Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Hallowe'en 2010 - Let the fun begin! (
-   -   Severed Teddy Heads! WIN LIGHT SPELL! FIRST POSTER ON 20 GETS A CANDY! (

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:34 PM

So heres the deal. Wolfie is a man of action, and lately I've seen a ton of these fuzzy suckers showing up, and in case you haven't noticed, I REALLY want one...

So without begging, pleading, and generally annoying the heck out of everyone, I needed to devise a nice way to exploit my feelings towards this incredible creature of cuteness... without hindering your ability to enjoy the event. This thread gives you a chance to win an awesome item as well, so heres the deal:

I run a charity, in case you didn't already know, and have lots of little gifts to give. So one of these special little pieces floating about in my charity invo happens to be the beloved Fluffy (aka Light Spell)

So here's the deal, I really want a severed teddy head. You might really want a Fluffy. So I have two deadlines.

First, if I somehow find and end up with a severed teddy head, I will give the light spell out to the last poster in my thread when the teddy makes an appearance in my inventory. Otherwise, and more likely, I will give the light spell to the last poster in my thread when the event ends on Saturday.

But don't let this complicated circumstance confuse you, even if I give out the light spell before the event ends, this thread won't leave.

If I give out the light spell due to a mystical appearance of the teddy, I will give the light spell, and then at the end of the event, the last poster will receive a booger cookie instead.


1. Have fun
2. Obey TOS.

Oh yes, Don't think my thread is a begging thread either! I'm not begging. What I'm looking for is a possible seller for the bear head, pricing, possible trading. I don't care, I just really really want the darn thing, I don't care how.


Ok, Ive added page prizes:

First on page 10 will receive a piece of NPC candy! - Gave candy to Seridano and girlbot9

Everyone on page 15 will receive a piece of NPC candy! - Gave candy to the following individuals:
Lexicon Doll:
Ghost Love Score:
Lilith W:
Vix Viral:

First poster on page 20 will receive a piece of candy! - Gave candy to Lilith W

First and last posters on page 25 will each receive a piece of NPC candy!

Kiako 11-03-2010 10:40 PM

Hmm, seems pretty interesting Wolfie!!! Good luck!!!

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:40 PM

Thank you Kiako, amazing avi!

Lilith W 11-03-2010 10:41 PM

I hope this is open.
It looks open to me.

Anyways, I think this is a great idea.
Very nice of ya.

I think the new heads are pretty cool too.
I saw one and thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first.

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:43 PM

Its certainly open. Figured other people might be sick of my whining and whimpering over seeing the fuzzy dead stuffed animal and not possessing one of my own, so I created my own thread. lmao

Kiako 11-03-2010 10:45 PM

I haven't seen a dead teddy bear head yet. I am guessing those are for people who wing the NPC favourites?

And thanks Wolf!!! <3333

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:47 PM

You're welcome Kiako. The teddy bear head (I don't know its actual name) Is an SNG given out by Lise, as far as I know its new, and I've only seen about 5-6 people with one so far. All I know is she was giving it out and telling those who received one that she liked their costumes.

HappyStarr 11-03-2010 10:50 PM

haha I still haven't seen these things. But good luck to you! I hope you can get one! :D

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:51 PM

Thank you Starr.

Vanellope 11-03-2010 10:51 PM

well I am glad Im not the only one that fell in love with that new PREEECIOUUUUSS!!! xD

Kiako 11-03-2010 10:51 PM

Yeah, its for the people who the NPC like their avis. I would love for that to happen to me. Doubt it, but whatever XD

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:53 PM

Lexi! Well you can swoon over it with me up in here all you want. Pitiful whimpering and whining is completely welcome!

Kiako, you have as good a shot as anyone else, perhaps better.

Lilith W 11-03-2010 10:53 PM

hm... then maybe I should try to dress up in something she would like

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:53 PM

I've tried that Lilith, I just don't think she likes mah outfits, lol.

I've just given up on trying to impress her.

Kiako 11-03-2010 10:54 PM

Awe, thanks love! (: <33333

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:56 PM

You're quite welcome :)

HappyStarr 11-03-2010 10:57 PM

lol I don't bother trying to impress anyone with my avis. Most others are just way outta my league. :lol:

Kiako 11-03-2010 10:58 PM

I like your current one, Happy. Its too cute (:

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 10:58 PM

Not out of your league Starr, some people just spend lots of time nitpicking balance and color. Your avi is actually really nice.

HappyStarr 11-03-2010 11:00 PM

lol Thank you, guys! :hug:
Eh. There are a lot of ones with uber layers that people REALLY like. But I honestly don't like cluttered avis at all. =/ Not a big deal to me, though. I ain't competing for anything! ;)

Lilith W 11-03-2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Whitewolf Shaman (Post 1768588408)
I've tried that Lilith, I just don't think she likes mah outfits, lol.

I've just given up on trying to impress her.

aw well
as long as we are happy with our outfits ^^

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 11:03 PM

I love my avi, and I don't care if its good enough for someone else. I mean, I absolutely LOVE when people like my avis, but I've designed some where others didn't give it a second glance and I loved it, so *shrugs*

Kiako 11-03-2010 11:03 PM

I am with you on the one, Wolf. I love when people like my avis, but if they don't... mehh, its not the end of the world.

HappyStarr 11-03-2010 11:03 PM

lol Still, getting gifts from NPC's for it would be pretty nice, right? ;)

The Whitewolf Shaman 11-03-2010 11:06 PM

I sorta gave up on trying to impress NPCs and Admins with my avis when I realized I probably won't ever make it on Admin's Pick.

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