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0ri0n83 02-10-2012 04:32 AM

Seduction of the Night
This is a private roleplay between myself (0ri0n83) and ThinGirl00. If you are not one of those two people please do not post here. However, feel free to follow along.

Here's a small bio on my character. You don't have to add one if you don't want to, but I added one to give you some background to work with.

Name: Sylar McDaniels
Age: 21
Occupation: Student/ Librarian
Background: Sylar is the only child of a rather well to do family. He is currently living with his father, since his mother died when he was very young. He is currently a junior at the local college, and when not busy with school work he is at the library working, and when he is not doing that he is practicing his singing with the local band. He has always been fascinated with the occult, but has never done anything with it besides read books about it. He is a straight laced student that doesn't get into trouble.

Sylar sighed as he looked at the clock. The class was just dragging on and on, and there seemed to be no end to it. It was 10a.m. on a Friday morning, and all he could think about, besides work later that evening, was his first local gig with his new band that coming Saturday. He could care less about angles, or triangles, or other geometric shapes. As the hands of the clock slowly moved around the face of the clock the bell finally rang. Leaping to his feet, he threw everything into his book bag, as he went running out of the room. He needed to get to work. He worked at the campus library which also housed the local library since it was a rather small school. As he went running out of the building he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. He had always been a bit too paranoid for his own tastes so he just shrugged it off as he continued to run down the sidewalk towards his work.

((I hope that wasn't a too, too bad opening since it was the first post.))

ThinGirl00 02-10-2012 10:06 PM

Name: Coraline Wolf
Age: Looks seventeen. Is really over a hundred years old.
Occupation: None[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Background: The only daughter of a wealthy plantation owner, Coraline was turned a few days before her eighteenth birthday. Her master, a vampire drifter who wandered into town, was a cruel man and abandoned her only days after creating her. Ever since that night, Coraline has been alone. She has tried to make others like her to ease her loneliness but all of her "children" have left her. She feeds without mercy, except on children, and seemingly has no emotion to speak of.

Coraline wandered through the nearly abandoned school campus, watching the few remaining students scurrying back to their dorms. She crinkled her nose in disgust and kept walking. She wasn't really in the mood for a snack at the moment. She was more or less attempting to find a suitable companion...this time one whom would not leave her. She was tired of being alone. Surely there was someone out there who could ease her loneliness. Strawberry blond hair falling down her back, her keen vampire eyes searched the darkness for that one person who she would bestow her gift upon.

Her lips curved into a smile as she spotted him. He was dressed...differently than most of the kids on campus. He looked a suitable enough choice. His hair was dark, as were his eyes, and he was rather tall in stature. Like the others, he seemed in a hurry. Coraline turned slowly and began following the boy, waiting for a moment where they would be alone.

0ri0n83 02-19-2012 02:57 AM

Sylar continued to run down the street towards the local library. He passed by people some of whom, after he had passed, turned around to wonder where he was going in such a hurry. Fishing around in his pocket he brought out his phone, hit a few buttons, and noted the time. He had two more minutes before he would considered officially late. Speeding up a little bit more he took the steps in front of the library two at a time. Throwing the doors open he hurriedly made it towards his desk. Placing his book bag and various other things in the drawers he made sure that his name tag was on. He glanced up and noticed that one of the other librarians was looking at him funny. "What?" he asked as he raised one of his eye brows. She giggled and looked at him and said,"Sylar what happened? Did you get stuck in a wind tunnel or something. Your hair is a mess." Sylar pushed his hair around a little bit, but decided that he would need to be in front of a mirror. Glancing around he noticed that there were not that many people in the library that seemed to need help so he excused himself and quickly went to the bathroom to adjust his hair.

As he made his way back he could see that there were one or two people in front of his desk. Wondering briefly where Keith was he decided that the other reference librarian was helping someone else with some other mundane thing. Sitting behind his desk he began helping the first person. It was always the same thing. People asking where things were in the library, how to get books onto their kindles, and even where the tax forms were, even though the table had a bright red sign in front of it. As he helped the various people he eyed Keith who came back towards the desk. "Where have you been?" he asked as he glanced at the other male.
"I was leading a tour around. There were some elementary school kids here on a tour of the library." "That's nice," replied Sylar as he glanced at the clock on the computer desktop. It was only 5:40p.m. It was going to be a long night.

ThinGirl00 02-19-2012 09:02 PM

Coraline followed the attractive boy as he rushed towards his destination. With light blond hair and eerily pale eyes, Coraline attracted attention where ever she went. Tonight was no exception. She saw many students, males mostly, staring at her as she walked across the campus lawn. A few made attempts to approach her but she threw them all looks that caused them to immediately stop in their tracks and head in the opposite directions. She did not want any distractions tonight. She must not stray from her intended goal.

The boy hurried up the steps of a rather large building. He seemed to be quite flustered...which only added to his attractiveness. As he entered the building, Coraline frowned as she noted the sign. He had entered the library...a place that would have people. And people meant witnesses. She had hoped to approach him but that now seemed impossible. She toyed with the idea of waiting but decided against it. She might not be able to turn him just yet but she could at least study him further.

Coraline walked up the stairs and into the building. Since it was a public building, she did not need permission to enter. She saw him immediately. He was standing behind a large desk and appeared to be...helping people. She tilted her head, staring at him for a brief moment, before slowly sinking into the shadows of the bookcases surrounding her. The last thing she wanted was for him to spook and run off.

0ri0n83 02-20-2012 03:59 AM

Sylar let out an exasperated sigh as he let his eyes slide towards the clock. How was it possible that it was only 6:30p.m. He was sure that he would go mad for sure that night."Hey, Sylar... Earth to Sylar." Sylar blinked a little bit to clear his vision as he looked over and smiled at Keith. "Hey sorry," said Sylar as he smiled a little bit. "I just have a lot on my mind right now." "Are you thinking about Penelope again?" said Keith as he gave him a quizzical look. "Ya, I guess I am." Penelope was Sylar's off and on girlfriend. They had dated on and off over the last few months, and right now they were having one of their "off times." " We are having one of our off times right now. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this." He smiled at the next thought that drifted through his head. "She puts Bella Swan to shame in her neediness." Keith punched him lightly on the arm. "What you know I am right?" said Sylar with a small laugh. Getting up from the desk he looked around as he went to a nearby hook and took off a small plastic box with a button on it. Draping it around his neck he grabbed a nearby cart of books. "I am going to go and shelve these. I'll be back in about 20 or so. Call me over the P.A. system if you need me." Keith nodded as he went back to going over some files that had the inventory on them.

As Sylar continued to push his cart among the shelves he greeted the people that he passed. He saw some of the "regulars" and waved as he went by. The regulars were there everyday, and he was very friendly to them, and they to him. As he continued to walk he still couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched by something. Shaking his head he glanced at the book shelves. He always loved shelving things since he was able to devote his whole attention to it. Besides, he also knew that it would take his mind off of Penelope as well.

ThinGirl00 02-20-2012 11:40 PM

Coraline watched as the boy removed himself from behind the desk and made his way over to the bookshelves. She sank back further into the shadows. She wasn't quite read to let him know she was there. She was content to simply study him...for the moment at least. As he entered the long rows of bookshelves, pushing a metal looking cart, Caroline could not help but notice how stunningly handsome he was. From this distance and this light, she could clearly make out the distinguishing features that she'd been attracted to at first glance. His narrow cheekbones, pronounced chin, and slightly narrowly slanted eyes were what drew her to him in the first place. Well...that and the intoxicating aura he put out. A person's aura was how she distinguished between people who were worthy of her gift and those that were not. He clearly was.

"Excuse me. I was wondering if perhaps you could assist me? I am looking for a book."
Coraline said, stepping out of the shadows. She offered him a smile.

0ri0n83 02-21-2012 02:58 AM

Sylar continued to shelve the books. He liked shelved the fiction books best since he didn't have to worry about the non-fiction books and their crazy decimal numbers. As he placed the books on the shelves he began to hum a little to himself. He was the lead singer in one of the local college bands that was on campus, and he was currently working on another song that they would perform at the annual battle of the bands. The event was at the end of next month so he knew that he had to plan quickly for the coming competition. The band was called the Black Orion. They were an alternative band much like Paramore. Besides, humming and shelving the books took his frazzled mind off of real life events and the thought that he was being watched by someone. "Too many criminal shows, caffeine and scary movies. I think I need to cut back a little."

He was moving the cart when he noticed that there was a young woman standing in front of him. Sylar's heart practically jumped into his throat. "How did she get this close to me?! I mean I would have noticed her right?" thought Sylar as he glanced at her and returned the smile to show that there was nothing off about his behavior. It took him a moment to register what the other was saying. Clearing his throat he looked at her and said,"Sure how can I help you tonight?" As he continued to look at her, awaiting her answer, he couldn't help notice that there was something strange about the woman in front of him. Not something strange in a bad way, but strange in the sense that she was also not a "normal" woman either.

ThinGirl00 02-25-2012 05:54 PM

Caroline ran the tips of her fingers over some shelved books, pretending to study them as she did. "I'm doing research for a paper." She turned her eyes on him, "I need to find a book relating to the mythology of vampires." She approached him slowly. She did not want to spook him but she needed to be closer...needed to get a better feel of him. "I do hope you can help me. You seem..." She racked her eyes over him, not even bothering to hide her interest. What man would be put off by a beautiful woman's attention? "...very competent."

She had longed years ago that flattery worked well on most men. She was not vain but she realized of course that her appearance was very pleasing to men. That was why she had been turned. And so she used her beauty to lure in prey. She preferred men...but sometimes women were attracted to her as well and practically threw themselves at her. She found it very difficult to refuse a free meal. The one thing that separated her from most others of her kind was that she did not kill when she fed. She erased her preys memories and then sent them on their way. She disliked killing and only did so when she felt threatened or if she felt that her prey deserved to die. When she fed, not only did she absorb their life-force but their memories as well. The ones who were particularly evil were the only ones who's lives she took.

0ri0n83 02-25-2012 07:53 PM

Hearing what the woman in front of him asked he raked his mind for the possible books that he could give to her. He could tell by the sound in her voice that she was trying to seduce him, and oh it was working quite well as well. He smiled when he heard her say that he looked competent. He then noticed the way that she eyed him. It was nice, but there something just a bit off about the woman. However, who was he to judge? "Follow me," he said as he turned on his heel to find the right shelf. He heard that it was for a research paper. "Wow, sign me up for that class," thought Sylar as he turned down one of the aisles and continued to walk. He continued to walk, but then stopped in front of a row of books. "Here we are," said Sylar as he grabbed a few books from the upper shelves. Handing them to the woman in front of him he continued by saying," These are about the historical vampires, or people who had been said to be vampires. Vlad the Impaler that kind of stuff." Glancing at the bookshelf he grabbed a few more books. Some of them had prettier covers than most of the black tomes. "These," he said as he handed her some more books. "These are more about the modern myths and folklore. That kind of stuff." Staring at her expectantly he added,"Can I help you with anything else today?"

ThinGirl00 02-27-2012 04:17 PM

She took the book he offered, never once taking her eyes off him. "I am sure these books will come in handy. I appreciate the help," When she heard him ask if there was anything else he could help her with, she bit down hard on her lower lip. It would be so easy to take him here and now but she needed to have patience. Although not especially crowded, there were still too many people for what she had in mind. And she simply hated an audience.

So instead, she simply giggled. "Oh, I'm sure I can think of something." The best thing to do was to flirt...keep him interested in her until she could get him alone. "How long are you working tonight? Perhaps you could treat me to a late dinner," She leaned against the bookcase, "I'm simply famished."

0ri0n83 02-28-2012 12:24 AM

Sylar smiled at the woman that was in front of him. She was rather cute. He was glad that he was about to help the other. He knew that was part of his job, but he still felt happy that he was able to help people. He heard what the other had said and thought about it. He had no classes tomorrow and he also didn't work either. It was also payday so he had some money that would be in his bank account. Besides, when would a chance like this come again? "Sure, sounds like fun," replied Sylar as he glanced at his watch. "I get off in about an hour, at 9. Can you wait until then?"

ThinGirl00 03-01-2012 05:54 PM

Caroline smiled seductively. "I can't wait." she replied, tossing her hair lightly. She glanced around the library and saw that, for the moment at least, they were alone. She took a step towards him, laying a hand lightly on his chest. She batted her eyelashes and smiled again. "I'll be waiting." She walked past him, giving him a backward glance before vanishing out the door.

Once outside, she lingered near the library. She did not own a watch but was very adept at time-telling. Ignoring the stares of other people walking by, Caroline waited for him. It was then that she realized she'd neglected to ask his name. It was not important for what she had in mind but still...hopefully he did not find that too odd.

0ri0n83 03-04-2012 03:38 AM

((Sorry for not getting back to this RP sooner. I read it over my phone, and once it is read it goes off of the "update" threads thing since it isn't in bold anymore when you go to "your account.))

Sylar smiled when he heard this. The woman in front of him was odd, and had he been a good person he probably would have heeded his parent's advice not to go around with strangers, but for God's sake he was an adult and he would make his own mistakes and learn from them. However, unbeknownst to him, this was a mistake that he wouldn't be coming back from. He smiled when he saw her retreated form. Shelving the rest of the books rather quickly he practically skipped to his desk. Keith gave him a rather odd look when he saw Sylar sit down, a broad smile on his face. He decided not to ask questions though. From experience he knew that Sylar could become happy over the littlest things in life, and this time was probably no different.

Picking up the phone he made the final closing announcements. He watched as people went running around doing their last minute things at the library. It was rather comical to look at. Always entertaining. Making the final closing announcement he watched as the manager on duty made her rounds closing the doors and shooing the last of the people out of the building. Shutting down his computer he turned to Keith as he asked him the same question every Friday. He always responded with the same thing. However, this night it was different. "Keith, sorry I can't come drinking with you." Keith gave him a pointed look at he tossed his coat on. "It's not like that. I have a date tonight." Keith whistled at him to which Sylar rolled his eyes. Walking out the door he scanned the surrounding area until his eyes settled on the woman that he had talked to earlier. Waving he walked over towards her and said,"Alright. Where would you like to go? Have you been waiting long?"

ThinGirl00 03-08-2012 06:52 PM

Caroline leaned against a nearby tree, watching the entrance to the building. Waiting was of no objection to her. After a few hundred years, one learns tended to acquire a great deal of patience. She, however, was beginning to experience the familiar pang of hunger gnawing at her. Even the losers who's only purpose in life was to get high and party were beginning to look like decent meal to her. Growling softly, she pushed away from the tree. Running her hand through her soft hair, she eyed a nearby student. He was sprawled out of the lawn, smoking a cigarette. He spotted her looking and offered her a smile. Caroline fought back the grimace she felt as she reached out and touched his aura. Oh, he definitely deserved to die. She could feel the evil radiating off him. She started to approach him when she heard the library door open. She stopped, turning quickly, and smiled to herself as her intended target for the night made his way over to her.

"Alright. Where would you like to go? Have you been waiting long?" He asked, coming to rest just in front of her.

"I was thinking we could go for a bite to eat," She smiled at the irony in her words, "and no I haven't been waiting for long." She stepped closer to him, pressing up against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Wherever you are is enough for me baby."

Perhaps she was moving a bit too fast but she could sense the attraction he felt towards her and knew he wanted her almost as badly as she wanted him. It dawned on her then that she still had not offered him her name. "I'm Caroline by the way."

0ri0n83 03-08-2012 11:15 PM

Sylar nodded a little bit as he let out a small sigh. He was glad that the other hadn't been waiting for very long. Judging by the temperature he could tell it was around 40 degrees or so which made him that more glad the other hadn't been waiting. Speaking of which he eyed the woman in front of him. How was the other not cold? He listened to what the other had said and nodded his head. He, too, was hungry as well. He didn't have dinner since he had gone running straight to work from his last class of the day. Usually he would just stop at the local diner around the corner and grab the usual, a burger, fries, and a large oreo shake. However, this time would be different since he had, in his eyes, a date. "I think I know of the perfect place," replied Sylar as he felt the other move closer to him. He felt the woman in front of him wrap her hand around his neck. His first reaction was to back away, but then as if by some unknown force he relaxed in the other's arms.

He could feel that the other was moving a little too fast for his comfort level, however, he also was one that lived in the present, and he didn't really mind that much. As the two of them walked down the street towards the restaurant he heard the other utter her name to him. "Caroline," he said. "That's a beautiful name. My name is Sylar. Sylar McDaniels." As the two of them continued down the road soon they were in front of a rather nice looking Italian restaurant. Opening the door he held it open so that Caroline could go in first. "After you miss," said Sylar as he bowed low. He knew that it was old fashioned, but that was the way that he was brought up.

ThinGirl00 03-11-2012 05:56 PM

Caroline followed the boy as he introduced himself as Sylar McDaniels. They did not have to walk too long before the arrived at the intended destination. She smiled in approval. It appeared to be a very nice Italian restaurant. She had always had a soft spot for Italian food. Like most of her kind, she could eat human food if need be. She just simply could not only eat human food. She needed blood in order to survive.

"I love Italian." she commented as Sylar held the door open for her. Smiling again at him, she walked into the restaurant. Because it was a public place like the library, she did not have to be invited in. And of course like most places she visited, when she walked into the room, almost every head turned to stare. The people who stared were probably even unaware of what they were staring at. Because of her unique gift of sensing auras, she also put out a distinct aura of her own. It tended to attract people's attention in her direction.

0ri0n83 03-11-2012 06:32 PM

Sylar walked in behind of Caroline as the door slowly closed behind him. No sooner had they entered the room he felt that everybody's gaze was on the two of them, mostly on Caroline. It made him jealous, but then again why did he have any reason to be jealous. The other was truly gorgeous. They were soon brought over to a table that was situated in the far back corner. The music played softly as the waiter came and gave them their menus. "I am glad that you like it here," said Sylar awkwardly, he was never good at these kinds of interactions. "So," he began. "You're studying things about vampires. Is it for a class or a hobby of yours?" He didn't know what else to say, and when that happened, which it usually did, he would always fall back on work related things.

ThinGirl00 03-14-2012 06:27 PM

Caroline barely glanced at her menu. Her meal of choice was seated directly across from her and he was looking more delicious with every minute that passed. She did not know how much longer she would be able to resist turning him. "It's mostly a hobby," She replied at his question, "I'm a little weird like that. I've always held a strange...fascination with vampires" It was not technically a lie. Before she had been turned, Caroline had always hung out in cemeteries and read books about vampires. That was one the reasons she had been chosen, aside from her beauty.

0ri0n83 03-14-2012 06:43 PM

Sylar continued to look his menu over a little as he listened to what the other had said. "That's interesting," said Sylar as he put the menu down and looked straight at Caroline. "Nah, you're not weird. I used to like all kinds of books about magic and astrology. It's pretty interesting stuff." Before he could say anymore the waitress came over and asked if they were ready to order. She glanced at Caroline, noting that the other hadn't been really looking at her menu. "Can you give us a few more minutes?" asked Sylar as he smiled at the waitress. She nodded and then walked away. The silence returned again, this time with more force. "So," he started. "You look around my age. Are you in college or anything?"

ThinGirl00 03-17-2012 07:27 PM

Caroline already knew what she was having from the menu; a salad. In her human years, she had strictly been a vegetarian so even now she preferred greens over meat. Well, except with it came to human blood. That was one thing she highly doubted she could live without. She eyed the waitress as she approached the table. She curled her lip slightly as she flirted with Sylar. Of course, he took no notice and dismissed the older woman saying there were not yet ready to order.

"No, I am not in college," She leaned forward, smiling at Sylar, "I prefer traveling. I simply hate staying in one place for too long. It gets boring after a while." In a way that was true. She was of course physically unable to stay in a town or city for more than a few years...unless she stayed in the radar and allowed no one to see her. People became suspicious when they saw a girl who had not aged in the past 10 years walking around.

0ri0n83 03-17-2012 10:18 PM

Sylar waited for the other to speak. Caroline spoke of things that he only dreamed about. He loved to travel, and he could have done that forever if given the chance. "That sounds like a lot of fun," said Sylar as he took a sip from his glass of water. "I wish I could do the same thing, but I have school and you know how that goes. My parent's want me to be successful after all." He let out a sigh. The waitress came back and he glanced over at the other as he smiled. "Ladies first," he said. He was going to order something small as well. It was true that he was starving, but he didn't want to look like a pig in front of the other. He decided that he would get a sandwich and a small salad. Besides, he needed to eat healthier anyways.

((Blargh, shortness. Sorry.

ThinGirl00 03-17-2012 11:37 PM

The mention of his parents caused Caroline to remember her own. Long since dead, her parents had not exactly been the nurturing type. They had always expected the best out of her. They had expected her to marry well, have children, and be the perfect house wife. She smiled at the irony, considering the way her life had turned out in the end. All their pushing, throwing ball after ball, was what caused her to attract the attention of her Sire in the first place. He had first noticed her at an annual Halloween ball. He had kidnaped and turned her not too long after that. Caroline held no malice in her heart for her parents. They had only wanted what was best for her, after all. And she held no anger towards her Sire either. He had brought her into her vampire life, showed her there was more to life than marriage and children. Though, as the years had passed. Caroline had began wondering what her life would have been like had she never been turned. In her human life, Caroline had never wanted children. But perhaps the knowledge that she could never have them was what caused the stirring in her heart every time she saw a smiling child or heard the laugh of a baby.

"It isn't all it's cracked up to be," Caroline replied when he said he only wished he could travel, "It gets...lonely."

The waitress showed up again at that point. Caroline ordered a Ceaser salad and a side of garlic bread. The myth that vampires could not ingest or even touch garlic was simply that; a myth. In fact, she rather enjoyed garlic.

(it's fine. lol.)

0ri0n83 03-18-2012 12:37 AM

Sylar listened to what the other ordered, and then he too ordered his items as well. He listened to Caroline comment on what he had said a few moments ago. Tilting his head to the side he tried to figure out why she had said that. How could being free to travel wherever she wanted not all that it was cracked out to be? It sounded like pure bliss to him. "I guess," mumbled Sylar as he smiled at her. He then turned on the charm a little as he said," Maybe you are just lonely because you don't have anyone to travel with." He was about to add that he could go with her when he graduated, but that might not be the case. He was planning on getting his education, and then going straight to graduate schools like the other students around him.

The server came back in a few minutes and brought their salads, Caroline's garlic bread, and his sandwich. "Bon appetite," he said as he took a bite of his salad.

ThinGirl00 03-20-2012 11:43 PM

Caroline tilted her head, taking in what he said. She supposed her feeling of restlessness with her travels could be from loneliness. She had never stopped to consider it. But then again, that was the whole reason behind her choosing Sylar to be her companion. Perhaps he would help to ease her burden and make the rest of eternity more pleasant. Of course, in order to turn him, she would have to get him alone first.

"Perhaps I have been lonely," she reached forward, gently caressing the top of his hand, "maybe I simply need the right man to help ease that loneliness."

The waitress chose that moment to bring them their meal. Caroline reluctantly pulled back her hand and begin eating her salad. She closed her eyes and savored the taste. It had been a while since she had dined on human food. She had forgotten the taste of it and was surprised to see that she still enjoyed it.

0ri0n83 03-21-2012 02:30 AM

((I think I might do a small time skip to after the meal, and they are out of the restaurant))

Sylar frowned a little when he heard the other say that she had been lonely. He had always believed that chivalry wasn't a dead thing, and he always made it a job to help any woman that was in distress, or at least ask if he could do anything. He smiled when he heard Caroline say that maybe she just needed the right man to ease her loneliness. Before he could stop himself from saying anything he smiled at her and said,"Well if you want we could be friends or something-." He stopped there thinking that he was getting a little ahead of himself. Besides, there was no way that the two of them could be more than friends as of right now. They had just met after all.

After the meal was done, Sylar paid for the meal, and then escorted Caroline back outside. He knew that it was getting rather late, and he needed to get back to his dorm room. He had homework to do after all for his classes tomorrow. Standing outside of the restaurant he turned towards the other as he smiled and said," So did you enjoy dinner?" and then as an afterthought he added," I can walk you home. Where do you live?" He had completely forgotten to ask the other where she lived.

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:08 PM.