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Kat Dakuu 12-12-2012 04:38 AM

Heart Upload
Name- Christopher Harte
Age- 21
Race- human
Gender- male

Christopher stomped loudly on the snow as he walked, enjoying the way it crunched and left deep footprints. He was almost twenty-one now and for the past few months, he'd spent his nights in his grandfather's library instead of studying. When he was younger, he had no interest in his grandfather's books and scientific equipment. He was a creative person and preferred to be the struggling singer that lived off the family money. He only became interested after finding his grandfather's diary. Half of it was in code--he had been a paranoid person that feared someone would steal his ideas--but Christopher had gathered that his grandfather had been working on a hell of a project before he died and he'd never finished it. A key was shoved into the binding of the book with an address written on tap wrapped around it.

That was what Christopher was doing now. He glanced at the key again as he came up to what looked like an old warehouse. On second thought, that was exactly where his grandfather would hide something secret. He unlocked the door and crept inside. There were no lights, but it only took a glance to see the room was empty. It was on his second glance that he found a rug as grey as the concrete spread on the floor. When he swept it away, he found a trap door. clever. He started to make his way down the stairs, the day's light reaching him less and less. His foot missed a step. He didn't have a chance to scream. Suddenly he was thudding down the last five steps with noise to rival a cougar's screech.

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-12-2012 03:18 PM

Name- Kitai Unmei
Age- created about 80 years ago
Race- Android
Gender- female

Kitai had been laying there, in the dark, alone for probably nine years... a year after the professor had died she had activated a program that caused her to malfunction and shut down. Now she just laid on the cold floor with an almost peaceful look on her face. The huge computer in the room was turned off and all the lights were off in the lab... but there were lights there you just had to find the switch for them. Everything was dusty and rather dirty... it had been so long since anyone had been down there and moved anything.

(I thought it was going to be his great grandfather? so it would be at least 100 years since anyone was down there?)

Kat Dakuu 12-12-2012 09:19 PM

(you said grandfather not great grandfather.)

Christopher sneezed as dust clouded up around him. He slowly pulled himself to his feet. Even before his eyes started to adjust to the lights, he could sense that the room was very large. The first thing he did was feel along the wall until he found a switch. The room instantly flooded with light and he looked around. His eyes fell on a pretty girl laying as if sleeping on the floor. He let out a little scream and ran to her side to shake her shoulders.

"Eh, are you okay!!? No...wait, are you human?" he stopped to mutter as he felt her cold skin. Was this his grandfather's last experiment? The girl looked flawless as far as he could tell. What was he supposed to do with something he knew nothing about? For some reason, he couldn't stop himself from brushing the girl's hair back away from her face. In the processes of doing that though, he pressed something on the back of her neck that felt like a button. "ehhh...?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-12-2012 09:28 PM

As the button was pressed on the back of Kitai's neck the hug computer screen behind the male came on and started to reboot. "Kit-2 rebooting... Kokoro still in effect... infected software" the computer announced as the girl slowly started to come to and moved a bit placing her hand on her head some as she sat up and her eyes looked quite dull for a few minutes before she looked at the male beside her. He wasn't her creator... so who was he? "Why? Why did you turn me back on?" she asked in almost a metalic voice that was slowly turning more human as her software was turning on more.

Kat Dakuu 12-12-2012 09:40 PM

Christopher couldn't help but be surprised as the computer turned on and then the girl moved. He was kind of expecting something when he pressed the switch, but it surprised him none the less. He really didn't know what to make of this girl that was obviously a robot of some sort; even her voice wasn't quite human. He frowned.

"You don't have to nag. I didn't turn you on on purpose!" he exclaimed. He glanced at the computer which had said something about infected software. "Is there a problem...?" he asked.

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-12-2012 10:02 PM

"Yes it's a problem... it's why I've been down here... who are you anyway?" Kitai asked curiously before getting up and going to the computer touching the screen and it changed showing the date and the date she was last active. "At least 100 years have passed..." she said quietly and clenched her hands before holding where her heart would be as soft tears pattered on the floor. She seemed so real... so much more like a human then a robot... it was actually pretty sad to watch.

Kat Dakuu 12-12-2012 10:17 PM

"Um, my name's Christopher. It seems my grandfather made you..." he said as she got up and walked to the computer. He was going to say more, but tears started to fall down her cheeks and he froze. He wasn't used to being in situations where pretty girls started to cry. He did his best to avoid such things. Finally he carefully stepped up behind her and laid a cautious hand on her shoulder. "It can't be all that bad. Why don't you...tell me your name at least. You have one right?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-12-2012 10:26 PM

"It is that bad... he was like my father... he was always there for me... he made me and cared about me and now he's gone! He was here working on Kokoro and then the next day he didn't come back... and then next day... and after awhile I found something on the computer that said he was dying of some kind of lung cancer... and he knew it... he stayed close until he couldn't anymore and then he was just gone! I didn't even get to say good bye." Kitai cried not looking up but you could still see the tears running down her cheeks and how upset she was that the male had died and left her on her own... she knew it wasn't his fault but it still upset her.

Kat Dakuu 12-13-2012 01:21 AM

Christopher bit his lip. His first instinct was to snort because he couldn't believe that the grandfather he knew was the same person this girl was crying over. He rarely came home, looked down on people with an air of suspicion, and though he didn't flaunt how smart he was, it was always poignantly obvious. Christopher felt a little bitter that this girl was more loved than his own family was. He still patted her shoulder though. "He's probably the only person you knew, but h-hey...just stop crying," he said a bit desperately. "I've always heard the pain goes away."

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-13-2012 02:03 AM

"The pain didn't go away when I made myself short cercate how could you say it goes away?! And no I never knew anyone else, he was scared that if he took me out into the world people would either be scared or would automatically hate me because I wasn't human... he said people were like that... he said one minute they could love you and the next you could be their worst enemy... but he said he would always be there for me... he said he would never hurt me... he told me not to touch Kokoro because he didn't want me to get hurt... but I didn't listen... and I couldn't save him..." Kitai said first sounding harsh then sounding like she was crying again but no teats came out this time at all.

Kat Dakuu 12-13-2012 04:09 AM

Now Christopher wasn't even trying to hide his wince. This girl was unstoppable. He took a step back from her and let his hand just fall to his side. He was definitely doing the opposite of comforting her, so he decided he just wasn't going to try. "Look, I don't know anything about this stuff. You should just...try to calm down some for now. How about I go buy us some ice cream and then we can try to sit down and talk like calm normal people?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-13-2012 01:17 PM

Kitai sighed and nodded as she started to calm down wiping the tears away before looking at the male. "You said your name was Christopher right? I'm sorry for loading you down with my troubles... Everything's just still built up inside." she said softly before looking around and grabbed a box that was full of machanicle stuff and then just waited to hear what Christopher had to say.

Kat Dakuu 12-14-2012 02:57 AM

Christopher sighed in relief as the girl started to calm down. He relaxed against a table and started to inspect the lab. He couldn't believe his grandfather had it hidden down here all this time. "So," he said finally. "you said you've been down here about 100 years? I guess you don't age huh, 'cause you're still young looking." He didn't really know what else to say. He wasn't even sure if he should think of this girl as a robot or a human.

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-14-2012 03:05 AM

Kitai looked at Christopher and shook her head. "No not really... the only thing that's ever really changed is my hair... but that's all really..." she said softly before looking around a bit then closed her eyes and took a deep breath for a moment then let it out calming her nerves a bit more.

Kat Dakuu 12-15-2012 06:47 PM

Christopher nodded softly enough that the motion wasn't really visible. He wondered why only her hair grew. It seemed an odd thing for his grandfather to have done when the rest of her didn't change. "But that's kinda cool because you've been around for so long, but you look like you could be younger than me!" he said. "Nothing wrong with always being young and pretty." He was just happy that she wasn't crying anymore.

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-15-2012 07:26 PM

"I suppose... I'd give up eternal youth and beauty for the one who cared most about me any day though." Kitai said softly before looking around and finding a small box. She pulled out what looked like a locket and opened it looking at the picture of the male inside. She sighed before slipping it on and then looking at Christopher "So what did you come here looking for? You clearly know where you are so you must have been looking for something?" she asked softly as she looked at the male though really saw no resemblance between him and her creator.

Kat Dakuu 12-18-2012 12:41 AM

Christopher smiled softly. "You will just have to find a new person to care about you then," he said with more kindness than before. He was starting to relax as he stuffed his hands in the pockets on his black jeans. "Well, I guess I came here looking for you. Look at this." He held out the diary to the robot girl. "I just learned my gramps was working on something and I came to investigate for no reason in particular."

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-18-2012 01:17 AM

"You found his journal? I was looking for that a few years before I opened the files" Kitai said softly then carefully took the book from the male and looked through it a bit. She then paused and pulled a picture out of the journal and looked out it. She then looked at Christopher curiously and back at the picture. "Do you know him?" she asked softly pointing to a small boy that stood next to her creator and a tank that seemed to have an unfinished version of her in it. "And if you came looking for me... does that mean you came to take me away from here?" she asked softly and now that she had calmed down that sounded rather nice... to be out and in the world...

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2012 01:43 AM

Christoper leaned toward Kitai to look at the picture. He looked at the faded and slightly blurry picture for a few seconds, then just shrugged. "Hard to tell without a date. Could be a dad, me, or my brother. I've heard especially that me and my older brother used to look like twins," he said. "I don't remember ever being here though." He couldn't help but be interested in the picture though since he knew nothing about it.

Taking a few steps back towards the stairs, he turned over his shoulder to grin at Kitai. "Do you want to get out of here?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-22-2012 02:09 AM

Kitai nodded a bit and gave a slight smile to Christophen when he asked if she was coming with him. "Yeah... so long as you don't mind me staying with you that is." she asked softly before walking over and making sure that she had everything that she needed she then looked at Christopher to make sure he was okay with it.

Kat Dakuu 12-27-2012 04:09 AM

Christopher nodded and gave the room one last look, then headed to the stairs. "Be careful on these. The dust made them slick and I fell down earlier," he warned as he carefully made his way up them. He wasn't going to hurry and risk falling again. He passed through the upper level quickly and threw open the door. The sun reflecting off the snow and the chill wind had him stunned for a second before he stepped outside. He help the door open for Kitai.

"Welcome to the sunlight."

Sinsue Hoshigo 12-27-2012 06:00 AM

"I know what sunlight is... oh and those stairs are actually marble... they were meant to be a way to keep anyone from finding me, you shouldn't have even been able to survive falling down the stairs really." Kitai said as she fallowed Christopher and looked around outside a bit and it reminded her of the last time she saw her creator... but she was trying really hard not to think of it. "So... can I call you Chris? Or what would you like me to call you by?" she asked softly then paused for a second. "Did I ever tell you my name?" she asked feeling kinda stupid right now since she couldn't remember and it seemed even more so now then before that she was more human then anything else.

Kat Dakuu 01-03-2013 09:30 PM

Christopher paused and slightly frowned at the robot girl. "I'd prefer if you called me Christopher and not Chris. Only my brother calls me Chris," he added with a mutter. There wasn't really malice in his mutter, but it was clear that he didn't want to talk about his brother. "And you did tell me your name. Kitai right? So do you like the sunlight, Kitai?" he asked as he walked.

Sinsue Hoshigo 01-03-2013 09:37 PM

"Oh okay I'm sorry I didn't know." Kitai said softly then nodded and looked around. "Yeah... it's been a long time since I've actually seen the sun though..." she said softly and looked around a bit more though really wasn't sure how exactly to feel right now.. she felt both better and worse having left the lab where she had spend the majority of her 'life'

Kat Dakuu 01-03-2013 09:45 PM

Christopher just shook his head and shrugged it off. He kept his attention to the landscape around him. Since they were on the outer limits of the city, there was lots of snowy ground and open air rather than buildings all crowded about for space. This liked this kind of scenery better than the city. "Well, I hope you don't mind a long walk in this cold...can you get cold? Er, I hope you don't mind the walk because it's a distance to my family's house and I don't have a car," he said.

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