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-   Phoenix Jubilee 2013 (
-   -   Ship Shape! Rolling Complete! Team Towanpool comes out on top! (

~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 01:21 AM

Ship Shape! Rolling Complete! Team Towanpool comes out on top!
Thank you Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa for the banner!

Thank you everyone for coming out to help us with the much anticipated upgrades that Mr. Ambrose has set up!! I see we have good showing for both the Towanpool bay team and the Seaford bay team! Well let's see what those top secret prototypes that Mr. Ambrose had for us...
Oh what fun!! It looks like we're going to be working on turning this cruise ship into an air ship! Full steam ahead!

Cardinal Biggles 04-13-2013 01:29 AM

How This Works

As stated above, we're helping out Mr. Ambrose retrofit the ship. With your team, you'll be covering different areas of the ship each day - Whomever covers the most square footage in repairs wins! To gauge the amount of space you have covered, we'll be using dice rolls.

Each day you will be provided with a form [See post #5] - Today is day six, of six. Each day ends at 9pm PT
[Current time, PT]
This form will ask you to add your username and your chosen team [remember: team sign-ups have ended]. Fill this out properly, post it, and that's it - You've done your duty for the day! The dice coding in the form will automatically generate a number for you - your daily square footage accrued.

At 9pm, A new form will be posted. And you can start all over again.

Now, some basics:
  • The records of who rolled what on any given day [See reserved dice roll posts, below] will likely not appear until the next day's form has already been posted. It's just a matter of what time Longcat and I are available to undertake the tallying process.
  • No editing posts once you've submited them - make sure you have the details correct before you post.
  • As you know, the teams are already set. Participants are not allowed to switch teams, and late comers are welcome to choose a team to root on, but are not allowed to engage in dice rolling.
  • This is for glory, not gain. The "prize" will be bragging rights, and a party thread hosted in the winning team's honor. This thread will be created after the event ends.
  • Longcat and I reserve the right to change the rules, should something unforseen come up.
  • Please follow the general TOS and rules of Menewsha while engaging in the goings on in this thread.
  • Have a good time and help others have one as well!

~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 01:52 AM

The Teams


Whimsical Sadist
Kamikaze Kendra
Saravi Boo
Aoi Kazuya
Darth Mudkip
Rochiel Silverfire
DJ Dead
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
Damia Flagg
Seiki Nova
Captain Aamelia
Elizabeth Bennet
Faylin Linx
Popcorn Gun

Beautiful Disaster
Whisper Invictus
Minki Kazuya
D.J. Dead
Zombie Pixie
Silver Storm
Ace Strife
Cherry Who?
` B u t t e r

Cardinal Biggles 04-13-2013 02:03 AM

Team Totals



~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 02:50 AM


[size="5"][color="PaleTurquoise"][b]Day 6: Today we're doing final maintenance![/b][/color][/size]

Remember just copy the form and fill out the pertinent information, and know that if we catch you tampering with the form in anyway (cheaters) we will throw you overboard.

Cardinal Biggles 04-13-2013 03:31 AM

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I just got here. You mean I can't participate? Really? Really? I'm not happy about that at all.

A: We're sorry you feel that way. We decided to use a preliminary sign up process for two reasons: 1. for the sake of streamlining the actual behind-the-scenes work involved, and 2. as a nod to the last Phoenix Jubilee, which had a starting point that involved choosing teams. It fostered a great atmosphere, and was part of what made it such a memorable event.

Q: OOPS! I messed up something in my roll form (wrong name, wrong team, I wrote squidlysporch instead of name/team). What should I do??

A: DON'T EDIT!!! Just write a second post (or ping either of us) and let us know of your mistake! We can take care of it from there. If we see any sort of editing done to a roll post we will assume the worst and treat it as a cheated roll.

~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 04:05 AM

Day One Rolls


Seridano 3
KatMagenta 1
momochan 5
bloodstainedwings 4
Q U E E N 2
Demoscout 5
foxotanashi [no roll]
spicedroses 5
Whimsical Sadist 1
Vampire_bill 2
Maria-Minamino 2
Kamikaze Kendra 1
star2000shadow [no roll]
LaVida 2
minty [no roll]
Triquetra [no roll]
blueblackrose 3
monstahh`[no roll]
BurningDread 3
Ferra 5
iDinosaurKid 1
zigbigadorlube [no roll]
EverlastingRitz 4
twotickets 4
Lokinta 2
Saravi Boo 6
zeapear 5
Aoi Kazuya 1
Darth Mudkip4
shinigamikarasu 3
Rochiel Silverfire [no roll]
Gemini [no roll]
Shadami [no roll]
DJ Dead [no roll]
Bearzy 3
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX 2
Dystopia 3
Divacita [no roll]
Mimmu 1
Fireprincess 6
Pa-pancake 5
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 2
shades_of_grey [no roll]
Damia Flagg 2
Rushiro [no roll]
Seiki Nova 3
TamLin 6
dragoness129 [no roll]
Sho-Shonojo 4
R U B Y 3
Captain Aamelia 3
Elizabeth Bennet 6
LoversEnd 6
Faylin Linx 3
Popcorn Gun 6
Haven 3

ClockReject 2
BellyButton 1
Beautiful Disaster 3
Vinyl [no roll]
Nephila 3
Liztress 5
HoneyButterbaby [no roll]
Risque [no roll]
Ascadellia 4
Angelbug 5
Knerd 6
PapillonCameo [no roll]
Muliette 4
Eridan 5
Anglie [no roll]
Falconwing [no roll]
Velvet 1
Azaziel [no roll]
Sansa 4
Mythos 3
Wyrmskyld [no roll]
llonka 5
musasgal 2
Whisper Invictus 3
Antagonist 5
Minki Kazuya 5
X---AznCo0ki3 [no roll]
ArtsyDaze [no roll]
Connielass [no roll]
dessertdesiert 3
D.J. Dead [no roll]
Kiako [no roll]
Seito 6
wish 6
Phoenixphyre [no roll]
Usako 4
Panther [no roll]
Greed 5
Liunesta 3
Wrenji-chan [no roll]
midnightstar 5
Miscreant74 3
Zombie Pixie 6
Grumman_Goose [no roll]
Silver Storm [no roll]
Celestrial 6
Ace Strife [no roll]
mewmew07 [no roll]
EirianHikari 3
StarDragon [no roll]
pollik17 6
Cherry Who? 2
` B u t t e r 5
Kent 2
Nemo.love_22 [no roll]

Towanpool Total:143
Seaford Total:146

Cardinal Biggles 04-13-2013 04:46 AM

Day Two Rolls


Seridano 3
KatMagenta 6
momochan 2
bloodstainedwings 3
Q U E E N 6
Demoscout 3
foxotanashi 4
spicedroses 4
Whimsical Sadist 2
Vampire_bill 4
Maria-Minamino 5
Kamikaze Kendra 1
star2000shadow 4
LaVida 5
minty [no roll]
Triquetra [no roll]
blueblackrose 2
monstahh` [no roll]
BurningDread 4
Ferra 6
iDinosaurKid 6
zigbigadorlube 2
EverlastingRitz 3
Lokinta 2
Saravi Boo 4
zeapear 6
Aoi Kazuya 4
Darth Mudkip 2
shinigamikarasu 4
Rochiel Silverfire 2
Gemini [no roll]
Shadami [no roll]
DJ Dead [no roll]
Bearzy 3
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX [no roll]
Dystopia [no roll]
Divacita 6
Mimmu 1
freprincess [no roll]
Pa-pancake 1
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 6
shades_of_grey 4
Damia Flagg6
Rushiro [no roll]
Seiki Nova 6
TamLin [no roll]
dragoness129 1
Sho-Shonojo 5
R U B Y 3
Captain Aamelia 3
Elizabeth Bennet 5
LoversEnd [no roll]
Faylin Linx 5
Popcorn Gun 1
Haven 1

ClockReject 4
BellyButton 3
Beautiful Disaster 4
Death_to_the_Reaper 2
Vinyl [no roll]
Nephila 3
HoneyButterbaby 2
Risque [no roll]
Ascadellia 6
hummy 1
Angelbug 5
Knerd 6
PapillonCameo 1
Muliette [no roll]
Eridan 2
Anglie 3
Falconwing [no roll]
Velvet 3
Wonderlands 1
Azaziel [no roll]
Sansa 2
Mythos 1
Wyrmskyld [no roll]
Kiari 5
llonka [no roll]
musasgal 2
Whisper Invictus 6
Antagonist 6
Minki Kazuya 3
X---AznCo0ki3 [no roll]
ArtsyDaze 3
Connielass [no roll]
dessertdesiert 2
D.J. Dead [no roll]
Kiako [no roll]
Seito 1
wish 5
Phoenixphyre 6
Usako 5
Panther [no roll]
Greed [no roll]
Liunesta 2
Wrenji-chan [no roll]
midnightstar 1
Miscreant74 3
Zombie Pixie 4
Grumman_Goose [no roll]
Silver Storm 4
Celestrial [no roll]
Ace Strife [no roll]
mewmew07 [no roll]
EirianHikari 3
StarDragon [no roll]
pollik17 5
Cherry Who? [no roll]
` B u t t e r [no roll]
Kent 4
Nemo.love_22 1

Towanpool Total:156
Seaford Total:122

~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 04:52 AM

Day Three Rolls


Seridano 4
KatMagenta 2
momochan 1
bloodstainedwings 5
Q U E E N 2
Demoscout 4
foxotanashi 1
spicedroses 3
Whimsical Sadist 6
Vampire_bill 1
Maria-Minamino 5
Kamikaze Kendra 3
star2000shadow 6
LaVida[no roll]
minty[no roll]
Triquetra[no roll]
blueblackrose 6
monstahh`[no roll]
BurningDread[no roll]
Ferra 6
iDinosaurKid[no roll]
zigbigadorlube 2
EverlastingRitz 1
twotickets post 6
Lokinta[no roll]
Saravi Boo 6
zeapear 1
Aoi Kazuya3
Darth Mudkip 5
shinigamikarasu 1
Rochiel Silverfire 1
Gemini[no roll]
DJ Dead[no roll]
Bearzy 3
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX[no roll]
Dystopia 2
Divacita 4
Mimmu[no roll]
fireprincess 4
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 6
shades_of_grey[no roll]
Damia Flagg 6
Rushiro[no roll]
Seiki Nova 1
TamLin[no roll]
Sho-Shonojo[no roll]
R U B Y4
Captain Aamelia 5
Elizabeth Bennet 1
LoversEnd[no roll]
Faylin Linx 5
Popcorn Gun[no roll]
Haven 3

BellyButton 5
Beautiful Disaster 1
Death_to_the_Reaper 3
Vinyl[no roll]
Liztress 3
HoneyButterbaby[no roll]
Risque[no roll]
Ascadellia 2
hummy 6
Angelbug 5
Knerd[no roll]
PapillonCameo 4
Muliette[no roll]
Eridan 1
Anglie[no roll]
Falconwing 2
Velvet 2
Wonderlands 1
Azaziel[no roll]
Sansa 3
Mythos 4
Wyrmskyld[no roll]
llonka 1
musasgal 4
Whisper Invictus[no roll]
Antagonist 2
Minki Kazuya3
X---AznCo0ki3[no roll]
ArtsyDaze[no roll]
Connielass[no roll]
dessertdesiert[no roll]
D.J. Dead 4
Kiako[no roll]
Seito 5
wish 2
Phoenixphyre 6
Usako 4
Panther[no roll]
Greed 6
Liunesta 6
Wrenji-chan[no roll]
midnightstar 4
Miscreant74 4
Zombie Pixie 5
Grumman_Goose[no roll]
Silver Storm 6
Celestrial[no roll]
Ace Strife[no roll]
mewmew07[no roll]
EirianHikari 1
StarDragon[no roll]
pollik17 6
Cherry Who?[no roll]
` B u t t e r[no roll]
Kent 6
Nemo.love_22 6

Towanpool Total: 140
Seaford Total: 136

Cardinal Biggles 04-13-2013 05:06 AM

Day Four Rolls


Seridano [no roll]
KatMagenta 4
momochan 1
bloodstainedwings 3
Q U E E N 4
Demoscout [no roll]
foxotanashi 5
spicedroses 1
Whimsical Sadist [no roll]
Vampire_bill 2
Maria-Minamino 5
Kamikaze Kendra 2
star2000shadow 2
LaVida [no roll]
minty [no roll]
Triquetra [no roll]
blueblackrose 5
monstahh` [no roll]
BurningDread 5
Ferra 2
iDinosaurKid 3
zigbigadorlube 2
EverlastingRitz [no roll]
twotickets 6
Lokinta 5
Saravi Boo 3
zeapear 6
Aoi Kazuya 5
Darth Mudkip [no roll]
shinigamikarasu 5
Rochiel Silverfire 4
Gemini [no roll]
Shadami 4
DJ Dead [no roll]
Bearzy 5
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX [no roll]
Dystopia 2
Divacita 1
Mimmu [no roll]
fireprincess 4
Pa-pancake 3
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 3
shades_of_grey [no roll]
Damia Flagg 5
Rushiro [no roll]
Seiki Nova [no roll]
TamLin [no roll]
dragoness129 [no roll]
Sho-Shonojo 6
R U B Y 1
Captain Aamelia 3
Elizabeth Bennet 5
LoversEnd [no roll]
Faylin Linx [no roll]
Popcorn Gun [no roll]
Haven 1

ClockReject 3
BellyButton 1
Beautiful Disaster 3
Death_to_the_Reaper 4
Vinyl [no roll]
Nephila 2
Liztress 6
HoneyButterbaby 6
Risque [no roll]
Ascadellia 3
hummy 3
Angelbug [no roll]
Knerd 1
PapillonCameo [no roll]
Muliette [no roll]
Eridan 5
Anglie [no roll]
Falconwing 5
Velvet 5
Wonderlands 3
Azaziel [no roll]
Sansa 1
Wyrmskyld [no roll]
Kiari 2
llonka 2
musasgal 6
Whisper Invictus [no roll]
Antagonist 3
Minki Kazuya 4
X---AznCo0ki3 [no roll]
ArtsyDaze [no roll]
Connielass [no roll]
dessertdesiert 1
D.J. Dead 1
Kiako [no roll]
Seito 1
wish 3
Phoenixphyre 5
Usako 2
Panther [no roll]
Greed 4
Liunesta [no roll]
Wrenji-chan [no roll]
midnightstar 2
Miscreant74 3
Zombie Pixie 5
Grumman_Goose [no roll]
Silver Storm [no roll]
Celestrial [no roll]
Ace Strife [no roll]
mewmew07 [no roll]
EirianHikari 2
StarDragon [no roll]
pollik17 6
Cherry Who? [no roll]
` B u t t e r [no roll]
Kent 1
Nemo.love_22 [no roll]

Towanpool Total:123
Seaford Total:104

~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 05:15 AM

Day Five Rolls


Seridano [no roll]
KatMagenta 6
momochan 3
bloodstainedwings 2
Q U E E N 6
Demoscout 2
foxotanashi 3
spicedroses 5
Whimsical Sadist 2
Vampire_bill 5
Maria-Minamino 5
Kamikaze Kendra 6
star2000shadow 1
LaVida 4
minty [no roll]
Triquetra [no roll]
blueblackrose 5
monstahh` [no roll]
BurningDread 3
Ferra 4
iDinosaurKid [no roll]
zigbigadorlube 3
EverlastingRitz 1
twotickets 4
Lokinta 4
Saravi Boo 6
zeapear 1
Aoi Kazuya 4
Darth Mudkip [no roll]
shinigamikarasu 6
Rochiel Silverfire [no roll]
Gemini [no roll]
Shadami 3
DJ Dead [no roll]
Bearzy 2
Dystopia [no roll]
Divacita [no roll]
Mimmu 4
fireprincess 2
Pa-pancake 5
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 6
shades_of_grey [no roll]
Damia Flagg 1
Rushiro [no roll]
Seiki Nova [no roll]
TamLin [no roll]
dragoness129 6
Sho-Shonojo [no roll]
R U B Y 5
Captain Aamelia 1
Elizabeth Bennet 2
LoversEnd 5
Faylin Linx [no roll]
Popcorn Gun 5
Haven 6

ClockReject 3
BellyButton 5
Beautiful Disaster [no roll]
Death_to_the_Reaper 6
Vinyl [no roll]
Nephila 5
Liztress 3
HoneyButterbaby [no roll]
Risque 1
Ascadellia 6
hummy 4
Angelbug 2
Knerd 1
PapillonCameo 1
Muliette [no roll]
Eridan [no roll]
Anglie [no roll]
Falconwing 3
Velvet 4
Wonderlands 3
Azaziel [no roll]
Sansa 5
Mythos 5
Wyrmskyld [no roll]
Kiari 3
llonka [no roll]
musasgal 3
Whisper Invictus 1
Antagonist 5
Minki Kazuya 2
X---AznCo0ki3 [no roll]
ArtsyDaze 2
Connielass [no roll]
dessertdesiert [no roll]
D.J. Dead 2
Kiako [no roll]
Seito 4
wish 2
Phoenixphyre [no roll]
Usako 1
Panther [no roll]
Greed 6
Liunesta [no roll]
Wrenji-chan [no roll]
midnightstar 3
Miscreant74 2
Zombie Pixie 4
Grumman_Goose [no roll]
Silver Storm 5
Celestrial [no roll]
Ace Strife [no roll]
mewmew07 [no roll]
EirianHikari 2
StarDragon [no roll]
pollik17 5
Cherry Who? [no roll]
` B u t t e r [no roll]
Kent 5
Nemo.love_22 [no roll]

Towanpool Total:144
Seaford Total:114

Cardinal Biggles 04-13-2013 05:19 AM

Day Six Rolls


Seridano 4
KatMagenta 2
momochan 2
bloodstainedwings 4
Q U E E N 6
Demoscout 3
foxotanashi 5
spicedroses 1
Whimsical Sadist 6
Vampire_bill 1
Maria-Minamino 5
Kamikaze Kendra 4
star2000shadow 3
LaVida 5
minty [no roll]
Triquetra [no roll]
blueblackrose 5
BurningDread [no roll]
Ferra 5
iDinosaurKid 1
zigbigadorlube 1
EverlastingRitz 2
twotickets 1
Lokinta 1
Saravi Boo 2
zeapear 4
Aoi Kazuya 5
Darth Mudkip 5
shinigamikarasu 2
Rochiel Silverfire 4
DJ Dead [no roll]
Bearzy 2
XxZombie.Mama.NephxX [no roll]
Dystopia [no roll]
Divacita 3
Mimmu 6
fireprincess [no roll]
Pa-pancake 4
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 1
shades_of_grey [no roll]
Damia Flagg 3
Rushiro 6
Seiki Nova 4
TamLin 1
dragoness129 [no roll]
Sho-Shonojo [no roll]
R U B Y 4
Captain Aamelia 6
Elizabeth Bennet 5
Faylin Linx 4
Popcorn Gun 1
Haven 1


ClockReject 3
BellyButton 2
Beautiful Disaster [no roll]
Death_to_the_Reaper 4
Vinyl [no roll]
Nephila 1
Liztress 5
HoneyButterbaby [no roll]
Risque 1
Ascadellia [no roll]
hummy 3
Angelbug 1
Knerd 6
PapillonCameo [no roll]
Muliette 6
Eridan 6
Anglie 1
Falconwing 3
Velvet 5
Wonderlands 2
Azaziel [no roll]
Sansa 6
Mythos 5
Wyrmskyld 3
Kiari 5
llonka 4
musasgal 2
Whisper Invictus 1
Antagonist 2
Minki Kazuya 5
X---AznCo0ki3 [no roll]
ArtsyDaze [no roll]
Connielass 5
dessertdesiert 3
D.J. Dead [no roll]
Kiako [no roll]
Seito 1
wish 6
Phoenixphyre 4
Usako [no roll]
Panther [no roll]
Greed 1
Liunesta [no roll]
Wrenji-chan [no roll]
midnightstar 1
Miscreant74 6
Zombie Pixie 3
Grumman_Goose [no roll]
Silver Storm 3
Celestrial [no roll]
Ace Strife [no roll]
mewmew07 [no roll]
EirianHikari 3
StarDragon [no roll]
pollik17 5
Cherry Who? 2
` B u t t e r 4
Kent 5
Nemo.love_22 3

Towanpool Total:158
Seaford Total:137

~LONGCAT~ 04-13-2013 03:58 PM


If you've chosen to cheer on team Towanpool, you can show your pride by adding ANY banner to your signature:
Towanpool's team color is: #004953 hex color
If you would like to tint your posts with this color, use this code:[color="#004953"]Text Here[/color]

If you have chosen to cheer on team Seaford, you can show your pride by adding ANY banner to your signature:
Seaford's team color is: #5d8aa8 hex color
If you would like to tint your posts with this color, use this code:[color="#5d8aa8"]Text Here[/color]

Team Badges by ~LONGCAT~ and Seridano and Whisper Invictus

Nephila 04-17-2013 03:49 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
The 6-sided dice lands on 3

ClockReject 04-17-2013 03:50 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: ClockReject
Team: Seaford
The 6-sided dice lands on 4

fireprincess 04-17-2013 03:51 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: fireprincess
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 6

Zombie Pixie 04-17-2013 03:55 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: Zombie Pixie
Team: Seaford
The 6-sided dice lands on 1

Seridano 04-17-2013 03:56 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: Seridano
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

blueblackrose 04-17-2013 03:56 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: blueblackrose
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 4

momochan 04-17-2013 03:58 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: momochan
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

The battle between Towanpool and birdie killers Seaford begins!

Tam Lin 04-17-2013 03:58 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: TamLin
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

Faylin Linx 04-17-2013 03:59 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: Faylin Linx
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 2

R u b y 04-17-2013 04:01 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: R u b y
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 4

Popcorn Gun 04-17-2013 04:04 AM

Alrighty, well, Popcorn Gun reporting for duty.
:' D

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: Popcorn Gun
Team: Towanpool
The 6-sided dice lands on 6

---------- Post added 04-16-2013 at 11:05 PM ----------

Good work team.
:' D

Liztress 04-17-2013 04:05 AM

Day 1: Today we're outfitting the deck supports and struts!
Username: Liztress
Team: Seaford
The 6-sided dice lands on 3

All times are GMT. The time now is 03:34 PM.