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CK 12-17-2011 05:45 AM

Preferred genders in roleplaying...?
I'm curious Menewsha - which gender do you prefer roleplaying? Or do you have a preference?

If you have a preference, do you know why you have one?

Tell me about the choices you make when selecting a gender for your roleplaying characters. :3

Popcorn Gun 12-18-2011 12:09 AM

I just tend to always roleplay as a girl. I've roleplayed a boy once before, and I'm not sure how good I was at it, but I did love the character.
:' 3
It was a roleplay called 'I'm not insane' here on mene.

I guess I pick based on my gender. A girl would have an easier time sounding like a girl, no?
How about you?

Bearzy 12-18-2011 12:11 AM

I tend to roleplay as... well, just as whatever's available. I enjoy writing boys, just as much as I enjoy writing girls. :)

CK 12-18-2011 03:23 AM

Oh, I'll play either gender. xD

I admit that for the last several years, I've been asked and encouraged into playing boys more often - or the boys become either my favorite character or my friends' favorite character to play against, so I tend to want to play boys more often. xD

So whenever I start playing in a new game, I'm most likely to consider playing a boy before I consider playing a girl.

(Oddly enough, though I roleplay boys more often, when I write my main characters are usually female.)

Codette 12-18-2011 06:02 AM

nine times out of ten, I'll play as a girl because I am a girl and I feel more comfortable doing so. But Every now and then I'll pull out a male character. They're mainly brought out if the RP really needs another male, sometimes because I want to play a male, but if I have a male character they're always my second character behind a female.

My female characters are usually adventurous and daring, while my males are kind and romantic... They're kinda backwards*laughs*

Antagonist 12-18-2011 03:07 PM

I prefer being genderless, like as an elemental or undead (natural-born undead, not the previously-living-turned-undead type of undead) or something. :XD

Though I tend to choose being a male when genders are required. I'm awkward roleplaying as a female. :sweat:

Q U E E N 12-18-2011 05:29 PM

Well, it really depends on what mood I'm in that day :XD

If I feel like playing a girl, it'll be a girl. If I feel like playing a guy, it'll be a guy. So I guess I play both genders, I'm fine with it.

RoadToGallifrey 12-18-2011 07:53 PM

I'll play both male and female characters, but I tend to prefer playing males. I guess it's because I'm a girl, so it's a nice change. Also, I genuinely hate most girls because they have the tendency to be horrible excuses for human beings.

KittyCat18 12-18-2011 10:40 PM

I've gotten to the point where I don't really care which gender I play.
I'm used to female roleplayers (no offense attended) saying they'll only play female, forcing me to play male.
So in the long run, I've grown to have experience with both roles making me a better writer. I actually enjoy playing either gender, although it gets tiring hearing "I can only play female" :-/

Bearzy 12-18-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770196623)

My female characters are usually adventurous and daring, while my males are kind and romantic... They're kinda backwards*laughs*

This. I'm exactly the same with my backwards characters, unless I'm assigned a character trait, like I was once assigned with making an "arrogant" character. He was fun to play, and at the moment, I'm working on one who has to be "Bubbly".

Dottie Mae Evans 12-19-2011 12:54 AM

For some reason, I prefer role playing as a male. I don't know why though. Although I don't mind role playing as a female. Either gender is fine by me.

I think my main reason for preference for role playing as a male is because the role players I had run into only role plays as females.

Also I just feel males are easier to role play as. :) Not that I dislike role playing as female characters, it's just after a while I just have grown use to role playing as a male character.

Wavi 12-20-2011 01:47 AM

I tend to take on the male characters as most of the female roleplayers on here refuse to play their opposite gender. After writing as a male for so long (I've been creating male characters since 2003), it just becomes second nature. I also go to a tech-school, so I'm usually surrounded by men. I tend to pick up personalities and traits from my male friends (or TV characters).

But yeah, all in all, I love writing as the male. At times, I wish I could play as a female more, but I understand personal limits, so I'm willing to accomadate. :]

DrkDmnDrgn 12-20-2011 07:54 PM

I have always played as male characters because I am male. I have sent in a female profile for a roleplay and will try it out soon. I mainly started Roleplaying a a female due to the fact that the main character of my i'm writing is female and I need to test it out. (I had to make two female characters for my book because all but one of my friends made male characters.... 7 males and 1 female would NOT go well in an adventure......... 5 males and 3 females is a lot better...)

Arechi 12-21-2011 02:00 AM

Personally I rather like playing male characters over female characters, even though I'm female. :XD I guess my reason came more from the fact that I hung around boys more and was more of a 'tomboy' then a girly girl when I was younger. Hotwheels over barbies any day for me. :XD Anyways that doesn't mean I won't play a female character. Even though I rather like playing males 9/10 I'll go with the gender that has the least amount of people playing it. I've also found that there's a few people I regularly rp with that prefer playing female characters so naturally I just take up the male role, so I've gotten use to it too. :XD

LucienSlade 12-22-2011 01:39 AM

Personnaly, I like playing a female character. I have done it for so long, I sometimes can't even think of what to say when playing a male char. I can, but I usually have the most fun playing as the other gender..... Does that make me wierd? @_@

Drop Bear 12-22-2011 03:10 PM

I play as a he-she. That way it doesnt matter! :lol:

No, seriously, i play as male characters. Im not too sure how to play female characters, i dont understand their womanly ways! That said, i have one character thats slightly femme, but its in a rather mocking sense as he uses it against other characters to taunt and mock them... though he taunts and mocks everyone anyways.

Tystna 12-24-2011 07:43 AM

I can do either, but men is preferred.
I used to do BL roleplaying.
My best characters for some reason are complete jerks.
For some reason I am good at writing those type of characters.
It makes me wonder if there is a sadist deep inside me.

Roka 12-24-2011 11:42 PM

I usually try to balance my characters out, so that I have both a male and a female in a roleplay.
I really don't mind playing either, and I usually leave it up to whoever I'm playing with. Though, there are the times where I feel as if a certain role should be played by either gender, and I'll do that.

However, most people that I've played with on here prefer playing female, so I'm usually stuck with the male. It's not that I mind, it's just that it would be nice if someone else were willing to jump out of their comfort zone for a bit, you know?

I do feel like I get a bit more freedom when I'm playing a male character - I've always been "too boyish" as I'm told. I guess I use the male characters as my personal outlet. xD

Caterina 12-26-2011 09:10 PM

There's really no difference, when you get down to it. I play both equally!

Adrastiea 12-28-2011 04:08 AM

I'm a switch-hitter. There have been a few times where I've played transgender characters too, I like experimenting with the spectrum. I especially liked experimenting with it after a psychology class I took where we talked about the whole difference between sex and gender. Typically I chose what gender my character will be by what feels organic (weird word choice, I know) with what type of character I'm trying to create.

Mystic 12-28-2011 04:34 PM

It depends more on the character than gender. I used to RP all males strictly but threw in a few females that I liked and created some OCs that kind of grew on me.

Facade 12-29-2011 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Adrastiea (Post 1770266057)
I'm a switch-hitter. There have been a few times where I've played transgender characters too, I like experimenting with the spectrum. I especially liked experimenting with it after a psychology class I took where we talked about the whole difference between sex and gender. Typically I chose what gender my character will be by what feels organic (weird word choice, I know) with what type of character I'm trying to create.

Totally glad you mentioned psychology. :lol: The whole 'sex versus gender' concept plays a huuuge factor into how I even approach questions/remarks from others in everyday life. And specifically in RPing, I love experimenting with gender. I love screwing with others' perceptions of what my character would act like because he's male, etc.

That being said, my favorite characters have been female. In my opinion, I roleplay best with female characters, and the experience tends to be more fun overall. -shrug-

I'm male IRL, for those of you that don't know. :yes:

Of course, I normally keep quite the balance between the amount of characters I have per sex; and in terms of gender, I tend to run the spectrum quite a lot. :lol; Haven't roleplayed any transgender characters, but I *have* roleplayed drag queens, oddly enough. :P

I also greatly enjoy male characters with somewhat muddled gender concepts; I'd consider myself more feminine IRL versus being defined as an archetypal "masculine" guy, although I still find myself moderately wedged in between both ends of the spectrum.

So because of that, I enjoy having my males emulate my own moderation. Feels more genuine and natural to me!

Anyway, yeah. I was raised primarily by four strong-willed women - my mom and her three sisters, my aunts. I would be lying if I said that their influence hasn't affected my writings, both in RP and actual writing. They definitely have. My lack of a dominant male figure in life has also contributed to 'em. :yes:

Midnight_Shadow 12-29-2011 10:28 PM

mmmmmm... can't say I actually have a preference, be it writing or roleplaying. I did when I first started, certainly, playing a female was all i knew how to do. After a few years of practicing with writing and roleplaying, it doesn't really bother me to be a male or a female. in fact, most of the time I end up playing a male when I roleplay. I don't mind, though, I have plenty of enough time to juggle playing a female when I write.

harakun 01-07-2012 08:01 PM

-shoots hand up in the air-
I prefer playing males over females!
But, that doesn't mean I don't play females.
I do. They're just side characters.

The-Black_King 01-08-2012 04:18 AM

um if id have to say I play boy's the most I have played girls out side of menewsha for the fun of it but ya boy

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