Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Hallowe'en 2010 - Let the fun begin! (
-   -   Assassin - Don't Fear the Reaper! (

Knerd 10-13-2010 01:28 AM

Assassin - Don't Fear the Reaper!

Your mission, if you are brave enough to accept it, is to locate and eliminate the target.
It will take all of your cunning, wit, and skill to guide them into your trap.

But beware - They too are trained in the dark art of bloodshed.
Watch your back or you may just fall victim to the

Knerd 10-13-2010 01:28 AM

  • Sign-ups will be from October 30th to Nov1st (at 10pm EST), while the game will be played during the Halloween Event.To Sign-up, send a PM to Knerd with the title Assassin Sign-up!

  • When sign-ups have finished, you will receive a PM from me that contains your victim's name and a codeword. The object of this game is to make your victim type out that word in one of their posts during the Halloween Event. If they say that word, then you've "killed" them.

  • If you happen to be killed, I will PM you your obituary. Your time in the game has ended, may you rest in peace.

  • This will continue until we have a single Master Assassin or until time runs out.

Knerd 10-13-2010 01:29 AM

So you've killed your victim: Now what?

Screenshot the entire webpage where you found the codeword and do not edit it.
Send it to me in a PM along with their username, their codeword, and the URL of the page that the post can be found on.
After confirming your kill, I will send you the information for your next victim.

For the sake of simplicity, feel free to use this format:

HTML Code:

[b]My Victim's Username[/b]:
For Participating: Your choice of a Halloween '10 EI

Master Assassin
In the event that this game is played to full completion, this grand prize winner is the last user standing.
All other players must be dead in order for someone to claim this prize.
15,000 gold

Most Kills
This is the user (or users, in the event of a tie) who manages to assassinate the most people.
10,000 gold

Two Runners Up
The second and third top scores for Most Killed.
5,000 gold each

The "I'm Not Dead Yet" Award
Each user who manages to survive the entire Halloween Event without being killed will win a small prize for their efforts.
500 gold

Knerd 10-13-2010 01:30 AM

Do I have to post?

Every participant is required to post 15+ times every 24 hours. At least 5 of these posts must be within this thread!
If you fail to stay active and miss one 24 hour period, you will be ejected from the contest. You will not receive any warning.

When do the 24 hours periods end?

They start and end at 10:30 EST, when the game officially started.
This means that you and your victim must have 15 posts by the time every day if you wish to stay in the game.

My victim isn't posting! Help!

PM me. Tell me the name of your victim and link me to their profile. I'll take care of it. :twisted:

My victim posted the word! Is this a kill?

If it is within a post or blog post that was made since the start of the Halloween event, then yes! It counts as a kill!
If the word was written before the event started, or in a Private Message, then nope. Sorry, but that doesn't count.

Do Word Variations Count?

Changing the tense or plurality of a word is a-okay. (Run can become Ran, Monkey can become Monkeys)
However, changing the part of speech that the word falls into is not ok. (Sun cannot become Sunny, Able cannot become Capable)
If you're confused about whether your word is a kill, just PM me about it and I'll make the judgement call. :yes:

I Can't Find My Victim! Who the Heck is This Person?

Keep an eye on this thread. Everyone is required to post within it 5+ times every day, so they will appear soon enough.

Knerd 10-13-2010 01:31 AM

Cherry Flavored Antacid
Lilith W
Popcorn Gun
The Whitewolf Shaman
The Roze
Winter Wind
Whimsical Sadist
Ember Mist
Vixen with a Vendetta
Cora Lorington
Suzhi Mix
Carpe Diem

Knerd 10-13-2010 01:32 AM

Come one, come all!
Every day this thread will host new games in order to encourage you guys to talk!

Today's Game:

Pun & Games

Tell me your best Halloween and Assassin related jokes or puns. The ones that make me laugh will get a prize!

(How can you tell if a dyslexic corpse is quizzing you? ‘Tis More Rigor ous! :rofl:)

Knerd 10-30-2010 11:51 PM

Participation EIs!

As you guys may have noticed, everyone who played the game will be receiving an EI just for participating!

By default, you will all be given the Green Goodie Bag.

However, if you would like to receive a different colored bag, please pm me as soon as possible.


Seridano 10-31-2010 12:07 AM

This sounds utterly EPIC!

Dystopia 10-31-2010 12:07 AM

D:< I want to plaaay~~

Knerd 10-31-2010 12:11 AM

Everyone should plaaaaaay!!

Seridano 10-31-2010 12:12 AM

I will definitely be getting in on this. Sounds like far too much fun to pass on! ^.^
Also, good to see you have a shotgun...we'll need it if any zombies make an appearance.

zeapear 10-31-2010 12:12 AM

I remember this from last year! :D

Keyori 10-31-2010 12:12 AM

OMG YES. My favoritest game EVAR! Count me in! 8D

Knerd 10-31-2010 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1768548422)
Also, good to see you have a shotgun...we'll need it if any zombies make an appearance.

This shotgun has turned into my best friend -- Zombies, monsters, trolls, I'm not picky! :twisted:

Popcorn Gun 10-31-2010 12:17 AM

It's assassin.
And le siiigh, I died last time, but I'm determined to live this time around!
>:' )

Seridano 10-31-2010 12:17 AM

Are the words going to be things that aren't commonly said?

Knerd 10-31-2010 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1768548489)
Are the words going to be things that aren't commonly said?

Maaaaaaybe, maaaaaybe not!

Kent 10-31-2010 12:20 AM

I think I'll try this~ >3 However, I don't know if I'll be that active, because of college. D: But I'll try to be! ; w;

Seridano 10-31-2010 12:26 AM

Oh God, you sound like my friends Kristin and Alison...their response to most questions is to say maaaaaybe, maaaaaybe not drawn out just so in a sing-song fashion. ^.^;

Talitha001 10-31-2010 12:27 AM

Ill join in ^.^
I lost last time but ill win this time haha

Cherry Who? 10-31-2010 12:30 AM

I wanna play! :D I hope I can be active enough.

Kiako 10-31-2010 12:31 AM

I want to play!!!! <3333

Keyori 10-31-2010 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1768548489)
Are the words going to be things that aren't commonly said?

You can look at the thread from last year to see if anyone posted any of their "key" words and get a good idea of what they'll be like. ;D

Seridano 10-31-2010 12:56 AM

Ehehehe danke for the heads up Keyori. ^.^

Popcorn Gun 10-31-2010 12:58 AM

How do we sign up exactly?
Just express an interest in joining?
:' o ~??

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