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Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 04:38 AM

Menewsha Summer Camp Information Desk & Common Area - Looks Like We Got An Extra Day! Last Poster Wins my Outfit!

Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 11:43 PM

Welcome to the Menewsha Summer Camp Information Desk and Common Area

This is were you will find pertinent information relating to this event. Hopefully below you will find all the answers to your questions, but if not feel free to ask here in this thread. You may chat here and you never now I might be nice and give out some page prizes throughout the event.

Event Colors
Blue, Brown and Green
Optional Accent Colors
Yellow/gold, Orange and White/silver

Unofficial Event Theme Song
Elvenpath by Nightwish

Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 11:45 PM


  • Awesome there is an event, so where are the rares and event commons?
No, this is a User-ran event so it is not an official Menewsha event. This is event is ran by regular users like yourself instead of the staff.

  • What is the point of having an event if there are no items?
A user-ran event is a way to for the regular users to give back to the community and show this appreciation for the staff.

  • Why a summer camp?
Well we wanted to have a theme that hasn't been done before and something that people thought of when they think of summer. So after debating over a few themes we decided that this was the one we wanted to go with because it would be fun and different.

  • How do I participate in the event?
The hostess' have prepared many wonderful contests and games for you to participate in. You can find these contests and games stickied at the top of the event forum. There is a summary of the contests and games below in Post #5.

  • When will the event end?
The event will run for one week so it will end sometime on the evening of Friday, June 22nd.

  • Are we allowed to chat here?
You are more than welcome to chat here as this is a place to hangout as well as ask any questions you may have.

Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 11:47 PM

Questions and Answers
Have a question that isn't answered in the FAQ section then feel free to ask us.
As camp counselor I will keep track of your questions here.


Originally Posted by The_Crow (Post 1770855410)
Dear Camp Counselor,

Do we get in trouble for writing in colours other than the camp colours?

I am NOT one for conformity... but I have to weigh the odds of the possible consequenses.


*If you get the reference, you are awesome.

No, you do not have to post in the event colors. They are just posted so that people that want to can make an avatar using them or post using on of them. You won't get in trouble for not using the event colors.

Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 11:48 PM

Meet the Hostess'

Camp Counselor
Summer Camp Information Desk & Common Area
In this thread you will find information about the event
and be able to ask question or just hangout.

This One Time at Summer Camp...
Do you like writing stories?
Why not check out the writing contest?

About Camp CounselorX

Name: It's a secret
Gender: Male
Occupation: Camp Counselor
Why I Joined: Well I like the outdoors and nature, plus I kind of inherited a share of the camp.
Hosting: Summer Camp Information Desk & This One Time at Summer Camp
Likes: Camping, nature, fire, bugs, fishing and hunting
Dislikes: Litter, rude people, the city
Hobbies: Fishing, hunting, counseling and photography

Around the Campfire
We will be playing a new game around the campfire every night.
So come join the fun.

About blueblackroseX

Name: blueblackrose (bbrose, rose, blue, bbr)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Camp Leader and Game Corridinator
Why I Joined: This is my 5th user-ran event. I am the main planner for this event and have had fun doing so. I wanted to do this because I always have fun and it's a great way I can give back the community. Another reason that I wanted to join and plan this event is because I wanted to see the tradition of a summer user-ran event continue for a least one more year.
Hosting: Around the Campfire
Likes: Drawing, gaming, fire, animals, anime, reading, learning new things, writing
Dislikes: Rude people, loud noises, and having allergies
Hobbies: Drawing, photography, gaming, and larping (live action roleplaying)

Around the Campfire Co-host
We will be playing a new game around the campfire every night.
So come join the fun.

About PapillonCameoX

Name: PapillonCameo
Gender: Female
Occupation: Co-host
Why I Joined: To help out and make other menewshans happy
Hosting: Around the Campfire
Likes: Learning new things
Dislikes: having nothing to do
Hobbies: Reading, writing, being on Mene.

Archery Range
Does not matter if you are a beginner or a pro.
Come on out and test your skill at the Archery Range.

About CodetteX

Name: Codette -Cody for short
Gender: female
Occupation: planner and archer
Why I Joined: because I like having a part in user events
Hosting: Archery Range, and helping with the Art Contest
Likes: horror movies, food, yoga, art
Dislikes:spicy food, chick flicks, raisins, sun burns.
Hobbies: art, reading, yoga, dancing, archery.

Water Balloon Fight
What is summer without a water balloon fight? Boring is what we think.
It is soak or get soaked in this game.

About AscadelliaX

Name: Ascadellia, or Asca for short.
Gender: Female
Occupation: I'm the one in charge of the water balloon activities
Why I Joined: I always wanted to try my hand at helping out at events. Always did chat up a storm sometimes, so I figured, why not actually contribute more.
Hosting: Water Balloon Game
Likes: Reading, video games, making new buddies.
Dislikes: acidic things, spicy food, mathematics. >.>
Hobbies: Baking, needlepoint, reading, role-playing, and playing musical instruments.

Canoe Races
Did you hear a gun shot?
Sounds like the canoe races have started, you better hurry if you want to join.

About lunanuovaX

Name: Lunanuova
Gender: Female
Occupation: Canoeing Leader
Why I Joined: I love the summer and I've always wanted to go to a camp. I really like games and I want to be more involved to help Menewshans have a really fun time!
Hosting: Canoe Races
Likes: Water Parks, swimming, all forms of art, holidays, animals, games, fresh air.
Dislikes: Closed-mindedness, illness, the smell of peanuts!
Hobbies: The internet, swimming, makeup, reading.

No need to worry if you have never played volleyball before
the game is pretty simple and anyone can play.

About jecynecyX

Occupation: Referee
Why I Joined: I had so much fun at the last user-run event. When I saw the planning thread and blueblackrose was asking for help I jumped at the chance.
Hosting: Volleyball
Likes: Baking, video games, swimming, crochet
Dislikes: Coffee, hiking, anything sour
Hobbies: Crocheting.

Avatar Contest
Head on over to the avatar contest to
show off your creative style and summer fashions.

About Siti_HajarX

Name: Siti Hajar
Gender: Female
Occupation: Avatar Contest Host
Why I Joined: I was a host for the last user-run event and really had fun doing so. I was excited when I saw the plans for this, and grabbed the opportunity to help.
Hosting: Avatar Contest
Likes: Music, Arts, Kdramas, and Maths[!!]
Dislikes: Being sick or being bored
Hobbies: Drawing, Internet Surfing, Reading, Fangirling

Art contest
Time to get those pencils, paints, markers, and crayons out.
Show off your talents in our art contest.

About WinglessFairyX

Name: WinglessFairy
Gender: Female
Occupation: Camp Counselor
Why I Joined: To strike fear into the hearts of little children!
Hosting: Art Contest
Likes: Tasty Things
Dislikes: Cottage Cheese, Popcorn bags that don't pop all the way full
Hobbies: Avatar Site, Jewelry Making, Video Games, Lolita, Visual Kei, and Steampunk

Butterfly Catching
Get those nets ready, it is time to catch butterflies!

About ObviouslyAyaX

Name: Aya
Gender: Female
Occupation: Nature Guide
Why I Joined: To help out & have fun!
Hosting: The Butterfly Catch Board Game.
Likes: Music, animals, playing games, smores!
Dislikes: Being sick, bullies.
Hobbies: Reading, being a social butterfly!

Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 11:49 PM

Special Thanks
Thank you guys for all of your help and support. We wouldn't be able to have this event without any of you.

blueblackrose - Head planner, hostess, donator and artist
Codette - Assistant head planner, hostess and donator
jecynecy - Helped with planning, hostess and donator
Ascadellia - Helped with planning and hostess
lunanuova - Helped with planning and hostess
PapillonCameo - Helped with planning and hostess
Siti_Hajar - Helped with planning and hostess
WinglessFairy - Helped with planning and hostess
Miro - Helped with planning, donator and created our wonderful banners
sweet_serender159 - Helped with planning and donator
CrimsonShadow - Helped with planning
Nephila - Helped with planning and donator
The INSANE Asylum (a former charity) - Donated a ton of stuff
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Donator
The Kitchen Charity (TKC) - Donated a ton of stuff
fairywaif - Donator
sushi_mew - Donator
Kageshio - Donator
xuvrette - Donator
Cookii - Donator
llonka - Donator
Sayomi - Donator
Aurelie - Donator

A special thanks to everyone that entered the Raffle Fundraiser.

Suzy Sunshine 06-05-2012 11:50 PM

Page Prizes

Page 10 - Valiant Knights Armor
Page 20 - Sunny Side Up
Page 30 - Harpy Feather Shoulder Cape
Page 40 - At the bottom of the garden...
Page 50 - White Bunny Plushie
Page 60 - Bunny Hat
Page 70 - Mad Monk
Page 80 - Ire of Naias
Page 90-
Birthday Cake Hat
Page 100 -
Bunny Hairpin
Page 110 - George the Alpca
Page 120 - Yumeh Slippers
Page 130 - Leon the Lion
Page 140 - Vicky Dolly
Page 150 - Kitsune and Caboodle
Page 160 - Kappa Trouble

Page Prize Winners
Page 10 - WherededIGo:
Page 20 - Imagination:
Page 30 - hummy:
Page 40 - Hadsvich:
Page 50 - Artsydaze:
Page 60 - lunesta*:
Page 70 - spunky3:
Page 80 - ox3tyi:
Page 90 - ox3tyi:
Page 100 - Artsydaze:
Page 110 - Flowery Pit:
Page 120 - spunky3:
Page 130 - hummy:
Page 140 - Zephi:
Page 150 - sensia101:
Page 160 - Liztress:

You are only allowed to win a max of two page prizes.

Suzy Sunshine 06-10-2012 04:17 PM

Raffle Fundraiser Results
Before the event we ran a raffle to raise funds. Here are the winners for those raffles. Congratulations everyone!
All winners must accept their prize within a month. If they do not accept their prize it will go towards someone else that entered the raffle for that item.

Baby Yan Raffle

Vicky Dolly Raffle

Yumeh Plushie Raffle
L o g a n:

Monthly Contribution Item Raffle
Valiant Knights Armor

Mad Monk
L o g a n:

Classic Movie Night
L o g a n:

George the Alpca
the antitwite:

The VJ

Dark Alchemist

the antitwite:

Siriusly a Staff!

Midnight Carnival

Hissy Fit

At the bottome of the garden...


Suzy Sunshine 06-15-2012 05:39 AM

Just in case...

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 12:30 AM

Time to roll for the winners of the raffles!

Yumeh Plush
The 21-sided dice lands on 12
The 21-sided dice lands on 4

Vicky Dolly
The 25-sided dice lands on 9
The 25-sided dice lands on 11

Baby Yan
The 148-sided dice lands on 108
The 148-sided dice lands on 28

I'll roll for the Monthly CIs in a little bit.

hummy 06-16-2012 12:31 AM

good luck, everyone♥!

---------- Post added 06-15-2012 at 04:33 PM ----------

congratulations, dessertdessiert!

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 12:41 AM

The Monthly CIs
Those who entered this raffle are only allowed to win a max of two CIs.

Valiant Knights Armor
The 56-sided dice lands on 28
The 56-sided dice lands on 32

Mad Monk
The 56-sided dice lands on 26
The 56-sided dice lands on 20

Classic Movie Night
The 56-sided dice lands on 38
The 56-sided dice lands on 43

George the Alpca
The 56-sided dice lands on 37
The 56-sided dice lands on 48

The VJ
The 56-sided dice lands on 31

Dark Alchemist
The 56-sided dice lands on 33

The 56-sided dice lands on 33

Siriusly a Staff!
The 6-sided dice lands on 1

Midnight Carnival
The 56-sided dice lands on 19

Hissy Fit
The 56-sided dice lands on 10

At the bottome of the garden...
The 56-sided dice lands on 7

The 56-sided dice lands on 24

hummy 06-16-2012 12:59 AM

i forgot my number.

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 01:02 AM

I have to re-roll a few of the CIs.

George the Alpca

The 56-sided dice lands on 40

Midnight Carnival
The 56-sided dice lands on 31

At the bottom of the garden...

The 56-sided dice lands on 33

The 56-sided dice lands on 26

Hissy Fit
The 56-sided dice lands on 30

hummy 06-16-2012 01:03 AM

i still come up losing.
congratulations, lizzie-chan!

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 01:06 AM

Well got to roll again....Hopefully rolling multiple dice will finish giving us the winners.

George the Alpca
The 56-sided dice lands on 18
The 56-sided dice lands on 30
The 56-sided dice lands on 33

At the bottom of the garden...
The 56-sided dice lands on 2
The 56-sided dice lands on 29
The 56-sided dice lands on 12


The 56-sided dice lands on 41
The 56-sided dice lands on 4
The 56-sided dice lands on 54

hummy 06-16-2012 01:12 AM

woohoo, thank you!

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 01:14 AM

Congratulations to all of our raffle fundraiser winners!
The prizes will be sent out shortly.

Liztress 06-16-2012 01:21 AM

Thank you. :oops: I didn't expect to win anything. But I'm glad I did.

hummy 06-16-2012 01:43 AM

congratulations, Lizzie=-chan!

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 01:53 AM

You're welcome Liztress and thank you for supporting the event by entering the raffle.

hummy 06-16-2012 01:55 AM

things are going nicely, blueblackrosiedoodle.
y'all are doing an amazing job.

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 02:05 AM

Yeah, things seem to be going alright so far.

hummy 06-16-2012 02:20 AM

i hope you have a lot of fun, too.
thank you.

Suzy Sunshine 06-16-2012 03:02 AM

Page prizes are updated.

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:34 AM.