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Seridano 12-18-2013 11:34 PM

Gift Hunt - An FOWN Scavenger Hunt
Banner courtesy of the ever lovely Mythos

Seridano 12-18-2013 11:42 PM


It may not be the season for tricks, but beggars can't be chosers...

Ah, so you want gifts, do you? Well, sucks to your ass-mar. W-what do you mean I'm working off of the wrong book? >.> Hmph. The nerve of some people! Alright, fine, fine, I'll work off of something with a bit more "holiday cheer." Yo ho friggity ho and ribbons or that close enough?

Anywho...about those gifts, that's what you're here for after all. I know your greedy little ways. Oh, wait, that's me! Ehehehehe. Yes, yes, and speaking of me, I've gone and hidden all of your gifts. So there! Of course, if you should prove clever enough to find them, they're all yours. Fair is fair after all. Mind you, I don't plan on making it easy for you (oh no!), so you'd best get those thinking caps of yours on righty tighty or you'll be without this year. -nods-


Seridano 12-19-2013 12:56 AM
o1. Each round, clues will appear in the post below. These clues will lead you to the hidden gifts!

o2. Put those thinking caps on and use your smarts to find the gifts hidden within the forums! Note that only the first three pages of each forum within the first five pages of each thread will contain gifts.

o3. If you're the first person to solve one of the clues correctly using the handy form below, you will find your name in that clue's slot on the scoreboard in Winner's Circle. However, if someone beats you to it, you'll find their name up there instead (even if your answer was correct) so do try to be speedy!

Note: No post editing
is allowed, so be sure to double check to make sure all of your information is correct before posting.

o4. Each person may only claim three correct answers per round. Gotta share the hunt. Yes. Yes.

PHP Code:

[color=red][size=5][U]AHAI FOUND ONE![/U][/size][/color]
COLOR="DarkGreen"][size=3][b]Clue #:[/b]
[b]Link to post:[/b]
b]Thread Title:[/b]
b]Post #:[/b]

Example of a correctly posted form:

Clue #: 2
Link to post:
Thread Title: [FOWN13] Gift Hunt
Post #: 3


You need to link to the POST where the image is, not just the thread. To do that, right-click on the number shown in the top right-hand corner of the post.


In the dropdown menu select copy link location then paste that link into the form shown below. Alternatively. just click on the post's number so the individual post opens up into another window, and paste the URL into the clue form.

Seridano 12-19-2013 12:58 AM

❅ Today's Gift Is ❅

1. Our feelings are positively explosive! Wanna see? ;)
2. Goodbye stuffy nose, hello breathing!
3. From here, the guardian sees all.
4. F*ck yeah contract!
5. This man knows that the early bird catches the worm.
6. Spreading the black death. - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
7. An apostrophe moves and 1 becomes 3!
8. Warning: you may not remember this trade when you wake.
9. Watching bread burn.
10. The dreams and ramblings of No One. - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
11. Witch Gone Wild: Congratulations, you have experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan!
12. No true gentleman should be without one. - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
13. How do I get my hair to defy gravity?
14. These lights go out at the end of each night.
15. This isn't gonna last very long.
16. I don't know!
17. I really really hope there aren't any real life applications for this stuff...
18. Ggoolldd?? - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
19. Ugh. So that's where you emptied the dryer vent.
20. The mythology behind the last minute.


❅ ROUND FIVE ❅ [/center] want to teach? - Solved by: Kent
2. Put that table back! - Solved by: Hadsvich
3. KNEEL! - Solved by: WherededIGo
4. I really hope I'm not invited to the wedding. Unsolved
5. "The King Is Half-Undressed" - Solved by: dessertdesiert
6. No, it's not a paint by number, it's a friend by number. - Solved by: dessertdesiert
7. I want to go from Bro Vengeance to Syzygy. Is that possible? - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
8. Wishie doesn't bathe very often - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
9. Is it just me, or do those swimsuits all look the same? - Solved by: Hadsvich
10. 50k keeps the boredom at bay. *twitch twitch* - Solved by: Kent

❅ ROUND FOUR ❅ [/center]
1. When the midnight hour draws near, Athena's pets will gather. - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
2. Home sweet home.Unsolved
3. How about on the floor kicking and screaming? Solved by: dessertdesiert
4.'s not about fighting over bread? I feel lied to!Solved by:Hadsvich
5. What's your favorite sin? - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
6. Free the squash! Solved by: dessertdesiert
7. Inflation at its finest.Solved by:Hadsvich
8. Hmm...I think this needs a little something. Unsolved
9. Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! - Solved by: dessertdesiert
10. Ex-fo-liate - Solved by: Wyrmskyld

❅ ROUND THREE ❅ [/center]
1. A puuuurfect addition to Mene's ranks. Solved by: Wyrmskyld
2. We've got far more than we need. Unsolved
3. Yes? No? Maybe? How do!? Solved by: Wyrmskyld
4. I can has space taxi? - Solved by: Hadsvich
5. First toys, then babies, and now this? Ugh! - Solved by: dessertdesiert
6. Lining up the best of the best...again. - Solved by: Kent
7. An eye for an eye... Solved by: WherededIGo
8. Twice she hides where edges meet. - Solved by: Hadsvich
9. It would be helpful to have 3 heads Solved by: Wyrmskyld
10. A Doctor's journey. - Solved by: Hadsvich

❅ ROUND TWO ❅ [/center]
1. A meal-plan isn't the only thing I need if I'm going to be able to afford college. - Solved by: Hadsvich
2. We've got far more than we need. - Unsolved
3. Of mice and nip, but not mice that nip. - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
4. I can has space taxi? Unsolved
5. First toys, then babies, and now this? Ugh! Unsolved
6. Lining up the best of the best...again. Unsolved
7. An eye for an eye... Unsolved
8. Twice she hides where edges meet. Unsolved
9. It would be helpful to have 3 heads Unsolved
10. A Doctor's journey. Unsolved

Round One
1. Attention all magpies! - Solved by: Hadsvich
2. If I was a potato, I would be a couch potato. - Solved by: Kent
3. Getting the toast ready - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
4. I can has space taxi? Unsolved
5. Twenty-four verdant hours. - Solved by: Hadsvich
6. Lining up the best of the best...again. Unsolved
7. Roll for initiative. - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
8. <style> | h1 {letter-spacing:2px;} | h2 {letter-spacing:-3px;} </style>? - Solved by: Wyrmskyld
9. Would you care to lend me your index finger? - Solved by: Hadsvich
10. A-a-achooo. My allergies are acting up again. - Solved by: Kent

Seridano 12-20-2013 06:20 PM


Ye Old Leaderboard

Wyrmskyld - 16
Hadsvich - 11
dessertdesiert - 6
Kent - 5
WherededIGo - 2


First Place: 40k
Second Place: 20k
Third Place: 10k

sadrain 12-23-2013 11:17 PM

I've never been good with these, but those prizes... [drool] Will have to give it another try!

PrincessKasumi 12-24-2013 12:03 AM

Hmm seems hard D: but I'll try anyways

Wyrmskyld 12-24-2013 12:05 AM

I love these games... and I'm erratically terrible at them. I can't wait!

Velvet 12-24-2013 12:08 AM

I suck at this sooo much.. x)

WherededIGo 12-24-2013 12:39 AM

Hopefully I'll be on my laptop when the first clues go up

Nephila 12-24-2013 12:55 AM

Ooo I hope I have time for this one.

Seridano 12-24-2013 01:19 AM

There will be a round up later tonight.

WherededIGo 12-24-2013 01:22 AM

I can't wait

BrotherOfDarkness 12-24-2013 01:33 AM

I'm going to be terrible, on a tablet too, and obviously tired with all the mistakes tonight! It's 01:38 here at the moment, am going shopping at 3am to get a heads up on everyone, but there is a horrible storm outside, rather stay in with you guys!

WherededIGo 12-24-2013 01:37 AM

Woah you're up early.

Seridano 12-24-2013 03:40 AM

So-o. Who wants to go a-hunting? o.o

Wyrmskyld 12-24-2013 03:40 AM


WherededIGo 12-24-2013 03:42 AM

*Raises hand* I do!

Damia Flagg 12-24-2013 03:45 AM

I'm willing to give this a try.

Seridano 12-24-2013 03:50 AM

Hopefully we can get a few more people in here while I'm setting up.

WherededIGo 12-24-2013 03:54 AM

Hopefully. It would be more exciting.

Seridano 12-24-2013 03:56 AM

Indeed. There isn't much point in running it if I can't get at least three of four people in here to play.

Zombie Pixie 12-24-2013 04:03 AM

*steals Seri's presents and runs away*

Seridano 12-24-2013 04:04 AM

Hey now, give those back!
/chases after Az

Zombie Pixie 12-24-2013 04:05 AM

Huehuehue! ms. Claus strikes again! [twisted]

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