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K-chan10307 06-24-2014 04:11 PM

The Deadliest Game {EltiaskWolffe & K-chan10307} [WARNING: v i o l e n c e]--Reboot
She counted five survivors, with herself included. Two females were by the wreckage: a middle-aged woman with her arms around her dead husband, his bottom half crushed by the metal of the plane, and another woman, younger, comforting her. Their anguish rolled off of them and fell over her, suffocating her. It took all she had to remain standing and breathing. Death was so present, invading her senses and her mind. She fought every instinct to run away and seek refuge in the wilderness, to get away from all this emotion that was crushing her.

There were two males by what was left of the cockpit. They had already dragged the bodies of the pilots out, laying them next to her, along with any supplies and survivor kits they could find. As the only woman who wasn’t an emotional mess (Oh how wrong they were), they instructed her to keep guard of the supplies, and watch to see if any people were around. Her mind was too distracted to expand and scan for other people. Instead, she took inventory, meticulously focusing on counting and organizing, trying to ignore the lifeless bodies to her side.

“The radio is broken. So is the radar. Here’s some of the luggage we were able to scrape out of the plane,” one of the men said, coming over, tossing some bags onto the ground. He was scared. His fear penetrated her mind, causing her to wince. “Oh, are you hurt?” he asked suddenly concerned. Melanie forced a smile onto her face. “Fine,” she replied softly, turning back to the items. He wanted to converse more, but his distress was so strong that she heard his every thought. It bombarded her, so she shut herself away even more to get away from it. Finally, he gave up, and went to assist the other male.

Her own carry-on had been safe; she kept it with her when she freaked out, her body instinctively generating a force field around herself. She picked through the luggage, recognizing her own bag. With a sigh, she opened it. The bags were soaked, but hers was supposedly waterproof. Most of her clothes were okay, so she grabbed what she could and fit it into her carry-on. Others bags and their contents weren’t so lucky. Nonetheless, she found travel supplies that remained relatively safe, and clothing that if they weren’t used for their original purpose, could be useful for camping.

The other man came over, looking at here intensely. He was a strange fellow. Despite the fact that she manipulated the energy around herself, making herself less noticeable and making others less inclined to look over at her, he was able to bypass that and sat down right next to her. She felt his thoughts bubbling underneath his mental barriers, but they remained firmly in place. And he was devoid of emotions. His body was like her brother’s, big and heavily toned. His tattoos gave away his occupation. He had a certain stillness about him that bothered her. Melanie knew that he was carefully trained to make sure he gave nothing away to her, but beneath all that, even she could feel the malice in him.

“Do you know how to shoot?” he asked in a low and gravelly voice.

Melanie looked up from her collection, opening her own barriers to try to feel something from him. He was angry. He felt betrayed, but not really confused. He knew something. If she pushed hard enough, she knew she could break through. His eyes were empty though, as if he had seen too much. He had already lost parts of himself that he could never get back. There was a darkness in him that Melanie wasn’t yet ready to face.


“Good.” He shoved two guns into her hands. “I expect you to use it if you’re ever in danger. We have to walk around and figure out where we landed. I will be keeping you safe.”

When the plane crashed, he had cursed and then protectively held an arm over her. She wondered at this. Why was he so intent on keeping her alive and safe?

“You should go back to helping the others.” She dismissed him, trying to figure this guy out, but also taking the guns nonetheless. She looked over at the others, watching them try to bury the husband in the sand. Once again their grief pushed into her. She reinforced her mental barriers, a pain forming in her head as she did so.

EltiaskWolffe 06-24-2014 06:02 PM

Twilight. A multitude of noises originated from deep wthin the jungle, crowding his perception with a milling different tones from thousands of different beings. He frowned for a moment before making his way forward, keeping his eyes fixed on his target: one of the Northern beaches of his island. He knew perfectly well somethig was off there, he himself had heard different noises just a few hours ago. His suspicions were confirmed after he began to perceive different scents on the breeze coming from down there: he could point smoke and fire, as well as the distinct scent of burning meat and bones. Along with them, there was something else which triggered his instincts: humans. People were over there, in his island. That couldn't be allowed, not while he lived there. Silently, the man pushed away a gigantic leaf from his way and resumed walking surrounded in an unnatural silence from the jungle.

Who was he, though? Why was a twenty-six year old guy doing in an island? That was something which most of the times bounced around in his mind, though the majority of it were simple phrases or words. "Wolffe. Solitude. I have killed. Pain." He retained just enough sanity to understand the basic acts of what he did, yet most of his being was being driven by his instincts. He had arrived seven years ago by boat, which he had hidden in a small bay to the east. Throughout the years, his mind had shut down, allowing his instincts to take control, to heal itself from recent traumatic wounds he had endured. This situation led to a strange occurance in Wolffe's mind. Even though he was instinct-driven, his whole mind still assessed each situation and pointed out the best approach. Even in his current situation, he was just going to explore and observe. He needed to know who was in his island without his permission and what they were doing there.

His massive frame blocked the last glimpses of sunlight filtering through the rainforest's canopy, and as he finally made his way to the beach, he climbed atop a tree to observe carefully. His bright turquoise eyes flashed for a moment as he fixed his gaze on the burning plane at the shore, more like what used to be a plane. The whole skeleton had been reduced to ashed, and though it was still emanating smoke, he knew nothing would be worth finding from there. His eyes then turned to the small group gathered some feet away from the crash, trying to find out what they were going to do with their lives. A silent growl emanated from the depths of his chest as he grasped the tree's trunk stronger. They were unwanted people, and as so, had to be eliminated one by one. A single question echoed in his mind: how are you going to do it? With a deep voice, completely rough from years of not being used, he muttered the answer. "Let's play a game."

Wolffe jumped down the tree and began to make his way to the group steadily, unsheathing his survival knife and holding it with his left hand. Standing at 6'5", with dark hair long enough to reach his shoulders and a shadow clouding his face along with mud and dirt from a day's hunt, he looked impressive. If you then included into the whole picture he was wearing a sleeveless shirt (notice that it used to have sleeves but, apparently, he tore them apart), quite dirty camo cargo pants, and his old and ragged shoes, then you had a quite terrifying individual emerging from the depths of the jungle to meet a group of survivors. It was almost comical. The only thing bright in his whole appearance were his eyes, that deep turquoise shining brightly, though tainted with darkness and madness from within. He walked until they were within a 'safe' distance from him, and spoke once more with that rough voice of his. "You are not welcomed here. Leave now or face your death by my hands." Wolffe stared at them gravely, scanning each of the survivors with his eyes for a moment. However, he took longer with two individuals. One was a burly man with several tattoos and a grim gaze. He seemed strangely familiar, and when he first noticed him, pain coursed through his head. He growled lowly, but moved on. The second individual was the woman standing next to him. He immediately noticed the two guns she was holding and made a mental note. Those guns weren't dangerous to him, but they could come out as a nuisance. He stared intently at the girl and, to his suprise, the longer he stared the more enraged he got. His growl turned out to be louder than what he would've expected, making it noticeable to the survivors. He galnced once more at the group and kneeled, survival knife in hand, and waited just like a predator would do.

K-chan10307 06-24-2014 06:40 PM

Melanie felt his presence before she heard him. There was animalistic rage coupled with a stillness that unnerved her. She turned in his direction, her mind and gaze pinpointing where he was. Though she felt his presence, he was quiet. No emotions battering her, no thoughts bombarding her mind. She tried to get more, pushing her mind, searching for something.

The man beside her must’ve guessed something of her abilities, because he caught her gaze then followed it. With a growl, he shoved her back taking a gun that was hidden god knows where, pointing it at the direction Melanie was looking. His hand skimmed her bare arm, and Melanie knew immediately that he had no barriers. With a gasp, she fell back, reliving his life, from when he was born, to all the crucial moments of his life. There was war. Sweltering heat and humidity of a jungle. Death. So much death. Needles. Electricity. Excruciating pain. There were well-dressed men. Melanie gasped for air. She recognized once of them. He opened his mouth to speak when, suddenly, a barrier went up, pushing her out as quick as she was thrown in. Melanie was on the ground, trying to catch her breath.

Terror filled the air. She remembered the other three survivors. They had heard the words and registered exactly what they meant. Their barriers fell as their fear took over, pounding at her, invading her, and nearly taking over her body. She realized then that the stillness of the man who had just threatened them had lulled her into a sense of security. For once there was a person who was quiet—and because of that, her barriers fell. She pushed herself up, feeling a headache come on as she rebuilt her barriers and pushed against the emotions that threatened to suffocate her. She fought for control and struggled to stand up.

The Navy SEAL, named Matthew as she had discovered with the visions, cursed, taking two shots. She saw the look on his face. He knew he messed up. He knew about her. But why was he keeping her safe? The headache intensified as she made her barriers stronger. Two men who knew how to be quiet, one who could kill, and one who wanted to? Melanie mentally cursed as she stepped backward towards the group, hoisting the bag of supplies over her shoulder, and gripping both guns in her hands.

“We have to get out of here!” the middle aged woman said, tears streaming down her face. Even with the barriers, her sadness and fear invaded her.

“What’s going on? Is this a joke?!” yelled the other man. He turned to Melanie. “Give me one.”

He gestured to the gun. Melanie had a feeling that he didn’t know how dangerous the situation actually was.

“Can you shoot?”

“Who gives a damn? Someone is trying to kill us!” He grabbed one anyways, skimming her hand, and pulling it from her. Melanie’s eyes flashed amber for a second as his life flashed through her and his anger course through her. His name was Chase. He was wealthy and spoiled. But he was an alcoholic, and he had anger issues. Domestic violence towards his girlfriend, who left him recently. He was angry now that someone dared to threaten his life.

“Don’t be too rash.”

“Shut the hell up, stupid girl! If we don’t kill him, he will kill us!”

“Do you know what you’re doing?” she pushed, failing to reason with him.

A hand came up to slap her, and before Melanie could do anything about it, Matthew was suddenly there, throwing Chase to the ground. He was angry too. “Don’t you dare hit her again,” he growled, ignoring Chase demanding to know what his problem was.

Shit, Melanie thought. As good as Matthew was, his concentration had broken in that split second, his gun no longer trained on where the quiet man was.

EltiaskWolffe 06-24-2014 07:48 PM

Yes, he had expected a similar reaction from the whole group. Wolffe cocked his head to the right very lightly, still holding his survival knife on his left hand, as he watched closely. The whole situation was taking an unexpected twist which truly lifted his mood. He grinned darkly as the young woman fell to the ground, but he decided she wasn't the one to go down first. The man with the tattoos had this strange presence around her, as if he was trying to protect her. However, what truly bothered him was that dull ringing in the back of his mind. Something was knocking his thoughts, trying to make its way through the barriers his years of isolation had built in place. Wolffe reckoned the one causing this strange sensation was no other than Bodyguard, the way he had come to call the man with the tattoos. His mind was intently figuring a plan to hit him first and take him down swiftly when more chaos erupted from the other side of the group.

The second man, who seemed younger and less beaten by life, had suddenly become a violent storm of emotions. His grin only widened as he began to storm through the survivors, demanding a gun to shoot him. Wolffe didn't move at all, mainly because he was being aimed at by Bodyguard. However, when Man 2 rushed to hit the woman with the guns, Bodyguard forgot for a moment about him and pushed the other man to the ground. This was his mark to rush forward and lock the man's neck under his arms, not killing him but surely making him struggle. He then began to drag him backwards to the jungle slowly, sensing the different shades of fear and terror this man was going through. His wicked smile danced on his face even darker than before as he stopped in front of them, as if showing his trophy. His mind focus then shifted to the man, quickly analyzing his garments and movements, just to be able to produce a quick profile of this man.

"Oh, I see..." Wolffe spoke just loud enough so the others could hear him, his gaze alternating between Bodyguard and Protegée, as he had come to call her, "Afraid to die, are you not?" The man struggled under his arms, to which his response was an increase of pressure. The man stiffened, but stopped moving. "There you go, it's not that difficult. See, you'll be the perfect examplo for them to understand what is really happening here, in this island." Keeping his right arm over the man's neck, his left hand began to play with his knife over the man's face. By now, the man reeked of fear. The whole situation was truly enhancing to him. It was as if he was being fed by that fear, the fear he was instilling on this man's mind. He could smell their fear by now. The longer he was expposed to this kind of hunt, the better he got at doing so. He smiled wickedly before talking to the other survivors. "I give you a chance to decide his fate. If I kill him here, you will get a two-day truce from me so you can prepare yourselves. If you want him to live, the hunt begins tonight."

He stared intently at them before fixing his eyes on Bodyguard. Again, that low growl emanated from the depths of his chest, stating his despise against him. "You, with the tattoos," Wolffe said as he pointed his knife at his chest, "by my hand you will suffer. I will look into that."

K-chan10307 06-24-2014 08:18 PM

More screams. Melanie winced, everything becoming too loud, too fast. More fear gripped her as the women started to scream, their emotions swirling out of control, beating at her mind, demanding entrance, demanding to be felt. Suddenly, she saw the quiet man. He was too close and within seconds, he had Chase in his grip. The Quiet Man gave his ultimatum. Melanie saw the blue that flashed in his eyes and everything that was lurking underneath. She lowered her barriers to allow herself to push at his mind again, get to what he was thinking.

Matthew growled, raising his gun and pointing it towards Chase. The women gasped in shock. Melanie held back her reaction. With a sigh, she pushed into Matthew’s mind and saw how cold and calculating he was. If he let him die, they would get two extra days. He needed the Quiet Man alive for more information. Who was this person who dared threaten him? How was he so skilled? Let the man die. Allow the enemy to live. Keep the Target alive.

Melanie knew that she was the Target he referred to. He was there for a reason, and she didn’t know if she could trust him any more than the Quiet Man, holding Chase’s trembling body. At the same time, she couldn’t refute the logic in Matthew’s head. The Quiet Man might know where they were. He was the one who could help, if he felt so inclined to though.

She knew he wasn’t.

“Why don’t I make it easy for you then?” Matthew replied, cocking the gun.

Melanie rushed forward. “What, are you insane?!” she insisted, pulling at his raised arm. The other women did the same. “You can’t kill him!” they yelled.

Chase himself let out a terrified yelp begging the both of them for mercy.

“It’s either us or him! We get two extra days if he dies now. Besides, he’s a worthless piece of filth.”

“And who the hell are you to decide that?!” Melanie felt her anger rising and pushed it down. Don’t get angry, she reminded herself. Control yourself. She tried to push at his mind, to convince him to put the gun down, but she was met with a barrier. He was a warrior and he had an assignment. The only thing that mattered was that he and the Target got out of there safely, it doesn’t matter who dies in the process. But why? Melanie thought, trying to break the barrier.

“And who are you to decide if her gets to live?” Matthew mumbled, jerking his arm out of her grip. Ignoring the protests of Melanie and the two other women, he shot, hitting Chase square in the middle of the forehead. “There,” he said to the Quiet Man. “You have our decision.”

The two women broke down sobbing, having witnessed something so horrendous. Melanie shut her eyes, tears filling them as the feeling of death and anger hung in the air, threatening to eat her alive. “You didn’t have to do that,” she said.

Matthew never removed his eyes from the Quiet Man. “This isn’t your fancy-ass, no-problem world anymore, baby,” he said. “Welcome to reality, people die.” Melanie’s sadness was soon replaced by anger at his statement. Suddenly, she wished the Quiet Man had put a bullet in his head instead, but she fought those thoughts and the rising anger, knowing it would not help at all if she got angry.

“You know nothing about my life.”

Matthew answered with a humourless bark of laughter. “So two days break, is it? I look forward to suffering with you,” he said carelessly to the Quiet Man.

EltiaskWolffe 06-24-2014 09:19 PM

That man's death slipped through Wolffe's hands as if it had never happened, which sent his senses into an overload. Few things were able to make him lose composure, but being denied the joy of taking someone's life was at the top of the list. His growls intensified in volume and, as he tossed the man's body aside, glared violently at Bodyguard. His whole body was tensing up, just like a predator's. Holding his knife on his right hand, he stood up and glared at him once more. "You're brute and an idiot, what a surprise..." He began to play absent-mindedly with his knife as he walked back to the jungle, always facing them. "You're wrong. The deal was if I killed him, which didn't happen. Watch the shadows during the night, no one knows what they might hold."

After implying the hunt was already on, he dashed back into the jungle, into his domain, to prepare for the night. The whole jungle felt so alive to his senses he was steadily heading to an overload due to the rage he felt rushing through his body. However, he was using that same rage against the intruders. Several plans began to unfold in his mind, preparing different approaches as he rushed back to his lair. He needed just enough time to get everything done, and he knew very well he could endure it without a word. After all, he had been doing so for the past seven years.

When Wolffe was finished preparing all his equipment for that night's hunt, the stars were shining brightly over his head. He glanced one last time at his selection: his survival knife, the bow he used only when hunting herbivores, and his utility belt. He was wearing a black shirt, his cargo pants, and his tennis. "You'll need nothing more..." He smiled quickly before tying his quiver to his back and hanging his composite bow on his belt. Swiftly, he took his survival knife and sheathed it, placing it also on his belt. Before leaving his lair, he looked at the stars one last time. "This time, it might be the last time they see anything..."

K-chan10307 06-24-2014 09:59 PM

Melanie shoved at Matthew. “Good going. You killed someone for absolutely nothing. You’ve actually pissed him off more!” The man was like stone; her shove did absolutely nothing to him. Instead, he growled, “One less person to worry about.”

“How could you do that?” the middle-aged woman sobbed. “He was just a kid.”

Melanie kept herself from saying how much of a jerk Chase really was. Still, he didn’t deserve that death.

Matthew ignored her. “We hide in the woods,” he said after a brief scan of the area around them. He grabbed Melanie’s arm and started to pull her into the woods. Melanie knew better than to waste her energy fighting him. As cold and ruthless as he was, she knew he was the one who knew how to survive in times like this more than anyone else. She turned and followed him, gripping the bag of supplies over her shoulder in one hand, the gun in the other.

“I’m not following you, you’re a killer!” the younger woman yelled. Melanie signed. Principle rarely mattered when their lives were on the line.

“He’s the only one who knows what he’s doing,” Melanie said. “I know he’s a terrible person, and he killed someone, but this is the only chance we have.”

“I’d much rather die than depend on him!” the older woman chimed in.

“That can be arranged,” Matthew replied. Melanie wanted to bash her head in frustration. Why were people so obstinate and proud?

“Don’t you dare,” she said with a glare. She looked at the two women, lowering her barriers again and giving their minds a push, suggesting that they saw the logic and followed along. In a few seconds, the two women gave in, and followed them.

Melanie felt anger rolling off of Matthew. He did not like the fact that he would have to babysit the two extra women. She inwardly grinned. Serves him right for being such a bastard in the

“We make a fire. You two, go get firewood. Scream if anything comes out at you. If you die, it’s not my fault,” Matthew commanded when they were deeper into the woods.

“I should go with them. I’ve got a gun,” Melanie offered.

“Not a chance,” he replied with a glare. He wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. “You stay here and look through the supplies for food and something to start a fire with. I’m keeping guard.”

“I’m not travelling in the dark,” the older woman declared, her stubbornness refusing to abate. Melanie handed them a flare from their survival kit. “Don’t wander off too far. Make sure you can still see me,” she said, trying to get them to calm down. She pushed their minds again.

The two women finally took the flares and went. Melanie took the time to find the matches.

“It would help if you decided to go hunting,” she murmured to Matthew.

“I am.”

“Not him. Animals. Food.”

Matthew said nothing.

“So I’m your Target.”

He growled. “That’s classified.”

“You know about me. I was assigned to you by Steve Marks. Who is he really, because I’m guessing he’s not just your everyday social worker.”

Matthew growled again, clearly wanting her to stop talking. Melanie wanted to push further, but the women had returned with some firewood. She set to making the fire, letting the women dig through the supplies for food. She needed to know why he was sent after her.

EltiaskWolffe 06-25-2014 01:30 AM

Different night animals had crawled out of their hiding places to begin their journey through their time of activity, and Wolffe knew perfectly well he needed to use them in his favor for the game. He was going to need each and every piecee of advantage he could find, from his knowledge of the island's terrain to some special features of his to overcome his opponents. He kept on walking, his composite bow never leaving his left hand, even if folded, and started looking for a trail. He needed something, be it footprints, a scent, a visual objective, anything. The hunter decided to begin where it all started: the Northern beach.

He arrived at the beach as Orion, the whole constellation, was right over his head. The plane's burnt skeleton protruded through the ocean's surface, as if still trying to claw its way back to the air. Wolffe knew perfectly well people would start searching for the aircraft soon. He either got rid of them quickly or there might be even more people in his island before long. He walked up to where the group had been standing when he left and kneeled down. His hands caressed the sand gently, though he couldn't make much out of the scarce footprints he found. They were just pointing at the rainforest, though he had already thought about that. Standing up, he then made his way following the footprints' direction, aiming to find the group of survivors and slay as many as he could in a single night.

Again, the rainforest welcomed him with a warm embrace of scents and sounds, though he couldn't distinguish the ones he was looking for. He resumed his way until something caught his attention: smoke. He frowned for a moment before focusing and... Yes, it was smoke. He turned around, trying to locate its source, when it hit him. "They made a fire... In the middle of the night, inside the rainforest, in my island." He laughed darkly and shook his head. Those people surely wanted to get killed. The hunter sprinted off lightly, following the scent of burning wood, and soon enough was able to see in the distance a bright spot of light among the darkness of the jungle. He growled lowly as he took his bow and flipped it open, readied an arrow, and made his way forward.

Wolffe found them sitting next to each other in a small clearing, still far enough from them not to be spotted. His main concern right now was hot to get close to them, mainly because he suspected Bodyguard was someone who could interfere directly with his plans. He growled once more, cursing under his breath. He had prepared a special outcome for Bodyguard and, as usual, he had planned everything carefully to see him suffer and beg for his death, to which he would smile. With these dark thoughts in his mind, the hunter placed the arrow back inside his quiver, closed his bow, and climbed atop a tree. Once there, he stealthily made his way closer, observing his surroundings and crafting an escape plan if necessary.

Two of the women were close together, the old one and someone else. Protegée was right next to Bodyguard, as expected, and he appeared to look like a hound sniffing for his prey. Wolffe smiled silently at the sole idea of him being a prey in his own domain. "You don't know who you're messing with..." He stopped for a moment, thinking what he was going to do with the rest. He wanted a chase, something they would have to run in the middle of the darkness and get lost in his island. Then, he could pick them up one by one except that strange pair. So, he needed a trigger. He took his bow, flipped it open once more, and placed an arrow in it, aiming at the center of the fire they had made. Pulling the string, he focused and held his breath for a moment before releasing the string, getting a bullseye right on the center of the fire. This caused it to shake violently, along with the sound of new burning wood. "I'm watching..."

K-chan10307 06-25-2014 04:35 AM

Once again, she felt the Quiet Man before anything else. She glanced up before seeing the arrow fly past her and into the fire that had just been built. Melanie closed her eyes. Four, three, two… The women to her side screamed as Matthew thrust his arm out in front of her and pointed his gun in the direction of the arrow. As the fear off the women threatened once more to suffocate her, Melanie looked up, zoning in on the Quiet Man, and pushing against his mind to find a way in.

There was a fifty percent chance that actually getting into his mind was one of the stupidest ideas she had ever had. If he and Matthew had anything in common, she would be in a world for pain. At the same time, the trade-off made sense. If she got into his mind, she could pull information as to where they actually were and how they could get out.

Matthew shot in the general direction of the source of the arrow, distracting her for a moment. Melanie continued to gently poke and prod at the Quiet Man’s mind. She felt his anger and his stillness once more. It, like the fear of the women beside her, was suffocating. She took a deep breath and kept going.

Just as Melanie was sure she found a way, the older woman touched her, jolting her from her task at hand as the woman’s life flashed before her eyes. Her name was Jenna. Rick was her husband, the man that died in the plane. They were high school sweethearts. Their life was relatively uncomplicated and simple. Until now. Suddenly, her fear became too strong. Her distrust for Matthew and her anger at the world for taking her beloved husband away wrapped around Melanie. Her head began to ache and she struggled to breathe.

Melanie shoved the woman away. “What’s your problem?!” Jenna insisted, offended at the motion. Melanie understood now that Jenna had attempted to comfort her, but the area that Jenna touched burned. Melanie’s mind was trying to regain its strength. She knew she was very close to being overloaded, and she couldn’t have that. Not while other people could hurt her.

“Nothing,” she lied. “I’m just a little freaked out myself. I’m sorry.”

Jenna shot her a glare and returned to hugging the other young woman. “We shouldn’t have trusted him.”

“Shut up,” Matthew said through gritted teeth. Melanie heard his thoughts loud and clear. He obviously didn’t mind if the other women died tonight. It would be less people to worry about. He used all the skills he learned to search for the Quiet Man, knowing full well that killing him was not the answer. Catching him was the problem. Melanie forced the thoughts away, and then forced herself to mute the thoughts and emotions around her until they became a faint buzz. She then tried to get into the Quiet Man’s head once more, gently nudging his natural barriers so he wouldn’t notice.

EltiaskWolffe 06-25-2014 06:50 AM

As the fire cracked after the arrow landed, mayhem erupted from the group of survivors, mostly the women. Wolffe stared intently at the whole situation, observing each of their movements. Bodyguard had immediately stood in front of Protegée, aiming his gun to some point at his right. He didn't even bothered to move when he shot without a target, the bullet was way off from his body. There seemed to be some kind of argument among the ladies which truly intrigued him, but he was too far to hear anything they screamed at each other. His eyes then stopped on Bodyguard. His right arm was aloft, still pointing the gun to where he though the hunter would be. If Wolffe wanted, he could end his life right on the spot. However, he wanted to play with him. The hunter readied a second arrow and aimed right to Bodyguard's right shoulder. Even though he knew it might not stop him, he wanted to play with his mind and his perspective of that island. Wolffe wanted him to feel despise for the island, to blame it for all his calamities. He pulled the strings up to his face, aimed, and fired.

Though he wasn't sure about it, he felt there was something odd about the whole situation. Anger was biting at his own being more than normally, and a strange sensation of invasiveness was permeating his whole mind. He growled lowly before closing his bow and hanging it from his belt. Moving stealthily, he dropped to the ground and began to make his way away from the campsite. His rage was only growing by the second, and he new perfectly well it might cloud the scarce judgement he had left. The hunter began to sprint lightly, more to quell his own desire to rip something apart than to get away from the site. He didn't know if his arrow had hit Bodyguard, but he wasn't interested. He knew very well other chances might be available, and he was going to exploit them all.

K-chan10307 06-25-2014 04:20 PM

Suddenly, Melanie found herself on the ground with Matthew on top of her. An arrow whizzed right past where they were standing and embedded itself into a tree. Matthew scrambled up, heading to the direction of the source. Melanie knew he was gone. She felt his absence more than anything—the moment he left, everything became so loud again. More fear, as the attempt on Matthew’s life narrowly missed the two of them. The women fearing they would be next.

“He’s gone,” she said to Matthew, to cursed and kicked at a tree. She stood up slowly and walked over to the fire where the food was being prepared. “We’re going to have to eat and sleep to regain our strength.”

“I’m not going to sleep here!” the younger woman insisted.

Matthew growled, going to the food and grabbing a portion for himself. “That’s the only thing we can do. Insomnia will drain your strength, and you won’t be able to run.”

“What if he gets us at night?!” Jenna replied.

“I’ll keep watch.”

“What happened to needing sleep?”

“Dammit, woman, just eat and sleep!”

Melanie rolled her eyes, letting their words and anger flow over her. She grabbed some food too. “Let’s just eat, and figure it out from there.” She was too tired to push at their minds.

Within fifteen minutes, both Jenna and the young woman were asleep, having finished their meal. Melanie tossed more wood into the fire, before tossing some sweaters she had salvaged over the women. She attempted to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, her nightmares were there waiting. It had been years since she had them, but the stress of the day had drawn them up again.

She glanced over at Matthew. As much as he had insisted that he would keep watch, she saw that he was tired too. “Moving back and forth between being awake and being unconscious will not help,” she said to him. “Sleep, I’ll keep guard.”

Matthew growled, something he was very good at. “I’m fine.”

“I can tell when you’re lying. Just sleep. As you know, I was trained to keep myself safe.” She glared at him and then sent a push his way. He fought back, but eventually Melanie won the battle. He drifted to sleep and Melanie kept both guns in her arms.

She tried to manipulate the energy around the entire group so that it altered others perceptions. They wouldn’t be invisible perse, but they wouldn’t be very noticeable either. An onlooker would really have to concentrate notice them, but would be inclined to look away. However, she had only ever been successful in shielding herself. As she made her third attempt to shield the others, her headache came roaring back, her mind retaliating against such pressure. So she stopped. Just good old staying awake and hoping to god nothing finds us…

EltiaskWolffe 06-26-2014 03:20 AM

Dawn. Weak strings of sunlight peeked through the rainforest's canopy, trying to illuminate the darkened world lying beneath the maze of leaves above. Upon realizing this, the hunter cursed under his breath. After a night of thinking and pondering, he had finally reached a conclusion: his next victims had to be the other women. They were just in his way, and even though they weren't a threat to him at all, he wanted them gone. Still cursing under his breath, Wolffe pushed himself from the tree trunk he had been resting on and dropped down the tree, landing silently and quickly dusting himself off. He had been vigilant all night long, just in case someone wandered off from the camp and deep into the jungle. Sadly, that didn't happen. As he sprinted off again in search of his prey, he growled once more. "You will all be mine..."

He began to make his way back to their camp, knowing full well it would be easier for them to spot him now. He didn't care at all. Once he was close enough, he stopped and began to prey upon them stealthily, observing the terrain and their positions. As expected, Bodyguard and Protegée were close to each other. The other women were sleeping in front of them, which gave him a chance to kill one of them before retreating back into the wilderness. Wolffe pondered silently his options. He was risking himself to a direct shot from Bodyguard, but at least he would get the thrill he needed to keep the game up. A wicked smile curved his lips as he made his way closer to the two women, wondering who would be his first victim of the day. Once he was close enough, he unsheathed his survival knife and held his breath before pouncing right over the younger woman and digging his knife deep into her neck. Blood gushed out of the wound immediately, but what Wolffe was ejoying the most was the sudden burst of fear from her as she observed her life escaping her body. He smiled wickedly before slashing one last time at her neck's right side and pouncing back to the jungle, where he could savor his kill in peace.

K-chan10307 06-26-2014 04:02 AM

Melanie’s head pounded from overworking herself and staying up the entire night. She immediately stood up when she felt his presence, but wasn’t able to determine where he was. Suddenly, the younger woman’s gargling caused her to turn to her. Melanie gasped, finally able to put a face to the Quiet Man. Her arm went straight up, the gun ready to fire, but it was already too late. She was dead.

Jenna had awoken to have blood spurt from her companion onto her. Immediately, her screams filled the woods, jerking Matthew awake. The screaming continued. Fear and death once more flowed through her and into her. Melanie fought off the bile threatening to spill out of her. Memories that she had repressed for so long came bubbling to the surface as her own panic and fear set in. Tears clouded her vision. She couldn’t help them. The sadness of it all hit her, threatened to knock her down. No! She forced them back down, she had to control herself.

She took off, chasing after the Quiet Man, needing to catch him. She had to stop all the deaths around her; her mind couldn’t take it anymore. Her mind searched for his, hoping to use a mental connection to pinpoint his location. Matthew cursed behind her, ignoring Jenna’s screams. He took off after her, grabbing his gun he did so. He grabbed her arm. Both their barriers were weakened. Once again, she relived his live, the anger causing her to relive his more painful moments. She pushed at him, trying to get out of his grip. Her mind was on overload, ready to shut down. With a swift kick, she managed to get Matthew to let go of her arm. She collapsed against a tree, trying to catch her breath.

Matthew staggered back with a glare. “What the hell is your problem?”

“I am the least of your worries right now!” This time it was Melanie’s turn to curse. “We left Jenna alone.”


“Jenna!” Melanie gave up pursuit of the Quiet Man. Catching him was one thing, but preventing another death was her first priority.

EltiaskWolffe 06-26-2014 05:10 AM

Oh, how much he was enjoying that small pursuit. As he dashed forward, he laughed darkly. The hunter couldn't help it, not at all: his whole nature was synchronized with it. He noticed fresh blood on his hands and, obviously, did what any good hunter would do. Swiftly, he drew warpaint patterns under his eyes, before sensing both Bodyguard and Protegée behind him. He glared for a moment before climbing atop a tree and listening carefully. Wolffe couldn't hear them chasing him anymore, so he assumed they either had returned or were quietly looking for him. Then, it clicked. If they were chasing after him, his last victim for the day was alone on the campsite. She was probably freaking ouot due to the presence of a fresh dead body. He grinned wickedly before making his way back to the camp using the treetops to hide himself from view.

He arrived to the campsite from a different direction, though he had very clear in his mind how he was going to kill her. The hunter dropped down from the canopy and stood up as tall as he was, pushing aside some of his hair which was clouding his vision. He then flipped open his bow and walked into the campsite, finding the last woman both terrified an paralyzed. He smiled darkly as he placed an arrow on his bow. "Hello there..." Wolffe aimed his bow, but wasn't ready to shoot just yet. "Lovely day today, isn't it?" He gave her a strange smile as his eyes pierced hers, slowly but steadily creating his usual aura of fear. By now, he was able to see her fear. Her pupils were totally dilated, her breathing had increased, and her heartbeat had increased so much it had become more of a strange humming sound. Standing as tall as he was, he began to approach with more caution, knowing well enough the whole situation could turn against him. "It's over," he said darkly as he raised his bow and aimed directly at the woman's heart.

K-chan10307 06-26-2014 02:12 PM

She had to do something. Knock Jenna out of the way. Get in front of her. Push the bow out of the Quiet Man’s hand. Something! Matthew seemed to guess what she wanted to do. He grabbed her, pulling her against him, restraining her from putting herself in danger. His emotions and thoughts spread into her, weakening her. “No!” she yelled, trying to fight him off. “Let me go!”

Matthew growled. “Stay where you are!”

Melanie struggled to breathe. Her vision was getting cloudy and she could barely stand up. Still, she pushed against him. “He’s going to kill her!”

The grip around her only tightened. He didn’t care. Jenna wasn’t his priority. Melanie was the Target and she had to be brought back safe. If Melanie weren’t so distressed, she would have probed to find out where. “Then let him,” he replied coldly.

From where they were standing, Jenna stood firmly in the way of the Quiet Man. Even if they were to shoot at him, the bullets would have to go through her first. Melanie’s headache started to rage. She glared at the Quiet Man, wanting to throw the bow from his hand. Without its normal barriers, and in such a vulnerable state, her control was weakened. Suddenly, the supplies at the campsite were in the air, hurling themselves at the Quiet Man. Jenna was knocked out of her fearful stupor, falling back at the witchcraft happening around her.

EltiaskWolffe 06-26-2014 03:40 PM

There was one phrase which, most of the time, echoed constantly in Wolffe's mind without him even noticing, a phrase which had guided his life for the last seven years: Live the Thrill of the Hunt. If someone could be able to analyze what happened inside the hunter's mind as he chased his preys, one would see his brain emulated the stimuli caused by consuming drugs. His sensory input was strong enough to give his body the sensation of being on drugs, though he retained his consciousness to enjoy it. So, when he noticed Bodyguard and Protegée nearing, he only smiled even more. He needed them to see what he was going to do to that poor lady, to truly understand what he was able to do. He grinned once last time before seatdying his aim, ready to release the strings, when something caught his attention from behind the woman.

Their belongings... They were floating in the middle of nothing, suspended by invisible threads. Suddenly, they began flunging themselves aginst him, to which he swiftly dodged. However, the more he moved the closer they came to hitting him. He growled lowly as he began to retreat into the jungle once more, enraged because he hadn't been able to kill the woman yet. Still, he wasn't going to leave empty handed. In a split second, he steadied his bow, aimed one last time at the woman, and fired. He then threw his bow over his shoulders and sprinted away, escaping from apparent self-lunging inanimate objects.

K-chan10307 06-26-2014 04:22 PM

With a burst of energy, Melanie pushed Matthew off of her, rushing towards Jenna. The minute they touched, Melanie felt the pain she was feeling. It was as if the arrow had pierced her. It was as if her own life was slowly diminishing. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered to Jenna’s shocked face. Jenna’s eyes were unseeing, near lifeless. Melanie couldn’t see anything either. Her pupils turned white, nearly glowing as Melanie died with her. Her mind was exhausted, her entire body was weak. All control had slipped.

Suddenly everything became cold. The supplies that chased the Quiet Man came back, swirling around in a tornado-like fashion. Debris picked up from the floor. In the center of it was Melanie, cradling the dead Janna in her arms, tears streaming down her face. She felt none of the sensations around her, only an overwhelming sense of grief and quite literally, death.

Matthew cursed, finally realizing the truth to the file that he read on her. They used the word empathy, but they didn’t really know what it was. Everything flew around him, some things hitting him. The gun in his hands grew warm. He dropped it, watching it blow up in mid-air. He was reminded of the newspaper article in her file. Her parents’ car blew up, but there was nothing to indicate that there was any error in the car. Two dead, and she was the only survivor. Police suspected terrorists for the longest time.

It was the touching. Touching broke away nearly all the barriers he had learned to set up in all his years of training. She was powerful but had no control. No wonder why they wanted to bring her in. Matthew imagined all that power being harnessed, and trained. She could be deadly. He would love to see that. He strengthened his resolve to complete his assignment and knew what he had to do to stop her from destroying the island.

He made his way through the gusts of wind, growing stronger by the minute. When he reached her, he grabbed her, and yanked her away from the dead body. Melanie fell away easily, her body limp, her eyes still glowing white. Everything started to slow. The supplies dropped to the ground. She was cold and unbreathing, her skin a scary shade of white. For a moment, Matthew could have sworn she had actually died too. Melanie blinked. Her eyes returned to the shade of chocolate brown that they were before the damn plane crashed. She took one deep breath and started coughing, her lungs struggling to work properly again.

“You could have died!” he reprimanded, suddenly angry at how close she had put him to failing this assignment.

Melanie was silent, her mind rebooting. She looked around at the mess that she knew she had made. Damn. She had lost control again. She shoved away from him, slowly standing up slowly. There was no use in hiding her abilities from him anymore. When he held her, she saw everything that he knew. She read the file on her, and knew that if they survived, she would have to get away from him as soon as possible. She used her ability to clean up the site. She slung her bag over her shoulder, grabbing enough supplies for two. Then she concentrated on burying the two women who had died within a span of an hour. “Let’s just go. If we move, he won’t find us.”

EltiaskWolffe 06-27-2014 03:26 AM

Sitting on a branch near the rainforest's canopy, Wolffe was humming happily a tune he couldn't recognize. His right hand was dancing swiftly with his knife, and though his mind was completely doped due to his certain assassination and possible second one, his senses were still as keen as ever. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head against the tree trunk, feeling the faint light's warmth on his skin. If seem from afar, he had a strange ghostly appearance, surrounded by a false aura of peace and tranquility. His lips curved into a genuine grin as he inhaled deeply, basking himself in the sweet intoxication he usually got after killing someone. He inhaled deeply one last time before opening his eyes sharply. The hunter scanned his surroundings before falling to the ground, landing skillfully on his feet. Straightening up, he sniffed gently the air before making his way back to the camp, in hopes to find Bodyguard and Protegée.

Wolffe was walking lazily, almost as if wanting to be caught. His steps were also too noisy for a hunter like him, though he seemed to ignore it completely. When his smell caught what he recognised now as their familiar scent, he directed his steps towards them. His mood had improved greatly, so he felt quite condescending. Once he saw them in the distance, he raised his hands and stopped at a safe distance from them. "I came to talk, I swear."

K-chan10307 06-27-2014 03:42 AM

Despite the lull and stillness that she got from the Quiet Man, Melanie was certain that she hated him. His peaceful demeanor was a façade—she didn’t need her abilities for that. She definitely did not want to talk to him. I don’t need to, actually. She glanced over at him. All I have to do is touch him. She glanced at Matthew. If I got so sick from touching Matthew, I can only imagine what will happen when I touch him.

She didn’t trust herself with the option. There was too much touching done today. She thought having experiencing death with someone was something that she could get used to with time, but each time it was different, and each time she was in danger of causing death herself. I’m too damn weak to be doing this again so soon. She turned away from the Quiet Man.

Matthew seemed to guess her thoughts. He grabbed her arm, holding her in place in case she decided to go against her own logic. Melanie’s eyes flashed amber for a second. The touching, at least, got easier with each go. I don’t want to talk to him, she said to him mentally. Matthew’s eyes shifted to hers for a moment. Another ability that he had read about in her file, but didn’t truly believe until now. Matthew shifted, putting himself squarely between the Quiet Man and herself. He raised his arm, holding their last remaining gun.

“Really?” he replied. “Wonder why I doubt that. Drop all your weapons.”

EltiaskWolffe 06-27-2014 04:36 AM

"My dear friend, you and I both know perfectly well I need no weapons at all to kill you if I wanted. What's the difference?" Wolffe grinned brightly before dropping his knife and placing his bow next to it. He then unlocked his quiver and depposited carefully next to the bow, smiling mockingly at him. "There, have some false sense of security," He let out a small laugh before raising his hands once more, staring defiantly at Bodyguard. He assessed his chances quickly and, laughing gently, began to tread careful steps towards them.

"I offer you this: let us sit down as civilized people and talk. It has been quite some time before I had human interaction, and even more found someone worth talking to. You two set the place, time, and everything else. I will do nothing against it, and won't carry any weapons at all," Wolffe stopped, holding Bodyguard's gaze. His eyes quickly moved to the gun he was holding and then back to stare at him. The hunter, still sporting his well-earned war paint, gave him a half smile that, for some reason, shadowed that half of his face, giving him a ghastly appearance. He laughed once more before talking once more. "Ah, Protegée... Don't ignore me, lovely. I want to know you better, you're such a strange precious being..."

K-chan10307 06-27-2014 04:59 AM

Matthew barked out a laugh. He dropped Melanie’s arm, using his now free hand to gesture around him. “Well then I do apologize for the lack of settees in my parlor,” he said in a mocking British tone. “But please, do sit anywhere while I ring for tea.” Melanie stepped away from the two of them. You are not funny. Matthew grinned mockingly. She rolled her eyes at the two males trying to prove that they were the alpha.

She bristled when the Quiet Man addressed her. Oh what she would give to be invisible right now. That was actually easily done, but she did not want to go revealing those details to him. It was bad enough that Matthew knew and wanted to bring her back to a group of strange men because of it.

But if this was supposed to be a non-threatening situation… Melanie’s mind clicked, ignoring all logic and the recent events. She turned slowly to the quiet man, not saying a word. She approached him tentatively, each step slow and deliberate. “No,” Matthew said. She ignored him, stepping just out of his reach. She held out her hand. Melanie said nothing as she looked into the Quiet Man’s eyes and then directed her gaze at her hand.

EltiaskWolffe 06-27-2014 05:19 AM

Wolffe stared at Protegée as she walked towards him, half amused and half intrigued. Strangely, all the other scents he was able to notice faded away slowly, replaced by the refreshening scent of jasmine. He frowned out of sheer curiosity as his mind processed this. Her scent was... Different. It stood out of all the different scents throught the island, yet fit perfectly well among them. Out of the blue, she held out her right hand. With her eyes, she motioned him to hold it. "Oh, can I have this dance?" The hunter laughed brightly for a second before bowing and, with his right hand, holding hers.

K-chan10307 06-27-2014 05:51 AM

Melanie took a deep breath, preparing for the first. The minute their skin touched, everything rushed through her. She relived every beating he took from his father. Felt the pain of his mother’s death. The fear for his life as a child. She saw the lab, which brought back painful memories of her own. She felt herself kill all those people, seeing the world through his eyes. How could one person’s life be filled with so much pain and sorrow? Despite the pain roaring through her mind and her own aversion to touch, Melanie found herself wanting to hug the man who had just ruthlessly killed two people, and still threatened to kill her and Matthew. She wanted to apologize for all the hurt he experienced and send him some warmth.

Her dark brown eyes had turned golden again, her mind processing everything while protesting the pressure. She saw everything leading up to this moment. She smelled the jasmine that she loved so much in her soap and foods. That was strange. “Rose,” Matthew called. Melanie blinked, irritated by that name. It was her code name on the file—the name she heard when her bad memories came back to haunt her. Her eyes were back to its normal coffee color.

Melanie realized she was gripping the Quiet Man’s hand too hard. No, not the Quiet Man. Eltiask. She forced herself to let go, dropping his hand. Melanie forgot just how weak she actually was from the entire two day ordeal. She staggered back, nearly tripping, but Matthew was quick. He stood behind her and caught her, pulling her a safe distance away from Eltiask. Melanie blinked again, refocusing. She glared up at Matthew. “Don’t ever call me that again.”

EltiaskWolffe 06-30-2014 11:13 PM

Wolffe had been trained to endure a wide selection of stressful and potentially dangerous situations. His whole body had been conditioned to survive the most hostile environments humans could live in, yet nothing had prepared him for what he experienced after he touched Protegée. His whole life replayed in his mind as if he was watching a movie, yet all the emotions he had felt in each episode came back as intense as before, slowly tearing away at his endurance. Each time his mother's face flashed in his eyes was a torment for him, mainly because he knew there had been nothing he could do to save her. When his father's face came to view, his suffering was replaced by rage, an unquenchable rage. Maybe from there came all the rage he felt after the experiments.

The experiments where a completely different story. Wolffe could feel his flesh burning once more, but he was able to recall names. A name rang clearly in his ears: Matthew Ferris. With the name came along a full visual of a man with tanned skin and tattoed arms. The hunter growled instinctively and, before he could see much more, Protegée broke contact. He stumbled backwards and fell to his knees, trying to catch his breath. Even though all the pain he experienced hadn't been real, his body was exhausted from the whole ordeal. That wasn't an impediment, though, for him to turn his gaze to the man he now remembered: Matthew Ferris, former upper classmane of Wolffe's and the one who had gotten him in all the mayhem that came before the experiments. He remembered how he talked with him and how he looked up to him. After all, it wasn't common for an upperclassman to look after a young one like Wolffe. He began hyperventilating before standing up and facing Matthew.

"I remember you know," he said as he walked back to get his knife, "Don't you remember me? It's me, the guy who looked up to you for counseling and you got into the whole bioweapons program. What, do I look different?" he said mockingly as he began to walk towards him, knife in his right hand as steady as ever, "Trust me, now that I remember who you are, you will suffer so much you will beg for your death, Ferris!" Wolffe then rushed forward with only one thing in mind: do whatever it takes to kill Ferris.

K-chan10307 07-01-2014 12:23 AM

Matthew swore, trying to push Melanie behind him to pull at the other weapons he had concealed on his body. How the hell did he even get past airport security? Melanie thought wryly for a second. But she knew that she could not let anyone else die today. She fought back against Matthew, displaying the strength she had inside her, and pushing him aside.

“Rose!” he yelled. Melanie felt the fear flash in him for a second. He didn’t want to fail his assignment, and…something more. She realized he still had some memories that he had cleverly hidden in some dark part of his mind. Those memories he held contained information she knew she would need.

“Shut up!” she yelled in reply, really hating that name. Bioweapons…

She then turned to Eltiask, wedging herself between the two men. She never knew why the social worker in charge of her adoption was so insistent that she was trained many forms of martial arts and fighting techniques, but now she was starting to. Bioweapons, her mind whispered again to her. Melanie caught the arm coming at her with the knife and pushed upward, keeping it a safe distance away from her body with one hand, and then shoved at his chest with the other. She allowed a little bit of her telekinesis help there in pushing Eltiask away. Her eyes flashed for a bit, taking in the memories that her touch had brought back to him. Again, there was a rage in him that went through her entire body, nearly freezing her for a second as her brain went on overdrive. She sent another push to get him further away from them, letting go completely to catch her breath.

“You said you were here to talk.”

Matthew rushed up and pulled her back, keeping her a safe distance from Eltiask. “Rose, are you out of your damn mind.”

“Don’t even get me started with you. And for god sake, stop calling me by that damn name.” Melanie shoved him aside too, keeping herself between the two men. “Now can we act like adults here?”

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