Menewsha Avatar Community

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Wordstreamer 03-17-2009 02:28 AM

Show Your Love!

This thread is devoted to telling the staff members how much you like them, and why. You can have a silly reason for it or a serious one, or a bit of both--your choice. ;) All reasons are acceptable. Whether it's specific or general, feel free to post it in here!

Wordstreamer 03-17-2009 02:29 AM

Right, so the rules go like this:

1. Obey the T.O.S.
2. No flaming, guys. This is about loving on the staff, not complaining about something that you're angry about or dragging in drama.
3. Please use the form below? It's not absolutely necessary, but it definitely means that I'll see your post.
4. Be respectful. That goes with rules one and two--but just reiterating it. :)


Your Name:
Name of Staff Member:
What does this person mean to you?:
What you want to let them know?:

Wordstreamer 03-17-2009 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by atashi83 (Post 1764206561)
Yay I'm the first person to post!!

Your Name: atashi83
Name of Staff Member: Bartuc
What does this person mean to you?: He was nice enough to trade me a feb 09 CI set for my Yumeh slippers. I wanted the Armor of Order so much, so I was sooo thankful. <3
What you want to let them know?: Thank you so much. Also thank you for not writing me up for signing my name on a post like a newb! :)


Originally Posted by Kultura (Post 1764206622)
Oh behalf of nearly EVERYONE

Your Name:Kultura
Name of Staff Member: jurupamae
What does this person mean to you?: Juru means so so much to me, and other questers.
She provides us with the chance to win rare items in the quest raffle. I've played this twice, and won twice.
What you want to let them know?: Thank you, on behalf of all questers who have benefited from the raffle. You are amazing for letting us have this opportunity.


Originally Posted by Elmira Swift (Post 1764206885)
Your Name:Elmira Swift
Name of Staff Member: This one was tough, and I'll probably do this again later, but Insomniac
What does this person mean to you?: He keeps our community going - if not for the time he puts into administering the site, we may not have a Menewsha to hang out at.
What you want to let them know?: Although he probably hears more complaints than thanks or praise, he is greatly appreciated here!


Originally Posted by Roachi (Post 1764207038)
Your Name: Roachi ofcourse ^^
Name of Staff Member: Jellysundae
What does this person mean to you?: She's awesome!
What you want to let them know?: Thank you Jelly for being so patient with me, when my account spazzed out and donated me a million CI's countless times! I know that it would have been quite frustrating, esp with me on your back all the time lol. But thank you for being so kind and sorting it out for me every time without a fuss! :hug:

Your Name: Roachi
Name of Staff Member: Jurupamae
What does this person mean to you?: She is like a mother figure to me and im sure many other menewshans.
What you want to let them know?: Thank you Juru, for being so wonderful! There was once a time i was feeling down - and pretty much wanted to leave Mene. But after speaking with you, you cheered me up instantly! Thank you for being a shoulder too cry on & an approachable person, you are totally amazing at what you do & mene wouldn't be the same without you! :)

Your Name: Roachi
Name of Staff Member: Bartuc
What does this person mean to you?: Only the greatest guy on mene that i know :)
What you want to let them know?: You are prob one of the most wealthiest menewshans on here! But you don't let that get to your head, i will never forget the generous donation that you have given to my charity, not only that the donation you gave to me for my quest! Thank you! You remind me of robin hood! xD Thank you so much for your generosity and being an awesome friend! You are also super amazing! :heart:


Originally Posted by Roachi (Post 1764211217)
Oh i also wanna add that, Eroy is awesome! Always so helpful & is the bestest for hosting the GBA - I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to do. So thank you for that Eroy :).

And also too Rosebleed - Who forks out a heap of her own cash to give us cheap CIs, and who is an awesome person to talk too and a very good friend - luffs on rose - :hug:


Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison (Post 1764207101)
Your Name: Sakura_Madison
Name of Staff Member: Tre Le Coco
What does this person mean to you?: Wonderful person to chat with.
What you want to let them know?: You as a pixelist, that you are luffed by me, even though I own a piece of you already. XD Thank you for spying on me, even though we live in different parts of the world. Keep up the wonderful work, and create more male pixel items for Bartuc. XD


Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison (Post 1764207033)
Your Name: Sakura_Madison
Name of Staff Member: Mama Juru
What does this person mean to you?: This person shows a lot of luff for the questers trying to reach for their dream of having an impossible item. She holds the Quester's Raffle to give us members a chance.
What you want to let them know?: I would like to say thank you, Mama Juru for the Christmas 2007, when you gave me the crown, which made up the horrible Christmas I was going through. That made my day.


Originally Posted by Burnt Biscuits (Post 1764207148)
Your Name: Burnt Biscuits
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: Erm, nothing terribly sentimental, but Eroy's always willing to lend a hand, and despite all her work she never minds answering a question or helping out with whatever anyone may need.
What you want to let them know?: I really appreciate her help, and even more so, her good nature. n.n


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1764207152)
Your Name: Dystopia
Name of Staff Member: Kale
What does this person mean to you?: X) YAOI FANGIRLS FER LIFERS, YO
What you want to let them know?: I'M SORRY I SUCK AND CAN'T WRITE FOR SHIT ;3;

Your Name: Dystopia
Name of Staff Member: JURUBOT
What does this person mean to you?: Mama Jurururu! x)
What you want to let them know?: D< YOU ROCK. EVEN IF YOU ARE OLD. :heart:


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy (Post 1764207266)
Your Name: Captain Howdy
Name of Staff Member: CK
What does this person mean to you?: Before I joined the team, CK was the only staff member that I really sat and had a conversation with. My first impression was that she was a little crazy and a bit hyper, but a friendly and fun person overall. And getting to know her better, I can say that's all true.
What you want to let them know?: CK, I say this from the bottom of my heart. You will never love cake as much as I do. :P

Your Name: Captain Howdy... again. :B
Name of Staff Member: jellycakes
What does this person mean to you?: jelly is bold and outspoken and just a lot of fun to play with. She's a whole lot of sassiness. ;D
What you want to let them know?: :angel: I promise not to run away. ... At least until someone pixels that bindle.


Originally Posted by [L]ove[H]ate (Post 1764207944)
Your Name: [L]ove[H]ate
Name of Staff Member: Jurupamae
What does this person mean to you?: She is a really great person and helps out the people questing with the quest raffle. She has helped my quest out too, and she is a great person in general. No words could describe her.
What you want to let them know?: You mean a lot to me!

Your Name: [L]ove[H]ate
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: Eroy has ALWAYS been there for me! She helps me out with everything from answering to my questions about things on the site to just chatting with me about my problems in real life. She is a great staff member and an amazing friend. =]
What you want to let them know?: YOU ARE AMAZING and I luff you a lot!


Originally Posted by Rikali (Post 1764208384)
Your Name: Rikali
Name of Staff Member: Rosebleed
What does this person mean to you?: Rose is such an amazing person. She has been so helpful and kind to me since I first joined. I appreciate that she takes the time to talk to me in my quest thread and that she loves to donate to others.
What you want to let them know?: Thanks so much for all your kindness Rose! You are a great person. ^^


Originally Posted by Rylynne (Post 1764208732)
Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Captain Howdy
What does this person mean to you?: He might not remember, but he was the very first person to welcome me to Menewsha. =P As in, the first. Check my first ever thread for proof. xDD;; <3
What you want to let them know?: Even though we don't get to chat, Howdy made a really big impression on me upon joining Mene. I was so surprised that a mod would even visit humble newbie threads, and that small gesture of posting alone really did encourage me to stick around the site. :> And I'm real glad I did too. =P So, thank you so much Howdy! :3 <3


Originally Posted by Rylynne (Post 1764209538)
Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: PlatinumChild
What does this person mean to you?: She is awesome. Period. >83
What you want to let them know?: NumNum not only shares my passion for purple (too bad she claims the title of purple queen here though xDD), but she's also a talented artist and a good friend. :> I got to know her before she made staff, and I'm happy she still has time for lil ole me despite her staff duties and RL stuff as well. I can always bug NumNum about my crappy art, avatar advice, and just anything really, and I want her to know that I appreciate that a lot. =P <3<3


Originally Posted by Rylynne (Post 1764211715)
Two more people, because I have more time now. xDD;; <3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Rosebleed
What does this person mean to you?: Rose spoils me too much when she shouldn't. xDD;; <3<3
What you want to let them know?: Rose is seriously one of the most generous people I know here on Mene. =O She's also one of the few people I manage to catch online due to my strange timezone, and it's always nice to have someone to regularly chat with. From discussing about who's logic is superior to other more random things, Rose is definitely a fun person to be with. :> <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Seito
What does this person mean to you?: Seisei was one of my first close friends when I just joined Mene, and I will not forget all the craziness that ensued between us and the many many pages of us spamming chatting our lives away and dominating quest threads. 8DD;;
What you want to let them know?: Seisei, even though we don't get to chat anymore since you're real busy with your endless amount of homework, I still miss you and luffles you! :< <3 I appreciate you taking the time to chat with newbie lil me just a few months ago, and I know that I definitely have a good friend in you~ =) <3<3


Originally Posted by .Simplicity. (Post 1764211023)
Your Name: .Simplicity.
Name of Staff Member: Platty! <33
What does this person mean to you?: She means like, everything to me! My first friend on Mene! <3
What you want to let them know?: That she's just pretty freaking amazing! :love: She's always nice to talk to and well, she was the first person to ever talk to me on Mene and actualyl chat with me. Plus, we both have this crazy obsession with the Oreintal Fan which just brough us closer. :'DD

Your Name: Licity.
Name of Staff Member: Eroy. <33
What does this person mean to you?: A better question: What doesn't she mean to me? :'D
What you want to let them know?: Eroyyyyy, I love you dearly! <3 You always help me when I need help with something. PLUS, you were going to save a fan for me that you had bought if I could get a pudao to trade for it. Just that gesture made me love you like no other. :cry: I never did get it from you, since I got the fan from the auction (BUT YOU TOLD ME IT WAS THERE! ). I just have no words to describe you. :'D

Your Name: Simmy!
Name of Staff Member: Melody. <33
What does this person mean to you?: She's really just uber sweet and when I talk to her, it's always nice. :] MUCH LOVE MELODY. <3
What you want to let them know?: Wellll, first off, I'd just like to thank her for all the times she's helped me and answered questions for me. :heart: She's always nice and is just amazing to talk to when I see her roaming about and the such. I just don't know what to say really but thank you! ;'DD <33


Originally Posted by Strawberry Octopus (Post 1764212585)
Your Name: Strawberry Octopus
Name of Staff Member: CK
What does this person mean to you?: A LOT<3
What you want to let them know?: Thank you for the wonderfull Georga peach shirt! <3
It makes my heart warm, that you'd help an octopus in need! <3


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1764213687)
Your Name: Monstahh`/Abbi
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: She is amazing and awesome and helpful and suuuuper nice. And she runs the GBA, which I'm sure is hella difficult. She also has a kitty. * u* I like kitties.
What you want to let them know?: That I think she is awsome and she should keep up the AMAZING work. x3

Wordstreamer 03-17-2009 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Rylynne (Post 1764220040)
Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Iroro
What does this person mean to you?: Iroro is the best and tastiest eggroll in existence fo' sure. >83
What you want to let them know?: I want Eggroll to know that I really appreciate our long chats together before (especially when I was still a newbie =P). She (or he xDD) is always a great person and friend to talk to, even if she does disappear for MMORPG's and RL stuff. 8DD;; So, sending my love to Eggroll, from Rice Cakes. =P <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: Eroy is definitely one of the nicest people here. :>
What you want to let them know?: That I want her adorable puppy for myself. D: <3<3 LOLZ. But seriously, Eroy is so patient when I have questions, and is a very nice person to hang out with overall. :3 <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: CK
What does this person mean to you?: She's definitely someone I look up to here. =) <3<3
What you want to let them know?: CK is awesome, because she's so patient with my questions and with inquiries and every thing. I tend to ask a lot, and she never fails in answering them. :3 Also, I love her nutty moments. 8DD;; <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Jelly
What does this person mean to you?: Jelly is lovably crazy. =P <3<3
What you want to let them know?: From talking about Neopets to debating about whether brownies are considered actual cakes, I have a lot of fun talking with her. :3 It's only been recently that we've been chatting more and bumping into each other in some threads, but I appreciate our chatter a lot. She's real fun to chat with. :> <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Bartuc
What does this person mean to you?: He's just awesome. >83
What you want to let them know?: Bartuc was actually my very first humongous donation ever on Mene. I can never forget that, seriously, and it inspired me a lot. Also, I remember when he had posted in his Exchange thread about how he'd never inflate something artificially. That was real awesome. :> Plus, he's an awesome friend, and the best Darcy ever. 8DD;; <3<3


Originally Posted by Nivvy (Post 1764221338)
Your Name: Nivvy
Name of Staff Member: MamaJuru
What does this person mean to you?: Like this much! <3 |--------------| (Thats heaps!)
What you want to let them know?: Thank you so much Juru, for hosting the quest raffle! It is so heartwarming to be given a chance, at things we might not otherwise have a shot at. But not only that, your beautiful personality, selflessness, and dedication. You'll always be someone who stands out in my mind, when i think on people i've spoken to over the net. Your consideration in terms of situations brought to you by Roachi and I just blew me away. I'll always be grateful - and you're a true inspiration of all the good things in this world.

Your Name: Nivvy
Name of Staff Member: Seti - Seito
What does this person mean to you?: A big bundle of fun!
What you want to let them know?: Thank you so much for our wonderful conversations! After our initial dealings in the quest forum, it was like you were a life long friend, just full of fun, laughs and randomness. It was great! You're so much fun, that you'll always be remembered by me, even after you get swallowed whole by your workload ^^

Your Name: Nivvy
Name of Staff Member: Jellysundae
What does this person mean to you?: Saviourrr <3 xD
What you want to let them know?: Thank you so much for being patient with me, when i had problems with Paypal, and donating to Mene xD! You were so kind about it, and i probably made your roll your eyes a few times xD! But i'll always be grateful for your help, and your friendly nature. Very approachable, and always there to lend a helping hand <3

Your Name: Nivvy
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: LooovePOP xD
What you want to let them know?: Thank you so much for organising and running the GBA <3 It gives so many people the chance to put in for items, that are getting harder and harder to find/afford. I'm truely grateful, and in fact - i named my Vday Pop after you xD <333 My 'E-day Pop' xD!


Originally Posted by Donna (Post 1764221650)
Your Name: Donna
Name of Staff Member: CK, PC, & Springy
What does this person mean to you?: They're awesome in a word.
What you want to let them know?: These three have always gone out of their way to be nice not just to me, but many others. They have always been very friendly and enjoyable to talk to on both site-related as well as plain regular conversations. :]


Originally Posted by MirukuKuroNeko (Post 1764224798)
Your Name: MirukuKuroNeko
Name of Staff Member: ALL OF YOU AWESOME PEOPLE!!!!!
What does this person mean to you?: they have all done a splendid job making mene a great site and a place where any newb feels welcomes, and any seasoned forum go'er can still be pleased.
What you want to let them know?: thank you for everything!
you guys will be the epic win people of forum sites around the world!
i hope you all stay on, and make us love you even more then we already do!
from me to you, and RAWR!
and an epic-anime-boob-squish-hug!


Originally Posted by Lejic (Post 1764225092)
Your Name: Lejic / Min
Name of Staff Member: All of them!
What does this person mean to you?: They mean so, so much to me because they keep this place my little safe haven-y thing.
What you want to let them know?: I want them to now that I appreciate how fun and clean-of-idiocy and meaningful they keep this forum for all of us. I've seen many forums and I saw how hard it is to keep the forum from dying and getting boring while also making sure it has a good community. For example; we donate to help the site, but the site isn't money-run like some other sites. There are arcade games but apart from the increase in gold, it doesn't change the forum much; people still chat and enjoy the community. This balance is so important in every thing. I could go on and on. The admins and the developers and the artists are so very important, sure, but personally, for me, the most important are the moderators. And I'm not just saying that. It's just my personal opinion that the most important thing for a forum-based site is keeping its forums and subforums clean of spam/wrong-posts/repeats/etc.etc. and making sure the community is happy. And mods do just that. Not only do they clean up the forums and deal with reports but they make amazing things like the GBA (gogo Eroy) to help newcomers feel welcome and satisfied. Juru's quest raffle is amazing too, although she's an AA. Hmmm. She's a mod in my heart? :P

This is getting to long.

tl;dr (i.e. The Point: )
I love you all, thank you for making this place what it is. <3 <3


Originally Posted by PralineQueen (Post 1764227673)
Your Name: PralineQueen
Name of Staff Member: fiarra
What does this person mean to you?: she takes the time to welcome new users who don't know their way around yet and make them feel like they have a friend to joke with that makes them feel comfortable
What you want to let them know?: thank you for making me feel welcome and at ease when I joined.

Edit plus I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS TOO....Bartuc, Eroy, CK you guys rock


Originally Posted by Iltu (Post 1764228677)
Your Name: Iltu
Name of Staff Member: Captain Howdy
What does this person mean to you?: Captain Howdy is like... I dunno. He means awesomeness to me. 8D
What you want to let them know?: I would like to let the Captain know that he is totally fabulous. He was among the first to welcome me to Mene, and his quest for an Oriental fan was an object of great interest to me in my firast days here. He mixes niceness with the funny and the seerius bizznus being a staff entails, and has always made time to come say hi to me on my profile every now and again, though I'm sure he must be busy. Also, his avatars are always like, way awesome, and also he gave me a frostbite necklace one time. ;D And his bio on his profile makes my belly hurt from laughing.

I would also like him to know that if he sings out of tune, I will not stand up and walk out on him.


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy
Your Name: Captain Howdy
Name of Staff Member: All of them!
What does this person mean to you?: They're a great buncha people to work along with and I feel fortunate to be part of the team. There's so many of you and it'd be hard to write about all of you. CK and jelly i've mentioned. Uh... I appreciate Snow for being as nutty as I am. Um... Knerd for bein' a great CM. Eroy for being my first CM. Siz who may be my future CM, i'm sure you're just as great. ;D juru for bein' a rock and a great source of wisdom. Barty for bein' a kick ass guy. Springy for bein' my zombie fiend. Chi for her professionalism. Tre, Bisque, Rando, wish, chibi for their pixel geniuses. yan and Omi for their brilliant artsies. Rose, Kale, Plat, Iro, Kin, sia, sia, mel and fiarra for bein' my mod compatriots ( <-- you guys are killer ). Ferra and Seito and Tori for giving Mene it's magic. And much kudos to Inso for doing so much for us in the time he's been here. ... Thanks to all of you.

What you want to let them know? I'm pregnant... and one of you is the father.

Wordstreamer 03-17-2009 02:31 AM

Izumi 03-22-2009 08:40 PM

Yay I'm the first person to post!!

Your Name: atashi83
Name of Staff Member: Bartuc
What does this person mean to you?: He was nice enough to trade me a feb 09 CI set for my Yumeh slippers. I wanted the Armor of Order so much, so I was sooo thankful. <3
What you want to let them know?: Thank you so much. Also thank you for not writing me up for signing my name on a post like a newb! :)

Kultura 03-22-2009 08:59 PM

Oh behalf of nearly EVERYONE

Your Name:Kultura
Name of Staff Member: jurupamae
What does this person mean to you?: Juru means so so much to me, and other questers.
She provides us with the chance to win rare items in the quest raffle. I've played this twice, and won twice.
What you want to let them know?: Thank you, on behalf of all questers who have benefited from the raffle. You are amazing for letting us have this opportunity.

Jennifer 03-22-2009 09:24 PM

Your Name: Jennifer
Name of Staff Member: jellysundae
What does this person mean to you?: I don't think she knows this, but she's like the mother I never had. At times when I was really quite sad, she seemed to come around and make me laugh when I was lurking and posting about the forum. She's a really amazing person, and with great fashion sense.
What you want to let them know?: Thank you, those times you've cheered me up (knowingly or not) really helped me.

Elmira Swift 03-22-2009 10:03 PM

Your Name:Elmira Swift
Name of Staff Member: This one was tough, and I'll probably do this again later, but Insomniac
What does this person mean to you?: He keeps our community going - if not for the time he puts into administering the site, we may not have a Menewsha to hang out at.
What you want to let them know?: Although he probably hears more complaints than thanks or praise, he is greatly appreciated here!

Sakura_Madison 03-22-2009 10:38 PM

Your Name: Sakura_Madison
Name of Staff Member: Mama Juru
What does this person mean to you?: This person shows a lot of luff for the questers trying to reach for their dream of having an impossible item. She holds the Quester's Raffle to give us members a chance.
What you want to let them know?: I would like to say thank you, Mama Juru for the Christmas 2007, when you gave me the crown, which made up the horrible Christmas I was going through. That made my day.

Roachi 03-22-2009 10:39 PM

Um i have quite a few staff members to thank.

Your Name: Roachi ofcourse ^^
Name of Staff Member: Jellysundae
What does this person mean to you?: She's awesome!
What you want to let them know?: Thank you Jelly for being so patient with me, when my account spazzed out and donated me a million CI's countless times! I know that it would have been quite frustrating, esp with me on your back all the time lol. But thank you for being so kind and sorting it out for me every time without a fuss! :hug:

Your Name: Roachi
Name of Staff Member: Jurupamae
What does this person mean to you?: She is like a mother figure to me and im sure many other menewshans.
What you want to let them know?: Thank you Juru, for being so wonderful! There was once a time i was feeling down - and pretty much wanted to leave Mene. But after speaking with you, you cheered me up instantly! Thank you for being a shoulder too cry on & an approachable person, you are totally amazing at what you do & mene wouldn't be the same without you! :)

Your Name: Roachi
Name of Staff Member: Bartuc
What does this person mean to you?: Only the greatest guy on mene that i know :)
What you want to let them know?: You are prob one of the most wealthiest menewshans on here! But you don't let that get to your head, i will never forget the generous donation that you have given to my charity, not only that the donation you gave to me for my quest! Thank you! You remind me of robin hood! xD Thank you so much for your generosity and being an awesome friend! You are also super amazing! :heart:

Sakura_Madison 03-22-2009 10:50 PM

Your Name: Sakura_Madison
Name of Staff Member: Tre Le Coco
What does this person mean to you?: Wonderful person to chat with.
What you want to let them know?: You as a pixelist, that you are luffed by me, even though I own a piece of you already. XD Thank you for spying on me, even though we live in different parts of the world. Keep up the wonderful work, and create more male pixel items for Bartuc. XD

Burnt Biscuits 03-22-2009 11:00 PM

Your Name: Burnt Biscuits
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: Erm, nothing terribly sentimental, but Eroy's always willing to lend a hand, and despite all her work she never minds answering a question or helping out with whatever anyone may need.
What you want to let them know?: I really appreciate her help, and even more so, her good nature. n.n

Dystopia 03-22-2009 11:02 PM

Your Name: Dystopia
Name of Staff Member: Kale
What does this person mean to you?: X) YAOI FANGIRLS FER LIFERS, YO
What you want to let them know?: I'M SORRY I SUCK AND CAN'T WRITE FOR SHIT ;3;

Your Name: Dystopia
Name of Staff Member: JURUBOT
What does this person mean to you?: Mama Jurururu! x)
What you want to let them know?: D< YOU ROCK. EVEN IF YOU ARE OLD. :heart:

Captain Howdy 03-22-2009 11:22 PM

It's gonna be hard not to write a bunch of these. ;D

Your Name: Captain Howdy
Name of Staff Member: CK
What does this person mean to you?: Before I joined the team, CK was the only staff member that I really sat and had a conversation with. My first impression was that she was a little crazy and a bit hyper, but a friendly and fun person overall. And getting to know her better, I can say that's all true.
What you want to let them know?: CK, I say this from the bottom of my heart. You will never love cake as much as I do. :P

Your Name: Captain Howdy... again. :B
Name of Staff Member: jellycakes
What does this person mean to you?: jelly is bold and outspoken and just a lot of fun to play with. She's a whole lot of sassiness. ;D
What you want to let them know?: :angel: I promise not to run away. ... At least until someone pixels that bindle.

[L]ove[H]ate 03-23-2009 01:20 AM

Your Name: [L]ove[H]ate
Name of Staff Member: Jurupamae
What does this person mean to you?: She is a really great person and helps out the people questing with the quest raffle. She has helped my quest out too, and she is a great person in general. No words could describe her.
What you want to let them know?: You mean a lot to me!

Your Name: [L]ove[H]ate
Name of Staff Member: Eroy
What does this person mean to you?: Eroy has ALWAYS been there for me! She helps me out with everything from answering to my questions about things on the site to just chatting with me about my problems in real life. She is a great staff member and an amazing friend. =]
What you want to let them know?: YOU ARE AMAZING and I luff you a lot!

Rikali 03-23-2009 02:16 AM

Your Name: Rikali
Name of Staff Member: Rosebleed
What does this person mean to you?: Rose is such an amazing person. She has been so helpful and kind to me since I first joined. I appreciate that she takes the time to talk to me in my quest thread and that she loves to donate to others.
What you want to let them know?: Thanks so much for all your kindness Rose! You are a great person. ^^

Rylynne 03-23-2009 03:03 AM

Oh gawd, I want to do a LOT of these. D: But, I'll pace myself and do one at a time instead. xDD;; <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Captain Howdy
What does this person mean to you?: He might not remember, but he was the very first person to welcome me to Menewsha. =P As in, the first. Check my first ever thread for proof. xDD;; <3
What you want to let them know?: Even though we don't get to chat, Howdy made a really big impression on me upon joining Mene. I was so surprised that a mod would even visit humble newbie threads, and that small gesture of posting alone really did encourage me to stick around the site. :> And I'm real glad I did too. =P So, thank you so much Howdy! :3 <3

More to come later on. xDD;; <3<3

Eroy 03-23-2009 04:03 AM

Baw.. you guys are so sweet! *wipes a tear from my eye* :hug: :heart:

Popcorn Gun 03-23-2009 04:29 AM

Let's see....
I don't think I really know any staff members that well.
We should change that this Spring Break.
c ':

Rylynne 03-23-2009 10:05 AM

Another one from me~

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: PlatinumChild
What does this person mean to you?: She is awesome. Period. >83
What you want to let them know?: NumNum not only shares my passion for purple (too bad she claims the title of purple queen here though xDD), but she's also a talented artist and a good friend. :> I got to know her before she made staff, and I'm happy she still has time for lil ole me despite her staff duties and RL stuff as well. I can always bug NumNum about my crappy art, avatar advice, and just anything really, and I want her to know that I appreciate that a lot. =P <3<3

So tempted to write more. D:

.Simplicity. 03-23-2009 10:39 PM

Your Name: .Simplicity.
Name of Staff Member: Platty! <33
What does this person mean to you?: She means like, everything to me! My first friend on Mene! <3
What you want to let them know?: That she's just pretty freaking amazing! :love: She's always nice to talk to and well, she was the first person to ever talk to me on Mene and actualyl chat with me. Plus, we both have this crazy obsession with the Oreintal Fan which just brough us closer. :'DD

Your Name: Licity.
Name of Staff Member: Eroy. <33
What does this person mean to you?: A better question: What doesn't she mean to me? :'D
What you want to let them know?: Eroyyyyy, I love you dearly! <3 You always help me when I need help with something. PLUS, you were going to save a fan for me that you had bought if I could get a pudao to trade for it. Just that gesture made me love you like no other. :cry: I never did get it from you, since I got the fan from the auction (BUT YOU TOLD ME IT WAS THERE! ). I just have no words to describe you. :'D

Your Name: Simmy!
Name of Staff Member: Melody. <33
What does this person mean to you?: She's really just uber sweet and when I talk to her, it's always nice. :] MUCH LOVE MELODY. <3
What you want to let them know?: Wellll, first off, I'd just like to thank her for all the times she's helped me and answered questions for me. :heart: She's always nice and is just amazing to talk to when I see her roaming about and the such. I just don't know what to say really but thank you! ;'DD <33

I have more...but...I feel 3 is enough for one post. O__o

Roachi 03-23-2009 11:28 PM

Oh i also wanna add that, Eroy is awesome! Always so helpful & is the bestest for hosting the GBA - I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to do. So thank you for that Eroy :).

And also too Rosebleed - Who forks out a heap of her own cash to give us cheap CIs, and who is an awesome person to talk too and a very good friend - luffs on rose - :hug:

Rylynne 03-24-2009 01:08 AM

Two more people, because I have more time now. xDD;; <3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Rosebleed
What does this person mean to you?: Rose spoils me too much when she shouldn't. xDD;; <3<3
What you want to let them know?: Rose is seriously one of the most generous people I know here on Mene. =O She's also one of the few people I manage to catch online due to my strange timezone, and it's always nice to have someone to regularly chat with. From discussing about who's logic is superior to other more random things, Rose is definitely a fun person to be with. :> <3<3

Your Name: Rylynne
Name of Staff Member: Seito
What does this person mean to you?: Seisei was one of my first close friends when I just joined Mene, and I will not forget all the craziness that ensued between us and the many many pages of us spamming chatting our lives away and dominating quest threads. 8DD;;
What you want to let them know?: Seisei, even though we don't get to chat anymore since you're real busy with your endless amount of homework, I still miss you and luffles you! :< <3 I appreciate you taking the time to chat with newbie lil me just a few months ago, and I know that I definitely have a good friend in you~ =) <3<3

.Simplicity. 03-24-2009 03:31 AM

Can I just be lazy and say that I love you all?

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