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th4i 04-04-2012 07:33 PM

When was the last time you remember being truely and completely happy?

For me?
Last year, April 2nd, my life was perfect. It was before my problem started, I was in a happy relationship, even though It was long distance, my parents and I were happy, I had just gotten homeschooled, I was healthy. And I was in complete happiness...

RoadToGallifrey 04-04-2012 07:39 PM

Last July was probably the last time I was truly happy. I was with a wonderful guy; I'd left school; I'd gotten accepted into college; I was out with my friends; I was having parties; I was going on ghost tours; I was meeting new people and making friends I never dreamt of; I was trying things I never thought I would.

It all went to shit around the end of August and I've been up and down since then.

Codette 04-04-2012 09:03 PM

Unless bad things happen, I'm generally happy. ^.^ I guess I'm a bit of an optimist, starting each day great, then seeing if the day makes it better or worse. *shrugs* so Last time I remember being happy. Well I still am. It's a great day, sure I got called in to work for 5 hours, but it's 50 extra bucks on my next paycheck. Sure one of our girls quit, but that means my hours are bumping up from ~15 hours a week to ~22 hours a week. So that makes me happy. Also my family decided that today, once everyones done work we'd go to Red Lobster for supper. We haven't had a family meal out somewhere in about a year and a half minimum. So I'm incredibly happy!

Mystic 04-04-2012 09:16 PM

I honestly can't remember the last time I was really happy. I'm mostly just "okay". I'm working on fixing that though.

th4i 04-04-2012 09:16 PM

You're lucky. I never found myself to be an optimist, though I completely encourage it. For some reason though, I always end up looking at the cup as though it's half empty. If something goes wrong, other things go wrong, next thing I know my entire day is ruined. Although lately, I've been having so many issues with everything, I just stopped going out, so bad things would stop happening, surprisingly, they have calmed down quite a bit, though my parents still find a way to fuck me over somehow at least once a day. But soon enough I'll be moving out.
I have started doing a lot of things that made me happy in the past, such as getting back into drawing, dancing, etc. But for some reason, without everything else being happy around, I can't push myself to enjoy those things anymore.
I haven't went out to a family dinner in over 5 years, and my family is just my parents and I... we haven't even had shabbat dinner with my uncle and cousins in well over three years You really are lucky that you get to spend time with your family like that.


Mystic: that's exactly how I am, most of the time, but I have to try to be like that. Other days I'm completely just terrible. :/

Mystic 04-04-2012 09:20 PM

Same here. I get days where I just crash and sulk most of the time. I was a lot worse where I was just depressed all the time but I do the same thing and force myself to be "content".

th4i 04-04-2012 09:30 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only one that's like that. :/

Vox 04-04-2012 11:50 PM

I'm happy quite often these days. Last May sticks out in particular. I was so at peace with everything in my present and past that I thought I had reached self-actualization.

ElysiumFate 04-04-2012 11:50 PM

I haven't had a continuous period of the kind of happiness you're talking about for a very, very, very long time, but lately I've been pretty okay. :yes:

I did have almost an entire day of happiness a little while back, though. Actually, it was just last Friday. I had a great session and talk with my violin teacher, and then I went outside to find that the day was beautiful. The sun was shining, it was in the high 70's, and the sky was blue. I'd washed my car a couple of days before, so it was clean. So I spent the next couple of hours driving down roads with some music blasting, and the windows down. It was just great. *nods*

I'm always just happiest when I tell myself I need to be happy.

Keyori 04-04-2012 11:57 PM

When I saw my husband for the first time after five months of separation. I was on my way home (permanently) and was still optimistic about finding a job.

My happiness has slowly been spiraling downwards since then, due to the tight job market here. My degree and knowledge/skills related to it just isn't in demand in our area.

Pa-chinko 04-05-2012 12:41 AM

June 2011
Last time I saw my husband. T_T

Felice 04-05-2012 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mystic (Post 1770575216)
I honestly can't remember the last time I was really happy. I'm mostly just "okay". I'm working on fixing that though.

^ Same.
It was probably last summer, I think. I'm not really sure.

lightkanna 04-06-2012 06:59 AM

The only real bliss I had was when I was little. I don't remember recently being really happy. I can only think about when I was little that I was really and truly happy. =/

Desirai 04-06-2012 08:28 AM

I haven't been truly happy in a long, long time. Probably when I got accepted to college. 2008 was my best year. it has gone downhill since..
I'm pretty miserable right now, but August 1st 2011 was a good day. I got my driving license, my brand new DSLR and me and my mom didn't fight that day. (Mom is bipolar)

But pretty much every day is miserable right now.. working a dead end job to pay student loans, living with my parents, don't have a car. bleeugh..

The Real Nikki 04-07-2012 04:57 AM

Two years ago, when I first started school. I made a million new friends, boyfriend was coming to visit, I got away from my dramatic family and I was so excited about my new college life. These days, I get semi-super- happy :D I like Friday mornings when I wake up at boyfriend's house. For three seconds nothing bothers me. Then I'm like, oh.. I guess it's time to be a grown up ):

Everyone in this thread needs a hug! D:

LiterallyLost 04-07-2012 05:24 AM

I can't remember the last time i was truly happy. :/
I'm with a really nice guy but there are so many factors to me being able to be with him that it's just stressing me out.
We never get any time alone. It's just not what i thought it would be like. I moved here to be with him and i just feel like that's not what's happening here.

Gemini 04-07-2012 09:16 AM

Happy? *thinks back* I think...that would have to be four years ago, when we brought home our dog from the pet store.he was so small and cute, and he couldn't walk on the tile floor in the kitchen, so he hopped like a rabbit across the floor *snort* it was so funny! So cute! Lol

Liquid Diamond 04-07-2012 08:27 PM

Sophmore year of high school. I was an established full time actress, I was beautiful, I was starting to date this new guy (my current boyfriend), and I had tons of friends. I was always happiest in the spotlight...

Then I developed schizophrenia, gained weight, and was betrayed by everyone who was my "friend".
My illness became full blown, and it was a fast fall downhill from there.

I'm starting to get it all back now, though. I've gotten medicated, my guy has moved in with me, I'm losing weight, and I'm starting college back in the fall. (The acting chapter of my life is closed now, but I'm okay with that). I was 16 when I was happy... I'm VERY slowly climbing to the top of that hill again, and I'm 21. Crappy few years :/

`Haru 04-07-2012 09:24 PM

You were completely happy on my Birthday last year. ^3^

As for me, I used to /always/ be happy before I had to move away from my hometown. Until the first month of grade seven. Starting a new school (actually five schools since I've moved just that much) was really rough, and even now I don't have anyone to consider a friend in real life. Parents divorced around the same time, gained weight, - stupidly - started to cut, all that mixed in with growing up. :lol: Recently though I think I'm inching towards getting a handle on things. Digging towards my dreams of being a teacher; I've gotten into a relationship - although it's long long distance too. Hopefully I get back into a 'happy' or at least decent state, :lol:

Destiny 04-07-2012 10:05 PM

Today. Because of the 4-day weekend~

`Haru 04-08-2012 12:14 AM

^ that's a pretty happy thing too :lol:

Gemini 04-08-2012 01:03 AM

Its hard to be happy these days.

Sun 04-08-2012 06:27 AM

I'm not sure about the date, but about two years ago now. I was doing my Reiki 1 course, and was completely satisfied i was making progress in life. The reiki made me feel brilliant, as if i could take on the world.
Also, it was the most enjoyable year of my university experience. I didn't have proper friends, the kind i found at home, but i had company and enjoyed the last few months especially.
I had just stopped contact with the person i had been in a relationship with till the previous October, and the reason for doing that empowered me, and helped me realise what was important in my life, and gave me an insight into what i really want to do after i finish uni. I had a brilliant summer, spending most of it at the zoo, with fantastic company, and i relished the three days a week i spent there.
Not to mention, this was the time before my health began to suffer. Before i got my PCOS, insulin resistance and all the other delightful things it brings with it. Before i became 'allergic' to something, that would prevent me from breathing. Before i had to deal with the jealousy and low self esteem that being at the zoo now brings me. And most of all before i had to face the fact i'd suffered through university, most likely to never acquire a job related to the field which despite my apparent apathy most of the time (thanks university!), i do still have a massive passion for.

Rant over!

Pretty much any time was blissful before i started uni though. Right now my PCOS dominates so much of my life it's unreal, and i haven't learned how to cope with it fully yet. I do find happiness where i can though, and hope in earnest that things will pick up.

Sho-Shonojo 04-08-2012 06:31 AM

I try to stay positive whenever I can, so I'm happy most of the time. But I was super happy the other weekend when I went to a convention with my friends and we just hung out together and had a good time, especially when we went out to dinner afterward and just talked it up. Gotta enjoy the simple pleasures whenever they come in life.

CADFND 04-08-2012 09:40 PM

I do my best to stay positive, often just attempting to not pay attention to the rest of the world around me, though most of the time I'm quite aware that it exists. :(

However, the most recent times I was happy are today and yesterday. Yesterday because most of the family gathered around a big TV and laughed at Star Wars spoofs, and today because I got an album by my favorite band whom never fail to cheer me up when I'm down. ^^ That plus my family's upcoming vacation make me very happy, although I have had some ups and downs through today. >w>;

The last time I was TRULY happy, though, is a mystery to me, since I never seem to be able to stay blissful for long. >.>

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