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Wavi 08-11-2011 05:00 PM

Just Another Mystery
Just Another Mystery
[ Wavi and X---AznCo0ki3 ]

It had been about ten years since she had last seen his face. Would he even remember her? Would he even care? After all, he was the one that left and he didn't even bother to say goodbye.

Both are a little older now, but it's rumored that her class is getting a new student with his name. Her heart sinks a bit because she's worried he won't want to hang with her anymore as she's not one of the cool kids. She can only hope he remembers her eyes and that smile she wears.

It's the first day of school since their summer break. Students are running a bit late due to a traffic jam involving an ice cream truck and a cabbage cart. On her way to school she wonders just what he's like now that he's sixteen.

Wavi 08-11-2011 05:13 PM
The Touch Cool Guy
Kenneth Jackson Fletcher
sixteen years young
pale blue, almost silver narrow eyes
naturally black hair, but dyed the tips blonde

jerk + haughty + rude + cold + tough + cool + BAMF

moved to the Bronx for ten years because father got transferred
returned to norther Washington to finish high school
lives with his mother (nanny) + father works for the WA police department
only child (sister died in a car accident)

X---AznCo0ki3 08-11-2011 05:21 PM
The Unpopular Dorky Girl
Skylar Jones

sixteen years old
hazel, almond shape eyes
natural black hair, curls in at the tips

Lives with her mother, works part time at a local restaurant on the weekends. Has one brother who has moved away to New York, dreams of becoming a well established software designer and owning her own company. Rather quiet around people and known as a dork through out the school. Often forced to do other peoples homework. Loves to paint in her free time, is president of art club. Has some athletic ability in volleyball but does not have enough confidence to try out for school team.

Wavi 08-11-2011 05:37 PM

Rumor had it that a celerity was coming to Whistler High. Just who was he and why was he considered a god among the students? Very few knew, but when he stepped from his car, a swarm of screaming girls soon made it very apparent that this new guy was a total hunk. The once dead schoolyard was now bustling with the noisy squeals of girls screaming and the chuckles of men laughing. A few guys poked there heads into the crowd of breasts to get a look at the guy. When they were finally back among the testosterone kind, a few of them immediately dropped the F-bomb.

"Did you see his body!"

"Body? Psh, please. His hair!"

"Are you blind? It's that smirk they want!"

While the men bickered among themselves (they were feeling threatened by this newcomer), the girls continued to plead to just touch his body or even get close enough to smell his hair (creepy, yes, but that's what these girls wanted - a piece of him).

His pupils were like pin heads, small and barely visible. As his car door shut, the crowd fell silent. There was a mysterious aura about him. Beneath that mess of hair were a pair of degrading eyes that suggested he was cooler than he was playing off to be. One chick even managed to faint (she'll later claim that he was looking at her with "bedroom eyes.").

"You must be Mr. Kenneth Fletcher. Please, come this way." The principal herself had made an appearance to meet him! That had to mean something right there.

Bowing his head, Ken nonchalantly followed the lady into the building. The students continued to gawk at him as he passed them by. When he was ascending the stairs, a very taunting pair of eyes caught his gaze. It was her! If she opened her big mouth, he'd be ruined. Or so he analyzed looking at her lack of class.

With a scoff, he pushed past her and walked into the building. Today, he decided, was going to be the start of the worst school year yet.

X---AznCo0ki3 08-11-2011 06:03 PM

Skylar Jones, she was in the school earlier than everybody. It was her routine, her loser dork routine as people called it. It was true, she was a loser, she couldn't help it. Skylar knew she was jesting when she thought that she didn't want to be a popular girl, but the thing was she had no confidence in herself, she had been a book worm, a goody-two shoes, a dork, her whole life. Even when she was little she would worry about colouring perfectly in between the lines, and learning to read instead of getting dirty and making perfect little mud pies. Her locker was neat, neat and perfect, just like her grades. Skylar's scared hazel eyes looked peered up as she heard noise in the front yard. Her head tilted and her curiosity got the best of her as she descended down the stairs, Skylar hid behind a pillar and tried to gaze past the crowd.

But with her luck, the crowd seemed to disperse into little clumps, mostly clumps of squealing girls. But the boys, the boys on the other hand seemed rather displeased. They seemed to be threatened (which should have been impossible, seeing as Whistler High had the hottest guys in North Washington attending).

Her perfect almond eyes blinked fast and she leaned against the pillar as she saw him. Skylar pinched herself to reassure that she was not dreaming. It was him, her delicate rose bud lips formed into a smirk of her own, the smirk seemed to match the boys.

His eyes, that was how she had recognized him after all these years, her eyes suddenly fell. Her brows knitted together, he was looking down on her after all these years! She had known him from long back, until he had left, he had left her here...all alone to grow up to be a loser. As a small gesture of reigniting their friendship she put her finger over her mouth.

She wanted him to know that she would keep his secret and stay away from him for the sake of his already flourishing social life. Skylar's head fell, after all she was a nobody in this school. If it wasn't for her brains and the amount of stupid bitches in this school, she would have gotten killed in one of the girls "bullying" sessions a long time back.

While Skylar was in her dream land she felt her books being ripped out of her hands. Skylar gasped as she soon followed her books to the floor (obviously not by choice), she looked up and anger flashed in her eyes...but only for a brief second.

"Well, well...has the new boy sparked the heat in your heart Sky" Josie, the captain of the cheer leading squad cooed. Josie's minions chuckled at the half brained remark Josie had just made.

Her eyes lowered as she said nothing, Skylar hurried and tried to collect her books. She let out a yelp when Josie took to stepping on her hand that was frantically collecting her books. Josie bent down and grabbed a handful of black hair.

"You listen here and listen well you little nerd, I see you communicating or even lookin' at that new boy, and I swear you will not live to see another day" Josie whispered dangerously in her ear.

As fast as Josie had threatened her, she left. It was like the whole last minute of being threatened had never happen. Being careful of her throbbing hand Skylar grabbed her books and headed to class. Her head bent and her shoulders contributing to her confident stance.

Wavi 08-11-2011 06:24 PM

"I see you haven't changed a bit," a voice called out to her just before Skylar entered a classroom. With everyone in their first period class, Ken took it upon himself to speak to Skylar before he announced his presence in her class.

"You know, if you don't toughen up, you'll always been bullied. Is that the life you really want? Tch, I don't know about you, but it sure doesn't sound fun. 'Sides, being the bully is twice as fun. Twisted, but still fun."

In the back of his mind, Ken wanted to knock the books out of her hands and laugh at poor little Skylar, but someone within him prevented him from doing as such. Instead, he took her injured hand into his own to give it a little massage. He found the tender spot where the cheerleader had done the most damage. Circling his fingers around with just enough force, he worked the kink out of her hand.

"You need to stretch your hand more. You're is really knotty and tense."

Dropping her hand at the sound of echoing footsteps, he looked up at one of the minions of Ms. Nasty Pants.

"Why hello there, babe. Might you be in my class?" Completely ignoring Skylar, Ken walked into the classroom and took his spot beside the teacher. As the bell rang, he saw Skylar scoot into her seat.

"Now class, I'd like you all to welcome Mr. Kenneth Fletcher."

"Ken is fine," he said with a moody tone. Just as the teacher went to open her mouth again, Ken let out a little growl. If it were an anime, there would be a large sweat bead appearing at the back of the teacher's head. But, seeing as it wasn't an anime, she kept her mouth shut and watched him saunter over to an empty seat.

To Skylar's luck, it was the one right behind her. If she were wise, from there on out she would wear a belt and long shirts. One could only image what a total badass would do to a girl in a skirt or tiny shirt.

Leaning in to whisper in her ear, Ken spoke so that only she could hear him. "I'm going to make your life a living hell," leaning back, he let out a laugh.

X---AznCo0ki3 08-11-2011 06:45 PM

Skylar's foot had frozen just as she was about to enter the room. Well, more like slink in trying to go unnoticed by everyone that was in the room. "And you've become more annoying" she had retorted in a small voice. He was the same Ken, so...manipulative in a way.

"I've always been bullied and I don't think it's bout' to change now" her voice was so low it was like she was talking to herself.

Skylar looked away and let out a small disbelieving laugh, "Why do you care? You left a long time ago and cut off all ties with me. As far as I'm concerned you're just...just not Kenneth" she finished. This happened every time she tried to be a bitch to him. Her witty retorts were caught in her throat and she couldn't process words. She turned around to enter the room once more when he grabbed her hand.

She winced as he touched the sensitive spot, it was already bruising into a disgusting purple-green. "I stretch as much as I have too" she muttered. Skylar still couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes, she knew she would only hurt more. Ken was going to be one of those popular kids that enjoyed taunting and breaking her. Her only friend, was going to become the reason she wanted to kill herself when she was depressed.

Skylar was left in the hall as the blonde girl giggled stupidly and twirled her hair as she batted her eyelashes and followed Ken. Obviously basking in the glory of his attention.

Skylar had made it too her seat in time to hear Ken being a diva and to hear that he was assigned to the seat behind her. "My life is already hell" she muttered under her breath. Just her luck, Ken was behind her and Josie was to his right.

Josie turned to Ken, "Hey, my names Josie" she whispered. She gave him a small seductive wink and bent over to give Ken a view of her already low tank top. "Just a side note, don't be caught talking to that geek over there...unless you're forcing her to do your homework for you" she said with a small laugh.

Wavi 08-11-2011 07:17 PM

Ken already disliked this Josie girl, but she seemed to be the popular female around here. So, putting his slut on, he slid his shirt up to show her just a sneak peak at his abs. "Oh, and I do my own homework. I wouldn't want to lose my genius ways."

Snorting, he yanked her chair, which caused the girl to fall onto her behind. Being in such a short skirt, all the men were soon realizing they had a full on view of her thong and other feminine curves.

"Kenneth... erm, Ken! We do not tolerate that kind of be..b... so today we're going to read Romeo and Juliet. I'm going to assign the following roles to...."

Ken had no intention to listen. Romeo and Juliet got boring after a while. Just as he was about to zone out in a nice little nap, he heard Skylar's name get called. Shit shit shit, what role did she get? Erm, oh... Juliet!

"Skylar, I know Juliet is a big role, but I have confidence that you will do her justice."

"Uhhh, Ms. Miyuki, isn't Juliet supposed to be fair and pretty? I think someone else would better fit that role than dorky and dull."

Just then, the class burst out in laughter. Ken was already the idol of the class. Picking fun at Skylar twelve minutes into class, boy oh boy was he a hero.

"You think you're so cool. Ken, you get to be Romeo."

"Bwah ha ha, I am cool. And whoa, wait... what! I'm not going to be Romeo! Are you crazy! I can't fall in love with her. She's a nobody! Give McGeek over there Romeo."

"Sorry, Ken. You are Romeo."

"Ugh! This is so unfair. I hate this class."

"Ken, I mean, Romeo, would you mind starting on your sixth line?"

Slouching into his chair, Ken took out the book and laid it across the desk.


Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still,
Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will!
Where shall we dine? O me! What fray was here?
Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all.
Here's much to do with hate, but more with love.
Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate!
O any thing, of nothing first create!
O heavy lightness! serious vanity!
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire,
sick health!
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!
This love feel I, that feel no love in this.
Dost thou not laugh?

Even though he had no interest in being Romeo, he allowed himself to get into the part and play the role perfectly. His voice dipped in pitch a few times, but went up with pride and joy. He was, naturally, a gifted actor.

X---AznCo0ki3 08-11-2011 07:36 PM

Josie eyes widened, the girl seemed to be in heaven. Her mouth opened wide as she winked at Ken again, she had just seem this hot bad boys body! Well, part of it anyways. Josie couldn't wait to tell people about this. Josie raised an eyebrow, smart and hot. She would have to get him to help her with homework!

Josie fell with a thud, "What the hell...." she yelled at him. She quickly realized what kind of position she was. She closed her open legs quickly, sticking her chin out and grabbed her chair. Josie sat down while her face burned a bright red, her face turned and glared at Ken. What the hell was up with him? Josie realized that the teacher was looking at her, she would have to deal with this new kid later.

Meanwhile, Skylar hid her face behind her book to control her laughter. Her attention perked up as she was called and assigned the part of Juliet. She smiled shyly as the teacher complimented her ability of being a natural born reader. The smile was quickly replaced by tears in her eyes.

Her shoulders drooped again, Skylar's grip tightened on the book as the class laughed at her. She closed her eyes as she felt crumpled pieces of paper being thrown at her. She looked up and saw Ms. Miyuki was facing the board, so she obviously had not seen Skylar under attack.

Ken was ROMEO?! Skylar's eyes welled up with tears yet again, she wondered how much more of the humiliation she could take. They skimmed through the book until they got to the famous balcony scene.

Skylar took a deep breath to steady her voice as she began.


'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
Her voice steadied as she continued to read on, it was like she was in her own world. As she finished reading the confidence left her voice and posture, once more, she was nothing more than a loser. A loser with a new nightmare.

Wavi 08-11-2011 08:00 PM

Impressed by her perfectionism when reading, Ken stuttered a few times trying to spit his line out.


I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.

I never will be Romeo. Is this guy crazy? He had it all and he's going to forfeit everything for Juliet? He's mad. Romance is stupid. The idea of being in love like this is just childish. I mean, I could never love anyone more than I love me.

He heard her line comes to and end, so he picked up the book to spit out another one.


By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am:
My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,
Because it is an enemy to thee;
Had I it written, I would tear the word.

My name is hateful to myself? Oh please. Who could hate their name? Their name makes them... well, who they are. If you throw it away, then you're nobody. Dude, this guy seriously has issues. Throwing it all away from some stupid girl.


Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike.
So now you're not Romeo or a Montague? Dude, what the fuck! You don't have a name then. Jeez, for being a classic, this thing sucks balls.

"All right, class, you're to finish up to the next chapter. Tomorrow we'll be reassigning roles, but Skylar and Ken shall keep their parts. I think we all agree that they suit the roles. Oh and there may or may not be a pop quiz tomorrow. I suggest you read with a friend. It'll make it more memorable."

With the bell cutting off the last part of her statement, Ken rose from his seat. He saw the teacher wiggle a finger at him. Rolling his eyes, he approached her. Skylar was also being summoned. Oh joy. Not her.....

"Ken, I want you to apologize to Skylar for your crude joke. It was rude and not very gentleman like."

"I don't have to apologize for speaking the truth. Besides, I don't have time to stall. I need to find the chemistry room."

Smirking, the teacher shoved Skylar and Ken together. "You're in luck! Skylar has Chemistry, too. Why don't you two get acquainted. I think it would both do you some good. Ken, you need to be knocked off your high horse. Skylar, you could really use a man in your life. I've seen the way Josie attacks you. If you don't mind, I would like to request that Ken be in all your classes. I know his joking is cruel, but he did teach Josie a lesson when he pulled that chair out from under her."

Ken was already gone and wandering the hallways looking for his room. He decided to a make a break for it right after she said "Skylar has chemistry, too!" Only, Ken had realized he should have waited. Twisted and turned around, Ken was in a sea of moving students. As he went to ask for help, some of the boys had shooed the girls away.

With the bell ringing, everyone vanished. Alone, he looked about the empty hallway and pondered where he was. The walls were filthy and they loomed over him. Had he magically wandered into the thug territory. Everyone knew Class F was full of failures, thugs, and hoodlums. He also knew they had their own wing.

Not wanting to let fear show in his eyes, he silently walked about the hallway, hoping to find Skylar. When no one came to his rescue, he continued to point his head around the million corners and lockers. Everywhere he turned, he seemed to find himself even more lost than he was before.

"Skye-bear, where are you?"

Pouting, he took a seat beside a drinking fountain. There was no point in getting even more lost. This school was huge. There were over 3500 students there. It only made sense that it be freaking huge.

He pulled out his phone and wondered if he had the right number for her. Sending a quick text, he hoped he knew who he was texting.

Skye-bear? Kenny-kitty is lost. D: Rescue? Plz? It smellz like butttt here. >.<

X---AznCo0ki3 08-11-2011 08:23 PM

She heard Ken continue (much to her displeasure), she sighed as she glanced up at the clock. Five minutes till class ended! No way as she going to get to read another verse, and boy was she glad for it. She would be spending her lunch in the bathroom bawling her eyes out over her insecurities.

Her eye widened as Ms. Miyuki told the whole class that Sky and Ken had to continue to play the parts of Romeo and Juliet. Since Skylar wasn't the one to argue with a teacher she just kept it too herself and walked over to the teacher when she was addressed. Skylar let out a small scream when her teacher shoved her with Ken.

"Yeah, real lucky. We're in the same chem class" she whispered.

Skylar looked up at Ms. Miyuku frightened, was this lady trying to get her beaten to death?! Ken in the same classes as her?! Josie would grab a plastic knife and carve Skylar's organs out! Skylar opened her mouth but saw that it was no use, her teacher had decided things.

Skylar looked after Ken as he left, secretly wishing she had the guts to do that. She should have known, that after all these years he would grow up to be a bigger personal bully for Sky than he had been when they were smaller. She didn't bother to chase after Ken, she ran straight to the bathroom and locked herself in a stall.

She cried her heart out, she finally let the tears flow from her eyes. Skylar couldn't do this, her legs gave away and she slid against the stall. Her hand clutched at her bag as she tried to keep her hysteric sobs down. Her head was against the bathroom stall door, her knees were tucked to her chest and her face was buried in her hands.

She felt a sudden buzz in her thigh, Skylar frowned as she read the text message through her watery eyes. It was Ken. Getting up, she washed her face and then wiped it, but there was no hiding it. Her eyes were red, anyone with even half a brain could tell that she had been crying.

Skylar nearly had a heart attack as she left the bathroom, not to mention she stumbled and then caught herself. She turned and saw it was him. He was sitting beside the fountain, her lips trembled again. "I'll show you were chemistry is" she whispered and looked down, absolutely refusing to meet his eyes.

Wavi 08-11-2011 08:42 PM

"Holy fuck, Skye! Why are you crying." He really wanted to slug her and tell her to stop being such a baby, but a softer side of him was in control right now. Rather than yelling at her, he moved towards her. When his body pressed against hers and he squeezed the girl a bit for a full body embrace, he smiled.

"I've missed you. I wish I had the courage to tell you that I was leaving. But I couldn't. I didn't want you to be sad. I knew, if I told you I was going, you would try to come with me. Leaving without saying goodbye was the hardest thing I ever had to do. When Dad said we were moving back, I... kinda sorta stalked your Facebook. I also looked for some of our childhood friends. I got your number from them. Heh, I figure you'd be the only one here to like me. But hell, that was three years ago. Dad ended up not getting transferred and we stayed in the city. We were finally able to move here about a week and a half ago."

With Skylar still in his arms, he continued to embrace the woman. "Listen, I don't mean to make your life hell, but I have a reputation to live up to. I can't go around being nice to you or they'll think I'm soft or weak or something." Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed an envelope. Sliding it into her pocket, Ken took a large step back.

I'm throwing a party at my house this weekend. The folks will be gone. Please come? It'll be a small thing. You, me, Sammykins, Spammer, Julz, and Beast. It'll be like good ol' times. Remember our Kindergarten days! Aw, it'll be great. I even rented a bounce house!"

Stepping back up to her, he picked the woman up and shook her about some, in a playful kind of way. "Oh! I have a whole ton of stuff to give you. I made a scrapbook of my life in the city. I also have ten birthday presents for you! Swing by my place? I'm living in the same place as before. Come... say, after school? Better yet! I'll drive. Meet me in the parking lot around... 4 o'clock?"

His pale eyes were full of excitement as he spoke. He truly was a different man when he was alone with her. He was almost... childish and innocent.

X---AznCo0ki3 08-11-2011 09:09 PM

Skylar winced as he yelled at her. She wiped her eyes, then everything was a blur. She winced as he hugged her, what the hell was wrong with him?! Her body was shaking and she expected him to lash out at any moment and shove her into the wall. Skylar finally broke down, her legs gave away as she clutched at Ken. "" she whispered between her sobs. Who the hell was he?! Skylar's lips trembled, she sniffled, her arms were clutching her books, some how...she couldn't get herself to hug him back. What if this was all a ploy?

"You couldn't call me?! Or send me at least a mail to let me know that you were alive?" her voice cracked as she glared at him. She could care less about his stupid excuses, she was angry at him. Skylar finally gave in and let her head drop against his shoulder, she hadn't seen him in so long! Skylar had wondered for almost ten years of her life where her best friend was, what he was doing and how he had been.

Skylar's face dropped when he said he could go around being nice to her because he had a 'reputation'. She shook her head as he slid the envelope into her pocket, and then she did something she had never had the courage to do before. Skylar took the envelope out and ripped it in half. "No." she said firmly. "I won't come around to see you just because you want me too.." she said angrily.

"I'm sick of it, I don't want you too pity me and become my friend again. If you can't talk to me in school then...then I want nothing to do with you in my non-existent social life" her fists were clenched as she told him. That was one thing Skylar hated more than bullies, pity. She didn't want anyone to pity her.

She shook her head, "I..don't want anything to do with you. When I saw you this morning I thought that...things would finally become better for me because I have a friend here now. But I was wrong, you're just as vain as ever. don't care about me! You just care about your stupid reputation!" Skylar saw the childish look in his eyes and a twinge of regret washed over her. No, she couldn't let him trample all over her!

Her eyes were welled up with tears again, and this is when things took a turn for the worse. "You little bitch!" she heard someone scream down the hall. Her head snapped up and she saw that Ken's head had done the same. "Oh no" Skylar whimpered. She had forgotten that princess Josie was in their chemistry class as well! She would obviously figure things were wrong when she and Ken didn't show up to class.

Wide eyed, Skylar started to back away. She was done for.

Wavi 08-12-2011 01:03 PM

It was at that point, that Ken realized that his friendship with Skylar was on the line. But what could he do? He wasn't able to throw everything away for her. She wasn't worth it. Even when they were kids, Ken always knew at some point Skylar would make a change for the worst. She had so much going for her and she decided to take the uncool route.

Pissed that she ruined a hand crafted invitation, Ken could only smirk when Josie appeared out of nowhere. Moving away so Skylar was completely unprotected, he rested his heels against the row of lockers. Help her? Yeah right. Not after her little raging attitude. Instead of being a friend, he opted to be her worst nightmare. Just another bully to ruin her little life. It was meaningless as it was now, so he saw no harm in making it even more meaningless.

With Josie going for a punch, Ken's leg suddenly moved on there own. A quick powerful blow would have sent most recoiling back, but, being the owner of a six-pack, Josie's little fist did nothing. It wouldn't leave a bruise. In fact, it actually tickled!

"I heard that you're single. Want me to fix that?"

Flashing Josie a grin, he took her fingers into his own and followed the woman off to Chemistry. As they rounded the corner to dart down a hallway, Ken shot a glance over his shoulder aimed directly at Skylar. It was one of those, "you owe me" looks.

Since Ken stepped in at the last minute, Skylar went, yet again, without being injured. However, he was now teaming up with her enemy. One could only assume a full-blown relationship would blossom. Being of a nasty nature, Ken was going to purposely put Skylar on a guilt trip. She had the chance to be his friend and get closer (he had always known she had a crush on him), but she choose otherwise. Now that he was off the market and wrapped around Josie, he would use PDA to its full potential. He was going to crush Skylar and show her that rejecting him was the dumbest mistake of her life.

His mind truly was evil and full of much spite. Skylar was probably wondering if his speech about gifts and scrapbooks was right or just another lie. Ken had always been a rebel and lying was just something he picked up all too easy. How could the son of a police officer and a well-respected nanny turn out to be so bitter? Perhaps, there is more to Ken than meets the eye. Does his deceased brother have anything to do with this? Or was it the move? Either way, Ken became quiet the cocky son of a bitch and yet, all the girls wanted him. Every girl but Skylar.

X---AznCo0ki3 08-12-2011 01:42 PM

Skylar was pressed against the pole of the staircase as Josie came in for the punch. She knew if Josie managed to land that punch on her she would slip and probably break her neck as she fell down the stairs. With no possible way to defend herself Skylar closed her eyes and waited for the worse. After what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened.

Terrified, Skylar slowly opened her eyes. She saw Ken's form in front of her own, protecting her. Her mouth was open, she was dazed. Had Kenneth Jackson Fletcher let go of his pride to stand up for...her? The dork? A small smile appeared on her lips as she thought that she had actually changed this bad boy. Skylar, who was just about to whisper a thank you got her voice stuck in her throat. She looked at the back of Ken's head with an absolutely horrified expression.

Josie was dumb struck. This new kid...had he just dared to step between her and her prey?! She was even more shocked when he offered to be her boyfriend. Josie's lips pulled up into a smug smile as she checked him out. "I would love for you to fix that" she said bringing her body closer to his, guess this chick had forgotten that it was Ken who had pulled the chair from under her.

She giggled stupidly as Ken weaved his fingers through hers while walking away. Josie gave one last glare at Skylar and stuck up her middle finger to the girl, she snuggled as closely as she could to Ken as they walked towards the Chemistry room. Josie was known to show off her hot 'boys' as a trophy. Every one stared as the pair walked into class hand in hand, many off the boy shooting Ken looks that would have killed if looks could. Flirtatiously, before letting Ken go to the teacher at the front of the room she cupped her hands around his ears and whispered, "Want to go to my house or yours tonight". Josie let her lips brush against his for a mere second before simultaneously winking and laughing, then heading off to her seat.

Josie shooed the kid sitting beside her away and patted the seat next to her, it was an indication that she wanted Ken to sit beside her. After all, he was one of her trophy boys now.

Meanwhile, Skylar was walking slowly too class. She was unable to comprehend what the fuck was going on! One minute, it was sweet, nice Ken and then BOOM! It was Mr. Jackass once more. Skylar thanked god as she got into her Chemistry class unnoticed, she took an empty seat at the back, which was unusual for this teachers pet. Obviously there were other things on her mind. Then she did something she had never done before, she swallowed her pride pulled out her phone and texted two simple words to Ken.

I'm sorry.

Wavi 08-12-2011 02:01 PM

Ken's dull expression seemed to go unnoticed. Everyone was too busy looking at his fingers being laced with Josie's. He really had no intention of dating this girl. In fact, he didn't even think she was pretty. However, he was willing to endure it if it meant he could keep Josie from killing Skylar. After all, he wanted that job for himself.

"I got lost. I will most likely happen again."

Dr. Martin cocked a brow at the male before returning his attention to the board. Just as the chalk made contact, Dr. Martin turned to look at Ken. Pondering for a section, a smile lit up his face.

"You are Kenneth J. Fletcher, are you not? I attended your seminar on forensics. It was brilliant! I simply loved your calculations about human DNA. And solving a cold case! That was brilliant. If you wouldn't mind, would it be possible to have you bring in your thesis paper? I would love to look over it!"

Jaw ajar and eyes wide, Ken took a hesitant step toward his seat. Trying to collect himself, he shot a quick look at the board before he spoke. In that split second, he noticed the advanced equation was incorrect.

"I do believe your solution is incorrect. Is it not Darmstadtium?"

Collecting his composure, Ken took his place beside Josie. While he was sitting there watching the professor freak out over his miscalculation, he pulled out his phone to check his inbox. Sure enough, he was right. A vibration had happened. Clicking the message, he was somewhat annoyed at it. Short and totally pointless. Sorry was not going to be enough. Skylar was going to pay for all the trouble he was putting himself in.

"Ummm, Kenneth. I'm going to assign Skylar to be your lab partner. I have some advanced labs for you two. Everyone else, you can pick your own partner."

"Tch, I don't need a partner. Besides, there is an odd number in here. I can work alone. Why don't you assign Skylar to someone else."

"Oh, you're right. Hmmm, Skylar and Josie it is."

Nearly falling from his chair, Ken rose to his feet. Waving his arms like a fool, he vented, "ARE YOU INSANE! I was KIDDING! KIDDING! I can't do the labs all by myself!"

"Oh... ha ha! You're quiet the jokester, Kenneth. Uh, Josie, why don't you join Mimi and Joe?"

Relocating so that he was beside his lab partner, Ken glared at Skylar. "You know," he muttered under his breath, "you'd be toast without me. Now you really owe me."

X---AznCo0ki3 08-12-2011 03:16 PM

Skylar looked up as Dr. Martin addressed Ken, Ken had always had a thing for science. He was amazing at it, Ken had been gifted in science since they little. Skylar could remember getting angry when he would get better than her on a stupid little quiz about chemicals, but she had no idea that Ken had continued his interest. He was going and talking at seminars now?! What the hell? She was obviously very disconnected from his life.

Skylar was sulking about being a brat too him, in a little corner some where...she absolutely regretted it. She regretted that she had ripped up his invitation, she could almost slap herself for it. Skylar had done the most dangerous thing ever, she had hurt Ken's pride. There was no way he would forgive her, and even if he did it would probably be after he totally humiliated her.

Skylar groaned as yet another teacher paired them up for something. She looked at Ken when he refused the professors offer, somewhat offended. 'Let the hell begin' she thought to herself. Skylar's body froze, she looked like a deer in a head light! JOSIE?! She looked over at Josie nervously, the blonde just smirked at that idea. Oh boy, wasn't this wonderful, but wait. It was Skylar's turn to nearly fall off of her chair! Ken protested the professor's idea once more.

Josie turned to Skylar with an accusing look, as if it was Skylar's fault that Josie was put with her two best friends, the red headed Mimi and the cocky no brained Joe. Josie turned to give Skylar a 'I'm gonna get you' look before angrily shifting her things to her assigned partners table.

Skylar looked up speculatively as Ken sat beside her. "I think, you should stop protecting me. Josie is going to get me either way. You won't be around to protect me forever." she whispered. "But...I am truly sorry" she looked up and there was pain in her eyes.

She stopped abruptly as Dr. Martin came around to the pair and gave them their assignment. With out bothering to read it she turned back to Ken, "Are we still on for four?" she asked with a small compressed smile.

Wavi 08-12-2011 03:31 PM

Laughing, he scoffed at her little comment. "Josie wouldn't dare hurt you. I'll make sure she gets that through her thick head. If anyone is going to be causing you pain, it'll be me. I can't have her kill you. That's my job."

His pale eyes hinted that he was being completely sincere about his comment. Still wearing that devious smirk on his face, he nodded his head "yes." There was no way he was going to let her off the hook that easily.

"I actually need help cleaning my room. So you shall do it for me. Consider it your payment. Don't think I'm not keeping tabs! So far, you owe me three favors. Actually, dating Josie makes it seven. So your first payment shall be cleaning my messy room. It looks like a bomb hit it. After that, we're going to see that new horror movie! Then, tomorrow, you're going to carry all my books to all my classes. Oh, and you'll also be in charge of being me a lunch from here on out. If you want to keep Josie away, you will make me lunch. If I don't get lunch, I'll let her get you."

The tone of his voice was completely serious! This guy, he was just jerking her around like she was some slave. He was even keeping tabs! So much for a friendship. It was pretty obvious that he was only out for someone to do his work. Just another person to fall victim to his hero scheme. The "if I save your life and befriend you you'll have to..." scenario.


((I hope you don't mind the little twist I'm throwing in. :P I thought it would be funny to make Ken turn her into his "slave." :D))

X---AznCo0ki3 08-12-2011 03:50 PM

Skylar's eye twitched, he was going to be the death of her. She bit the corner of her lip, she didn't know which she would prefer, getting knocked out by Josie or getting slowly tortured by Ken. Right now, the quicker way of getting killed seemed so much easier to her right now. Her face fell slightly and she gulped, there was this demeanor in his voice.

Sky sighed "Where do you want me to meet you after school?" she whispered softly. She had managed to keep her voice absolutely quiet this whole time, she was surprised at her own patience.

Skylar's mouth fell open, she was going to be cleaning his room?! This was much much more horrifying than being partners with Josie. She knew what kind of a mess he was talking about, he had always been messy. It had driven her crazy when they were best friends, she would always loose something of hers in his room and then she would never see that item again. Her hazel eyes were brimmed with fear as he mentioned a horror movie. Besides being a dork, Skylar was the biggest wimp this planet had seen! She was absolutely terrified of horror movies!

"Lunch?!" she hissed out from under her breath. "What the fuck Ken..." he was passing his limit! She took in a deep breath and let herself calm down. Sky had a pout on her face, she didn't have time to cook other people food! The girl barely brought herself food to school!

"How long do I have to do this for?" was all that she simply asked him.

[[It's cool C: I love twists! Poor girl xD]]

Wavi 08-12-2011 04:09 PM

"The rest of your high school career."

Plain and simple. He was being a huge dick about everything. He knew she was weak and needed protection. Ken also knew Josie was Skylar's worst enemy. So, being the caring man that he was, he opted to help her out (might I add he was super surprised of this change of heart).

"Listen, you can either get killed by Josie or you can deal with me. Your choice. You should be aware that, if you pick Josie, you will also get me. So you can either deal with one of us to both of us. Totally up to you, but, being a smart girl, I know you'll pick me. You would much rather put up with my bossy commands than eat dirt, right?"

Just as he finished up, the bell rang. Looking at the paper he had in his hands, he shrugged. He had no idea where US History was located.

"Josie, baby, do you know where US History is? If it were any other class, I'd say let's skip, but I just so happen to love history."

As he moved away from the desk, he patted Skylar on the head. "Come now, Mutt. You have to give me a message on the walk there."

Again, his eyes screamed that he was being completely serious. Just who was he to boss her around? Oh, yeah... that's right, he was her body guard. So long as she obeyed his every command (like a dog), she would be safe (hence the nickname Mutt).

Twisting Josie's fingers with his own, he started down the hallway. Completely ignoring the fact that Skylar was within earshot, he told Josie some rather dirty remarks.

"Oh, I don't virgins. And I expect sex every Monday and Thursday. I also expect you to iron all my clothes and do all my laundry. While on the topic of cleaning, it'll be your job to... polish my sword. I like to keep him in mint condition. You never know when you might have to whip it out."

Knowing everyone, they would assume he was talking about his dick. Heck, even Skylar would think it. However, since being a city kid, Ken picked up sword fighting. He actually practiced with a real sword and often took private lessons with a master swordsman.

X---AznCo0ki3 08-12-2011 04:31 PM

Skylar nearly had a heart attack, "For the rest of my high school life" she whispered back, she was stunned. She took a sharp breath in and closed her eyes. There was no point in talking herself out of this one.

"I don't know who I would rather choose. The prissy bitch or the stupid high and mighty devil. But I guess I would rather put up with someone who at least knows me than get my face beaten in" it was like Sky was having this conversation with herself. "Just go easy on me" she muttered. This was the last thing she got a chance to say before the bell ran and she shoved the stupid chemistry paper in her bag.

Josie almost glided to Ken's side, happily lacing her fingers through his. "Well, I don't have history right now but, I can always show you" she said with a small wink as she dragged him out of the chemistry room, as she passed Skylar by she managed to stamp on her foot. Skylar nearly doubled over with the pain, to make matters worse Ken had just patted her like a freakin' dog and called her a MUTT.

With out any choice she followed the two of them like a little pup. It was pathetic really, people stared at her in the hall and mocked her even more than they had before. She heard some people call her Ken's 'personal bitch'. Skylar,well, she just kept her head down and said nothing as she followed them.

She shook her head as she heard the remarks, "Today is a fucking Monday you princess" she muttered in a voice that was so low she was sure that only Ken would pick it up. Or at least she hoped that Ken would only pick it up, her face was disgusted as he made his sword comment, she shuddered and decided that it would be better if she tuned herself out from their conversation.

Josie laughed and reached over to kiss his cheek, "Your rather frisky aren't you?" she asked him winking at his virgin comment. Every one in the school knew that Josie was definetly not a virgin, I mean, who in their right mind would even believe her if she said she was a virgin.

"Well, this is your history class baby" she said too him. Josie looked Ken in the eye, obviously wanting his lips as she stood there with her hands still locked in his. Skylar stood farther away, she stood near the lockers. She sighed, Ms. Miyuki didn't need to worry about Ken and Skylar having the same schedule, seems like they almost did. She just hoped for her dear life he didn't have algebra with her last period! She didn't need a smart ass like him rubbing his marks in her face.

Wavi 08-14-2011 11:49 PM

With Josie running off to her own class, Ken sent Skylar a panicked look. "She almost kissed me. Oh god. I'd rather kiss a dog than her. Think I can dump her now? Ha ha."

Linking his arm with hers, he marched into class practically dragging the poor girl along with him. Even though he wanted to steer clear of the fact that the two knew each other, Ken was fairly certain, he could make things interesting if he behaved in such a manner. It was, in a way, give off a vibe that she was his property. It would also warn others that if they dared lay a finger on Skylar, they would have to go through him. Being the man he was (six pack included), it was safe to assume most people would leave the two alone.

Even though Ken was attempting to make Skylar's life miserable, he knew he would also have to face the fact that, in order to do such a cruel thing, she would have to be around. If everyone else bullied her away, he wouldn't feel the pride and sensation of toying with her himself.

It was just then that another tough looking male wandered into the classroom.

"No fucking way! KJ, is that you? Holy shit, dude. You've almost grown up to be hotter than me. Ha ha. I didn't know you moved back here! Dude, sit here now!"

As if one thug wasn't enough, Skylar would have to jerks in her history class - Ken and Davis. Davis one probably the only person that knew of Ken's moving years ago. He and Ken were the best of friends and kept in contact ever since. That was up until a year ago. Neither remembers why, but they lost all contact for some bizarre reason.

"Davis! Damn, it's been forever. Wait, aren't you a redhead?"

"Look who's talking! You have blonde in your hair!"

"Touche, my friend. Touche."

Dropping Skylar from his grip, Ken took a seat beside his classmate Davis. Smiling with a grin from ear to ear, he laughed at a few of the jokes that rolled off Davis' tongue.

"It's so nice to be back. I missed your comedic ways."

Nodding, Davis gave Ken a thumb's up. Just as the teacher walked in, the two fell quiet, but Davis didn't hesitate to whisper to him whenever the teacher's back was to them.

"Rumor has it, someone has developed a big time crush on you. I know who, too! But it'll cost you."

"Oh please don't tell me it... Josie."

"Dude, this chick has always crushed on you. Josie is just a dick doer. She just wants the attention. Dump her ass and let me hook you up with a real lady. She's better suited for you. Besides, having you by her side might perk her up. She's been mighty depressed since you left."

"Huh? This girl knew me before I moved?"

"Ken, Ken, Ken! For being the genius, you're pretty dense. Meet me at 4pm in the parking lot and I'll spill."

X---AznCo0ki3 08-15-2011 12:34 AM

Skylar rolled her eyes, he was such a damn complainer. "I think you would be deserving of her kiss" she said snorting. She gasped and blushed as he linked his arms through hers. Skylar had to admit, this was rather uncomfortable for her, she wasn't used to this much attention. Or any attention at all. She didn't like the way everyone was looking at them, it was so embarrassing.

Skylar had an idea as to why Ken was doing this. He loved to flaunt, he wanted everyone to know that Skylar was pretty much his bitch now. She hated that idea, getting owned by someone, even if it was Ken. Her heart seemed to be fluttering, she wished she was brave enough to tell him how she really felt. Skylar closed her eyes, she looked up at Ken, he was sort of huge compared too her even though she stood at a slim five foot six. Her head hung down as her cheeks burned, she held her books close to her chest, she just wanted to sit and forget the world.

She heard another familiar voice and looked up, her blush grew. It was Davis, he was sort of like Ken in a way. He would be nice to her when he felt like it, sure Skylar had liked Ken since she was little but last year, she had fresh budding feelings for Davis. Skylar gulped, she glanced at Ken beside her and then Davis, she frowned and shook her head. Skylar left the boys alone to catch up while she went to figure things out. The history teacher Mr. Hays had placed her behind Davis, the delinquent and class clown.

Being behind Davis Skylar heard everything! Skylar panicked and in her panicking state she knocked over her textbook causing the whole class to stare at her. Her eyes widened as she swooped down in one swift movement and grabbed her book. Skylar took a few deep breaths in and was just about to pull out her cell phone and shoot Davis a message when Mr. Hay walked in.

It took Mr. Hay's a moment to realize that there was a new student in their class, "Well, you're a new face here. Who may you be?" he asked approaching the new boy with a gentle smile. Mr. Hay in Skylar's opinion, was the best teacher ever. He was patient, and gentle and he always listened to Skylar's troubles. He was like an older brother too her. When Skylar was too sad to have lunch alone she would often spend it in the history room.

Four pm?! That was right after school! Skylar glanced at the clock, less than two hours away. "I...I'm sorry to interrupt. But Ken, I have to help clean up your room don't I..." her voice was heavy with sarcasm as she tried not to make eye contact with Davis. Her eyebrows were high as she waited for Ken to politely decline Davis's offer.

Wavi 08-18-2011 03:30 PM

"Kenny Boy, you're as sly as ever. Having our little Princess Skylar doing all the work. Tch, you haven't changed one bit. Anyway, since you two have a date and all, I suppose I'll be a gentleman and get Josie to stay out of your love affair."

Slamming his hands on the desk, Ken jumped to his feet. His blood was boiling at the thought of dating Skylar. Stooping down to her level? Tch, yeah right! He would rather go to jail than associate himself with a low-life like her.

"Are you fucking crazy! I am NOT her boyfriend. I never will be. She can like me all she wants, but I'm not ever going to confess my love to her. NO WAY! I refuse to be tied down by her dorky ways. She's nothing to me. Just another slave to the sound of my cracking whip."

With that, he bowed to the teacher before storming out of the room. While in the hallway, he slammed his fist into a locker. Pissed at Davis' comment, the hot-headed male made a b-line for the gym. He would take his anger out with his fits of fury.

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Davis sat blinking. All eyes had managed to fall on he and Skylar.

"Bwah ha ha. That Kenny, he's such a dramatic guy. He was just practicing a line from a play we're writing. Not having any brains or anything, I used names of my friends. No relationship whatsoever. The Skylar in the play is an awesome rockstar who pretends to be a math geek. You'll all really like it. I'm hoping we can perform it sometime this year. Ha ha. Oh would you look at the time, Skylar and I are meeting with a rep. Ain't that right, Skye? Yup, yup, yup. It's time to go get famous!"

Snatching Skylar's arm, he yanked the girl from her seat and slung her over his back. Running out the door after Ken, he froze when he hit the courtyard. Davis placed Skylar on the ground before scratching his head and sighing.

"Sorry about that, Skye. I tried to hook you two up. Looks like I only pissed him off. There is good news, though! He totally likes you! The fire in his eyes says it all. Just you wait, one day, you'll both be happily married. I know, I'm awesome. You can thank me later. Teeheeee!"

X---AznCo0ki3 08-18-2011 04:01 PM

Skylar's eye twitched and her ears, oh how they burned furiously as Davis spoke. She flinched, Ken was angry, he was angrier than angry, if there was something angrier than angry. But it was nothing compared to what Sky was going to be feeling next.

Skylar clutched her stomach, Ken's words...they hurt worse than any of the punches and kicks that Josie had thrown at her. Her heart, she could literally hear it crack as it shattered. 'Dorky ways'? Skylar closed her eyes, her lips trembled and she sunk lower in her seat. She watched Ken leave and her heart dropped a thousand times more than it already had in the past few minutes. Skylar bit her lips and lowered her head as she felt all eyes on her and Davis.

Mr. Hays was surprised, he stood there and blinked. Too stunned to say anything, what had just happened? He glanced over at Sky and saw she was obviously distressed, he turned to Davis and frowned as he spoke. A play?. Mr. Hays was smart enough to know that what had just happened had nothing to do with a play, he honestly felt horrible for Skylar.

There was no reason any person should have been treated that badly, it was wrong. He would have a talk with the new kid, Kenneth Fletcher, later. He said nothing as Davis yanked Sky from her seat and dragged the zombie like girl out of the class.

By the time Davis had grabbed Skylar she was sobbing, her heart had never hurt this bad. She didn't even question him, Skylar just sat on the ground where Davis had placed her. She didn't even look up as he spoke, Skylar shook her head. "He doesn't like me, who can like me? He was right, I'm just a stupid dork...I'm not a fucking beauty queen like Josie. And frankly, I don't think I can ever be. I mean look at me Davis! I'm just...just ugly, plain Jane...a loser" she dragged the back of her hand across her eyes. "I don't even know why I'm alive" she said desperately.

"He hates me, it's happened just like I visioned a thousand times...except...that this is reality and not some stupid nightmare, and it hurts worse than anything" Skylar sighed as she sat with her hand in her face and shook her head. She hated this feeling, the feeling of a broken heart and the feeling of a friendship that was breaking.

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