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LoversEnd 08-10-2009 06:53 AM

LE & GG's Event Thread! (Come and Chat!)
Heyy, we're back. We know you missed us. So basically, we came back and want to make new friends as well as chat with old ones! So pop in and say hi. I, Lovers, MAY possibly be giving out freebie art. The only way to get it, is to stay around though, so chat it up and you might get lucky. This also depends on how I'm feeling and if I start kicking myself cause I'm not happy with what I drew. There's a possibility that I won't do anything for that reason. You never know!

garnet_dagger 08-10-2009 07:09 AM

how are you

LoversEnd 08-10-2009 07:11 AM

Garnet: I'm doing great actually. How about you? Are you enjoying the event? :]

GangsterGlam 08-10-2009 07:14 AM

Hello. (:

Hey you look kinda neat. lol

Troubledfox 08-10-2009 07:17 AM


LoversEnd 08-10-2009 07:20 AM

Troubled: Hello. ^^

GG: Me? xD I was trying to find someway to make it all work..but meh. I'm a sad bunny that there wasn't a shirt in last years stuff. D:

GangsterGlam 08-10-2009 07:24 AM

Yes you, silly.

By the way, is that your new saying? "I'm a sad bunny"? lol.
It's cute, but you've been doing that quite a bit lately. I wonder where you picked that up.

Oh, well your white shirt works fine with it. o.o It's really funky. I like it.

LoversEnd 08-10-2009 07:25 AM

Lol, thank you. I.. think I got it from someone on wajas, but I like it, so I say it. xD My eyeball's all.. drippy. ._o <= Disturbed. xD

GangsterGlam 08-10-2009 07:31 AM

That IS mildly disturbing. lol

I like the little ballet slippers on the dance thing. (:

LoversEnd 08-10-2009 07:33 AM

GG: It's extremely random, but I always wanted to be in ballet. I used to run around the house when I was little and like.. dance. xD Like I was in the Nutcracker or something. xD It was so much fun, but yes, I like the slippers. o.o Our avis need Ballet Slippers. o.O

Miep 08-10-2009 07:33 AM

Ello. ^-^

So how is everyone?
Enjoying the event?


LoversEnd 08-10-2009 07:35 AM

Miep: Yes, actually I am, I think GG is too. xD We've only been on for about 30 minutes. I haven't even really explored the event shop yet. o.o

GangsterGlam 08-10-2009 07:36 AM

I do believe there are ballet slippers already.

Ohmygosh, what is that thing you're wearing Miep? It's so pretty. o.o
Hello. Well, we just got here but I'm starting to enjoy it. I love the dresses. I want to get a bunch of them.

Miep 08-10-2009 07:38 AM

Oh that's good. Lol I only meant to get on for a few minutes today to check out the event and ended up staying on for 11 hours. ^^; You really should get to the shop though. So many pretty items.

Thank you it's in the event store. It's uh Nero's Robe I think. Good glad to hear it. Yeah I love dresses too. I want all of them but that's not likely to happen. -.-


LoversEnd 08-10-2009 07:42 AM

Miep: I like most of the more expensive items. I need a way to make gold faster than games. xD Chatting isn't really my forte. Considering I really can't make these huge and long posts that other people make. o.o

GG: xD There are? Whar? Cause I want them now. o.O

Miep 08-10-2009 07:45 AM

Lol yeah I'm not really good at any of the games and I have trouble carrying conversations with people for long amounts of time. Lol I get sidetracked easily.


GangsterGlam 08-10-2009 07:45 AM

Uh, probably in hopscotch? lol
I'm fairly sure that's where shoes are unless something has changed.

Oooh, okay. I thought so, just wanted to be sure. I'll have to get that too. o.o

LoversEnd 08-10-2009 08:06 AM

GG: xD Okay. ^^ I'm just gonna go page by page in the shop. Buying what I want. If I don't get it all oh well. Not worrying about it. ^^

Miep: Me too! I always get sidetracked.. usually with Wajas.xD

Miep 08-10-2009 08:08 AM

Sorry to show my ignorance but what is Wajas?


LoversEnd 08-10-2009 08:16 AM

Miep: Click Here. It's fun, you should join if it sounds like something you'd like. It's a breedable "wolf" sim game. They're not really wolves, but it's really fun. xD

Miep 08-10-2009 08:22 AM

Oh ok actually ow that I think of it I have heard of that before. It seems fun I may join. ^-^
*hurries off to Waja*


LoversEnd 08-10-2009 08:27 AM

xD Heyy, my cave number is 78762 if you'd like help or anything. ^^ I love that site, it's where me and GG have disappeared off to for the past.. couple of months. xD

GangsterGlam 08-10-2009 08:29 AM


Yep, Wajas is totally awesome. But mene is too, and I miss it.
I've been looking forward to the event.

Miep 08-10-2009 08:29 AM

Okay I just finished signing up.
Need to confirm and I'm in. ^-^

I was really excited when I heard about the event. Lol, the day before it started.


LoversEnd 08-10-2009 08:31 AM

GG: Me too, I mean.. even with beng busy with those customs. OO LITTLE MERMAID! *watchs* o3o xD I'm such a child right? xD.

Miep: Okay cool! We can help you and stuff, I'm sure I could breed you a waja and stuff o3o Then you'd have your first waja for freee. :]

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