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DaisyKeehl 11-04-2011 02:30 AM

Pokemon. Does anyone miss the FIRST season?
Hm, Does anyone... ANYONE at all miss the old pokemon days. Before all of the stupid new seasons and major changes pokemon has gone through...?
I mean I remember when I was a little kid and I'd stay up to watch pokemon.
I loved the first series. I adored it with my little heart xD
Now its confusing and boring. Don't you think?
Have you ever liked pokemon?
Have you ever played any of the games?

ShadowDemon101 11-04-2011 04:55 PM

Are you kidding The first season of Pokemon was my freakin' childhood there! Of course I miss it! XD

I have watched the newer season too, but they just don' with me like the first. I mean, it was the first! So everything was new and exciting and kept you wanting for more :D

However majority of my games are Pokemon, from Leaf green to Soul silver and Pokemon Mystery Dungeons to Pokemon Ranger and yes, even the brand new Black game XD;;;

I may not be a fan of the show but to heck if I don't get to play me my Pokemon game XD

whisper.dust 11-04-2011 05:05 PM

yes, i love pokemon
the recent seasons sucks
i have played some of the games

EmoMarionette 11-04-2011 11:51 PM

Honestly? I miss it to absolute death! But I understand why they had to change it and everything, but I will still miss the way it used to be </3

DaisyKeehl 11-05-2011 01:11 AM

Thank goodness I am not the only one who misses it!
I have had most of the games. (Lost most of em too)
I used to be a total pokenerd xD
The new season is just blech.
I miss Brock the most.
I really only watched until Dawn came into the picture. Then I started hating it.

ShadowDemon101 11-05-2011 05:46 AM

Yeah IDK why but I don't really like Dawn. I mean she's OK but still I just don't like her. Heck I like Iris from the newest season better xD;;;


DaisyKeehl 11-05-2011 05:50 AM

WAAHHH -sobs with you-

I mean... she just annoyed me.
I only like N!

hm, May was cool.
Misty annoyed me xD

Projectwolfie 11-05-2011 06:37 PM

Pokemon got worse and worse after the first. I remember watching a bit of the DPP seasons one day when I was bored, and just... the animation itself took a huge hit, and a few other problems with it too (how is he still 10 again?). It didn't feel like they were trying anymore.

I hear people are talking about the newest as a sort of OMG IT'S GOOD AGAIN, but eh...

Aerinn 11-05-2011 07:09 PM

Oh hai thar, childhood.

But seriously, the first Pokemon season must have had the biggest impact in my elementary-school life. I woke up early every Saturday morning religiously just to watch it. I recorded the entire first season (even cutting commercials) on VHS (it was THAT long ago). I don't know, I think similar things happen every season, but when they occurred in the first, it was novel. :?

Kids watching the new seasons will never understand the concept of Gary being a rival or Misty being the female sidekick. It's just not the same.

ShadowDemon101 11-05-2011 08:05 PM

Amen. XD

Personally, I think Gary was Ash's best rival and Iris kind of acts like Misty in the sense of how they argue :3 I do love N though; first rival in my games that I actually fell in love with :heart:

And dude I know right?! How is it that Ash is always 10?! And that he acts like a complete newbie in every new "region"??

Although it's interesting because in the newest episodes Team Rocket actually does not suck. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened xD;;;

Aerinn 11-06-2011 01:02 AM

I love N. With all my heart. When I was playing my Pokemon Black version, I was always so happy to see him. :heart:

But I admit, as a kid I had a crush on Gary too. Haha... Oh... :sweat:

Actually, I think they do change his "age" by making him slightly taller than he used to be, but his voice is always the same and he acts the same, so it sorta gets cancelled out. Not to mention Pikachu constantly getting "de-leveled"... :gonk:

Woah. Team Rocket. NOT sucking? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!? :illgetu:

DaisyKeehl 11-06-2011 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770063122)
I love N. With all my heart. When I was playing my Pokemon Black version, I was always so happy to see him. :heart:

But I admit, as a kid I had a crush on Gary too. Haha... Oh... :sweat:

Actually, I think they do change his "age" by making him slightly taller than he used to be, but his voice is always the same and he acts the same, so it sorta gets cancelled out. Not to mention Pikachu constantly getting "de-leveled"... :gonk:

Woah. Team Rocket. NOT sucking? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!? :illgetu:

N IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

I had a kid crush on James and Gary, and that uhh was it Trancy or whatever.

I still have my old pokemon soundtrack. xD:drool::drool::sweat:

ShadowDemon101 11-06-2011 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770063122)
I love N. With all my heart. When I was playing my Pokemon Black version, I was always so happy to see him. :heart:

But I admit, as a kid I had a crush on Gary too. Haha... Oh... :sweat:

Actually, I think they do change his "age" by making him slightly taller than he used to be, but his voice is always the same and he acts the same, so it sorta gets cancelled out. Not to mention Pikachu constantly getting "de-leveled"... :gonk:

Woah. Team Rocket. NOT sucking? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!? :illgetu:

Well Gary did have his own set of fangirls if memory seerves XDD

Poor poor Pikachu D:

I KID YOU NOT! They're actually wearinf the black uniforms, haven't interacted with Ash at ALL, and have actually been escaping police and getting away with heists! :shock:

DaisyKeehl 11-07-2011 02:37 AM

Gary did have his own set of fangirls xD It was funny

ShadowDemon101 11-07-2011 11:19 PM

Ahaha I thought so! :XD

N should have some of his own---heck I'LL be one XDDD

DaisyKeehl 11-08-2011 01:32 AM

I'd be one too!
The game made me cry xD

missdark 11-08-2011 11:10 PM

I never really liked the anime series. I always liked the Pokemon games more. I hear the manga is good too but I have never been able to find it in stores or anywhere. They are usually sold out in my area and now I hear that they are out of print so I guess I'll never read them. Now Digimon, on the other hand, I liked the first generation anime series of that but the stupid toys and games sucked. LOL I dunno I wish I could back and change that. Oh and I thought that Boomerang was showing the old school Pokemon?

ShadowDemon101 11-08-2011 11:41 PM

@ Daisy: I KNOW! QAQ



@ I've read maybe one manga but it's rather interesting I admit :) LOL and I agree on Digimon the first season rocked but none of the toys were great XD;; Hmmm dunno, considering I don't have Boomerang XDDD

maidenroseheart 11-09-2011 12:09 PM

I watched the first season during my elementary school days!!! I loved it so much. When I was a little older I tried to watch it again but a lot had changed and I was confused.

Codette 11-09-2011 04:13 PM

YES! I miss my childhood! I remember being a kid, watching Pokemon, then switching the channels as soon as it was done to also watch the first season of Digimon ^.^

Elyka 11-11-2011 01:30 AM

I've been wanting to rewatch the first season of Pokemon for a really long time nowww. xD I'd really like to watch it in Japanese though. I don't even know the Pokemon/new people that came in after the first season. @__@;;

DaisyKeehl 11-12-2011 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by missdark (Post 1770095596)
I never really liked the anime series. I always liked the Pokemon games more. I hear the manga is good too but I have never been able to find it in stores or anywhere. They are usually sold out in my area and now I hear that they are out of print so I guess I'll never read them. Now Digimon, on the other hand, I liked the first generation anime series of that but the stupid toys and games sucked. LOL I dunno I wish I could back and change that. Oh and I thought that Boomerang was showing the old school Pokemon?

Boomerang is showing the old one but they keep showing the SAME episodes almost everyday...
They are out of print :( It sucks.
Digimon was okay. It wasn't my favorite.


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770104319)
I watched the first season during my elementary school days!!! I loved it so much. When I was a little older I tried to watch it again but a lot had changed and I was confused.

It changed so much


Originally Posted by Elyka (Post 1770108805)
I've been wanting to rewatch the first season of Pokemon for a really long time nowww. xD I'd really like to watch it in Japanese though. I don't even know the Pokemon/new people that came in after the first season. @__@;;

ahaha awh I love the japanese version.


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770104594)
YES! I miss my childhood! I remember being a kid, watching Pokemon, then switching the channels as soon as it was done to also watch the first season of Digimon ^.^

ha yeah i used to do that.

@Shadow- TwT!!!!!!

ShadowDemon101 11-12-2011 04:28 AM

I know I'm so sad over that still QAQ


Demon_of_the_Sand 11-15-2011 12:20 AM

After watching Pokemon cartoons as part of Pokemon All Stars oh God yes I miss the first season

Marionetta 11-16-2011 02:54 PM

I liek Mudkipz. Apparently you don't.

I like the seond and third seasons, mostly because there are more ghost Pokemon and cuter Pokemon. I like the first season, but only because of Jigglypuff. *puffs up cheeks and draws all over your faces*

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