Menewsha Avatar Community

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Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:09 PM

In The Ring: Wendy's Circus Hangout Thread! [Draw my OC, please? :3 First thread!]

WOOO! The circus is here! Just making a hangout to celebrate the awesomeness of a user-run summer event. ;]

Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to bring us yet another summer event this year. :]

I would LOVE if anyone was willing to draw my OC, Jade, for free, as I'm questing but still would LOVE art of her. References for her can be found HERE, a link to my request thread.

Thanks in advance to anyone who draws her!

Freebies that I've received during the event:

From FelineOrchid:
From Tilly:
From Catonia:
From Pinwheel:
From Tsuki-Chani:

And *Hime* drew a wonderfully detailed headshot of my avatar. :D

Kultura 06-21-2009 07:15 PM

First post in the first thread?
I win? :-p


Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:16 PM

YAY! You do win, Kultura. Omg, it's been so long since I've seen you around here, how have you been doing?! :O And you have a wonderful circus-ish avatar, if I do say so myself. :D Yay for confetti. :3

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:16 PM

Cool~ ^o^ I'm excited.

Kultura 06-21-2009 07:18 PM

I am the gypsy fortune teller B)
So I gotta be colorful! XD

I've been doing ok.. Just need to dress my charity mule pretty to have a Circus Edition of my charity =3

Hey Hyda!

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:19 PM

@Hyda: Yes, I'm excited, too. :3 Seems kinda slow at the moment, but I blame that on Fathers Day. People will come pouring in soon, I hope. :D

@Kultura: I saw that! I loved the pixelation of your avatar on the final post. I'm busy checking out all the stickied threads right now, everything's so cute. :3

My sister's got a circus-themed name and avatar, so I'll have to tell her to enter the avatar contest. She probably has a very nice shot at winning. :D

*Hime* 06-21-2009 07:21 PM

Hi Wendy, Kultura and Hyda!

What's up? (:

Siipu 06-21-2009 07:22 PM

yay for me getting the 7th post.
that's what I was aiming for. :ninja:

Ivvy 06-21-2009 07:22 PM

Yay a thread thats not sticky! Hello Wendy! And an entry humm I want to see this good chance of winning avi you say is out

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:23 PM

Hiya Kultura~ Hello Wendy~ Hello Hime~ ^o^

Wendy: Ahh yes.. I keep forgetting that it is Father's Day. :} You're right, I'm sure people will come pouring in soon. ^w^ This will be the first event I have ever experienced here, so this is awesome. I like that it's user-ran and not full of NPC's and stuff.

Hime: Not much is up. Just lurking the forums and such. :'D What are you up to?

shinigami2 06-21-2009 07:25 PM

hello everyone :)

Yay for the circus <3 I hope more people drop by!

*Hime* 06-21-2009 07:26 PM

I'm also lurking Hyda, and trying to earn some goldies by posting as I'm too lazy and unmotivated to play any of the games today ^_^

[Ogin] 06-21-2009 07:26 PM

Hi everyone! :]

shinigami2 06-21-2009 07:28 PM

Hello [Ogin] how are you?

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:28 PM

@Hime: Hey, hon! :3 Not much is going on. Checking out all the cute places in the stickies, wondering what to enter, and if I'll have time for everything. XD Waiting for company to arrive for Fathers Day since we've got a lot of family coming. What about you? :O

@Siipu: Lucky number seven, eh? >D I think any first page post is awesome; I was just shocked to see I got the first thread. :O

@Ivvy: Yes! I was a bit afraid to post one cause I didn't see one up, but I saw the subforum was finally visible for me so I figured what the heck. XD I'll have to tell my sister to get on right now; she's been up for over 24 hours now and trying to stay awake for the company we have coming later, but I'll get onto her for getting online and entering. :]

@Hyda: Yay, awesome! User-run events are a bit different from the official events that the staff put on for the community, but they're undoubtedly just as fun. You'll enjoy yourself. :D

Also, hey Shini and Ogin. :D

Ivvy 06-21-2009 07:28 PM

Hello Ogin how are you doing today?

@ Wendy.. lol yes I am looking forward to seeing who all goes out for the avi contest I have some good prizes for it. :) And Ahh user run events are fun and laid back. :) So I hope everyone has a good time. :)

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:29 PM

Hime: Hehe I can relate to that x3 I suffer from laziness and procrastination at times.
And not only that, but lurking is fun. :'D

Ogin: Hello~ ^.^ How are you?

Wendy: Yeah I can already tell they're a lot different. :3 I kinda want to come here more than I go to Gaia.. there's just something about this place... :D Anyway, I'm sure I will enjoy myself~ The atmosphere is wonderful!

[Ogin] 06-21-2009 07:32 PM

I am well.
Just popping in.
Not very active on here anymore.
Darn school.

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:34 PM

@Ivvy: Well, she's taking a nap right now because she's had no sleep for about a day, but I informed her; she'll hopefully be entering when she gets on later today. :3 And yes, I agree that they're more laid back. More time for chatting and involving yourself with the stickied threads instead of rushing to collect things for event items.

@Hyda: I was the same way! Gaia just doesn't have the same community friendliness that Menewsha has. That was the biggest turn on to me about this place. You'll definitely love it here, event or no event. :D

@Ogin: I understand. University has been keeping me from coming here as much as I would like to over the past year, but I'm luckily stuck in the middle of summer and no work for a few months. :3

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:35 PM

Ogin: :'( Bummer. School can be a pain. But it was nice of you to at least pop in. :'D

Wendy: Haha exactly. :) I believe I joined 1-2 days ago (I can't honestly remember since I keep staying up really late and I no longer have college to deal with), but I already love Mene. It feels like another home. :D

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:37 PM

@Hyda: Haha, same here. Out for the summer from college, going nocturnal, the days sort of just blend together. I barely remembered it was Fathers Day today. o_O; And yes, Mene does have that homey feel for me, too. I come here to chat and it seems like most of my real life troubles just go away. :3

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:40 PM

Wendy: Yep, that's how it goes. I'm glad you understood what I meant about everything blending together. xD! I was having a hard time explaining it. I also had a hard time remembering that it was Father's Day. xD
:3 Mene is pretty amazing like that. I actually like getting on here, as opposed to me not really wanting to get onto Gaia. It's hard talking to people there.

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:42 PM

Yeah, most people end up just being spammers and flamers, and that's not very fun. They take on more of a robot's personality like they're programmed to bump and spam instead of a real person on the other side to talk to.

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:44 PM

Yeah.. D': I don't think I have anyone really on my friends list, save for two people I met on different sites that played there also. Other than that, I really don't try to look for friends on there anymore. xD

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:46 PM

D: I was the same way, though. No one talked with me long enough there to actually allow me to befriend them or vice versa. :/

Speaking of which, I just befriended you on here, so that's at least a start for you on this site. ;)

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