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X3_iRawr_X3 02-10-2011 07:12 PM

Rawr x 0ri0n83
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Ⓝ Ⓐ Ⓜ Ⓔ: Riley Ever Moore

Ⓐ Ⓖ Ⓔ: Sixteen

Ⓐ Ⓟ Ⓟ Ⓔ Ⓐ Ⓡ Ⓐ Ⓝ Ⓒ Ⓔ:

0ri0n83 02-10-2011 08:38 PM

Name:Rainer (Rain) Calinth
Age: 17
Bio: Rainer grew up on the streets in the bad part of the city where he learned to be ruthless and cold, but he was then given the rare opportunity to get out of that kind of living when he met a man named Roy Calinth. He saw talent in him, and decided to take him off of the streets. Now, he lives with Mr. Calinth in the "better" part of the neighborhood, but the need to act out and be deviant is still there.

Rainer sighed as he looked out the window. He was bored out of his mind. He didn't care about school, nor the students, and sure as hell not the teacher that was talking in the class. All he wanted to do was go outside and smoke with his "friends." He really didn't want to call them friends, since he knew from a young age that anyone that he got close to always ended up hurting him in the end, but he still had that glimmer that there were other people that he could get close to like Mr. Calinth, his father."Mr. Calinth,"said the teacher."Could you kindly recite what I was talking about to the class?" Rainer looked around as he saw the stunned faces of the other students. No one messed with Mrs. Petro. No one. Rainer looked at her and smirked and said"I honestly don't know, nor do I really give a f-"Don't you even finish that sentence young man. Go to the principal's office," yelled Mrs. Petro. Rainer gathered his books and his book bag and went out the door to the hallway. He went down the hallway, and out the double doors that led to the school grounds. "Heck with her," he thought as he walked to sit under his favorite tree.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-10-2011 08:50 PM

Morning rolled in, and the sun hit Riley's eyes through the blinds. "Hmm..." He muffled as he stirred awake. He glanced over at the clock, his eyes widened. "I'm late! What?" He checked the clocked. "Aw man, forgot to set the alarm...again!" Thats when eh began to quickly pull off his pajamas and into his clothes. Dressed in a pair of white jeans, and slipped on a black top. He fixed his hair before putting on his coat and grabbing his bag. He ran downstairs in a hurry. He stopped into the living room, seeing his mother asleep on the couch. "I'm off." He whispered to her, kissing her forehead and ran out the door. Riley was a respectful boy. He tried not to upset anyone, and make everyone happy. Even if he, himself, wasn't. However he always seemed happy. Riley only lives with his mother, but he is okay with that. His father wasn't such a good one. Again, he was okay with that. He had a mother that loved him, and that was good enough for him. Riley ran up to the school, obviously out of breath, but kept running. "I'm so late!" He didn't een notice the boy sitting under the tree. He ran inside the school doors, and headed for his first class. "Sorry, I know I'm terribly late." He bowed to apologize to the teacher. "Please forgive me."

0ri0n83 02-10-2011 10:01 PM

Rainer looked up as he saw another student go running towards the building that he had just left. Rainer smirked as he laid his head back again and closed his eyes. "Goodie two shoes," thought Rainer. Though he is kind of cute, in an annoying kind of way." Rainer continued to lounge around underneath his tree when he heard people above him. Glancing up at them he looked and was greeted by two security guards from the school looming down at him. Getting himself into a sitting position he said," To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you two here?" They didn't say anything, but grabbed one of his arms and the began to take him back into the school building in the direction of the principal's office. They dropped him in the waiting room where he sat there until the door to the principal's office swung open revealing Principal Maner and his father. He looked into his father's eyes who were typically happy and bright, which was now replaced with confusion and some anger.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-10-2011 10:14 PM

Luckily, since Riley was such a 'good boy', the teacher let him slide for now. Riley sat through the class quietly. He took notes when he had to, and answered question. After class, he had about a five minute break to get his things, go to the bathroom, and head to class. When he walked over to his locker, a boy with red hair ran up to him. "Hey, Ri!" Riley smiled. "Oh hey Julian." Julian smiled. "Here, a note." Riley blinked, taking it from him. It was from his math teacher, which was his next class. "Due to your excelent abilities, you are no longer in my class and have been moved to gifted math." he read out loud to Julian. "Oh...Well then I guess I won't see you next hour Julian." he smiled. "Don't worry, we can hang at lunch." he closed his locker before waving to him and scurried away. He stopped at the principle's office, seeing someone in there and frowned. "Good luck" He whispered. Not sure who it was, but knew they must of done something to get in trouble. He soon walked away, heading for the next class.

0ri0n83 02-13-2011 09:37 PM

Rainer continued to sit there as he listened to his father and the principal ask him if he wanted to throw his future away and what chances away. He was barely paying attention to them when they stopped talking. It was always the same, and he responded with," Yes, I understand. It won't happen again. Can I go to math class now?" The principal nodded and let Rainer leave through the door. God, it was so easy. All he had to do was bat his eyes a few times, say some pretty words, and then everything fell back into place again. As he walked out of the principal's office he spotted the same boy that was running to class late. "Goody two shoes probably got some award or something. As he walked passed him he ran into him which caused Rainer to drop his own advanced math textbook. The complete opposite of what he had intended to do. Picking up the book he went hastily out of the room and down the hallway.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-13-2011 10:24 PM

Riley just kept on walking, not wanting to be late. He walked into his new math classroom. He saw a few others there and nodded. "Hello." He said to all of them before taking a seat near the front, more like the middle. It was then He realized he didn't have an Advance Math book yet, however, luckily the teacher had though all of that out. The teacher walked over to the boy's desk and laid it down. "I think you forgot something Mr. Moore." Riley chuckled. "Sorry." He stared at the teacher as he walked back to his desk to start the lesson. Riley opened up his book, flipping through the pages, trying to get an idea of what he was getting himself into. He read through the problems. Some he knew, some just made his brain hurt. He would have to study extra hard.

0ri0n83 02-13-2011 11:14 PM

Rainer was running late, again. He was so glad that he did good work in the class. He might of had the bad boy persona, but he always got his work done. His father was the main driving force of that. Running into the advanced math classroom he noticed that class had already started. He tried to sneak into the room, but stopped in his tracks when he saw who was sitting next to him. It was "Mr. Goody two shoes." Grimacing he sat in the empty desk next to him, and took out his books and stuff. Maybe, if he just ignored him he would figure out that this kind of work was too hard for him. The lecture began as Rainer began taking notes. Math work like this came easy to him since his own father was a professor at the local college in Advanced Calculus.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-14-2011 12:05 AM

Riley took some notes, obviously confused. He didn't know why he was told to take this class. His head was already hurting. "Aw man, I wish he would slow down a little." He muttered to himself about the teacher's lecture. He ran a hand through his hair, biting his lower lip. He watched as the teacher was now calling students up to the board to work out problems. RIley hated getting up infront of people towork out math problems cause he felt if he got it wrong he would get laughed at, and he would feel stupid. RIely ducked a little, and just continued to take notes, trying to be invisible. Which wasn't too hard for him. He wasn't normally noticed.

0ri0n83 02-14-2011 12:39 AM

Rainer looked over at the new kid sitting next to him. The kid looked like he was going to begin a freak out at any moment. Sighing to himself he contemplated in what he could do. The teacher called him up to the board where he began working on a complicated math problem. He finished it with ease, and sat back down. I mean besides, it would be fun to toy around with Mr. Goody Two Shoes for a little while. After class ended he looked at the new kid and said," Hey do you want to borrow my notes? You looked a little lost." Rainer tried to put on the best grin that he could. The kid wouldn't even see it coming.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-14-2011 12:50 AM

Riley sighed in relief when the bell rung. He made it without getting called up to the board. He began to gather his books and all when the gy next to him began to speak. He offered his notes and Riley smiled. "Thank you! " He smiled. "Yeah, I guess its sorta obvious huh. I was told to start taking this class, however I don't know if I can cut it...but I'll try atleast." He then extended his hand. "I'm Riley Moore. What's your name?" However after getting a good look at him, he had noticed that he was the guy from the office. However he didn't bring it up. He might not want to talk about it.

0ri0n83 02-14-2011 01:05 AM

Rainer knew that he was beginning to tread in dangerous waters when the other introduced himself to him. He ignored the voice in the back of his head though and ignored it. "Rainer. Rainer Calinth," said Rainer as he shook the hand that was offered to him. Letting go of Riley's hand he looked at the other and said," Well I have a free period now. So I guess I will catch you later." Grabbing his book he shoved it into his book bag, swung it over his shoulder, and then left through the door to go to the cafeteria. As he was walking he couldn't get the other boy out of his head. What was he getting himself into?

X3_iRawr_X3 02-14-2011 01:13 AM

Riley thought nothing of him name and smiled. "Alright. See you!" he smiled happily, and then turned around and headed for his locker. he too had a free period but promised to spend it with Julian. Soon enough, once he got to his locker Julia was waiting for him. "Sorry for the wait. I was talking to a guy from my new math class." Julain nodded. "Oh, no worries, I knew you would never bail on me. You're too nice." He joke. Riley looked at him. "You think so?" He chuckled. "Anyway, lets go to lunch. I'm starved." Julian nodded in agreement and they both headed to the cafeteria together. Riley thought about Rainer's kind offer to lend him his notes. He might actually enjoy this class.

0ri0n83 02-16-2011 12:16 AM

Rainer sat in the cafeteria as he took out his iPod, artbook, and his drawing pencils. He found that he had a knack for drawing when he would constantly doodle in class through the teacher's lectures. As he began to draw he got lost in his music and his artwork. He was barely aware that there were people around him until the artbook was grabbed from his hands and held by another angry looking teenager. Ripping off his headphones he tossed them on the table glaring daggers at the other teen. " Give that back," said Rainer flatly as he continued to glare at the other teen. The other teen laughed as he handed it off to another teen that was standing behind him. The other teen took it and began to looking through the pictures that were there. There were a few snickers from the group that was with him when he went over a few of the pictures. They were pictures of a bright soul, they were pictures of Riley. The second teen gave the book back to the first teen. As the first teen took a look at it he burst out laughing. "Give it back!" Rainer charged the other boy and tackled him to the ground. In shock the other teen threw the book up into the air where it went sliding, open across the floor where it landed in front of.

((Dun dun dun))

X3_iRawr_X3 02-16-2011 12:39 AM

Riley had just entered the cafetira when it all went down. At first he didn't know what they were throwing, and who they were messing with. It didn't really matter who it was. What they were doing was wrong. However, when he realized who it was, he got madder, cause Rainer had helped him out earlier, and no one had a right to treat a nice guy like that. He clentched his fist, and opened his mouth to yell stop, but as he took a step foward, a notebook landed infront of him. His mouth gaped a little as he slowly picked it up. "Woah, thats you..." Julian pointed ot. "Shh.." he said, and then closed it, he figured he wasn't suppose to see that. "Hey! Stop it. Its not nice to pick on others! You wouldn't like it if that was you..." He still seemed to keep an innocent face as he yelled at the boys. "Please leave him alone...." He clutched the notebook to his chest. "And please don't look in this notebook. We all have secrets, and whatever is in this notebook he didn't want to be seen" He said, acting as if he didn't just see the contents of the notebook.

0ri0n83 02-16-2011 12:50 AM

Rainer followed the gaze of the one that he was fighting until he heard a familiar voice. Glancing over in horror he saw that Riley was the one that was holding the notebook that had flown through the air earlier. Glaring at the person in front of him, he managed to flip the other sending him crashing to the ground. Walking up to Riley he looked at the other boy and said," Hey Riley, can I have my book back?" He wanted to disappear at this very time. He wanted to completely disappear. He didn't want to be here. He had to have seen the pictures that he was drawing. Snatching the book away from the other he went running down the hallway leaving his discarded pens and headphones on the table. He needed to get away for now Riley knew his secret. He went running up to the roof of the building and threw open the door. He liked coming up here. It was quiet, and the breeze was always nice.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-16-2011 01:05 AM

Riley was going to hand Rainer the notebook without argument, but when he snatched it away and rean off, Riley got confused. "Hey wait! You forgot...!" However he stopped as soon as he was out of sight. He grabed his extra stuff and stuffed them in his bag. "Sorry Julian, I gotta go talk to him." Julian nodded. "Don't worry, I'll take care of these guys here." He glared at the two boys who started all of this. "Julian, its okay, leave them be." He smiled at his friend and ran after Rainer. For a small guy, he was able to catch up with him and followed him on the roof. " forgot these."He handed him his things that he had left. "Don't let those guys get to you..."

0ri0n83 02-16-2011 01:14 AM

]Rainer cursed out loud. What was wrong with him. How could Mr. Goody Two Shoes get him so worked up. For god's sake now he knew too. Hell, pretty soon everyone would know that the toughest kid in school was completely head over heels for the other boy. " forgot these." Rainer looked up sharply from where he was sitting to see the younger teen in front of him. He saw that the other was holding his pens, headphones, and his iPod. Grimacing to himself he stood up in front of the other "Thanks," said Rainer as he took the items that were offered to him. He pocketed them and looked at the other teen. "So now you know the truth. What are you going to do now?"

X3_iRawr_X3 02-16-2011 01:25 AM

Riley looked at him, and looked away. So he did realized that Riley had seen them. "I don't know...I mean...I never knew you could draw!" He looked up in and smiled. "Please draw some more pictures!" he was innocent. He always was. "Please don't let them get to you. I loved those pictures!" He said, grabing the collar of his shirt with both hands. "So what if you can draw, is that suppose to make me feel wierd? Or is it the fact it was of me? I don't care, I'll be happy to be your model..." RIley didn't quite understand the reay reason why Rainer drew that picture of him. He was just thinking he was embarressed about the students finding out he could draw, even though most saw him as the tough guy or bad boy.

0ri0n83 02-16-2011 01:49 AM

Rainer coughed as he looked at the younger teen in front of him. He really had no idea did he about him liking him. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Sure," replied Rainer as he put his sketch book away into his bookbag. "What are you doing this weekend? It's supposed to be warm we should go to the park. You would look good with the trees and the lake as your backdrop." He hadn't had meant to say the last part. He was amazed that he was able to talk so smoothly around him. The one that was his light in his shadow.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-16-2011 01:57 AM

Riley smiled. "Oh, I'm free. I would love to. Sounds like fun." He chuckled, giving him a warm smile. "Thank you. Also, If I can, maybe this weekend I can look at your other pictures?" He asked, his cheeks a little pink, but it was only cause he was so happy. He then grabbed his wrist. "Also, we need to get to class. And don't worry, I doubt those guys will mess with you again." He smiled some more. "I won't let them." He pointed out, only Riley wasn't much of a fighter, but he did reason with others very easily, and sure he could convince the guys to back off.

0ri0n83 02-16-2011 06:17 AM

Rainer nodded to himself. He wanted to spend every waking moment with the other teen, but then he said that if they didn't hurry that they would be late for class. "You're right," said Rainer. "We need to get to class or we will be late, and of course you can see more of my pictures. I'm sure you'll like them." Rainer walked down the stairs and to his next class butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't wait for the weekend to come faster. It was only Monday, but he wished that it was at least Thursday. He just wanted to spend some more alone time with the other teen. Maybe, maybe someday he would tell him the truth. As for right now he had to think about school and his final art project. That's right art was his next class. With a smile on his face, he went running off to the art studio where his class was.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-16-2011 11:55 AM

As for Riley, who was very exceited to. He would love to be drawn by such a good artist. It made him feel a little special when Rainer chose him as his model. The smile never left his face. However, when Rainer turned to art class, Riley turned in the opposite direction, heading for World Geography. "See you later!" He called out, before finally walking out of sight. He walked into the biology class room where Julian was waiting. Riley smiled and took a seat beside him. He soon took out his books and things, and took notes as the teacher lectured about some country's economy and what not. Riley was sorta good at geography, so he didn't worry about this class too much. He studied about most of these countries when he was younger. He was a bit of an overachiever. He didn't mean for it to turn out that way, but he had so many interests.

0ri0n83 02-17-2011 03:05 AM

Rainer hummed to himself as he worked on his clay model. He didn't even have to think about making art anymore. It just came to him. Every time he thought about Riley he just wanted to tell everyone that he was near. However, appearance was everything in high school so he just pretended to not care about it. A girl was talking next to him as she worked on her own sculpture. He heard bits and pieces of it, but apparently they were talking about the commotion that he had caused in the lunch room. Quite frankly he was amazed that no one from the office had come to summon him about the incident. Rainer apparently talked to soon for that very moment someone from the office came into the classroom and walked next to the teacher. The teacher took the sheet of paper that he had in his hand, and then left the classroom. The teacher just looked at Rainer, and Rainer knew exactly where he was going, the office. Gathering his things he walked out of the room and to the principal's office for the second time today.

X3_iRawr_X3 02-23-2011 12:05 PM

It seems as if Riley had the smae fate. He was sitting there, filling in a map of Africa when the same person from the office gave the teacher a sheet. However, it had three names on it. Riley's and the two boys from earliers. Riley figured he was being summoned cause they felt he was apart of it somehow when he spoke out infront of the others. Riley sighed and turned in his work and left the class room with the two boys, heading for the office. When Riley saw Rainer there, he moved over to him. "Seems like we are a bit of trouble huh?" This was actually his first time to be called in here for some punishment even though all Riley did was stand up for Rainer.

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