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Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 12:27 AM

Shadow's Closet Hangout
Hello all!

Welcome to Closet Shadows event hangout :D

Since every hangout needs starting topic of coversation, I'll start with this:
Why did you pick the Goddess you did?
Please be kind and nice to your fellow competitors and have fun [;)]

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 12:31 AM

Well, I picked my goddess because. . . Food.
There's no other reason, just food!

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 12:35 AM

Food is alwasy good ^ ^

I picked mine because I like to dance and I'm sick right now so I can't really sing XP

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 12:37 AM

I don't much like to dance.
My singing is terrible.
But food never fails me. :D

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 12:39 AM

That's reason enough ^ ^

What's you're favorite type/kind of food?

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 12:43 AM

Oh god. . . Chocolate, probably.
And meat, all meat. :D

What about you, what do you like?

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 12:44 AM

I decided not to pick a goddess... :) because there is only one goddess in my life.
And that is my cat :)

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 12:46 AM

You didn't pick a goddess?
March your way over there right now and get picking!

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 12:47 AM

I think you and I are in the same boat of what we liek to eat: All the chocolate, and all the meat XD


You're cat must be a very special cat indeed ^ ^
I recently go ta new kitten and she is the cutest thing on the planet <3

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 12:49 AM

Yes she is... she would likely pick the goddess of feast though... fat little bugger...

Kittens are so adorable! >w<

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 12:50 AM

Oh good!
Life just wouldn't be the same without those munchies!
I have to leave now.
Speak soon, enjoy the event. :D

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 12:52 AM

See you later Placebo! :D

She really is the cutest little thing. There is her pesky habbit of waking me up at 6am by licking my face, but she's adorable >3<

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 12:55 AM

Aww... I can see the energy in her >w<
I love kittens they're so fun... I miss raising baby animals.

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 01:02 AM

My mom calls her "patter-foot" because she patters all around the house X3

Why can't you anymore?

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 01:16 AM

Because none of our kitties can get pregnant anymore...

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 01:19 AM

Because they're too old or because they got spayed?
-hugs either way-

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 01:30 AM

Nah, my parents decided that they didn't want anymore kittens...

My friend wants to breed pure Turkish Angoras though

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 01:33 AM

Turkish Angoras? o.O

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 01:42 AM

Google them, they're a white cat that is VERY beautiful... though personality wise they're VERY aggressive

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 01:46 AM

Oh woww. They are beautiful *_*
I guess "angora" should be a hint to "angry" XD so it makes sense.

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 01:47 AM

[lol] Well they are very loving to their owner... but they want to be dominant.. not sure how my friend plans to avoid cat fights galore...

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 02:32 AM

Haha. I dunno.
I want a cat maybe like that when I have my own place and can afford cats. I want a fluffy cat and a seven-toed cat.

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 02:43 AM

[lol] I love cats with extra toes >w<

Closet Shadow 09-24-2012 02:50 AM

My dad's old roommate had one. She was all black and fluffy and the cutest little demon-cat you'll ever see.
We called her Mittens XD

The Wandering Poet 09-24-2012 03:05 AM

[lol] Devil cat named mittens... not bad not bad... our beautiful Calico was named Kali... the goddess of death and destruction... =.= yeah... guess why...

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