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Shadami 04-18-2014 11:14 PM

Shadami's Inspiration Thread
Hey everyone. I need to post and get lots of gold. I will be posting with Inspiration occasionally as well since I want to get her some gold. (she's my mule :D)

She runs a thread that takes inspiration from items to create avatars. It is a game open to anyone who wants to participate. With the chance of getting free art! Everyone loves free art. So here's the game in here. I need to post like crazy. I want people to talk to. And who knows. Perhaps while I'm working on all the millions of things that I need to work on, I shall give out some free art to particular avis that inspire me to give out freebies.

Or I don't know. I'll turn you into a pokemon. xD hahaha

But please :3 Post with me!!

and if you're willing to help me out, and this link works to go to my shop... gonna be selling some assorted old items i've got.
my shop?

Inspiration 04-18-2014 11:20 PM

Hey everyone. This is Inspiration (shadami's mule)

If you would like to check out my thread, an avatar making game, Click here!

Post with us, and help us work towards are crazy goal of trying to get into the raffle!

hummy 04-19-2014 12:42 AM

is it okay to post, Shadami?
*leaves a HUGE pile of four-leafed clovers and lots of lurves*

BellyButton 04-19-2014 01:05 AM

That shop link didn't work. Try using this URL for it -

Best wishes in your fundraising! I'd be tempted to buy your baby if I had the coin. ;D

edit: That didn't sound creepy at alllll. [oops]

hummy 04-19-2014 01:12 AM

*giggles at the creepieish bellybutton reply*

BellyButton 04-19-2014 01:47 AM

Hummy [glomp] You look rather lovely tonight, why the tears? :)

Shadami 04-19-2014 02:09 AM

Yeah i have an extra baby yan. and i'd keep it for donations and prizes if i didn't need the mone.y I'm so broke right now.

GRRR i did use the URL... *goes to fix*

hummy 04-19-2014 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by BellyButton (Post 1772639215)
Hummy [glomp] You look rather lovely tonight, why the tears? :)

thank you, sweet bellybutton
it is just kind of how i have been feeling
thank you for the [glomp] they always make me feel better

Shadami 04-19-2014 02:18 AM

*lots of hugs for hummy* i love giving hugs!!

dragoness129 04-19-2014 01:33 PM

Baby Yan! Gotta save up for one someday.

hummy 04-19-2014 01:39 PM

hiya, dragoness, sweetie! happy Easter/springtime!

dragoness129 04-19-2014 01:42 PM

Hello. Happy whatever-this-is. The weather here is still really cold somedays, then up to 80 other days, then back to cold temperatures. Lol

hummy 04-19-2014 01:52 PM

yeah wackie weather

Shadami 04-19-2014 02:27 PM

that is apparantly the east coast right now

hummy 04-19-2014 02:43 PM

stay cool/warm

dragoness129 04-19-2014 03:08 PM

Gotta go sign hold for 5 hours

hummy 04-19-2014 03:48 PM

have a nice time

dragoness129 04-19-2014 09:28 PM

It really was not. It rained the whole time and cold wind was blowing. Now I am soaked through.

xuvrette 04-20-2014 05:43 AM

I want to be inspired too~

hummy 04-20-2014 10:12 AM

let the teal inspire you!

hummy 04-20-2014 03:22 PM

hope you all are having a nice day Shadami

Amane 04-20-2014 06:52 PM

I like inspiration!

Shadami 04-20-2014 11:27 PM

i'm glad you do Amane and Xuvvie :]

Sorry i poofed for a day. haha i just spent two days cleaning and doing yard work. and ugh i'm tired.

Amane 04-20-2014 11:35 PM

I once spent a whole day cleaning because something had happened the night before and I didn't want to think about it. The results were impressive, I'd say.

Shadami 04-20-2014 11:46 PM

I've been doing that alot lately. Partially because we're moving. :3 and the house we're in has to sell. So I've been doing everything from scrubbing walls, to weeding every inch of the garden, and raking all of the lawn. It's been crazy hard amounts of work.

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