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Suteki 01-04-2008 10:11 PM

Menewshaversary Trivia Contest - ATTN, PRIOR WINNERS!
Banner by Nike13


*Attention Winners:*
There is an issue with time. I need your input on this matter.

I have PMed you all, and there is no conceivable time that at least three of you, along with myself, could get on Menewsha and have the final round, while keeping in with the constraints.

As such, I am trying to figure out a solution.
One possible thing is to try to delay the ending of the event, or have this thread moved (or me just making a new thread elsewhere). However, my sister starts online classes tomorrow, and there is only one computer in my house. I do not know when she has them either, so my own time-frame is very fuzzy after I get home on the 22nd. :s

Another is just for me to skip the final round all together. It really hurts me to have to do that, what with the planning and expectations of you guys to be able to participate, but I can't think of much else to do.

I'd like your say in the matter, and any solution you might be able to think of.

That is all.



-Use respect. No taunting, mocking, etc, of other participants or of the Trivia leader.
-If you win one round, you may not compete in another until the Final Round. If you try to compete in another round after you win and that round is not the Final Round, you will be disqualified. This is as your answers won’t count, but someone could easily copy them to earn points without trying.
-I will post when the final round will be in the thread once I get knowledge of when I will be able to host it. Therefore, there will be no excuse for trying to compete in additional rounds.
-Please, only post one answer per trivia question. If you fail to do so, I will count the first answer, even if the correct answer is later in the post.
• Example: "Oh, I think that it's <blah>, but it might be <blah>..."
-If there is a two part question and you forget to answer part of it, you may finish your question in another post. Though please, quote the first post so I will know that you did the entire question.
• If the above occurs, I will count the time stamp on the second post, not the first.
-If you edit your post, your answer does not count. If you later get the correct answer, you may post again, but absolutely NO editing of the original answer post.
-Spelling counts in major cases.
-Do not post another answer until I permit everyone to guess again.
-I reserve the right to ban people from these competitions if they can not follow the rules multiple times.

How to Play

-Each day, there will be two rounds of trivia consisting of 10 questions per round.
-No two rounds will be alike. Each will have their own subject.
-I will ask a question, and the first to answer it correctly earns a point. I will quote the person and announce that they have got the question correct.
-The person with the most points at the end will win the round. They will then have their choice of a prize. Prizes are first come, first serve.
-Round winners can not participate in another round until the Final Round. On the last day of the event, all of the individual round winners will compete in a competition for a grand prize. There will be 20 questions instead of the usual 10, and questions will come from an array of the prior rounds’ subjects, and some questions from alternative areas. Be prepared :)
-I have school, so there are times that I am not able to be on the computer. I will try to space out the rounds, but I can give no promises as to everyone having the ability to compete in one round, or for that matter, there being more than one round on weekdays.
• All times I post here are EST (GMT-5).
• I will post the times at least an hour before the round occurs, and I will change the title to show when the round will start.
-There will be several people who won't win a round, but will keep trying in multiple others. Those people have a chance of getting a prize as well, for effort :3

Suteki 01-04-2008 10:12 PM


January 18th
Round One – Video Games
Round Two – Science
January 19th
Round One – Animal, Vegetable, or Minerals
Round Two – Sports & Games
January 20th
Round One – Menewshan General Knowledge
Round Two – Movies
January 21st
Round One – Anime/Manga
Round Two – Nature
January 22nd

Please note, I will ask about 10 minutes before the round who will be competing. If there are less than 3 people here by the scheduled time of the round, it will not happen, and the remaining prizes will be used for other purposes.


-Rounds Over-

Grand Prize
First Place: Scepter Set
Second Place: Yumeh Hairpin
Third Place: 200g

Suteki 01-04-2008 10:12 PM

Past Winners

Round One - Video Games - CrepsleyKabob (4 Points) - Garnet Dragon Sword
Round Two - Science - ToriKat (4 Points) - Astral Halo
Round Three - Animal/Vegetable/Mineral - Amari Tsuki (5 Points) - Winter's Flight
Round Four - Sports & Games - Zweres (6 Points) - Sleepy Melodies Harp
Round Five - Menewshan Trivia - Lolly (5 points) - Winter's Flight
Round Six - Didn't happen (no time)
Round Seven - Anime/Manga - Peanut (3 Points) - Glacial Circlet
Round Eight - Nature - LemonWarlord (6 Points) - Glacial Circlet

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:18 PM

And the event has started~ Any questions/comments/concerns can be asked to me here or in PM.

I guess I'll wait a while for more people to show up before the first round :3

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 07:30 PM

I would totally do it... but... I'm not that good with trivia. .___.;

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:30 PM

Hah, most of these are stuff easily found through Wikipedia or on Google :3

I can't make hard questions, as I can't really think of many >.>;;

Tayuki 01-18-2008 07:33 PM

Could I possibly play?

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:34 PM

Anyone and everyone can play, and it's free :3

I'm just not sure when I'll start the first round; I'd like some more people on beforehand.

Tayuki 01-18-2008 07:36 PM

Waits a minute....

Lsaylor 01-18-2008 07:36 PM

-runs in and clings to suteki-

roarr! D<
i wanna play.. >_> Even if i'm not smart at all. xD

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:37 PM

@Tayuki: Hah, awesome :3

@L: Yay n___n More people wanting to play <3

And most of these questions just involve googling key words xD

fuyumi_saito 01-18-2008 07:39 PM

If it's random video game stuff, I might actually know it.. Unless it's stuff that you read in the back of game informer..(Yeah..I get those monthly) remember to put a start date on the title, that way people know when...>_<

Lsaylor 01-18-2008 07:42 PM

8) i wanna play cause i like the topicz yo. I WANNA WORK AT GOOGLE. YOU GET PAYED SO MUCH. <3

&Hows nikki? o.o

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:43 PM

@Fuyu: Yup, it pretty much is. A lot of stuff, I just thought of from some of my favorite video games xD

And I don't get any magazines :lol: I'm too cheap.

@L: Awesome :3 I tried to put one topic a lot of people would like per day with one topic that might not attract as many people, so at least one round would be played per day xD <3

And it'd be nice~

Tayuki 01-18-2008 07:45 PM

So the grand prize and such, is it the person who's won the most rounds or something, you got a point system of some sort?

blueblackrose 01-18-2008 07:46 PM

Yay for trivia

fuyumi_saito 01-18-2008 07:46 PM

I guess stuff is stressful.. I should get rid of that so people don't worry >_<

I haven't seen Nikki lately T_T

I got it when I bought an eb games card ^^

Lsaylor 01-18-2008 07:46 PM

can we stay and chat here?
;-; i dun want to get kicked out or anything.
By any chance Harvest moon be a fav game of yours? :]~!

AkashaHeartilly 01-18-2008 07:46 PM

Rock, well, maybe I will attempt to do good at this.

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:48 PM

@Tayuki: The grand prize is for the person who wins the final round, as is the 2nd place and 3rd place prize. The final round is only playable by people who have won prior rounds :3

And yeah, there's a basic point system. Each question answered correctly and first gets the person a point. The person with the most points at the end of the round wins that round, and gets to pick out a prize, and is eligible to play in the final round.

But also, if they win, they can't play in any other normal round.

@Blue: Yay indeed n__n

@Fuyu: Ah. I don't really go shopping there; I get most of my games at Best Buy -has a Best Buy card-

@L: Not going to answer that; it might give hints :3

@Akasha: Good luck at it :3

-Phoenix- 01-18-2008 07:54 PM

I want to play when are we going to start?

Tayuki 01-18-2008 07:54 PM

Harvest Moon is a really good game, I play it on my Nintendo Ds, My fishing sprites got me 1,000,000,000 gold :)

Suteki 01-18-2008 07:55 PM

@Phoenix: I just edited it into the first post; it's going to be at 3pm EST (in about six minutes)

lil azn boy02 01-18-2008 07:57 PM

Wow sounds like fun how long is one round?

Abused mule 01-18-2008 07:58 PM

c: Hopefully I`ll be here for the first round... *is at school right now*

All times are GMT. The time now is 03:50 PM.