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Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 07:27 AM

Life Studies-Kat and Wings
Koda stalked towards his house, nearly empty backpack slung over his shoulder. He skipped the morning classes and slept outside instead because he forgot his history book. He didn't really care. He flung the front door open and tossed his bag into a chair.

"Hey mom! I'm home!!" He shouted, then headed to the kitchen and straight into the fridge. His mom appeared in the kitchen with a frown just as he emerged from the fridge, laden with food. She tapped her foot and he wondered what it was that got her so angry. It wasn't like she knew he was skipping.

"Koda! Remember, you start your private lesson this afternoon! If you scare this tutor away like the last one, I'm going to stop cooking for you!" She spun on her heel and walked away without waiting for a reply from him. Probably best since he would surely not have a kind word to say to that.

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 07:41 AM

Declan glanced down at his GPS one last time to make sure he was on the right path, he should be arriving at the house within the next few minutes and he sure hoped his GPS was reliable (and not directionally challenged for once*) as all the houses kinda looked the same. A male british voice spoke up and said, "Arriving at destination on left."

Sighing, Declan pulled up in front of the house and gathered the books and information sheet from the seat next to him. He glanced at the sheet and rolled his blue eyes; another deliquent, joy. Declan had been assigned three deliquent students in his time as a private lessons teacher. Apparently, he was good with them. He was one of the few who wouldn't put up with their bullshit, and wouldn't be pushed around by them. Though they'd never expect that by looking at him.

Declan stepped out of his car and straightened his tie and wire-rimmed glasses before gathering up his books and heading towards the door. His frame was covered in a vest, green shirt tie, and khaki pants. Wearing a pair of simple yet, comfortable black business shoes. He looked the picturesque nerd, except for his shaggy hair that was somewhere between dirty blonde and strawberry blonde. He smiled genuinely as he knocked on the door.

(*I seriously had my gps be directionally challenged once. his gps is based off mine, but he's at the right house)
(also, he's wearing this shirt: It's real for us.
picture on the far right guy on the left)

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 07:55 AM

Koda's mom opened the door and smiled brightly. She seemed pleased with the appearance of the man who stood there. "Hello, are you the new private tutor?" she asked, waving him inside. "Koda locked himself in his room after he got home from school. I'm sorry about this!!"

It took a minute, but she did manage to get Koda to open his door. He came out, his black hair shaggy as if he'd just rolled out of bed and a pair of headphones was hung around his neck. His expression was bored and annoyed as he looked down the hall to see who he new tutor was. His eyebrow instantly twitched up. Was this guy trying to get the dork of the year award?! He had to suppress a chuckle as he walked up to the man and gave him a small wave in greeting.

"Hey. I'm Koda. You?"

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 08:01 AM

Declan's eyebrows shot up into his hairline as the kid actually greeted him and introduced himself. This kid had manners. He suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, if that could count as manners. The last kid had basically told him to eff of within 2 seconds of seeing him. "Declan," he murmured a bit of his Irish brogue leaking through. He may have lived in America for the past ten years, but his accent would never fully go away. "We should get started, what it says on your information sheet you are not only doing poorly in history but have been failing for the past six weeks." he sighed, pushing his glasses up as he looked at the kid, just waiting, he knew the comment about his accent was coming. He wondered, what it would be this time.

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 08:08 AM

Koda smirked. This guy was kinda entertaining. He had a funny accent, but Koda didn't know it. He felt like he should. Maybe if he weren't failing history he'd know?

"Yeah, sure. Whatever," he muttered and wandered into the dining room, away from his mother. He flopped into a chair and leaned back so it hit the wall behind him. "What's the lesson gonna be, Teach?"

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 08:13 AM

As they settled down at the kitchen table, Declan murmured to himself, "he introduces himself and no comment about the accent? Are they sure this kid's a deliquent." He paused and then raised an eyebrow at Koda and said, "What is it with you kids and saying teach? It doesn't make you cool." Shaking his head, he continues to watch Koda, trying to read the kid, "Well that depends on where you are in your textbook. The company didn't send over any information on that, just that you were in U.S. History. So what's your next test on?" Not that he actually expects Koda to know.

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 08:19 AM

Koda rolled his eyes at Declan. Did this guy dare insult his cool-ness when he looked like he did?! So not cool. Koda turned his music back on, though kept the headphones around his neck. "Dunno. I haven't been to that class in a week or somethin.....teach" He added with a chuckle just to amuse himself.

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 08:25 AM

Declan kept his face carefully school to impassive as he reached over and pulled the headphones out of the iPod. "No distractions," he said firmly before adding, "I figured as much, either way we'll start with a general overview of what you should have covered by now and I'll get in touch with your school before tomorrow." He turned to look at Koda resisting the urge to smirk, "Care to tell me what you know, or should I just start at the beginning."

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 08:33 AM

"Whoa, hey!!" Koda snapped, grabbing at his ipod cord. "Wha ya doin just grabbin other people's stuff like that!? How rude!" He held his ipod possessively and slipped it back into his pocket with a sour look. He didn't bother to hide his look of hatred and remarked snidely after Declan finished speaking, "Just start at the beginning, you. I betcha like teaching us losers all this worthless crap anyways!"

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 08:40 AM

And there was the personality that he was expecting. He looked at Koda and said, calmly, "It's simple if you really think about it. You show me respect, I show you respect, kid." his lips twitching a bit. "And no, I don't enjoy teaching brats like you, but good money is good money. So don't think I'll be as easy to scare away or push around as tutors you've had in the past." As he said this, he reached to grab one of the basic history books and flipped it open to the constitution, figuring that was as good a place to start as any.

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 08:46 AM

Koda let the chair fall forward and rest his chin on his hand with sigh. "Respect huh? Ya right. Besides, if you hate kids like me, why don't ya quit and get a real job?" He gave the book a glance then went back to staring at the wall, turning his music back on, but quieter so the tutor wouldn't hear.

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 08:50 AM

"I have six more months of dealing with you brats and then I'll be happily ensconced in research, I'm sure you couldn't hope to understand." he then looks at Koda, well aware that his words could get him fired, but this is why he's good with these kids. He rolls his eyes, "Honestly, all the same," he murmurs to himself before adding "music off and iPod on the table." he said, strictly. "And then you are going to read and interpret the first page of the constitution."

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 08:57 AM

Koda crossed his arms and looked away. "You can't make me turn off my music! I can't study without it so it's fine right?" It was mostly truth anyways. Not that the music wasn't distracting, it definitely was, but he was happier with music. He was more likely to get something done with the music than without it. He'd always been that way for some reason.

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 09:00 AM

Declan studied Koda for a few seconds but sighed, "Fine but if it becomes a distraction, it is going off." He understood some kids need noise to function. He'd just have to watch this kid to make sure he wasn't just playing him. He pushed the book in front of Koda and said, "Now read. If you're lucky" meaning if he behaved, "I won't make you read all of it. It's dreadfully, boring I'm afraid, and I enjoy history." Declan had a feeling that this kid, as much of a brat as he was, he could have some fun with.

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 09:05 AM

"What the hell?! I have to read this?! Is this even english!??" Koda yelped, glancing over the first few lines of the constitution. He was glad about being allowed to have his music, but the moment was ruined rather quickly with this textbook. Still, he might be able to halfway get along with this tutor after all.

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 09:11 AM

"Yes, you have to read it. At least the preamble, which should have been taught to you in eighth grade. It's wise to know what laws are governing our country. It makes understanding current history easier." he looked at Koda for a second, "Now, it's really not that hard, the language may be a bit archaic but don't focus on that. However, I'm not going to make you read the whole thing. It would serve you no purpose, but if you disrespect me. It will become your punishment. Now, the preamble and then we can discuss the Bill of Rights, which you can expect a quiz about on fFriday."

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 09:16 AM

Koda grumbled to himself and stared at the page in front of him. Ugh, this was so lame. "Quiz? you have got to be kiddin me. I can't believe this!" He narrowed his eyes at the text and started reading very slowly, mouthing some of the words as he went. He really didn't want to be doing this. He wondered why he was at all. Maybe this tutor guy really was good or something.

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 09:20 AM

Declan leaned back and smirked slightly to himsef. For now, he had Koda shocked thus the kid was obeying, but he knew it wouldn't always be this easy. So he kept an eye on him as he opened one of his research books. Watching to for when Koda was done reading the preamble, "So now, tell me what it means and why did the Founding Fathers put that at the front of the Constitution. A document that would be so important to our nation?" he asked, wondering how long this kid would go along. He wouldn't be suprised if Koda was chopping at the bit again in about fifteen minutes.

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 09:28 AM

Koda blinked his eyes sleepily. About halfway through the preamble, he felt like going to sleep again. Reading, especially textbooks, did that to him. "Um....what?" he asked, giving Declan a look. "Founding Fathers? Do you mean those...uh....guys?" Yeah, he didn't feel like expanding on 'guys' more than that. He let out a yawn. What was this guy talking about anyways?

Wings of Writing 10-09-2011 09:32 AM

Declan blinked and raised his eyes from his book to look fully at Koda. "Did you just say 'those guys'?" he asked, really hoping he'd been wrong. He may have to move back a little bit. "Okay I have a couple of questions for you. Whose the first president of the U.S.? Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Who was the first to sign the Constitution?" he sighed, he my have given this kid more credit than he had to. Maybe tomorrow he should prepare a quiz to determine Koda's level. He hadn't had to do those in awhile, but if it was necessary.

Kat Dakuu 10-09-2011 09:35 AM

Koda blinked and rubbed his eyes, finally waking up all the way. "Huh, why you asking crap like that? Cause I though we was reading the preamble and I didn't read stuff like that in there." He frowned and thought about the questions. "Washington, duh. Uh....Jefferson. And I haven't got a clue. Was that in some movie maybe?"

Wings of Writing 10-10-2011 12:55 AM

Declan pushed his glasses up his nose and said, "Gaining an idea of your skills. However, you not knowing John Hancock signed the declaration of independence does worry. That's no matter, we should focus on the first lesson understanding the Preamble. It's not that long. Why do you think the our forefathers included that at the front of the constitution."

Kat Dakuu 10-10-2011 01:01 AM

"Why should I know why they included it?" Koda complained. "It was all just random stuff anyways. Just like a...." he paused to think of the words. "Like the intro paragraph to an essay." He scratched his head. Exactly what kind of answer was this guy looking for?

Wings of Writing 10-10-2011 01:09 AM

Declan tilted his head to the side and quirked his lips up a bit. "That's an interesting idea, elaborate on it a bit. I think you could be on to something." Declan was beginning to get the feeling that this could be smart if he'd put the effort it. He'd have to encourage that in him.

Kat Dakuu 10-10-2011 01:23 AM

A whiny childish expression flitted across Koda's face for a second before he suppressed it. Geez, why was he making such dumb faces right now?! "I ain't gonna elaborate cause I don't know any more than that! It's just what those english teaches say, but I don't remember really!"

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