Menewsha Avatar Community

Menewsha Avatar Community (
-   Menewsha Promotion (
-   -   Tasks for the Expansion of Mene the Game (All Sets Up, Game Extended to 31st) (

Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:41 AM

Tasks for the Expansion of Mene the Game (All Sets Up, Game Extended to 31st)

We want to welcome you to our little game. Hopefully we can all have fun and bring the word of this great site to others.

I’ve always loved task games and thought this would work perfectly to promote the site. Not want to do it alone I looked for help and hummy was wonderful enough to come to my aid.

So have fun because I know I will.

Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:42 AM


1. Follow all the rules.
2. Follow all Menewsha rules.
3. Follow all other site rules. Do not spread the word where it isn’t wanted. Remember we want them to like us not think we are spammers.
4. Don’t break any laws. As my teacher once told me, I’m not bailing you out.
5. Don’t get in trouble. Don’t paint, draw, etc on someone else’s property without permission.
6. Don’t steal other people’s work.
7. Please create new things for this game.
8. Be polite and don’t talk badly about anyone’s stuff.
9. Art doesn’t have to be perfect but should take longer then a few minutes.
10. Anyone can play. Myself and hummy can not win prizes though.
11. Have fun.

hummy 03-09-2012 03:44 AM

♥our schedule♥
Set One- Saturday 10th
Set Two- Wednesday 14th
Set Three- Sunday 18th
Last Day- Saturday 24th

*schedule may be changed if needed*

Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:45 AM


Lotto Prizes

Page Prizes
(first post)

Page 10- 500g (Ivvy)
Page 20 Post 159- 500g (Moon!)
Page 30 Post 157- 1000g (Moon!)
Page 40 Post 54- 1000g (Ivvy)
Page 50 Posts 237, 179, 65, 120- 500g (first 4 unique posters) (blueblackrose, Kirin Rosenbaum, Angel Spirit Girl, Taiyo Tsuki

**because these pages were not reached they were given to random post numbers choosen with dice**

***gold donated by Goblin Maiden

Task Game

Prize Pool

(based on how many points)
(each place will pick prizes in order)
**You will have 24 hours to tell me which items you want from the moment I pm you**

1st- & 2 items from pool (blueblackrose)
2nd- 5 items from pool (Shadami)
3rd- 4 items from pool (Ivvy)
4th- 3 items from pool (Ted D Ber)

If more people enter more prizes will be given.
Unlock further prizes
5th- 10 people
6th- 20 people
7th- 30 people
8th- 40 people

hummy 03-09-2012 03:47 AM

♥LOTTO'S GET YOU LOTS.....of lovely prizes!
♥How to earn tickets for Lotto♥

1. one ticket per ten points made on the game ♥Lilith will count these and we will issue a lottery ticket.♥
2. one ticket per ten posts in here ♥please number your posts and ping either Lilith or hummy on post number ten♥
3. one ticket for first post in here ♥please ping either Lilith or hummy♥

♥additional ways to earn a ticket may be added.♥

♥lottery tickets♥

1 ♥LizzyCollinsDeArc~~first post ticket♥


Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:48 AM

Tasks, Oh So Much to Do

(You can do the tasks from any set.)

SET ONE Preparation

1. Make an avi to represent the site (this one must be with your own items). 5 points
-Make three extra. 10 bonus points

2. Draw something to represent the site (doesn’t have to be great but people will see it). 7 points
-Make extras. 3 bonus points per extra (max of 5)

3. Write a song or rhyme to represent the song. 6 points
-Make 3 extra. 10 bonus points

4. Write a story based on the site. 6 points
-Make 3 extra. 10 bonus points

5. Make a craft that represents the site. 10 points
-Make extras. 8 bonus points per extra (max of 5)

6. Make Menewsha inspired icons (100x100) that others can use. 4 points (max of 5)

SET TWO Time to Go Out into the World

1. Make a video to represent the site. Post on another site. (follow their rules) 15 points
-Make extras. 10 bonus points per extra (max of 5)

2. Post what you’ve drawn on an art site. 3 points
-Make extras. 2 points per extra (max of 5)

3. Post your song or rhyme on another site. 5 points
-Make 3 extra. 10 bonus points

4. Post your story on another site. 3 points
-Make 3 extras. 6 bonus points

5. Post your crafts on another site. 4 points
-Make extras. 3 bonus points per extra (max of 5)

6. Promote the site on sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Post a screencap. 5 points
-Multiple sites. 3 bonus points per different site. (max of 5)

7. Grab some chalk and draw Yan on the sidewalk. Don’t forget to leave the site address. 7 points
-Draw extra. 5 bonus points each (max of 5)
-Draw Yan with another NPC. 5 bonus points per extra NPC

8. Grab washable car paint and draw Yan on your car (or another’s with permission). 7 points
-With other NPCs. 5 bonus points each

9. Make a Yan pin (or other wearable) and wear it to town. 10 points

SET THREE Extra Fun Time

1. Make a representative of our site from the NPC list . 4 points
-Make more then one. 4 bonus points each (max 5)
-post them on another site. 2 bonus points each
-Take pictures of them out in the world. Post on another site. 8 bonus points each

2. Expand on one of our fairy tales . Post online. 5 points
-Make extras. 4 bonus points. (max of 3)

3. Draw art to go along with our fairy tales. 8 points
-Make extras. 6 bonus points. (max of 5)

4. Make a comic (at least 5 panels) to do with the site. Either something random or something to draw people in. Post online. 15 points
-Make extras. 10 bonus points (max 3)

5. Post a list of ideas to help the site. 3 points each (max 10)

6. Post in this thread at least 10 times. 3 points
-Post 50 times. 15 points
-Post 100 times. 30 points

hummy 03-09-2012 03:49 AM

♥this is your form!

Set #:
Task #:
Useable by Others: Y/N
(if art/icons/etc can others post it on facebook/etc with credit to you?)

Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:50 AM

Player Tallies
See how your doing

blueblackrose- 125
Shadami- 84
Ted D Ber- 15
Ivvy- 73

Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:52 AM

Player Submissions
Want to see what the others have done? This is the place to come.




Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770524174)
Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 2
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 2
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 6
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 1
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 1
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 1
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 1
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 5
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 2
Task #: 5
Useable by Others: n

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 2
Task #: 2
Useable by Others: y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 2
Task #: 2
Useable by Others: y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 2
Task #: 2
Useable by Others: y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 3
Task #: 5
Submission: 1. Make and print bookmarks to take to local library and stick in random books.
2. Make bumper sticker and put it on your vehicle.
3. Advertise the site on other sites using banners or avatar examples.
4. Make banners to advertise the site that others can use.
5. Make and print signs/flyers that can be hung up in local game shops, hobby shops, conventions, etc.
6. Make a shirt design that can be printed out onto transfer paper and ironed onto shirts.
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 6
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 6
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 5
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 1
Task #: 5
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 2
Task #: 5
Submission: Screenshot
Useable by Others: Y

Name: blueblackrose
Set #: 2
Task #: 5
Submission: Screenshot
Useable by Others: Y




Name: Shadami
Set #: 1
Task #: 1
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:1
Task #:1
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:1
Task #:1
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:1
Task #:1
Useable by Others: Y

Set #: 1
Task #: 2
Useable by Others: ...hesitant yes. xD . its crap.. and i need to finish it sometime.

Name: shadami
Set #: 2
Task #: 2
Submission:Deviant Art
Useable by Others: yes?

Set #: 1
Task #:3
Submission: Welcome to the party!
I don't think I've seen you here before.
You seem to be a new face,
that just came through the door.
I know that things are scary here,
confusing as can be.
But trust me, that wears off real fast.
Let me show you what I mean.

Watch out for Peeblo,
the little devil knows his jokes.
And if you want something working,
avoid Afrodonkey's borkes.
But if you are looking for some fun
than the best advice is true.
Never forget this little thing,
that is to always just be you.

Than you'll have -
more gold from conversations,
more laughter in the sounds.
Have more enjoyment,
in all the games you play,
Menewsha is fun to roll around.

Now that you've heard my sound advice
I hope you stick around and hang with us.
We're just a bunch of friendly folk,
here to chat, and laugh, and joke.

But you don't have to trust me,
you can find out for yourself.
Menewsha is the coolest place,
in the whole world wide web to be.
Useable by Others: Y

Set #: 2
Task #:3
Submission: I posted it on Deviant Art too..
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:2
Task #:6
Anytime I work on a project for Menewsha, I post it on my facebook, and store the images in this folder made specifically for Menewsha. :D
Useable by Others: N

Set #:2
Task #:6
Useable by Others: N

Set #:1
Task #:5
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:1
Task #:2
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:3
Task #:2
Submission: Expanding on the tale of Menewsha's Creation.

But the two brothers had a sister, who was always left out of everything they'd ever done. She was the God of Earth. She hated that the two of them could make what she could without her when they worked together. And because of how badly they wanted that sandbar, she wanted it for herself. She worked for decades creating the perfect loveable creatures that no one would know were in their midsts, to release on the land of Menewsha, and into the sea to spy on Atlantis. She plotted to overtake the two lands one day, and get revenge on her brothers.
Useable by Others: Y

Set #:2
Task #: 7
Useable by Others: Y

Ted D Ber-



Originally Posted by Ted D Ber (Post 1770539190)
Name:Ted D Ber
Set #:1
Task #:1
This one was based off of menes back ground and header
tried to use the gradient blues, the gold accents
and I have a green eye for the money symbol in contribute, as well as a grey ear for menes
this one here is a cosplay of my favorite NPC
Peeblo :D
loved the little dude since I first say his butt :P
This one shows the communities kindness
I only used items that were donated to me :3
this last one here is yumeh exploring the world
From the seas, to the voodoo jungles, to the high fashion runways, yumeh will always find sparks of interest
Useable by Others: Y
(if art/icons/etc can others post it on facebook/etc with credit to you?)




Originally Posted by Ivvy (Post 1770550016)
Set #:1
Task #:1
Useable by Others: Y
(if art/icons/etc can others post it on facebook/etc with credit to you?)

Set #:1
Task #:2
Useable by Others: Y
credit to me as well as *yampuff*

Set #:1
Task #:3
Submission:When Im in need of a friend and have nothing else to do
I log on in to my virtual world and cant feel blue.
Smiling faces and friendly chat... I'm telling you thats where its at!
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:1
Task #:3
Submission: Pixel by Pixel
Made with such care
Attention to detail beyond compare
Be what you wanna be
who you wanna be
Wrapped in pixels on our dear Mene.
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:1
Task #:3
Submission:Its late at night
nothing to do
No ones awake so what to do?
My computer screen lights up
what could it be a party in the forums just for me!
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:1
Task #:3
Submission:Everyone knows everyone
one big family
Giving sharing caring
you could never be a stranger
once you are part of the menewsha family!
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:3
Submission:virtual home by ~ivvy-soulstar on deviantART
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:3
Submission:pixel by pixel by ~ivvy-soulstar on deviantART
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:3
Submission:Late night craving by ~ivvy-soulstar on deviantART
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:3
Submission:Mene family by ~ivvy-soulstar on deviantART
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:6
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:6
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:6
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:6
Useable by Others: Yes

Set #:2
Task #:6
Useable by Others: Yes

Lilith W 03-09-2012 03:53 AM

Sharing is Caring Art
Want to share your creations with the world? Let others post your icons? They'll be here.


Shadami- Click on thumbnail for full view



Welcome to the party!
I don't think I've seen you here before.
You seem to be a new face,
that just came through the door.
I know that things are scary here,
confusing as can be.
But trust me, that wears off real fast.
Let me show you what I mean.

Watch out for Peeblo,
the little devil knows his jokes.
And if you want something working,
avoid Afrodonkey's borkes.
But if you are looking for some fun
than the best advice is true.
Never forget this little thing,
that is to always just be you.

Than you'll have -
more gold from conversations,
more laughter in the sounds.
Have more enjoyment,
in all the games you play,
Menewsha is fun to roll around.

Now that you've heard my sound advice
I hope you stick around and hang with us.
We're just a bunch of friendly folk,
here to chat, and laugh, and joke.

But you don't have to trust me,
you can find out for yourself.
Menewsha is the coolest place,
in the whole world wide web to be.

hummy 03-09-2012 03:55 AM


hummy 03-09-2012 03:55 AM


hummy 03-09-2012 04:12 AM

♥just in case we forgot anything!


Lilith W 03-09-2012 04:14 AM

itty bitty reserved post

Lilith W 03-09-2012 04:16 AM

ok, it looks like we have everything shoved into it's corner
While the place still isn't pretty or even unpacked people can walk around and chat.
We'll tidy up today and tomorrow and the game will start on Saturday.

So it is fine to chat now.

hummy 03-09-2012 04:19 AM

can't wait to have it all filled in so people can start speading the menewsha word out into the world!

Lilith W 03-09-2012 04:21 AM

Me too.

I hope everyone likes the tasks.

Well I really should be heading off to bed. I'll stop in in the morning and when I get home. I'll pretty up everything then.

hummy 03-09-2012 04:22 AM

okie dokie.
have a good night and a great day tomorrow.

Goblin Maiden 03-09-2012 06:55 AM

YAY GAME. *Mai runs in and rolls around* Hope it's a success, y'all!

Lilith W 03-09-2012 12:24 PM

Thanks Mai. ^^
I hope so too.

hummy 03-09-2012 08:27 PM

hiya, Mai!
hope to see you enter.

i do have some pings to put out, Lilith.

Damia Flagg:, llonka:, Ivvy:, Jeannesha:, Maria-Minamino:, Vickyll3:, ObviouslyAya:, Apricot:.
please check out the game a little later and join in on the fun!

Shadami 03-09-2012 11:22 PM

looking good guys :] Can't wait to see what the tasks are you came up with.

llonka 03-10-2012 12:05 AM

just popping in to say hi! we are at the motel, i brought you guys with me! :love:

Ivvy 03-10-2012 01:04 AM

this should be interesting :)

Damia Flagg 03-10-2012 01:08 AM

Hello everyone. Just following the ping.
I will go ahead & subscribe to this so I can find it again later.
Good luck with the expansion game.

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