shadiest part of the shadiest region, it seems to have been a miracle that the whole of Yuua and Rashmaal hasn't been destroyed by them. Loyal to coin, it would not be unheard of for this crooked assassin to jump the gun on a different target or contract should it offer more than the one they are working on currently. They are a womanizer and a sneak; they could sleep with your lover while you're still in bed and you would never know it. They are skilled and dangerous, but also full of themselves and take pride in hearing of their handy work being noticed yet not known by whom the deed was done.

Bounty Hunter 2, freelance and currently looking for the best offer (The Princess of Rashmaall's head vs. The Guardian's head)


Bounty Hunter 2 is a traveler by nature, often finding roost within Twin Falls should they require a long period stay within a city. Often coming off as lazy and a good for nothing, Bounty Hunter 2 is actually a conniving sort with a dark history unknown to those around him, including the mate. This character is one to chase after riches and fame, though carries a hidden agenda.

Bounty Hunter 2's Mate, partner in crime for Bounty Hunter 2 and arch-nemesis of Bounty Hunter 1


A creature not of this world. Bounty hunter 2's mate is a devious sort, often enjoying the trickery of the mortals that inhabit this planet. Having sworn completely loyalty to bounty hunter 2, the mate would do anything for them without question. The mate looks out for itself as well as for the bounty hunter; the rest of the world is unimportant. Should the bounty hunter deem something as important then that outlook may change for the mate. The mate is also the killer of Bounty Hunter 1's friend.

Mage of the Mountain, visionary and guide for The Princess of Rashmaal


One that can see and understand that things that normal humans seem to miss, the mage knows the secret of the Princess and who she really is as well as how to save her. Though people know of a mage of the mountain, they do not know just who this person is even if they have interacted with them. The mage had always preferred a life of seclusion, away from the chaos of battle and the divide that was splitting the world in two.

Anthro Hunter, guide and aid for The Guardian and a relative of Assassin 1


A creature of the forest on the mountain, this character is a part of a pack of beasts that has long since been chased away by human kind. Though their kind has been around longer than humans and once lived in peace with them, they have been shunned and found themselves avoiding humans when they can. This is not to say that they do not find an interest in the race, but easier to avoid than find out if the human wants to fight. This character takes pity on the Guardian and agrees to help them on their quest to find the Princess after the Guardian explains why she is so important.

Seer/Priest - new as of 05/07/14


The Seer/Priest is a character who's power, unlike the mage, does not stem from the High Goddess. Rather, the Seer/Priest was born and trained with these powers to be used as they see fit or how other wish to use them. This character is able to stumble upon any other and may wish to work with whomever they see fit. They have an unknown agenda. Though their reputation may be well known, their powers are not clear to anyone but themselves.

Knight of the Prince of Yuua
- new as of 05/09/14


A stout and stern Knight, the Horsemen of the Round Table was sent to keep the Prince of Yuua safe during his time in Rashmaal. Upon the disappearance of the Princess of Rashmaal and the Prince of Yuua insisting on going after her, the Knight joins the Prince. He is loyal to the Prince and loyal to his homeland of Yuua. He was also friends with the deceased friend of Bounty Hunter 1.

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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 04:01 PM

Accepeted Roles

The Princess of Rashmaal


▬▬▬▬▬ Kiyomi Eyadona Rashmaal • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Princess of Rashmaal
3 feet, 8 inches

Kiyomi is the sunshine of Rashmaal. People say that if you were to look upon her face, or even spend a few moments with her, she could make the worst of days so much better. She's chipper and upbeat, even the worst of falls cannot tarnish her smile. She can be wily and outgoing, a trait that the King and Queen wish she would grow out of. However, her fondness towards Akiyama, her Guardian, and the stories he tells her keep her from conforming to the perfect princess her parents wish her to be. She's well behaved when she needs to be, but when it comes to play time, the young child is off seeking adventures of her own. She's a kind hearted soul and would only ever wish the for the best for the Kingdom her family rules over, the Kingdom she will one day inherit.

The Princess's Guardian



▬▬▬▬▬ AKIYAMA SAIKI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Guardian of the Princess of Rashmaal
Purple-bluish black

Akiyama is a rare breed of man as he operates on a different wavelength. His patience levels are through the roof and, despite being a male, he is an excellent listener. Akiyama often has a calm and insightful approach to situations. He has a good mind that seeks out the truth, making him a pursuer of knowledge. His perfectionist nature goes nicely with his rational mind. Although he is often filled with emotions and expression, there are times where Akiyama can come across cold and emotionless. Because of this, people might not know the individual as well as one might have hoped.

He tends to pride himself in being cautious upon entering foreign situations and will often take a back burner to heated conflicts. He's not really one to add fuel to a raging fire.

Some would say he's a very poised male. He has a friendly aura that often lures people to him. His charming antics and charismatic ways are highly noticed by others, which is why he is fairly well-known. Akiyama is also highly involved and very committed. His unwavering loyalty and devotion to helping others is what most people enjoy about the male. He is not only compassionate, but he is also understanding and very kind. He appears to have high tolerance levels and will often befriend and root for the underdog. He believes that everyone was born with a purpose and that their destiny can be altered based on the interactions of those around him or her.

All in all, Akiyama is a well-tempered and friendly guy. He has a big heart and doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word "no." He is driven by those around him and can appear to be very submissive, heeding no attention to his own desires or needs.

Bounty Hunter 1



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Bounty Hunter 1
5-foot, 10-inches
Blue eyes
Brunette with near-black roots

Hannibal is one of those guys that you either love or you hate. He's charming, suave, and popular. When he enters a room, people can't help but turn heads and stare. He's handsome and he knows it. He's rich and he shows it. Hannibal's silver tongue and smooth moves often cause women to swoon and men to roll their eyes. Men tend to hate him; women often love him. The way he walks shows off his arrogant grace, but in a way that almost makes him appear human. His smile can light up a room and his sad eyes can make strong men cry.

There is absolutely nothing shy and meek about Hannibal. Loud, rowdy, obnoxious. Center of attention, flirtatious, bad boy swagger. Yes, he has all those traits at his disposal. But aside from being a player, Hannibal is also very honest. Almost bluntly honest. He's also prone to being 'butt hurt' over things that involve trust and respect. If someone betrays him, Hannibal is the first to fall off the face of the earth and avoid you. He hates being let down and he hates getting hurt. He's also not afraid to cry. Odd coming from such a man, but that is Hannibal for you. His emotions run deep when he feels hurt.

On the flipped side of the coin, Hannibal isn't the kind of guy to betray you. He'll always be there for you, whether you want him to be or not. His best friend is Halvard Fylker and he would die for the man. Hannibal has spotted Hal money and has gone out of his way to protect the guy. The bond between the boys is stronger than a friendship -- it's brotherhood. Hannibal is the kind of guy to cancel a date just for the sake of being there for a friend in need. He's a fierce friend and one hell of a guy, when he wants to be.

Prince of Yuua



▬▬▬▬▬ Aiden Yuua • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Kiyoto

Prince of Yuua
Six foot one inch

Aiden was raised along side the more pronounced side of Yuua. From a young age, he was taught in the ways of war and stratagie. He saw from a young age, both the good and evil that came along with war. Though he did not always agree with it, he new that it was needed at times when words were not enough to change the hearts of their enemies. Aiden has always carried himself with a natural air of confidence and strength, as well as an untold wisdom. Dispite this, even growing up, Aiden had a flare for the wild and unpredictable. At times one might have compaired him to a wild stallion that could not be tamed. He was bold and blunt in his reguard, and still often is. He does take into consideration other's feelings and such, though he may not always in the end agree with them. He loved the unique and the free, which led to him spending much of his free time among the army and the people.

He trusts and loves his sister, though at times he can see glimors of darkness within her as well as others that are around him. He desires to be a good king for Yuua, strong and one that will lead them into an age of prospure. However, he is not as cocky as at times face value would lead one to believe. He has a kind and good heart, which does lead him to question and try to better himself for his people and himself. He is not the typical prince, while at the same time oddly fitting the role. He is quite the enigma in many ways of his own. But it is quite hard to say so good and just, when there are so many snakes hiding in the shadows. Perhaps he will be the one to slay the beasts and raise Yuua to the heavens....or he will become one himself, and pull the kingdom into the dark abyss...

Princess of Yuua



▬▬▬▬▬ HELENA THYRA YUUA • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavirne

Princess of Yuua
No preference -- she'll love who she needs to love to get what she wants thought she does tend to prefer the boys
4 inches under 6 feet (5-8)
Partial heterochromia - gray eyes with a piece of brown
Dark chocolate brown

Helena holds herself with such high regards. Following in the footsteps of her older, prince brother, Helena has trained herself to become the embodiment of perfection. Knowing that she'll never get the thrown, she opts for nothing but the best. Her head is held high as she has much pride in herself. Her people, though not truly hers, adore her strong, fierce nature. They know that Helena has what it takes to get anything done. She's the kind of woman you go to when you need something -- legal or illegal.

Her devotion to her people is unwavering. There is nothing she wouldn't do for the kingdom of Yuua. She would taint her hands with blood, if her people demanded it.

The brunette princess has peerless wits, yet her true talent lies in her ability to connive. If you believed she was pure of heart and only for the people, you would be sadly mistaken. Helena is fueled by her need for power and she does not mind stepping outside the law.

When she needs to get things done, Helena dons herself with a mask and wears a wig to throw off the enemy. She becomes the assassin she's always wanted. None no of her secret, save for the one assassin she hires to aid her. In truth, Helena seeks to corrupt her brother and turn Yuua into a superpower. She wants the city to build a grand army and march on Rashmaal.

They will pay. No lives will be spared.

As you can tell, Helena is a master of illusions and has two-faces. Her main face is the face of a proud, noble woman. Her hidden face is nothing but a cold-hearted, greedy killer.

Assassin 1



▬▬▬▬▬ Ara'mis Cy Zane • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Esmme

Assassin 1
Black with a few crimsons streaks

Ara'mis has long prided himself his success. To say that he doesn't have a pride complex about his work would be foolish, as it is literally his life.

Not only does Ara'mis make a living through his work, but it is also a test that keeps him on his toes. He's offended quite a few people by killing off their relatives and significant others. There's a very strong possibility that there's a price on his head, let alone a whole garland of strong feelings such as hatred and disgust. Does this make his job any more difficult? No, of course not.

Ara'mis can be your best friend. He can also be the one who kills off your worst enemy. Or perhaps the one you trust guarding the doorway. He can be a lot of things. What he really is consists of lies and masks. Those are the best disguises. Nothing is ever real. Ara'mis is a born liar, and is known for being sly (I suppose that comes with his racial quirks. People from his side of the region aren't known for being trustworthy).

To say that Ara'mis has no true personality is unfair. His core is full of deceit and a general opportunistic outlook. There are two faces he wears commonly: the public mask, and the assassin's mask. In public, he is a pleasant enough individual. "Pleasant" being he can charm a lady away from her man's arm. When he's on a job, though, Ara'mis becomes a cold, ruthless killer with a mind only for the contract.

He'll stop at nothing to get a job done. Scale a cliff? He'll find a way. Slip past a cat without it hearing? Done. Avoid falling to one's death? Succeeded. Multiple times. And all for coin - Ara'mis holds no loyalty to any individual, and would rather sell his own mother than pass up a good payment.

A contract is only as binding as its monetary worth. That, and Ara'mis also weighs and chooses high-profile jobs. Why? They are noticed, you see. What better to see your handiwork from afar? As long as they never see a face, it's the perfect success. He takes pride in his successes, after all. In his mind's eye, there is nothing Ara'mis can't do.

Bounty Hunter 2



▬▬▬▬▬ Lonan • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by blueblackrose

Bounty Hunter 2
6' 2"

People see Lonan as lazy and good for nothing, but what do they really know? Oh he is good a fooling people to hide his true nature. The man is nothing more than a conniving scoundrel. He is cocky, selfish, egotistical, narcissistic and just a regular ass.

To Lonan life is just a game and he is playing to win. He sees life as a fragile and temporary state of being. A state that can end just as easily as it began. One just needs to remember that Death is the prize that awaits us all at the end of this game.

If you are looking for sympathy or pity don't ever turnn to him because more than likely you're not going to get it from him. Really it's hard to tell if this guy even has a heart. Lonan has never let anyone get close enough to find out. It's very doubtful that he loves anything more than riches, fame and himself.

Bounty Hunter 2's Mate



▬▬▬▬▬ Eririn • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Sezumie

Bounty Hunter 2’s Mate
25, as her appearance seems to give away.
Light Pink

She’s sneaky, wicked, devious, and conniving. Her condescending aura can be a bit hard to manage at first, but she is quite the bubbly woman. Highly social and very rambunctious, Eririn's constant friendliness and sexual-like kind of chatter can be a bit awkward for some. She lacks empathy for anyone besides her mate, and unless her mate shows interest or kindness towards the other person, she is known to poke, prod, and push at other peoples buttons (with limits of course, she dislikes touching anyone but her mate). Eririn loves to have her mate's attention on her, and will stop at nothing in order to obtain it at any time she possibly can. She can be known to be a bit pretentious, but this air is only when she is in battle, or when her mate is present. When her mate is not present or threatened, signs of timidness, hesitation, and emotional dependency on her mate is revealed. She is also not one to regret what she does, as her favorite saying goes, "When a lady changes her underwear, she leaves her whole past behind her!” Showing that she can blink away the blood on her hands with not so much of a second thought. Murder has now been integrated into her mind as a norm for her, and if her mate wanted it done a specific way, she would do it down to the exact place she is supposed to kill him. She is a very meticulous girl, but most of her specialties come in large shows where she is to distract large amounts of people in order to draw attention away from her mate. Her mate is the center of her world, and she can get very protective and vicious about her mate if someone deemed unworthy or some stranger just happened to touch him. So don't be fooled by her overconfidence, just one unauthorized touch to her mate and her foundations will crumble, revealing a spiteful beast with the biggest abandonment issues you'll ever see. She's also very interested in peoples eyes, and it has become a signature item of hers, so careful, your eyes may be the next jewel she hunts.

Mage of the Mountain



▬▬▬▬▬ Hemset • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Artifex

Mage of the Mountain
Likey the females

For being only fourteen, Hemset has had experiences to last a lifetime and his personality reflects that greatly. He was born a humble life that has grown into something much grander.
Wise beyond his years he finds difficulty in relating to people his own age, meanwhile adults have a tendency to dismiss him for his youth so he spends more time alone with his studies than not.
What friends he makes are few and far between. Upon first meeting people often find him cold and stand-off-ish in his attempt to seem older than he is, however once someone breaks that outer shell he has been known to crack a smile, a laugh and allow the silliness of youth to show.

Hemset is eager to prove himself and despite first impressions he is kind to a fault. Should anyone be in need for something he would gladly give up his own for them; be it food, coins or even the cloak from his back. However he can be quite bashful about such things and usually attempts to do so without being seen. He doesn't like making a scene about it.

He was born with a natural magical talent that rivals many but lacks the proper knowledge to wield it beyond a few showy spells-hence his ever present nose in a book. In fact he rarely seen without at least one tome near his hands. Partly the book is used as reading material but it also stands as a shield against those who try to make him join in their games or fun. He can be impeccably shy about such activities, mostly because he's afraid of making a fool of himself in front of others. Should someone pry the book from his hands, he would do just about anything to get it back-even if it involves *shudder* having fun!

Aside from books, Hemset is also very good at reading people and situations from a distance. He prefers to have an overview of such things, akin to a chess master moving pieces. However should he find himself a piece on the board he can become more easily flustered which, much to his chagrin, he has been told is adorable.

Over all, Hemset is shy in social situations, fierce in battle, wise in strategy, determined and above all, loyal.

Mystic Shapeshifter



▬▬▬▬▬ Kirnathous • • • • •

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by solidfalcon

Mystic Shapshifter
26 (in appearance)
Dark blue

A blue enigma. Kirnathous is a calm, inquisitive young man who is by nature very distance and secretive; especially when it comes to the two rivaling kingdoms. He doesn't boast often, if ever, who he is or the magic he possesses; and usually keeps his spell casting and magic flinging to a minimum when in the presence of humans. Or. At least he tries.

In reality, Kirnathous is not what most people would probably expect from a rumored, secret Mage of the Mountain. For despite is cool exterior that makes him appear as a mysterious and cunning intellect; Kirnathous is actually clumsy, quick to panic, socially awkward, easily flustered and is a somewhat bad liar. He has a deep obsession and love for knowledge, books and all things related to magic. More often than not he will have his nose stuffed in a book, paying little to no attention at all to the world around him and thus never drawing too much attention to himself. This is usually what causes him to trip, stumble or fall over everything and anything. Even his own feet. As he is not the most coordinated or graceful person in the land, and walking while reading could be considered one of his greatest weaknesses. In fact, books in general could be considered his weakness; as he will forget to eat and sleep if he manages to get a new book in his possession. He is a massive bookworm and because of this he possesses an immense knowledge of the world; knowledge he is always happy to share with anyone so long as they prove themselves worthy of it... Or if they just ask him. Because he loves to talk about history and books to the point of probably becoming a bit obnoxious about it. He can go off on tangents that will last for hours if people are not careful.

Though he does his absolute best to keep his magic and true identity hidden from others; he has extreme difficulties doing so. He enjoys showing off his power just for the sake of the attention and adoring fans he wished he had. However, his fear of being found out keeps him from blasting spells of the arcane high into the sky. He dislikes violence and fighting of all sorts; and would heavily prefer to simply talk about issues rather than slug them out. This dislike of bloodshed resulted in Kirnathous hiding his true self away from the rivaling kingdoms and the rest of the world; as he never wants to use his magic to harm other living creatures. And he fears that if the kingdoms learn of his power, they will force him to fight in the wars he despises. This does not mean that Kirnathous will not fight all together; for if there is one thing he hates more than violence it is injustice and bullies. In which he will not hesitate to attack if it means protecting an innocent life. Kirnathous is very sympathetic and kind to all people no matter who or what they are; unless they force his hand by attacking an innocent; in which he will become a flurry of nearly untamable arcane rage.

Anthro Hunter




Fiaria Silverfang

• • • •

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by blueblackrose

Anthro Hunter
5' 6"
Ice Blue

Fiaria knows well that her kind a feared and looked down upon by humans. Even knowing this she still can't help the curiousity she has for the human world. Mostly being happy with just quietly observing from a distance. Humans are interesting creatures to her.

Despite the fact that humans had attacked her clan, scrattering them to the winds she doesn't hate them, at least not like she did after the attack. As time passed the woman came to terms with what happened and put aside her feelings of hate. After all hatred would only bring about more hatred. This was a lesson Fiaria learned the hard way many years ago.

One day she hopes that the humans and the other creatures of this world can live in peace. Fiaria may wish for peace, but isn't naive enough to think that it will come without a price. She is a fierce woman who is fearless when she's fighting for something she believes in or to protect others no matter who they are.

Confident, strong, stubborn and a bit cold is how most people see her when they first met. If one takes to the time to try to get to know the tiger woman they would see that she can also be very caring and gentle woman.




▬▬▬▬▬ Rayne Lunair • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Kilia

five foot five inches
Dirty Blond

Rayne tends to be rather kind and understanding when she talks to people. She tries to treat them all the same though she doesn't always do so. She can be emotional sometimes even jump to some conclusions about things. She can also be sly, and down right vicious.

Knight of the Prince of Yuua




Annamarie Night
• • • • •

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by PrincessKasumi

Knight of the Prince of Yuna
Gray eyes
White hair

- fiercly loyal to the prince
- obident
- bit unfriendly or atleast seems unfriendly towards others
- perfectionist
- righteous

Knight to the Princess of Yuua


Image is a link with this character as well.

▬▬▬▬▬ Aurelius Marius Lex • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Velleni

Knight of the Prince of Yuua

Aurelius, preferred to be called by his last name Lex, is a rather dour man. He speaks little, and is always at the Prince's side, though he does seem willing to give the Prince space at times. He is a man of utter loyalty and few words, and when Lex does speak it is usually blunt and to the point.

Lex takes his job defending the Prince quite seriously. He is a very patriotic man, who would gladly lay down his life for his country. Once a mere city guard in one of the wealthier towns of Yuua, Lex left the guard while still fairly young to join the military. He had a very promising career as a soldier and moved quickly through the ranks. A veteran on countless skirmishes and no few battles, Lex has plenty of martial experience.

Upon having heard that the Prince needed a knight to escort him while in Rashmaal, Lex volunteered and was promptly given the job. Other than his absolute devotion to his homeland, and unwavering loyalty to the very few friends he has, little is known about Lex.

Guardian of the Forest



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Guardian of the Forest
Does not seem entirely interested, but would most likely be straight
Six foot, eleven inches
Golden blonde

Artemios comes off as a stoic centaur, one that is very goal oriented. He's the type that appear to look down on those around him, especially with living among humans for so long. It is not uncommon to find the centaur to be silent around large groups of humans as it is not uncommon for them to tease the half-man, half-deer male for looking so feminine. His features, though common among others of his kind are just something that simple minded humans cannot seem to wrap their minds around. During such silent moods, it is not uncommon for the Prince to try to talk to him as a moody centaur is a dangerous centaur, no matter how weak they look.

Even for his 'weak' appearance, Artemios is prideful of his abilities, which are great in number. He and his twin sister, Apollonia, trained together their whole lives and while he was selected to fight for the Kingdom of Yuua, his sister opted to stay behind and help protect their people. The two remain in constant contact, typically speaking through a small white dove, which they named Hermokrates.

The male's true loyalty lies with the King of Yuua whom entrusted the life of his son, the Prince to Artemios while they traveled in foreign lands. Since arriving to the strange lands of Rashmaal, Artemios has never felt so strange. The humans seem to look at him with disgust, rather than appreciation as they do in Yuua; even in the Kingdom it was a fight to keep him out of the stables! With that in mind, the centaur has nothing more in mind than to get the Prince to quickly finish his task and go home. He is not one to appreciate idle chatter when there is work to be done.

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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 04:02 PM

Status of Roleplay

-Currently accepting reservation profiles for The Princess of Yuua, Assassin 1, and Bounty Hunter 2-


We're cutting the ribbons and letting our community vote on the following roles:
  • Anthro Hunter
  • Seer/Priest
  • Prince of Yuua
  • Knight to the Prince of Yuua
  • Mage of the Mountain

Upon receiving enough votes to announce a winner, we will toss up the selected reserve. From there, that person will receive permission to work on their profile. Xavi will provide the winner the coding so that he/she can work on it. Xavi will also work alongside you in profile creation. If you have any questions about anything, she will be your guide. Do not hesitate to reach out to her for input, thoughts, or even ideas.

We want to let you all know that you're winners in our boat for showing interest in this story. If you don't win the role, you are still able to get another role. If you didn't apply for at least three roles, you are welcome to create new characters for the other roles that are still open.

If, for some odd reason, you are not pleased with your results, please PM Duke and Xavi. We're both willing to work with you if you're having issues.

Now, without further ado, please submit your votes to ISOS Duke: with the title Prophecy Votes. Votes without this title will be discarded so please use the proper title.

Good luck and happy voting!

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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 04:04 PM

Important Links

• If you are interested in checking out the recruiting thread, or interested in joining the skeleton can be found > here <

As per request, the Reserve Skeleton for those interested in it:


Originally Posted by Xavirne (Post 1772691633)
The almighty reserve skeleton. If you cannot find a 500x250 pixel image, please PM me the picture you want to use and I will re-size it. As you can see, you can use gifs or static images. Realistic or anime are acceptable.

HTML Code:


[img][/img][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="YourColorHere"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]▬▬▬▬▬ [/COLOR][FONT="Book Antiqua"] CHARACTER NAME [/FONT] [COLOR="Black"]• • • • •[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="Black"]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by [/COLOR]YourUsernameGoesHere

[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Your Role
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Gender
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Sexual Preference
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Age
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Height
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Eye Color
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Hair Color[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR="YourColorHere"]❖[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Character's personality needs to go here in paragraph form.  Please ignore all this text.  It's merely here as a place holder for you.  Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 04:05 PM

News and Updates

•This thread is now open for others to post in!

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Xavirne 05-14-2014 04:10 PM

Dibs on the first post.

Artifex 05-14-2014 04:43 PM

Dibs on second

*hands Xavi a cat to pet*

sadrain 05-14-2014 06:06 PM

*stares with great intent*
Wow, some of these are amazing. I'm loving the anthro hunter 2. xD

Kilia 05-14-2014 06:11 PM

oh man they are all so lovely i want to cry

---------- Post added 05-14-2014 at 01:14 PM ----------

i must say i can not bring myself to vote on the wonderfulness of it all

Xavirne 05-14-2014 08:45 PM

At some point, I'll resize the images so you can update the profiles with the correct image format. Clearly, I was too lazy. xD

Kilia 05-14-2014 09:49 PM

lol silly wavi lol

PrincessKasumi 05-14-2014 10:17 PM

Yay thread is open, but your missing some profiles. Any particular reason for that?

ISOS Duke 05-14-2014 10:22 PM

I just realized that! I'm working on my paper and as I was writing, my brain was drifting back to this thread and I was like 'I know I had more than this'. I think I forgot to move them to my reserve file. I shall have to go get them!

Kiyoto 05-14-2014 10:50 PM

-skitters inside- o.o

Kilia 05-14-2014 10:51 PM

kiyoto care to share your thoughts on the characters?

Kiyoto 05-14-2014 10:55 PM

There are a LOT of girls o.o...there owo XD

Might be since few of the guy spots really are filled.

Kilia 05-14-2014 10:59 PM

ah well they said any role can male or female so it is all up to you on which sex you want to play

---------- Post added 05-14-2014 at 06:01 PM ----------

and they aren't taken yet those are just the profiles that been sent in of them

Kiyoto 05-14-2014 11:05 PM

I know that, I meant taken as in no one has applied for them yet.

Kilia 05-14-2014 11:08 PM

well yes so feel free to apply hun :) love to see your characters

Kiyoto 05-14-2014 11:19 PM

I have applied.

Kilia 05-15-2014 12:00 AM

ooo now i get to guess you sent in!!!! though i can't say at the moment as i could get it right and it could get in trouble

Kiyoto 05-15-2014 12:05 AM

XD lol the point is not to know o.o so shhhh.

ISOS Duke 05-15-2014 12:08 AM

No guessing! Duke will swat you all!

Enjoy them, discuss them, don't guess who has who XD

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