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Andraus 03-30-2011 05:20 AM

Haven Collage
Haven Collage, a Large Collage in the East of Europe is not only the best collage in the region, but its also a Place were Demons and Angels can Actually interact with each other, without the war comming in, who are you? a Demon or an angel, you decide, its your choice.


1. No godmoding
2. Post profiles and send them to me
3. fallow rules 1 and 2

heres the skeleton

name :
Race : angel or demon
Pic :

Teacher profile

Name :
Age: [From 20 to 56]
Class : [what u teach]
pic :

heres mine

Name : Lucifer the 2nd
age : 23
Race : Demon
Bio : Son of Lucifer, Wants to Try and rid the world of the Darkness Caused by his dad but knows its not possible
Pic :

Gemini 03-30-2011 05:52 AM

name : Gemini Starr
age: 18
Race : half angel half demon
Bio: not much to say, mother was an angel,and my father was a fox demon,and they both died when i was born-i killed them.i'm a cursed child,and no one wants to be near i'm in collage and everyone knows the prophecy on my head,that i'll someday either destroy the world or save it.with my dark,loner personality,everyone thinks i'll destroy it.and maybe i will.i don't know yet...
Pic : blood red hair,green eyes,fangs and claws,cross-scar on left cheek.the wings are on upper right arm like:
Demon Form:

Andraus 03-30-2011 08:31 PM

Lucifer was On Campus, Sitting under a Tree, reading a Book while enjoying his music in his ears

Gemini 03-31-2011 03:53 AM

gemini walked onto the grounds,backpack slung over one shoulder,and surveyed her surroundings.she sighed in was just like any other school, was too early yet to sign in for her room,so she went and climbed up a nice tree.she settled herself on a branch and pulled out her sketch pad and pencils,and started sketching.this time,it was an apocolypse scene,with hell on the bottom and heaven on the top,and a scorched,ruined earth caught in the middle.she barely noticed the boy sitting under the tree directly beneath her.

Andraus 03-31-2011 03:56 AM

Notices the girl above me then lightly climbs up next to her "Eotuha Litha hello Female"

Gemini 03-31-2011 04:11 AM

gemini looked up with a start."hello.why are you near me?" she asked,her face showing that she was truly surprised that someone would even want to come near her.

Andraus 03-31-2011 04:16 AM

"Because im Curious to see why a Beautiful Women would look so sad " he looks at the Drawing of the Apocalypse "Thats Actually acurate.......Trust me, I was there around the Time of the Dooms day"

Gemini 03-31-2011 04:38 AM

gemini's eyes went wide,then narrowed."you're tricking me,aren't you? someone dared you,or you saw me and thought it would be funny to string along the prophecy demon,right? don't lie! i'm not beautiful.i'm cursed.and how would you have been there for that? who said you could even look at my drawing?!" she said,instantly was obvious to her that it must be a good-looking guy-or any kind of person at all-would ever talk so nicely to was just too good to be true.

Andraus 03-31-2011 06:44 AM

looks hurt " I was just being nice, i knew you were the demon spoken of legend, but that didnt mean anything, Ya know what? fuck it, im leavin " Jumps down and begins to walk away

Cupcake Queen 03-31-2011 11:20 AM

name : Amber
age: 20
Race : angel
Bio: Amber has always been shy and has never had many friends. She spends most of her time writing stories about things that come to her mind. Her mom encouraged her love of writing, but her dad thinks it is stupid. They sent her to the collage hoping she would make friends.
Pic :

Amber walked onto school grounds She had her writing notebook in one hand and her back in the other. She noticed school wasn't starting yet and probably wouldn't for a while, so she sat on a nice patch of sunny grass and took out her notebook and began continuing the story she had been working on.

finx15 04-01-2011 04:48 AM

name :Finx Sunfara
age:You should never ask a ladies age but I'll forgive you this one time. I am 18. Dont argue.
Race :demon
Bio:i live to kill blood sports are very amusing but the never seem to quell the need to kill. I am alot like gaara (for those who now who he is.))
Pic :

Andraus 04-01-2011 04:51 AM

[ watch this Rooster Teeth · Trailer ]

Gothika_Knight 04-03-2011 10:20 PM

name: Succubus
age: ancient (younger than Incubus)
race: demon
bio: Succubus is the younger sister of Incubus. She wants to spread peace due to the nonstop wars that keep happening over and over again. Succubus or Suc, as she goes by, is a little shy and gets a little timid when most boys give her an odd look.

name: Incubus
age: anicent (older than Succubus)
race: demon
bio: Incubus is the older brother of Succubus. He protects her with his life and loves to help her bring peace. Inc has a tendency to flirt with almost ever girl his see. But it's not his fault, he's Incubus, it's what he does.

Incubus and Succubus walked on the grounds of the college. Succubus held Inc's arm as they walked around exploring the new school, Suc had every right to be afraid of this new school, since she had never been to one before. "Big Brother, where are we going and what is this place?" she asked looking at Inc with worried eyes. Inc looked at his sister, "Don't worry about it sis, I'm going to see if I can find my friend." he said as he spoted Lucifer walking. "Hey Lu, how's it going?" Inc asked walking up to his and Suc hid behind Inc more seeing Lucifer.

Cupcake Queen 04-04-2011 02:11 AM

Amber looked up and looked around the campus. She saw two others walk onto the grounds plus the two who were already here. She sighed and put up her notebook. She was writting a story about two people falling in love. She guessed she was just feeling a little lonely. she laid her head on her knees. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back over her wings.

Gemini 04-04-2011 03:00 AM

tears pricked at her eyes,and gemini found herself calling out to him,before she even realized what she was doing."m-matte!wait! that-that's not what i meant! it's one ever talks to me,not unless it's a trap or a dare.i just have trouble trusting people,that's all." she explained,knowing that it was no excuse for her behaviour.

finx15 04-04-2011 11:59 PM

FInx walked onjto campus with her head held high. Glancing around she saw others two boys and three girls. She scoffed and shook her head trying to keep herself from killing them. She sat on a rock pulling in her thoughts deciding it would be best not to kill anyone on the first day of school. She leaned back letting her fx ears and tail appear which made keep her blood lust in check easier.

Andraus 04-08-2011 01:06 AM

"Hey In, how are you." When the Girl Started to Apolgize he sighed "Its fine, I guess your Just used to that Sort of...thing..." He noticed a fox demon, she looked all ready for Battle and seemed bloodthirst. He didnt know why but that sort of thing he liked "Hey Miss!" He said, now starting to run towards her, Pulling out A Hellfire Sword given to him by his father.

Gothika_Knight 04-08-2011 07:18 PM

"I'm good I guess." Incubus said then suddenly seem Lucifer take out his sword and walk towards a fox demon. Inc ran in front of him then held his sword. "Whoa Lu, you know where not allowed to fight other students." he said as Succubus walked to them. "Pl-Please calm down." she said holding her amulet.

Cupcake Queen 04-08-2011 08:26 PM

Amber saw the boy running at the girl with a sword. She thought this school year was going to be intresting. It appeared that most of the students were demons because she didn't see any other full angels just the half angel half demon girl.

Gemini 04-09-2011 04:24 AM

gemini jumped down from the tree and ran after the guy."hey,wait up!" she said,catching up.she paused slightly when she saw that he had friends with him,but she worked up her courage and walked forward anyway."hey,you want to hang out sometime? we could practice-i'm pretty good with a katana." she said,noticing the sword in his hand.

Andraus 04-09-2011 04:33 PM

He stopped himself by using his sword and making a crevice in the ground then he smiled at the girl and held out his hand "Lucifer the second"

Gemini 04-10-2011 02:41 AM

((wait who're you talking to?))

Andraus 04-10-2011 09:19 AM


Cupcake Queen 04-10-2011 07:07 PM

[am i the only full angel on here? lol]

Amber sighed and put her notebook beside her an dlaid down on the ground. Her hair glistened a bit in the sun as it spread on the ground with her.

Gemini 04-11-2011 01:33 AM

gemini smiled."i'm gemini.nice to meet you.geez,no wonder you weren't afraid to come near me...oh,no offense." she said,feeling stupid.she was horrible in social situations.

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