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Irishrain 10-17-2013 08:27 AM

Being fat... And medical personel..
So i am a firm believer in open communication with your doctor.. However i had the worst experience ever with my new doctor.. It went like this...

So... I went to my doctor appointment today and i just dont understand what to do. I have arthritis in my back and my weight doesnt help I GET THAT.. ya know? Apparently they dont. I am getting so much grief over being fat its crazy. My doctor asked me why i wanted to establish with her, i told her that i had a conflict of personality or interest with the other doctor (who was also a fat hater!) She insisted i tell her WHY i didnt get along with the other doctor and i said thats personal. Well she told me she wouldnt see me unless i told her...


i told her! And then.. she started getting all mad at me telling me if i have such an issue with people telling me that i am fat (WHEN I AM) then i need to get counseling! So she refered me to a counselor! She said if i know i need help but i get mad at people for "offering help" (apparently by telling me i am fat and starving 3rd world countries children, and cutting off all of my pain meds) Then i must be bipolar... Yea.. she said i have depression and bipolar disorder because i dont like being harassed about being fat! Gah i am so damn pissed off right now! Its unreal!

What do YOU tell your doctors? Do you take any pain meds? I dont like need ot know what kind but if you do do your doctors make your life hell about it? (sorry if i am delving to deep personally) I am just so frustrated and no one seems to understand what i am going through. She also said that because i sleep 18 hours a day sometimes that i must be narcoleptic... yea... omg.. how about I AM JUST TIRED!? I have sleep apnea and some heart issues too! AND hypothyroid BAD. I also have 4 kids. I go to bed at 2am because i homeschool one child and i am up by 6am the next day to take the other 3 to school, run errands and then pick them all up at 2 different schools at 3 different times!

To top it all off she asked me "what would you do if i set a peice of chicken in front of you?" and i said um.. i would wonder why you put chicken in front of me... ? And she said "Nope, try again.." and i was like whaaat?.... And so then she said "You would wonder why you couldnt have more than once peice and where the rest was and why you didnt get anything but chicken. You would ask about additional sides and if there would be seconds" I was so shocked literally outta my chair i nearly fell over from shock. FIRST OF ALL i dont even EAT CHICKEN! I freakin hate it! Unless it Super dry and i have to pick through it thoroughly. SECOND off... Who the hell do you think you are? I mean really? How rude can you possibly be to say something so outlandish and horrible to someone you JUST MET. I was so upset and offended i nearly punched her in the face and walked out.

I get that a doctor is supposed to be concerned for your health (as i said) but there is a damn line that you should NOT cross especially if you know NOTHING about the other person. She said "i read enough in your file to know whats really the issue" Well OBVIOUSLY YOU DONT LADY!

huff/puff/ huff... Sorry again just needed to rant. I was so hurt by her actions and i now cannot get my lifesaving meds from anyone! I dont know what i am gonna do. I cant go more than a few days w/o thyroid meds... So pissed off at the medical personnel of the Clinics. But in my town you go there or to the ER they monopolize EVERYTHING. I am so sick of living here.

Mogwai 10-17-2013 09:28 AM

Wow... it sounds so unreal... I mean...she's a doctor, she can get sued and lose her job for saying such things about you. I find it hard to believe that any kind of doctor would jeopardize their job just for the sake of insulting their patients that they don't even know!

I get it that there a doctors that don't care about their patients, but this is a different level. It's insulting a patient, saying such things is illegal.

anyway... you can sue her if you want. And of course change doctors.

GwenaHikari 10-17-2013 03:59 PM

My Mother gets lots of flack from her doctor too (though she has never been treated that bad.....I think your doc needs counselling), my Mother has pain issues the doc says doesn't exist, my mom can't afford to see her much and won't give her meds if she hasn't seen her in along time, and gets mad at my mother if she objects to more meds for her diabetes, high blood pressure, etc and the list goes on. My Mother could do a more proper rant than I can, I'll have to drag her on here later.

I once went to Mom's doctor myself (shes supposed to be our family doctor, the fact I call her "Mom's doctor" shows I don't approve of her), and she was horrible. She wasn't very helpful, didn't offer to do tests to see if actually had what I came in for or to find out if I had anything at all, she just talked about is that a true diagnosis? -.- Than after that, when I came to see if I had scoliosis and to get tested for it she wasn't very helpful there either, just told me to stop drinking soda and drink more milk, that if my curve got worse I could get physical therapy exercises and I could take calcium supplements if I wanted too and I'm thinking....wouldn't you want to do physical therapy or give me a few exercises to try to correct what little curve I have or as a preventive against it getting worse?! I mean your seriously going to just let it go, without doing anything besides diagnosing me? -.- Needless to say I don't like this doctor, I miss our old doc, she actually listened!

And I tell you now, if I were in your shoes I would've just punched your doc! I may punch my Mother's doc sometime too

Exaggerated Rebellion 10-20-2013 01:39 AM

Eeesh. Horror stories like this make me so happy that I live with my doctor (my grandpa). I mean, we don't always see eye to eye on things, but at least I can trust him to not be an insensitive asshole towards me if I come to him with a problem. Most of the doctors I went to when I was living with my mother were pretty good (if kind of heavy on "X-RAY AND TEST ALL THE THINGS!!!"), which I'm so grateful for.

I sincerely hope that you're able to get a new doctor that has an ounce of charisma and empathy. No one should be treated like that ever, let alone by someone committed to healing people!

hummy 10-20-2013 01:46 AM

WOW, just wow
and you have to pay this bioatch for this?!
i would find another doctor and not pay her for this visit!
how insensetive and cruel!
i thought they were supposed to first, 'do NO EFFING HARM!'
if there is any kind of review you can post for this doctor, please do so.
i just had to go to an eye doctor and his reviews were very poor and spot on!

i am so sorry you were treated this way by a so called professional
she needs to be treated like this and learn some bedside manners!!!!!

Lady-Insanity 10-29-2013 02:44 PM

Whoa! What a terrible breach in doctor patient treatment. Refusing to see you if you didn't tell her why you didn't want to see the other doctor anymore? That's a breach of her oath. What a bitch! Then she basically mentality abused you? REPORT HER!

Paperling 11-02-2013 12:55 PM

Man, that's a depressing story. I never see doctors, and a lot of it is for similar reasons. Unfortunately, there's some health problems I'll never find out the names/causes of, but that's life I guess.

ReineDeLaSeine14 11-03-2013 07:33 PM

Oh wow I'm sorry this happened.

I used to be really underweight but was put on steroids for my autoimmune arthritis and they cause massive weight gain...I was on them for four and a half I'm now technically obese. My doctors really don't rag on me much because I can't walk much due to other disabilities and even on reduced calories I don't lose much (I'm mostly tube fed). I had one that would get on my case about it but he's been my doc for years and I have ample documentation of my other problems (it's my pain management doctor who is on my case.)

I still need pain meds, but not as much since I gained weight...because I stopped getting a lot of the injuries I was getting when I was malnourished and didn't have enough cushion for injured joints. My mom has been in the same boat and he is on top of her about it much more than he is with me.

Fat shaming is a Thing...and it needs to stop. Someone's eight year old son recently approached her and told her he feels he's "too fat"...he's actually pretty small from what I understand. Weight used to be my BIGGEST that I gained a bunch of weight I realize it's not the worst thing that can happen to me.

Big hugs ♥

Sun 11-06-2013 10:32 AM

I'm sorry you had such a harsh time. I think your doc was well out of order. I'm really mistrustful of doctors in general myself. All the ones i've seen in recent years are just so rude and presumptuous. One example of things that really ticks me off is this little equation they're so fond of pushing on me:

'Sexually Active + Under 24 = Riddled With STI's'.

Every time i've gone to the doctors for anything since i was 18 they've attempted to push STI tests onto me, even though i knew full well that i had none, they rebuffed my explanation insisting i had chlamydia or something, and often went on to shame me for also not wanting to take the pill...For legitimate medical reasons they won't even confirm are a factor for me. Really gets my goat.

On a weight note, i have the opposite problem. I want my doctors to view me as overweight, so that i can get more help with my PCOS and resulting insulin resistance and hormonal problems which i'm having to self regulate at the moment. They won't have it, because without even bothering to weight check me, or ask me to take of my quite concealing winter coat, they tell me i 'look fine'.

Pistachio_Moustache 11-20-2013 03:37 PM

I'm sorry about your doctor. Your doctor was way out of line.
My doctor refused to acknowledge my weight. I am overweight, close to obese.
When I asked him, he just tossed a pamphlet at me.
I decided to take control of my weight, and haven't been back. I only go if I'm really sick.

I hope things get better for you, and that you find a better doctor.

Turtle Sensei 07-17-2014 04:36 AM

**hugs** I do know how you feel! My husband and his mother are slightly over weight for their height, but both have Fybromialgia and Diverticulitis as a result they have trouble exercising without too much pain and also have trouble digesting certain foods. My hubby used to weigh over 300 pounds and he lost the weight and is down to 230 pounds. And he is in more pain NOW than he was at over 300 pounds! Buy there are doctors who just ignore this and say , "no. You're over weight.". Luck ily though, we have found_an amazing doctor who understands his health issues and takes god care of him!

I also has am experience where I hurt my knee really badly and had to go to a rheumatologist and he asked if I had a college degree, I said no I don't, I had to drop out after I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. He then told me that uneducated people tend to complain more about pain than uneducated ones! I wanted to yell at him that I am highly educated! In was 1 class away from my bachelor's in Anthropology when k got sick and had to stop out! And my IQ has been tested at 150! I demanded a new doctor and reported him! I strongly suggest that you report this doctor to her clinic! And request that they give you a more understanding doc! Also, perhaps research doctors in your area to fins one who understands your circumstances?

In really hope everything goes better at the next appointmemt with a new doc! The counselor you were referred to may be able to recommend a better doc too!

jupiter 07-20-2014 10:12 PM

So...I worked at a doctors' clinic (orthopedic, to be specific) and I noticed a lot of what doctors and their aids would do is blame problems on weight. They get around it by saying "well-nourished patient" and sort of stopping care at that point. Understandably, there are quite a few problems that can be reduced with weight loss and dietary changes, but it's really trendy right now for doctors to tell patients that "It's your weight" and then take another golfing vacation. My own personal experience stems from my mother at the VA. They kept telling her that she had bad this, bad that, and wanted her on medication (often doctors and offices get kickbacks for prescribing more to patients, so be weary) or to lose weight. She ate almost nothing but fruits, veggies, and salads all the time, and was working out most days of the week. She had dropped weight from her already healthy frame, and they just kept saying it was her weight. What a bunch of croaks, right?

Honestly, I wouldn't see that doctor again. Especially if what you said is true, and after the chicken comment. It's insensitive and unbecoming of a doctor or a fucking professional for that matter. Don't sit back and let someone treat you like that.

Explodey 07-21-2014 06:25 PM

I don't know how well it's taken off, as I saw it posted about a long while back, but on tumblr one of the posters was trying to start a thread where people could review doctors that they had used in their area and so there would be a list of fat-friendly/reasonable/compassionate doctors and a warning about jerky ones...

Nola 08-08-2014 02:26 AM

I, sadly, know how it is. I am about 250 and I get so much crap about being overweight. They act like you don't already know you are overweight :/ I have had a few doctors who were nice about it but must try to stomp it into your head.

Guivre 02-03-2015 06:16 AM


To top it all off she asked me "what would you do if i set a peice of chicken in front of you?" and i said um.. i would wonder why you put chicken in front of me... ? And she said "Nope, try again.." and i was like whaaat?.... And so then she said "You would wonder why you couldnt have more than once peice and where the rest was and why you didnt get anything but chicken. You would ask about additional sides and if there would be seconds" I was so shocked literally outta my chair i nearly fell over from shock. FIRST OF ALL i dont even EAT CHICKEN! I freakin hate it! Unless it Super dry and i have to pick through it thoroughly. SECOND off... Who the hell do you think you are? I mean really? How rude can you possibly be to say something so outlandish and horrible to someone you JUST MET. I was so upset and offended i nearly punched her in the face and walked out.
THAT is one of the strangest things I have ever read. I can't decide whether to be appalled or be relieved that the doctor was so frank about what bizarre thoughts were running through her head.

salvete 02-28-2016 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Irishrain (Post 1772186961)
To top it all off she asked me "what would you do if i set a peice of chicken in front of you?" and i said um.. i would wonder why you put chicken in front of me... ? And she said "Nope, try again.." and i was like whaaat?.... And so then she said "You would wonder why you couldnt have more than once peice and where the rest was and why you didnt get anything but chicken. You would ask about additional sides and if there would be seconds" I was so shocked literally outta my chair i nearly fell over from shock. FIRST OF ALL i dont even EAT CHICKEN! I freakin hate it! Unless it Super dry and i have to pick through it thoroughly. SECOND off... Who the hell do you think you are? I mean really? How rude can you possibly be to say something so outlandish and horrible to someone you JUST MET. I was so upset and offended i nearly punched her in the face and walked out.

I'm confused what the context of this conversation was...why did she give you this hypothetical scenario?

Shion Uzuki 04-06-2016 05:44 AM

Wow, that's pretty awful. I'm sorry you're going through this. :(

The last time I saw my doctor I wasn't even that much overweight, more like, about 12lbs over what I should be based on BMI.

The doctor made all of my issues out to be weight-related. Yes, hair falling out, dizziness, feeling incredibly cold (in the summer), incredibly fatigued... all symptoms that point at hypothyroidisim (which was why I was there, so I could see if this was my problem). I was told to take vitamin D and exercise. Which are things I need, but a year later, I still have these problems. Oh and the weight keeps piling on, despite me previously having been able to drop weight without much issue, just persistence. Keeping my calories in control as well as being more active wasn't helping... everything I'd done before to lose weight and working successfully. I really don't want to go back. I need to find another doctor.

Shadami 04-13-2016 08:14 PM

Can i kick the doctor in their stupid parts? I am also having major issues with my doctor.

Get this.... She thinks I'm suicidal and that my husband is raping me . (he shares the same name as her husband and our daughter has the same name as her doctor) . I said wtf are you talking about lady. I'm fine, and I'm not going to take your anti depressant, they make me sick, and you are a pill pusher and i'm going to leave peacefully or sue your face off. so she reported me to child protective services because i'm a danger to my children.


what the serious screwballs are wrong with 90% of the medical population right now?!

salvete 04-20-2016 04:02 PM

Shion Uzuki sorry to hear that. Hope you find another doctor who can empathize and connect with you better

Shadami, same comment as I gave for Shion Uzuki

Shadami 04-21-2016 12:18 AM

I did get a new doctor. and so far she seems okay. I'll only have her for a couple months though. cause once i move i have to get a new one.

salvete 04-21-2016 12:23 AM

That's good *nods* there are plenty of good doctors out there! Too bad there are others who aren't so good too

Shadami 04-21-2016 12:31 AM

nurses and receptionists are always better to me.

and Oh. my. god...

i wish the one doctor that ticked me off hadn't done that. the nurse she brought with her when she joined the practice. Holy adorable tattoed boy. He was so stinking cute. i couldn't look at him without blushing!

salvete 04-21-2016 07:12 PM

I sometimes wonder if they purposely hire good looking nurses, medical assistants, and receptionists for their practices haha

Shadami 04-22-2016 12:23 AM

mmm i don't think so. But he was pretty darn cute. It really was impossible to look at him. my new doctors office... the receptionist.. but not receptionist? or at least not window talk to patients receptionist.. is one of the bully cheerleaders from my school.... She wouldn't even look at me, I don't think she had any idea who i was. But i knew her. and I was glaring hatred holes int he back of her neck when she sat back down.

salvete 04-22-2016 03:02 AM

Oh wow! What a coincidence that the cheerleader from your school would be at the very doctor's office you visit!

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