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The Time Machine 02-12-2019 06:48 AM

[Hangout] - Interstellar Love

The Time Machine 02-12-2019 06:48 AM

The Festal of Winter Nights passed without incident. quite point in fact... The alien family was enjoying themselves to much they stayed far longer in Menewsha than they original meant to.

Though, as much as the Parental Units, Boq Boq and Xeox were enjoying themselves, they all finally agreed that it was time to go home. Not only to get back to their normal lives but also to impose the proper punishments waiting for for Xeox and Boq Boq.

On one particularly sunny late winter day, the air crisply pinching their cheeks, Boq Boq, Xeox and Cessie (and Yumeh) were gathered in the town square to say goodbye...

Boq Boq: Well now… Human Cessy, it appears that it is time Xeox, the Parental Units and I return to our home galaxy. I had many great adventures with you over this most recent visit…

Cessie: It was a lot of fun wasn’t it Boq Boq? You’ll have to come an’ have fun with us again soon! Grandpa Jeryck an’ I would be so happy to see you all again!

Xeox: Friend Cessy… It may be many decades until Boq Boq and I are let out of… I believe humans call it… “grounded”

Cessie: Aww poo. I wanted you to come for our Valentines Day too! I was gonna make hear shaped cards with you and heart shaped decorations and heart shaped…

Boq Boq: What’s all this about hearts?

Cessie:You know, hearts!

Cessie made a heart shape with her hands.

Xeox:Friend Cessie… That is not the shape of a heart…

Cessie:Well… not a real heart.. But that’s the shape us humans made it into for Valentines Day! It is a day for celebrating love after all!

Boq Boq:Ahhhh…

Boq Boq didn’t get it at all.

Xeox: Friend Cessy… You have strange celebrations here on earth perhaps… Perhaps I might have a way for you to spend this Valentines day with my people. Quite. In fact Friend Cessy. You could bring many of your Human friends with you!

Boq Boq: What a galactic idea sister! We could inform the Humans even of our Love Rituals!

Cessie: OH! Oh do you think so? That would be the best thing ever ever ever!

Xeox: Let me go and speak to my parental units. I have calculated a way this just may work…

The Time Machine 02-12-2019 06:49 AM

Boq Boq: How… How did you manage to convince them sister?? Why never in a Nebel Red Shift did I conceive they would allow us guests! Far from it, even our sentences reduced to extracurricular assignments in the moon mines!

Xeox: As humans would say… It was nothing. Hmmm… Put that in your history report Boq Boq. You still need to turn in that assignment.

Boq Boq: Sister…

Cessie: That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day! I’m going to go pack!


It took no time at all to convince Jeryck and Yumeh to come along to explore another galaxy far far away. For one thing, Jeryck wasn’t about to let Cessie out of his sight again and if recent experience had taught him anything, it would be just about impossible to keep her from going even without him.

In short order, they were packed. Invitations had been sent to several Menewshan’s as well. Even Emilio and Aimee were able to jump aboard (so to speak) and joined in with the party exploring another wold… No… Another GALAXY! Who could miss a chance like that?

Bags packed, preparations made, house sitters hired… It was high time they all blasted off into outer space!


Parental Unit 2: Hang on to something! *giggles* I’ve been waiting months to say that!

Parental Unit 1: I request you focus on guiding the ship to where it needs to go…

Parental Unit 2: Yes my Snugglenova… And we have liftoff! On your left side of the cabin you’ll see the… Ooops. Well you missed the change of atmosphere to space. OH! On the right you’ll notice what you Humans call Uran… Never mind. We passed it. … AH! Our galactic subspace node is upon us! From here it will be a short journey to our home world!

The Menewshan’s marveled at the speed of the spaceship. Emilio was still holding tight to his arm rests waiting for a significant thrust to throw him back in his seat. With much coaxing, Aimee managed to convince him that they were already in space and well on their way to the Alien Home world.


It was not long after they entered the subspace node that the wine of the sub-warp propulsion core filled the cabin. A small rift in the fabric of space time opened before them, allowing the ship to slip out of sub space into normal space. The Menewshan's all gawked, open mouthed at the site before them.

A beautiful swirling mass of space dust, debris and star matter coalesced before them into one of the most spectacular heart shaped nebula the could imagine!

Parental Unit 2: Welcome Humans of Menewasha!...

Parental Unit 1: *cough* Menewsha *cough*

Parental Unit 2: Humans of Menewsha! To our very own Antenna Galaxy!

The Time Machine 02-14-2019 11:15 AM


hummy 02-14-2019 09:46 PM

hearts time machine

xoxoAngiexoxo 02-14-2019 10:07 PM

Peeks in. Happy Valentine's day!

hummy 02-14-2019 10:17 PM

peeks at the peeker-inner

xoxoAngiexoxo 02-14-2019 10:20 PM

Hey no peeking

hummy 02-14-2019 10:31 PM


hummy 02-15-2019 06:50 AM

Protagonist: post here with me please

Protagonist 02-15-2019 06:51 AM

-peeks in- Ohhh whats this shiny new place *o*

hummy 02-15-2019 06:52 AM

I thought we were posting here all along. And we were in the FAQ thread. I hope you don't get in trouble

Protagonist 02-15-2019 06:55 AM

I technically was asking questions....oops

hummy 02-15-2019 06:58 AM

You were but I just thought we were already in the hangout thread. I'm sure it will be find it so very quiet in here to begin with, right

Protagonist 02-15-2019 07:02 AM

We will get this party popping!!

hummy 02-15-2019 07:03 AM

Yea we will have our own little party and invite everyone to join us

Protagonist 02-15-2019 07:04 AM

How do I call people again

hummy 02-15-2019 07:05 AM


Protagonist 02-15-2019 07:06 AM

Thank you!!


hummy 02-15-2019 07:23 AM

You're welcome

Antagonist 02-15-2019 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Protagonist (Post 1774111639)
Thank you!!


*lurches into the thread* Hiiii o__o

Protagonist 02-15-2019 05:19 PM

This event with the aliens makes me think of the song "zoom zoom" from an old disney movie I used to watch.

hummy 02-15-2019 06:16 PM

sing it for us

hummy 02-16-2019 02:05 AM

anyone find any discount chocolates

Antagonist 02-16-2019 02:06 AM

I haven't had a cookie in a while. [:(]

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