Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Ivvy's 6th Meneversary Raffle inside! Tapio defender, Phere Meh, Lucky Cat, Chaos Armor, Bunny Hat, and Kitsune and Caboodle! (

Ivvy 02-18-2015 07:33 PM

Ivvy's 6th Meneversary Raffle inside! Tapio defender, Phere Meh, Lucky Cat, Chaos Armor, Bunny Hat, and Kitsune and Caboodle!
I'm 6 years mene Old!

Okay My dear friends, this past Monday I celebrated 6 years here on Mene. I have loved every moment I have gotten to be around you crazy awesome people and hope for 6 more! In celebration I will be holding a raffle for some older CI's.

Each Item will be on its own and you may purchase tickets for individual items. You may buy a max of 20 tickets per item. So Say there are two items you want to try for you can buy a total of 40 tickets max.

Cost will be 50 gold per ticket. To be sent via donation to Ivvy. Be sure to say in the donation form what Item you are purchasing tickets for.

You are welcome to buy tickets for others as well just let me know how many, for who, and what item.

Okay I think that sums it up. The items will be listed in next post. Thanks you guys, for 6 long years of awesome.

Ivvy 02-18-2015 07:44 PM

Items for raffle

You may buy a max of 20 tickets per item, @ 50 gold per ticket.

Chaos Armor
ticket holders:
Vanora- 20
Queen_Andais- 20
Mnemosyne- 20
star2000shadow- 20
Damia Flagg- 1

Bunny Hat
ticket holders:
Queen_Andais- 20
Sadrain- 5
Damia Flagg- 1

Kitsune and Caboodle
ticket holders:
Elirona- 20
Queen_Andais- 20
star2000shadow- 10
Damia Flagg- 1

Tapio Defender
ticket holders:
Mnemosyne- 20
Vanora- 20
Eastriel- 20
Queen_Andais- 20
fireprincess- 5
Damia Flagg- 1

Lucky Cat
ticket holders:
Elirona- 20
Vanora- 10
Queen_Andais- 20
Damia Flagg- 1

Phere Meh
ticket holders:
elirona- 20
Mnemosyne- 20
Queen_Andais- 20
Damia Flagg- 1

Depending on how sales go of tickets I may add more items to the list.

Ivvy 02-18-2015 07:46 PM

Open feel free to post

Vanora 02-18-2015 07:54 PM

Hello Ivvy!

Ivvy 02-18-2015 07:57 PM

Yay Nory visit! *happy dance*

Elirona 02-18-2015 07:57 PM

Woohoo, happy meneversary, Ivvy!

Vanora 02-18-2015 07:58 PM

Oh! Right! I forgot to say my Happy Meneversary!!
Six years, woah~~

Elirona 02-18-2015 08:00 PM

I have bought tickets, Ivvy. :3

Ivvy 02-18-2015 08:00 PM

Thanks guys [hug]

Eli I got your tickets I am updating front page now. :) Thank you

Mnemosyne 02-18-2015 08:01 PM

-does a jig for you-

Vanora 02-18-2015 08:02 PM

I'll be buying tickets too!
Just gotta figure out what I want to get.

Ivvy 02-18-2015 08:02 PM

ohh nemo jig how fancy why thank you for this jiggly dance of win!

---------- Post added 02-18-2015 at 02:06 PM ----------

Mnemosyne got your request and your tickets have been added. Thank you so much [heart]

Mnemosyne 02-18-2015 08:06 PM

I'm very jiggly.

Vanora 02-18-2015 08:07 PM

I bought tickets!

Ivvy 02-18-2015 08:23 PM

I enjoy the jiggly lol

Nory I got all your tickets added to post. :) Thank you

Yall feel free to spread the word. the more the merrier. :)

Vanora 02-18-2015 08:23 PM

Yay! Thank you~

Ivvy 02-18-2015 08:30 PM

Eastriel you have been added to the list. Thank you

Yay for being on top of things.

Ace Strife 02-18-2015 08:45 PM

*tackles* I seee you Ivvy

Ivvy 02-18-2015 08:48 PM

[glomp] OMG ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackle huggle glomps* I missed you *snug snug snug*

Ace Strife 02-18-2015 08:53 PM

^-^ *huggles* Missed you loads too.. I be on here more I promise, I shall stalk you hehe

How you been?? cute doll what item is it??

Ivvy 02-18-2015 08:55 PM

I was gone a bit to my computer fried its mother board. But Yesterday I got my new laptop in the mail that Queenie sent me. lol. The Doll is the Mr. Mayor Doll. It was a mennies item from the ci shop.

Yay I get to be stalked by the awesome one *happy dance*

So what has my sweet Ace been up to lately?

Ace Strife 02-18-2015 09:02 PM

Ooh well perfect timing than =3 hope this one doesn't go bamn as well hehe *touches wood* but so glad things are sorted hehe

*bow head and tip his hat* its a pleasure to take the amazing Ivvy hehe

I been alright, getting better hehe work and "friend" issue but its gettin there hehe

Ooh thats cute dont look like Mayor tho hehe

Ivvy 02-18-2015 09:06 PM

lol me to! I never could have afforded a new one. I was so thankful When Queen said she would send me her old one. Its in great condition.

Aww you are so sweet.

Ohh I am glad you are getting better but sorry to hear about the friend/work issues.

I have been working on an art project and caring for my Aunt and chasing the kiddos lol. I am boring XD

Ace Strife 02-18-2015 09:11 PM

Hehe she is the sweetest ^-^''

and yea me too.. i can't deal with dramas =3 *kidnaps you and swap for people here* I sometimes wish Mene people lived closer instead of the people in here xD

and you aint boring I love art.. I wanna see what you been working on?? and chasing kids sound fun xD but tiring haha

Ivvy 02-18-2015 09:15 PM

This is what Im working on.
And yeah I so feel you on the wishing mene people were closer to me.

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