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Emma Corrin 12-29-2011 05:53 PM

Emmie's Hangout Thread!
Hey everyone! Feel free to post and chat! I'm in and out of the event due to work, but I figured I'd make a hangout thread so I can have somewhere to chat while I pop in and out!

So how's everyone enjoying the event? :D

hummy 12-29-2011 08:07 PM

hello and welcome to the event forum, Emma!

Emma Corrin 12-29-2011 08:27 PM

Haha Thanks hummy :)
I've kind of been lurking the staff event stickies, entering some contests, but that's about it lol
Haven't really chatted much lately!

hummy 12-29-2011 08:29 PM

what have you entered?

Emma Corrin 12-29-2011 08:31 PM

The Advent Calendar, the Wishing Tree, and the Savory cooking competition :3
I'm going to enter the Drink cooking competition, but I just haven't had a chance to make it yet!
Same with the Dessert cooking competition :3
I was hoping to be able to do the train ride story writing competition, but I just don't have time for it :(

hummy 12-29-2011 08:34 PM

wow, you've done a lot!

Emma Corrin 12-29-2011 08:56 PM

Not really haha!
I've only entered 1 competition, 1 chance competition, and 1 event thread that's a daily surprise - other than that I haven't done a whole lot!
I did make some sales though so I was able to buy the commons I wanted :3
Plus I just made myself some Caramel Turtle Hot Chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon on top, so I'm all toasty warm now! Plus I can use it as my drink entry because it's in a holiday mug hahaha!
So yay! Another competition entry down!
Now I just have the sweets one and I'll have entered them all except for the Bento xD;

So what've you been up to?

On a side note, however, I'm having trouble finding the Merkheti Calliope Shirts -- I really want a set of them and the Marketplace says they're in Wonderland Boutique - but all that's there are the pants! Do you have any idea where they might be?

Acobjum 12-30-2011 12:18 AM

Jazz Jackrabbit soundtrack - Medivo - YouTube Time to dance!

Mobius 12-30-2011 12:31 AM

Hello all. 8) I'm a bit late to the game it seems, but I wish you belated happy holidays!

hummy 12-30-2011 12:33 AM

you have until january third at six pm pacific timezone.

Acobjum 12-30-2011 12:36 AM

Kalafina - Magia (Slow Version) - YouTube :)

Emma Corrin 12-30-2011 04:15 AM

@Aco: Yay for music haha!

@Cexlan: Hiya! Happy Holidays to you as well!
I haven't had much time for the event either :(
How are you finding the event currency? Hard or easy?

@hummy: o.O; Well that was a complete disregard to my post.. but ok~
I didn't really ask how much time I had until the event ended, I was just commenting that I haven't had time to do the entries that I wanted as of yet, but I was able to get another one done at work today~ XD;

Mobius 12-30-2011 04:36 AM

I'm finding the event currency a bit difficult. I keep popping in and out of threads hoping to hold a conversation and I'm afraid I keep killing them. )8

hummy 12-30-2011 04:45 AM

if i see you as the last poster i'll try to post afterwarrds.

Emma Corrin 12-30-2011 01:15 PM

@Cexlan: I know what you mean about it being difficult - my main form of event currency getting is through the random chance thing in the corner of the screen - unfortunately I keep getting duds more often than not :(
Hopefully when we both pop in and out of the event it's around the same time so we can chat and get some currency so we can get those elusive EIs!! I went to bed soon after posting last night, but I'll most likely be in and out over the course of the day due to lulls in work haha

I have a question for ya that I'm not sure if you'll know the answer to - but when I was searching for the 2009 New Year's Glasses, I couldn't get them to come up for the life of me - so I typed in 2009 which gave me a ton of items made in 2009 - I saw these Calliope Shirts -- Merkheti in particular -- and I really want a set of them because they're wicked pretty and I've never seen them before :3
The MP says they're in Wonderland Boutique - but I can't find them!
I looked, I searched, and all I can find are pants -- do you have any idea if they got moved or if they're in another shop for some reason? There weren't any in the market :(

Well that's not a conversation and is actually kind of annoying, but whatever you want to do! Have fun during the event XD;

hummy 12-30-2011 01:20 PM

i'm sorry about that, Emma.
i have a pair of 2009 glasses,
if you would like to borrow them
i'd be happy to let you do so.
have a nice day.

Iro 12-30-2011 01:24 PM

Which Merkheti shirts, Emma? :D

You might not be able to see them perhaps because a few of those are male only items and can only be seen my male avatars.

Emma Corrin 12-30-2011 01:37 PM

@hummy - I was selling them xD;
But thank you :3

@Iro-chan: I don't think they were male - they looked female - but maybe not?
They're kind of loose with a gold off the shoulder piece and for the other sleeve it's the color of the shirt and it has a lot of gold trim - they didn't look familiar, but they could have been redone since 2009 like a lot of the commons have -- let me go see if I can't dig up a pic of them!

EDIT: :cry: I found it and looked at the tags seeing as how you said it could be a male shirt - and it was T_T
When I saw it in glancing - I only looked to see where it was located - I didn't really pay attention to the tags as it looked female and not male XD;
-plus I never look at tags anyways- :3
Well that's disappointing :(
I vote for making it a female shirt!! :D
I love it haha
Then again, I love that style of shirt in RL XD;
It's no wonder I haven't seen it though - I've never put my avi as male/bought male clothing!

Iro 12-30-2011 01:45 PM

Haha You could always leave a site feedback or request for it? xD

I am sometimes that way with female clothing, since I almost never look at the shops using a female avatar. :lol:

Emma Corrin 12-30-2011 06:14 PM

I'll have to look for the forum to do that and I shall!
I would love those as female shirts :3

Yay! I'm not the only one who has never seen half of Mene's clothing LOLOL!
I've been looking for some shirts that are similar to the Calliope ones that are unfortunately male because they would work great with some of the new commons to create an outlandish casual beach look :3
Hopefully I can find some shirts that are like the male Calliope ones!

Emma Corrin 12-31-2011 01:16 PM

Morning everyone! What's shakin'? :D

NeuzaKC 12-31-2011 02:36 PM

Hi Emma! Mind if I drop in? ^^ I noticed it's a bit quiet here so I decided to stop by. :D

Ze_Mole 12-31-2011 04:24 PM

Hi Emma!
Sorry I haven't responded to your wall of text in your quest thread - I just moved back to the US a week ago and I've been frantically trying to get crap done before school and work start back. >.<

How have you been?

Amane 12-31-2011 05:10 PM

Hello, Emma. :)

Acobjum 12-31-2011 05:39 PM

Jazz Jackrabbit soundtrack - Crysilis - YouTube

We must all be ready to party tonight!

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:53 PM.