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Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:18 AM

Oi. Here. Talk. Whatever. Post and get me stuff. And maybe win a CI. Dunno.

Hey Greed: Here's a thread! I honestly don't know why I made it. Boredom, I guess.
Uh Wonderlands: xuvrette: I guess you two hung around a lot during the dead hours too.

Alright then. *Current* CI Giveaway. Because money. I'll give away a few, I'm not sure how many yet. I'll list what is definitely going though

Post #100 in this Thread gets one
Post #500 gets one.
Post #1000 Gets one.
And some random posters along the way.

Greed 03-18-2013 10:20 AM

Shleepyyyyy. *nudges*

Such a fan of the dead hours.

Gah. Can't wait for the weekend. It's going to be so good.

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:22 AM

*pokes* I'm totally living up to that part of my name now. I'm really tired.

Why are you lookiing forward to the weekend?

Greed 03-18-2013 10:26 AM

Haha. At least you know you picked a good name.

And me and a bunch of my friends formed a team to apply for Atlassian's code camp.. And we got accepted. :'p
Can't wait to get crackin'!

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:27 AM

Well it wasn't my original username. I'm glad I changed it to this though.


Greed 03-18-2013 10:29 AM

Lol. What was it before? :O I think it started with T if I remember... Maybe.

Software Development and Collaboration Tools | Atlassian
A company. ;p

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:33 AM

You do remember correctly. It was tntk_2. I've been in a very slow process of changina ll of my usernames from that to Sleepy Anarchy for a while now. Problem is that most (Read: Blizzard things) require a 12 or less letter username. SleepyAnarchy is 13.

Ooooh. That actually looks pretty handy.

Wonderlands 03-18-2013 10:41 AM

Code Camp sounds really cute.

xuvrette 03-18-2013 10:42 AM

What code camp?

Just finish showering~

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:43 AM

It kind of does.

Oh, a shower would be amazing right now. But everyone has gone to bed already...

Wonderlands 03-18-2013 10:45 AM

I want to go on a camp. :(

Is your shower loud or?

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:46 AM

I miss going on camp. Year 12 camp was one of the most fun things I've done.

Not exactly. It's just a little too small for me to comfortably wash myself in and when I bash my elbow against the glass, then it's loud.

xuvrette 03-18-2013 10:47 AM

loud shower? what you mean?
I think my shower water pressure is low though.

hummy 03-18-2013 10:48 AM

*tosses snowballs*

xuvrette 03-18-2013 10:49 AM

Hummymy's place still got snow?

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:50 AM

*tosses mudballs* Never had snow. Kind of hard to throw it when you don't have it.

Greed 03-18-2013 10:50 AM

I kind of can't wait. XD I get to stay up all night coding. Who doesn't want that.

What made you chose sleepy anarchy? and i'll be on when you get back.

hummy 03-18-2013 10:50 AM

sometimes until april

Wonderlands 03-18-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Anarchy (Post 1771721917)
I miss going on camp. Year 12 camp was one of the most fun things I've done.

Not exactly. It's just a little too small for me to comfortably wash myself in and when I bash my elbow against the glass, then it's loud.

I didn't go on grade 12 camp. :<
We don't have many choices in camp destinations so during high school every grade level and music camp was at the same place. It would have been okay if I had not have already been there twice and it was a good place. Therefore I did not bother.

HAHAH, sorry but that's so funny.

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:52 AM

I don't mind a bit of coding, but when i'm required to do it, I lose all drive. Except when the coding is given to me wrong and I feel a need to fix it. I did that in one of my exams. They gave us the wrong code and told us to integrate it as it was into an other program. I didn't like that, so I decided to just re-write it.

An anime. To be more specific, a song from an anime. Search D-City Rock if you want to hear it.

hummy 03-18-2013 10:53 AM

coding is scarie to me

xuvrette 03-18-2013 10:54 AM

I never went camping before~ *twirls*

Is that what the loud means? for shower?

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Wonderlands (Post 1771721959)
I didn't go on grade 12 camp. :<
We don't have many choices in camp destinations so during high school every grade level and music camp was at the same place. It would have been okay if I had not have already been there twice and it was a good place. Therefore I did not bother.

HAHAH, sorry but that's so funny.

We had to go on a study camp. No studying was done. And someone ended up with a matress on the roof, a bed full of chairs, a chair on the roof and a doormat hanging from the ceiling. I'm not sure ow they managed any of that.

I could probably do it without making noise, but I make excessive movements too much.

Greed 03-18-2013 10:56 AM

LOL that sounds like way too much fun. I remember my study camp. It wasn't as amazing.

---------- Post added 03-18-2013 at 09:57 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Sleepy Anarchy (Post 1771721961)
I don't mind a bit of coding, but when i'm required to do it, I lose all drive. Except when the coding is given to me wrong and I feel a need to fix it. I did that in one of my exams. They gave us the wrong code and told us to integrate it as it was into an other program. I didn't like that, so I decided to just re-write it.

An anime. To be more specific, a song from an anime. Search D-City Rock if you want to hear it.

Hhaha. You are crazy.

And well, it's not complete coding, we also get to do design and stuff like that. Also there will be movies, pool and ping-pong. [squee]

Sleepy Anarchy 03-18-2013 10:57 AM

My study camp was awesome. At one point, one of th kids tried to sneak out of the room through a window. They got halfway out, saw a teacher standing in front of them and just crawled back in.
And I got woken up at 3am because someone managed to get out and smash on the side of our cabin. My only response to that was to ask who fell out of their bed.

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