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Andraus 08-30-2013 11:42 PM

The Nephilim (Open/Accepting)
In a World Ruled by the Underground, Few ever have the power to stand up to them. In the year 2000, A group formed to dedicate themselves to eliminating the Underground, Which was dubbed 'The Nephilim', due to the fact, as Quoted by the Founder, they were neither 'Sinners nor Saints'. In the Year 2010, They had eliminated almost every major Criminal Stronghold in the World. People began to see little more point in the Nephilim. Soon, even their name was an echo.

However, this brought about their downfall.

With so fewer members joining, and many leaving to per-sue a quiet life, The Criminal Underground banded together, and went after them. In a matter of weeks, They had killed The Founder, the Captain of every major hold-out for the Nephilim, and many other famous figures of the Nephilim. dishearten, and afraid, The Nephilim dissolved into history. Soon, The Criminal element returned, with an Iron fist.

However, hope was not lost.

In 2013, The Son of a Ex Nephilim, broken heart over his father's death, Vowed to Resurrect The Nephilim, to return them to their former purpose. Many think his methods 'Brutal', or 'Inhumane', but the Young man kept to his vow, knowing that one day, he would make his father proud.

here are the rules.

1. No godmoding
2. Send me profiles. 'Nephilim' if your The Crime Killers, and 'Sinners' if your a Member of the Criminal underworld. if accepted, post them yourself.
3. Let me know if your going to be away. I understand you have a life, but we must know, so we can either slow down the roleplay, or continue on so you'll understand later.
4. You have to have atleast 3 sentences.

The Skeleton


Name :
Age :
Weapons : (Up too 3)
Short Bio : (Atleast a Paragraph)
Pic : (Anime, Preferable.)
Other :


Name :
Age :
Affiliation : (Russian Mafia, Terrorist Groups, Gangs, Etc)
Weapons : (up to 4)
Specialty : (Drug dealing, Prostitution, Bomb making, Smuggling, etc)
Short Bio : (Same as the last)
Pic :
Other :

Here is my profile

Name : Joseph A. Vazquez
age : 23
Weapons : A Five-Seven, AA-12, and a Six-inch Hunting Knife.
Short Bio : Joseph was an Average school kid, that wanted to make a Difference. He loved his father, and knew what he did. At the age of 19, he joined the Military, hoping that, after two tours, he would be abled to Join his father. However, His father was a Captain in the City of Maryland. He was assassinated, along with the Rest.

When Joseph returned home, he was grief-stricken. However, This grief soon turned to Anger, then to Pure Hate. He wanted whoever was Responsible dead. He knew trying to find the Older Nephilim would be impossible, and knew trying to go after them alone was pointless. He decided to Rebuild the Nephilim, using his Dad's Old Safe-House as a Bunker.
Pic :
Other : He has a Tattoo, which is Fleur Symbol.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-01-2013 04:19 AM

((Ooh, ooh, here we go!!))

Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Name: Siobhan "Vixen" Brennan
Age: 19
Affiliation: Irish Mafia
Weapons: Two .44 Magnum Colt Anacondas, and a small dagger she keeps in her boot.
Specialty: Hacking and assassination
Short Bio: Siobhan is the daughter of the current head of the Irish Mafia. As a child, she always knew what was expected of her, and had long since accepted her fate. That she would one day take over as a crime lord seemed natural. She was trained for a young age in self defense, weaponry, hacking, lock picking, grifting and stealth assassination. At age seventeen, she was officially initiated into the mob, and has been one of their greatest weapons ever since. Now she is nineteen and is starting to have doubts, starting to wonder if she is really doing what she wants, versus what her father wants.
Other: Siobhan has decided that she no longer wants to be the person her father raised her to be. She plans on making contact with the Nephillim to see what her options are. She has a recognizable tattoo on her left wrist that marks her as part of the mob.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-02-2013 04:16 AM

((Andraus: may Wolfie post, or should she wait?))

Andraus 09-02-2013 04:38 AM

(You can post. I believe, as the story progresses, we shall get more people"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-02-2013 05:54 AM

((Kay then))

Hacking into the bank's security system was child's play for Siobhan. After disabling all of the cameras, and turning off all of the security measures, she went in, making sure there was no one around to see her. She was on a special mission that night, one that had not been assigned to her. In fact, the daughter of the Irish Mafia's leader had been expressly forbidden by her father to snoop around. But she had to know. Siobhan, or Vixen as she preferred to be called, had always had questions about her mother. As a child, she was told that her mother had made a careless mistake on a raid and died because of it. But Vixen had always had the feeling that this wasn't true- many spoke of her mother reverently, as the greatest there was. Plus, Vixen knew when she was being lied to. And recently, going through her mother's old belongings, she had stumbled upon a hidden picture, one that only Vixen could have found. The photo depicted her mother, looking startlingly like herself, holding a baby Siobhan safely in her arms. On the back, a message was written in code. Vixen had quickly decoded the message and found that her mother had left it just for her: "You are meant for more, my Angel." After some research, Vixen had found that there was reason "Angel" was capitalized. An alternative translation of the word was "Nephillim," which of course made her curious. Further investigation revealed that more information could be found in her father's bank vault. Naturally, her father had forbidden her from entering the vault, which only made her more curious. Now, under the cover of nightfall, Siobhan Brennan was entering one of the most well protected bank vaults in the country, in order to find proof that her mother had been Nephillim. It made sense after all- that would explain why her mother died so mysteriously, why no one would speak of it, why Vixen had been lied to all her life. Shaking free of her thoughts, Vixen walked through the vault, looking for clues. There, a locked box with her mother's name, Rose, on it. It was too easy for Vixen to open the box. Her lock picking skills were far too advanced for this kind of job. Looking inside, Vixen found files. It looked like murder files that the police kept. There were pictures, reports, evidence bags...all of it pointed to one thing. Her mother had been murdered, and her father had gone to a lot of trouble to cover it up. Which meant he had been the one to kill her. Reeling, Siobhan reached into the box to touch a delicate silver locket in the shape of a heart. A rose was engraved on the front, and inside was a picture, the same picture of her mother holding her that she had found before. Along with that was a lock of her mother's hair. On the back of the locket was one word: Vixen. Her mother had given her that nickname. Keeping her composure, Vixen clasped the locket around her neck. She continued looking through the papers, careful not to leave any signs that she had been there. The story within revealed her suspicions. Siobhan's mother had married young, at only seventeen years old. By the time she was twenty, she had miscarried twice due to stress from her father's job. Rose had known what was going on, was even part of it, but she didn't like it. So she secretly joined the Nephillim as a double agent. Only a year later, she found out she was pregnant again. She decided to lay low for a while, and made sure that this baby would survive. Nine months later, Siobhan was born, and Rose realized that it was no longer safe to work for the Nephillim. Her husband was starting to suspect her. So, she alerted the Nephillim that she had a daughter, and that someday the daughter would come looking for them, and then she quit. Unfortunately, her husband had already found out. He had killed her, and raised Siobhan himself, making sure the child never followed her mother's example. Too bad Vixen had a mind of her own. Clenching her fists, Vixen closed the box and put it back where she had found it. Now came the tricky part. She had to exit the vault and get the security back online, all while making it look as if the cameras had never stopped working. Tucking the locket under her shirt, Vixen set about her work.

Andraus 09-02-2013 08:57 AM

(>.>.....I made this at 3:30 in the am, so if this is bad, I'm sorry, I don't care)

Joseph was outside the locked door, with the few members he managed to haul up over the past week. This was a special day, for they were about to crack open the Large Stockpile of Weaponry in the Armory. His father always kept a large stockpile, in case of emergencies, and Joseph knew they'd need Better gun's then Glock's, RPK's, and Mac 10's to fight the enemy they faced. Snapping the Lock, Joseph pushed open the Door, and closed his eyes. He wanted to Savor the beauty he was about to witness. Being a Young Ex-Soldier, you come to see your weapon as your best friend.

The Stockpile was all he ever dreamed it to be.

There was everything there, From Assault Rifles, To Carbines, To Light Machine Guns, To Explosives, and Even To Melee and Non-lethal weapons. His Crew decided he would get first pick, him being the only one with any true experience. Popping open one of the Weapons Cracks, He found something : A Sealed Weapon Case, Inscribed to him. There was a Note, which he immediately picked up, and read.

To my Son.

If your Reading this, I am gone. I'm sorry I could never give this to you in person. When you went into the Military, it was the proudest day of my life. I knew you'd reach great heights, and would exceed my every expectation. I leave this to you, so that you can carry on my work. Many people forget who we are, but you always hung onto the Stories I told you as a Child. I know you'll make this Order known again, and continue our work. Maybe one day, you'll be telling your own stories to your Son or Daughter. I know you'll make Me and your Mother proud.

Your Father,
Edward F. Vazquez.

Putting the Note in his Pocket, out of the view of his team, He took the Key, and unlocked the Weapon Case. Inside, he found A Large Hunting knife, capable of skinning a deer, An AA-12 shotgun, Fully Automatic and Accurate, and a Five-Seven, An Officers weapon of Choice for a Self-Defense Weapon. Strapping the knife on his thigh, Replacing his pistol with the one in the Case, and hooking The Shotgun on his Back, he stood up, allowing the rest to gather what Weapons they could. He went at one of the Computers, and checked around the City. Even though most of their Influence in the City had been Destroyed, This Bunker had Computers which held access to A Private Net-work of Cameras and Satellites, A Small testimony of how powerful the Nephilim once were.

He found, At one of the banks in the City, that someone had disarmed the Security feed, and disabled the Counter-measures in place to prevent entry. This was no work of a Child, this was a Professional. Deciding that whoever this person was would be a better resource alive, then more scum dead on the pavement, He had two other Nephilim get a Car Ready, and started speeding towards the Bank. Once outside, they would wait, until they saw movement.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-03-2013 04:26 AM

Vixen was still reeling from the discovery that her mother had been Nephillim when she exited the bank. She carefully locked it up, and then took her laptop out of the backpack she carried. She opened it and started hacking the security mainframe, putting the cameras back online, but rewinding the tapes so that they showed the exact same time as when she had entered. Then she entered a video feed of the security footage just before she had entered, creating a loop of innocent footage to fill in the empty space of time. When and if the security footage was checked the next day, it would look as if the cameras had run uninterrupted all night without catching anything suspicious. Smiling at her handiwork, Vixen closed and put away her laptop, and looked up. She was no fool- she knew perfectly well that she was now being watched. Glancing around, she noticed a car idling nearby that hadn't been there before. It looked as if it was off, and there was no one inside. Clearly whomever was watching her was a professional. She bit her lip, calculating her next move. She couldn't reach for her gun, that would be far too obvious, and it would invite action on their part. If she ran, they would chase her. Running was a dead giveaway. She could go for her knife while pretending to tie her shoe, but she had a feeling these people would be too smart for that move. She had only two options: first, she could casually walk away, or second, she could casually walk towards them. If she walked away she was relatively sure they'd follow, but they would have no reason to open fire. And they wouldn't be able to follow for too long without being obvious about it. That would give her a change to get away. If she walked towards them, she could confront them on the pretense of being out on a late night walk. She wasn't sure how much they had seen, but talking to them and purposely allowing them to catch her in a lie would tell her exactly what they knew. If they didn't catch the lie, then it meant they hadn't seen her exit the bank. If they caught her, she would at least be able to have the advantage of standing outside while they were in the car. Weighing her options, she decided to try walking away. If they had any reason to come after her, she would know why soon enough. At least she was trained for this kind of situation. Casually pushing herself off from the wall, she started walking down the street away from the car. Her hands were in her pockets: any amateur packing heat would keep their hands away from their pockets, which was an easy tell for anyone who knew what they were doing. No, someone innocent- or professional- would be completely casual about keeping their hands in their pockets. I've got nothing to hide, it said. I'm just walking.

Andraus 09-03-2013 04:51 AM

Joseph ran up to her, from his hiding spot. He had no Armor on, His Shotgun was in the Trunk, and his pistol was hidden carefully in his sweat pants. He had a Red Hoodie on, with front pockets, and his hairs was in their usual back-pushed spikes. He ran up to her, with his hands in his pockets, having the perfect look of a innocent passerby. This would be simple, since he lived here. "Excuse me, Miss? You wouldn't happen to have a Cell-phone, would you? Mine got Stolen, and I need a ride home. Buses don't run this late, do they?" he asked her.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-03-2013 05:49 AM

Vixen glanced at the boy who had appeared so suddenly next to her. He looked so innocent, and he talked fast. She looked for any obvious tells, but his face and body language didn't give anything away. Still, something was off. For one, he had just run up to her. A person would have to be either very confident or very stupid to run up to a random stranger in the middle of the night. Second, he said his cell phone was stolen, but he certainly didn't look like the type to be that careless. He didn't look like he'd been mugged, either. Then the way he switched so suddenly to asking about the buses. Looking him over, it was pretty obvious he lived in the area. That was it! He lived here, so of course he would already know that buses never ran this late. It was a setup- a very professional setup, but Vixen wasn't an amateur. Now she had another choice. She could play his game and find out what he wanted, or she could confront him. It was no choice at all, really. She wasn't in the mood for games, and didn't have the energy to shake this kid off. So she stopped short and turned to look at him. "Cut the shit, okay? I'm not that stupid. And I'm not in the mood. So, drop the act and tell me what you're after, or leave me alone." She said bluntly. She was skilled at working people, but when she wanted to, she could be as straightforward as a blunt ax.

Gothika_Knight 09-03-2013 06:24 AM

Name : Seras "Illumina" Victoria Braginskaya
Age : 19
Weapons :
Automatic yo-yo disc with for blades, two pairs of kukri blades and a sniper rifle
Short Bio :
Growing up with the Russian Mafia wasn't always easy. Considering the fact her father was the man who ran them. Seras and her twin sister were part time students and assassins for the Russian Mafia, however this was until Seras realized what she was doing. She couldn't take another life from an innocent person for another minute. She turned her back on The Braginskaya family. No one was more devastated than her younger twin sister Ivana. Seras soon joined with Joseph, more than happy to take the role as a bodyguard and part time watcher over the other gangs.

Seras makes sure to keep her connections with the Braginskaya family well end from Joseph and everyone else. She even lied saying her last name was Romanov-Martin and disguising her voice as an American.
Pic :
Other :
She as a Tattoo in the center of her chest. He was to represent her nickname: Illumina. However, she keeps it covered and out of sight.

Name :
Vladimir "Trueblood" Dracul
Age :
Weapons :
A large sword with engravings in the blade, baseball bat and gun named Dracula's Curse
Short Bio :
He was suppose to be the next leader of the Romanian Mafia. However, he was spotted by his younger brother protecting Joseph from Romanian grunts. Vladimir was second in command and the one who was supposed to take his father's chair. When his actions were reported, Vladimir's father demanded answers. That is when Vladimir's anger came out. He hated being the 'star child' of the Romanian Mafia, he prefer to be away from the dangerous life and put an end to the gangs. This infuriated his father and sent his assassins to kill Vladimir. However they failed and were soon killed by Vlad.

Vlad has been wondering from place to place, keeping away from Romanian turf. Looking for the Ex Nephilim.
Pic :
Other :
Vladimir is named after Vlad Tepes, The Romanian Prince. Vladimir also was born with a smile the rarely goes away.

Name :
Ivana "Akloria" Anya Braginskaya
Age :
Affiliation :
Leader of the Russian Mafia
Weapons :
Sniper rifle, Kukri blades and a black hilt katana
Specialty :
Controls prostitution, drug dealer and assassin
Short Bio :
The younger twin of Seras Victoria, Ivana Anya looked up to her older sister. She wanted to be like her since she was a small child. Ivana was happy to have her sister around to help her. She wanted nothing much but to make her sister happy, going on missions with her and killing the people who dared mock the family name. Ivana though she was doing the right thing like her sister and that her world was perfect...until that fateful day. Seras turned her back on the family and more importantly her little sister. Ivana felt so betrayed by her sister that she, herself, would kill her. Their father appointed Ivana as Head of the Braginski Family and to this day, Ivana hasn’t given up on looking for her sister and making her pay.
Pic :
Other :
Ivana has a tattoo on her back for her yin yang symbol since she had the nickname: Akloria.

Name :
Dimitri "Young Blood" Dracul
Age :
Affiliation :
Second in command of the Romania Mafia
Weapons :
Brass knuckles, ac large sword and a gun named "The Jackal of Dracula"
Specialty :
Bombing making, messanger and Assassin
Short Bio :
Dimitri is the second son of the Dracul Brothers, he is the wildcard so to sleep. With the ability to adapt almost anywhere, Dimitri had given himself the nickname “Jackal”. He worked with his brother who was a skilled assassin and told him how to be one. Dimitri believed it was a privilege to work with his brother, Vladimir. He made sure to watch his moves so he can learn from the best. However, when Vladimir spoke out in his actions towards their father about protecting an ex Nephilim, Dimitri was in shock. He couldn’t believe his brother could do something like that. After that, Vladimir left the family and this meant Dimitric took his place as Second in Command. Dimitri wants to talk to his brother bad but don’t know who to express his emotions towards his brother without being considered a traitor.
Pic :
Other :
Dimitri is still afraid of the dark since Vladimir use to blindfold him up and lock him in a room of complete darkness and fire his gun around, proving that even in the dark, Vladimir never missed a shot and not once did Dimitri get hit, no matter how many times Dimitri ran about.

Atop on a building stood a young woman. She observed the area closely and watched the events unfolded in front of her. She blinked her light blue eyes lightly as she walked around the roof tops as the buildings. The girls blue outfit was tight but loose enough to allow her to breathe and move without a problem and the shoes she wore helped muzzle any sound she made even though she was far away from them. The girl's name was Seras "Illumina" Victoria Braginskaya, however she was only going as Seras Victoria Romanov-Martin. Her real identity was hidden and that is how she wanted it to be. She knew it was going to be dangerous hanging around Joseph but she chose to. She wanted to make sure he was safe and that she didn't fail. Seras jumped a few times from rooftop to rooftop, only because she wanted to make sure he was O.K. Maybe it was just her being a little over-protective but what do you expect? She had a little sister to watch over so this natural, to her, was normal. 'What are you planning?' She thought to herself, her blonde hair shifted a little as Seras gently wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. She was hoping whatever Joseph was planning wasn't going to cost him his life.

A tall older man watched to through the silent streets of town. His black fancy shoes clacked as he continued to walk. Vladimir was this man's name and his alluring grin is what most people feared. He was almost also smiling until he was really angry and he needed to get his point across. However, no one had to worry about that. He was somewhat unarmed and his mood was almost like a cheery one. He had just recent killed some of his own men. That may have sounded ruthless but he had a reason to do it. His father sent them after him, Vladimir's father wants him dead. It felt as if it was an eternity ago when it happened. When he told his father and the gang off. How he really felt, how he was tired of killing off people who had no right to dead. His father was furious but before he could take out his anger. Vladimir left. He left is brother, father, members and loyal helpers behind. Deep down, Vladimir wanted to go back, only because of his younger brother, just to get him out. However, he believed his brother would never forgive him. So he stayed away from them. Away from the Romanian Mafia. Away from the family...and away from his brother. Vladimir was now with The Nephilim...sort of. It was a work in progress. The young man had to watch over Joseph, he believed it was time for him to be redeem what he had failed to do as an older brother. He watched over Joseph but only acted as a passerby so he would draw too much attention to himself.

[will come up with an opening for Akloria and Dimitri soon ^^ sorry for the late post.]

Andraus 09-04-2013 04:18 AM

"Whoa whoa whoa, Chill girl!" He said, keeping up his normalcy, raising his hands. "Look, I gotta get to my Cousins Apartment. I moved out of this city a year ago, to get away from the god-damn Irish mob. Bastards....."he said, picking a mob at random. "They changed up all the old stuff, so I'm about as clueless as a newborn. I just need directions. "He said, looking like a Guy down on his luck. He barley recognized who this women was, but he was no fool. He knew this girl was the daughter of the Irish Mob boss. He had no idea her mom was a Nephilim, and no idea that she was supposed to join him. If she still kept trying to blow his cover, he expected his words about the Irish mob would strike a 'very' small cord.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-05-2013 04:00 AM

Vixen rounded on the man. She knew she was being baited, but at the moment she couldn't handle it. She took the bait. "Listen guy, I'd be pretty damn careful right now if I were you. I don't know what your game is, but I'm not playing it. I know you were watching me, and I know you're more professional than you want me to think. I don't feel like fighting, because frankly I don't want to see the mob shoot you down, so come clean or I'm going to have to get violent." She said, her voice deadly calm. She knew she wasn't handling this well. She sighed, dropping her hands from her pockets. "Damn. You got me, okay? I'm daughter of the Irish Mafia. And I've just had the shock of my feckin' life, so I'm a little bit on edge. Let's start over, okay?" She held out her hand to shake. "Siobhan Brennan, but everyone calls me Vixen. Who are you? And don't pretend to be some innocent kid, because I'm too damn smart for that."

Andraus 09-05-2013 05:21 AM

A Pistol Barrel Rested at her fore-head. "Just the person I was looking for........Joseph A. Vazquez. Captain of the Mary-land Branch of the Nephilim. "He said. He then shouted out, not taking his eye's off the Girl. "Vlad! Seras! Get the Car started. "he said. " Before you do anything, I don't intend to hurt you. I just want to get some information, that is all. "He said to her, keeping his eye's locked on them. Truthfully, Once she had out-lived her use, he had half a mind to off her, first chance. They didn't say the leader of these 'Nephilim' was inhumane for nothing.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-05-2013 05:43 AM

Vixen smiled. Bingo, he'd taken the bait. Holding her gun pointed at his heart, she took stock of her situation. He had revealed that he was not working alone, but she had already known that. She didn't know how well armed his friends were, but she was relatively sure she could handle it. He had also revealed his name, and organization, which was valuable information. The Nephillim, huh? Interesting. "Call off your hounds, pal. You're not taking me anywhere. Here's the situation. You shoot me, the immediate tense and release of my muscles will pull this trigger, therefore shooting you. The same, no doubt, will happen if I shoot you. The difference is that I don't care. If your friends try anything, I will shoot. If you try to con me, I will shoot. I will not get into a car with you, nor will I go anywhere with you against my will. You are obviously not wearing a bulletproof vest, or it would be showing through that shirt. Amateur move. Now, what's going to happen here is that you'll send your cronies out of earshot, and you an I are going to talk, pro killer to pro killer. As it happens, I actually was looking for you. We have some business to go over, you and I." She said, not taking her gaze from his. No matter how this turned out, she knew she was going to have made a new and dangerous enemy. Whether that enemy was her father or this boy remained to be seen.

Andraus 09-05-2013 05:54 AM

He was Military trained, and could've disarmed the cocky bitch easily ( that's what he considers her right now), but he decided to play along. He just wanted info" you answer. Question, I'll answer one" he said "equivalent exchange " he said. "By Tradition, the lady speaks first" he said

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-05-2013 06:12 AM

Vixen frowned. He didn't take her seriously. "You think I'm joking. I'll give you a freebee. My private tutor growing up was a decorated war veteran. I've never been in the military, but I've been trained as well as any soldier. My father wanted a boy." She told him, only half joking. Her Irish accent was more pronounced now that she wasn't hiding her identity. "Now, don't expect me to talk on your terms. You don't control me, and if I don't want to answer a question, I won't. We are going to have a rational conversation like two mature adults, or we won't talk at all. Thuiscint?" She said conversationally, as if there weren't a gun pointing at her head.

Andraus 09-06-2013 03:50 AM

(that wasn't in your profile :l)

"A Question for a Question, and Answer for an Answer. "he said to her. "You gave me info, I shall do the same. I don't give out anything, unless I know I get whats' worth the info. "he said, pushing her gun away from his chest, and placing his back in it's holster. "The Captain of this City, Edward F. Vazquez, was my father. When I went into the military, I expected to do two tours, then return home, to join my father. However, then you scum decided too kill them all off. Rest assured, your father will get his, 'Leanaí Dóiteáin' "he said to her. Anyone with any sense would know what he had in mind.

(Translated from irish, Leanai Doiteain means 'fire child'

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-06-2013 05:56 AM

Vixen shrugged and put her gun back. "Have it your way. And don't lump me in with the others, you don't know me." She said in response to his 'you scum' comment. Leaning back against the wall of a building, she pulled out her locket and opened it. "Okay, first question. You're clearly older than me, so maybe you know. Have you ever seen this woman?" She asked, showing him the picture of her mother. She wanted to know just how much he knew about her. Probably not much- he would have been pretty young when her mother died- but maybe he'd seen pictures or heard names. "Her name was Rose, and I'm looking for information on her." She didn't want to give away just yet that the woman was her mother.

Andraus 09-07-2013 04:44 AM

He looked over the picture. No, he never met the women, but he has saw her before. Pulling a photo out of his pocket, he saw the exact same women, along with his father. This was strange, how did his father know this women. Placing the photo back, he looked at her " I have a photo of her, and possibly information back at HQ, but our hideout is not something I shall trust to you, of all people " he said " forget you saw me, I need to look Into this " he said. He then looked at dimitri " good. Once we're back at the hideout, we can figure this mess out." He said

Gothika_Knight 09-07-2013 05:08 PM

Vladimir blinked softly, he wasn't too far from Joseph or the girl he was with. Once he was feeling a little better from all the walking he was doing, it was time to answer Joseph call to go to him. He patted his pockets, feeling for the keys until he looked down in the inside of the long red coat pocket and there were the keys. His smile spread a little more on his face as he opened the car door to turn it on. Once the car was on, Vladimir drove over towards to the two young people. He looked up through the sunroof to see a glimmer of metal, it was Seras. She was on the roofs and that is wear she wanted to be.

Vladimir respected her wishes and continued to drive until he slowed the large car in front of the bench. He stepped out of the car and walked over to the passenger's side, placing a hand on his chest. "Sorry for the wait Domnul meu. It takes time trying get a car to work well." He said with a smile on his face. His hair was black as night as some dangled in his face, his seemingly glowing eyes stared at the young people. "Seras will be catching up with us her way Domnul meu, but she will be following." He stated in his usual gruff regal voice.


Seras watched from the distance, walking along the rooftops as Joseph spoke to the young woman, she blinked lightly seeing a large black car driving to them, her grip on the gun tightened shifting the gun a little until she saw who it was. Vladimir. She sighed softly, walking quietly to the ledge and jumped to the next ledge. She continued jumping, until she was only able to see the small specks of people and the car. She sat there and waited until they started moving and she would follow.

[sorry it took so long.]

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-08-2013 04:00 AM

((No, Andraus:. He can't have seen her 2-3 years ago, because she's been dead since Vixen was like, less than a year old!!! Fix that shit!!))

Andraus 09-09-2013 04:04 AM

Sorry! Fixed it)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-09-2013 04:39 AM

((Thank you.))

Vixen nodded as if what he was saying confirmed something- which it did. "Interesting. Very well, I will tell you something,, with the understanding that you will not tell it to anyone else. It is a matter of life and death that it be kept a secret." She said, tucking the locket back into her shirt. Her words were clearly meant for all of them, and it was obvious she wasn't happy that they had been joined by a third party. "The woman in both of those pictures is- sorry, was- my mother, Rose Brennan. According to my research, she was secretly Nephillim, working as a double agent against my father for quite a while, until I was born. My father found out and killed her. My whole life, I was lied to and told she had simply slipped up on a mission Now I know the truth, and I have learned that my mother wished for me to join up with the Nephillim. She even warned your father that I might show up one day." Digging her hands back into her pockets, she suddenly looked just a bit younger. "I've been under my father's thumb all my life. I'm tired of it, the lies and deception and questionable morals. I'm tired of walking blind into a situation where innocent people get killed just because "father says so." I've seen what goes on and I don't like it, and I want out." She said passionately.

Andraus 09-09-2013 06:40 PM

"You know how outlandish, and far-fetched that sound? Even if you have proof, which you better, you better convince me you'd be more of an asset alive, then dead. I've lived as long as I have because I 'don't' take chances. We've kept ourselves in the dark, having to stoop as low as using guerrilla tactic's to deal with thugs like your family. "he said to her. "So, if you got something to say, you better say it, and say it fast. "he said,

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-10-2013 03:37 AM

Vixen stood up straight, looking highly offended. "Seriously? In nineteen years I've never spilled my guts like that, and now that I finally come lean you don't believe me? You want proof? How about the fact that we both have pictures of my mother? Or the entire file I just found in my father's bank vault filled with evidence? The fact that by even saying I want out is a freaking death sentence! If anyone catches wind of what I've done here tonight, I'll be dead by the end of the week. My father is a madman, and I'm supposed to take over from him when I turn twenty. That's one more year. I have one year to get myself out before I'm stuck forever." Her temper wound down after a moment, leaving a haunted look in her. "I'll offer you this. My services as a spy, my word as an assassin and as a woman to serve to the death. My assurance that I would die before telling anyone about this- or soon after. I'll even give you my weapons for inspection and let you cuff me or whatever you were planning to do. I assume kidnapping was part of the plan." She said, though the idea of handing over her guns clearly pained her. She had gotten them when she was only twelve, and they had belonged to her mother. She took care of them the way someone might care for a pet. But to prove her point, she took them out of her pockets and laid them on the ground between herself and the man. Then she removed the knife from her boot and placed it with them. The knife she had bought after her initiation, it was the first weapon she had ever picked for herself, and it had cost quite a bit.

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