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sad_girlformat 05-18-2008 01:32 PM

.:: Sasa's Free Pixel Dollies ::.
[center]Oh my gosh... it's Sasa!
And she came with a surprise! 8D
Sasa's offering Pixel Dollies

Be around, chat... and I might just surprise you with one!

(NOTE: I don't like cluttered avatars...
so if I happen to do yours... I might cut out some items.
Note that the dolls is just 50x50 pixels.
Not alot of stuff fit in there~ ^^; )

"I found these doll bases on a website called Precious Pixels KH ( )
and give full credit to the artist, 'Hannah Malcolm' ( [email protected] )
who gave me permission to use them on 5/18/2008 by the rules page on her website"

Dollies Pickup!

Apocrypha 05-18-2008 01:37 PM

Hooray for pixel dolls! <3333

Rusalka 05-18-2008 01:37 PM

Wow, that's very cute.
Hope it's okay to post though ^^ Will delete if necessary.

Pounded 05-18-2008 01:38 PM

Yay Sasa! xD.

sad_girlformat 05-18-2008 01:39 PM

@apo: Hurray! 8D
this is my first time... ^^

@Kale: yes... it's okay to post~ ^^
very nice avi~ :o

@pd: -huggles- yay! ^^

Xaevan 05-18-2008 01:39 PM

lol Hello, Sasa. =D

Rusalka 05-18-2008 01:40 PM

Thank you. :)
Yours is very cute as well.

wish 05-18-2008 01:41 PM


i'm dropping by before i leave to sleep! <3 BYE sasa!

Apocrypha 05-18-2008 01:42 PM

*sprinkles the thread with luck*

sad_girlformat 05-18-2008 01:45 PM

@Xae: hello there~ ^^

@Kale: thanks! =3

@wish: <333

@apo: is the sprinkle fairy! 8D

Sizzla 05-18-2008 01:46 PM

Cuteeeee pixel dolls sadgirl! XD

Apocrypha 05-18-2008 01:47 PM

Sprinkle sprinkle!

Xaevan 05-18-2008 01:47 PM

Sasa's pixel dolls are popular. =D

Jamie loves color! 05-18-2008 01:47 PM

Ooh those are so cute!
I want one!
Do you have slots left?

sad_girlformat 05-18-2008 01:52 PM

@Xae: that's a first I heard... 0___0
I'm a starter at pixelling still... ^^;;

@Jamie: no slots thingy~
if you chat and stay here... imma might surprise people with them~ ;]

@sizzla: sizzzzzzzz@! thank you! <3

Xaevan 05-18-2008 01:54 PM

It's by the sheer amount of people who pop in when you start up your thread. xD

But the one you really have is good!
I didn't realise you did the pixel doll on your sig. ^_^

Apocrypha 05-18-2008 01:55 PM

I'll drop by here again tomorrow. <3

slowtrain 05-18-2008 01:55 PM

whee saddie!
Train loves saddies's pixels... train would love a pixel of her avvie... pwweeaassee?? :angel:

lol, hey hun, just dropping by before I go to bed

Rusalka 05-18-2008 01:57 PM

How is everyone?

Xaevan 05-18-2008 01:59 PM

Doing fine so far, Kale. How about you? =D

Say, I've noticed something lately. The male hair styles are already available for the female avatars it seems? How about the female hairstyles for male avatars? xD

Ewy 05-18-2008 01:59 PM

Fine over here, Kale. :3
How about you?

sad_girlformat 05-18-2008 01:59 PM

@Xae: 00 really? XD;;;
I didn't know that~

@apo: I'll be seeing you tmr then~ ;]

@slow: aw~ -huggles-
go to sleep girl~ ^^

@Kale: I'm a bit sick... otherwise I'm okay.
how are you?

Xaevan 05-18-2008 02:03 PM

lol I thought I was looking at a male avatar, then I noticed the lips and breasts and I did a double take. xD;

Sakura 05-18-2008 02:04 PM

o3o!! i love your pixel dollies

i'm so bad at them myself XD;; i'm just not artistic at all ;3;

slowtrain 05-18-2008 02:04 PM

lol, okay, going to sleep now, goodnight!

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