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Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-06-2013 04:39 AM

Treats for the Sweet (& Sour)- Food galore!

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-07-2013 04:03 AM

Ah, Valentine's Day! The time for love and chocolate and other cavity inducing activities.
Isn't it just wonderful?! [lol]
Of course, I know not everyone is excited about this "hallmark holiday" and for you guys, there is a spot.
Read on!

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-07-2013 04:10 AM

How to Enter

For those unfamiliar, this is a simple food and drink contest. To participate, you'll create a dish/drink to reflect this holiday/time of year, and submit a photograph of said dish with your username (within the photo) to the appropriate category.
This event, there's only two categories!
Food in support of Valentine's Day and food against it.

Main Categories

Valentine Celebration
Valentine Rebellion

°Entries must be made between now and event closure.
°Entries must be posted in the thread before the end of the event to be considered.
°One account per person please. (Main or mule, but not both.)
°You may submit three entries per category.
°The entries must be made by you. They cannot be store bought or made by someone else. You can receive help, but the majority of the work must be your own.
°Don't forget to add your username in the picture of your dish! No adding digitally.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-07-2013 04:22 AM

Valentine Celebrations
All manner of food and drink in support of Valentine's Day go here!

Please use this form when entering for Valentine Celebrations.

[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][B]Peace and love, man![/B][/SIZE]
[B]Image:[/B] [ paste or link your image here ]
[B]Name of creation:[/B] [ what's it called? ]
[B]Description:[/B] [ Explain how this dish is supporting Valentine's Day ] [/COLOR]

Celebratory Entries

Risque Snickerdoodles
Seridano Cheesecake Bites & Blueberry Cream Cheese Bread
Maha-Aamir Strawberry Cream Cake
Usako Chocolate Brownie Cookies
Maria-Minamino Baby Heart Cakes
Ascadellia Strawberry Rum Cake & Bowtie Pasta
Nephila Marzipan Hearts
Alorrena Eggless Brownie Pan
Arc Angel Strawberry Cheesecake
Greed Creme Brulee of Love
blueblackrose Simply Lovely Dinner
Pa-pancake Lil Sugar Rush
KageShio Sweet Sunset & Spicy Sweet Drinks
Velvet Hearty Deer Stew
wish Velvet Hearts and Roses

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-07-2013 04:26 AM

Valentine Rebellion
All manner of food and drink in rebellion of Valentine's Day go here!

Please use this form when entering for Valentine Rebellion.

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"][B]Fight the power, man![/B][/SIZE]
[B]Image:[/B] [ paste or link your image here ]
[B]Name of creation:[/B] [ what's it called? ]
[B]Description:[/B] [ Explain how this dish is rebelling against Valentine's Day ] [/COLOR]

Rebellious Entries

Nephila Deadly Romantic Evening
blueblackrose Valentine Surprise
Arriana Lonely Hearts Potatoes
KatMagenta Garlic and Pesto Chicken
KageShio Bitter Hearts Drink
Ascadellia Hate at First Bite Cookies
Usako Bound to Break up Cookies

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-07-2013 04:29 AM


Special Categories
For entries worth a little something special
Chocolate Lover's Paradise
Bloody Valentine
Eat Your Heart Out

Each Category
1st Place . . . . . . . . . 5,000 Gold
2nd Place . . . . . . . . . 4,000 Gold
3rd Place . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold

Overall Picks
1st place Medal of Totally Epic Win
2nd place Medal of Shiny Awesomeness
3rd place Medal of Super Spiffiness

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-07-2013 04:34 AM



Does it have to be original? Or can I use a recipe that I tweaked?
Recipes are fine to use! Though not required, I will appreciate it if you include the recipe that you used. Unless it's a family secret or something. [lol]


Can we use box mix?


Can I enter both categories?
Sure can! You can have a total of 6 entries (3 in each).


How long does the description have to be?
As long or as short as you feel is necessary. The better your description, the better your chances! ;D You can even make up a story to incorporate which side it's on!


Have you judged the FoWN entries?
Sorry, not yet! I've been really busy lately. [sweat]


Can I alter an entry and use it for the other contest?
Yup! Obviously, you won't win both, but having to do completely different entries isn't required.

hummy 02-15-2013 02:14 AM

i hope to join

Nephila 02-15-2013 02:14 AM

I'm so glad I took a picture of my heart mazipan cookies. XD I think I'll try coming up with something for anit V-day too. Not sure what though.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-15-2013 02:56 AM

I have faith in you! [lol] It could really be anything though.

HappyStarr 02-15-2013 04:33 AM

Well now I feel obliged to cook something up since I'm an officer of my school's cooking club AND taking a class on food & human evolution. At least I can productively procrastinate on my homework.

Risque 02-15-2013 04:37 AM

Peace and love, man!
Image: 1 Close-up
Name of creation: Snickerdoodles
Description: Like some of our favorite things about Valentine's Day, these cookies are both sweet and spicy thanks to the perfect mix of cinnamon and sugar. ;D

I mostly wanted to make Snickerdoodles cause both me and the boyfriend love cinnamon.
I will try to enter more stuff though. <3

Usako 02-15-2013 04:49 AM

Perfect timing, I was gonna bake something anyway! Now I just hope it comes out

spunky 02-15-2013 05:03 AM

wow Risque is on it with her valentine treat. :) i want to bake something too.

Suona 02-15-2013 05:23 AM

An excuse to bake? Oh yes B)

Roachi 02-15-2013 07:08 AM

Hey did our xmas ones get judged, can't remember...

Linnea 02-15-2013 07:14 AM

ooo very interesting categories for this... i might have to think a bit

Q U E E N 02-15-2013 10:16 AM

I'll try to cook something up, but knowing me, it'll probably not end up all too well [lol]

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-15-2013 02:37 PM

Woot! First entry! Thanks Risque. ;B

@Roachi: Ah, nope. Actually meant to put that in the FAQ. [lol] Thanks for reminding me.

@Queen: It can be anti-Vday then! [lol]

Seridano 02-15-2013 04:31 PM

Peace and love, man!
Image: Look at all dem cheesecake bites | Up close and personal...this one really liked the camera
Name of creation: Cheesecake Bites with Raspberry Hearts
Description: Chocolates are a bit cliche, wouldn't you say? Seri decided to put a bit of effort into V-Day for her special someone and made these little bites from scratch (and they're around the same size as chocolates and just as portable!). And for that extra bit of love, she took the time to add raspberry puree hearts on top, because nothing says 'I Love You' like spending forever drawing out those little red symbols of adoration with a toothpick...

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-15-2013 04:44 PM

Oooh, how cute, Seri! [:D]

HappyStarr 02-15-2013 04:46 PM

Those look amazingly cute, Seri! Wish I could eat them!

Seridano 02-15-2013 04:52 PM

@Starr - They were pretty tasty. The bf took a bunch to work today along with some of the blueberry cream cheese bread. Was gonna enter it as well, but I'm not sure it fits, though it is exceedingly sweet/delicious and made with love, so maybe.

@Iku - Thanks!

HappyStarr 02-15-2013 04:55 PM

Yuummmmm. I'm trying to think of something good and tasty that I can actually eat to make. Lactose Intolerance rules out cream cheese for sure. >.>

Seridano 02-15-2013 05:08 PM

Aww, sad day, it's so tasty, but I'm sure you can think of something. Maybe bread, fudge, or cookies?...or home made chocolates, those are good too. o.o

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