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Knerd 10-28-2016 12:56 AM

Assassin :: Day #5

Kill or be killed:
What will you do this Halloween?

Knerd 10-28-2016 12:56 AM

  • Sign-ups are now over! This game will be played during the Halloween Event and ends once the event forum closes.

  • When the game begins, you will receive a PM from me that contains your victim's name and a codeword. The object of this game is to make your victim type out that word in one of their posts during the Halloween Event. If they say that word, then you've "killed" them.

  • If you happen to be killed, I will PM you your obituary. Your time in the game has ended, may you rest in peace.

  • This will continue until we have a single Master Assassin or until time runs out.

Master Assassin
In the event that this game is played to full completion, this grand prize winner is the last user standing.
All other players must be dead in order for someone to claim this prize.
25,000 gold

(This prize has NEVER been claimed in Assassin's history!)

Most Kills
This is the user (or users, in the event of a tie) who manages to assassinate the most people.
10,000 gold

Two Runners Up
The second and third top scores for Most Killed.
5,000 gold each

The "I'm Not Dead Yet" Award
Each user who manages to survive the entire Halloween Event without being killed will win a small prize for their efforts.
1,000 gold

Knerd 10-28-2016 12:56 AM

So you've killed your victim: Now what?

Screenshot the entire webpage where you found the codeword and do not edit it.
Send it to me in a PM along with their username, their codeword, and the URL of the page that the post can be found on.
After confirming your kill, I will send you the information for your next victim.

For the sake of simplicity, use this format:

HTML Code:

[b]My Victim's Username[/b]:

Knerd 10-28-2016 12:56 AM

Each day starts/ends at 4pm EST.

Do I have to post?

Every participant is required to post 15+ times every 24 hours after the game has started. At least 5 of these posts must be within this thread!
If you fail to stay active and don't post at least 15 times for one day, you will be ejected from the contest. You will not receive any warning.

Assassins - You are responsible for keeping track of your victim's posts! If they miss one entire day and you don't notice it until three days later, tough cookie.

My victim isn't posting! Help!

PM me. Tell me the name of your victim and link me to their profile. I'll take care of it. [twisted]

My victim posted the word! Is this a kill?

If it is within a post or blog post that was made since the start of the Halloween event, then yes! It counts as a kill!
If the word was written before the event started, or in a Private Message, then nope. Sorry, but that doesn't count.

Do Word Variations Count?

Changing the tense or plurality of a word is a-okay. (Run can become Ran, Monkey can become Monkeys)
However, changing the part of speech that the word falls into is not ok. (Sun cannot become Sunny, Able cannot become Capable)
If you're confused about whether your word is a kill, just PM me about it and I'll make the judgement call. [yes]

I Can't Find My Victim! Who the Frack is This Person?

Keep an eye on this thread. Everyone is required to post within it 5+ times every day, so they will appear soon enough.

Knerd 10-28-2016 12:57 AM

Yamka Jaden

Knerd 10-28-2016 12:59 AM

Let's go!

Shadami 10-29-2016 12:08 AM

I am allowed to post here right? even though there is the thread elsewhere as well? xD

Knerd 10-29-2016 01:50 AM

Post away! The pre-event thread has now been locked, so we're moving all activity in here for the remainder of the event. [yes]

Bearzy 10-29-2016 02:21 AM

I'm determined to at least get a couple of kills this time, I've never survived but at least I can murder.

`Kitami 10-29-2016 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Bearzy (Post 1773747199)
I'm determined to at least get a couple of kills this time, I've never survived but at least I can murder.

You cracked me up. That's my attitude too. XD

Shadami 10-29-2016 02:38 AM

The last 2 years I haven't even had the chance to murder cause my first targets NEVER SHOW UP. and i get killed before the 24 hours is up.. >.>

awesome thanks Knerd :]

Bearzy 10-29-2016 02:43 AM

Wait doesn't it count as a kill if your target doesn't post?

`Kitami 10-29-2016 02:43 AM

I'm not even sure when I played last? I've been really inactive for a few years now. [:(]

Bearzy 10-29-2016 02:46 AM

Yeah you have. I've missed you!

Shadami 10-29-2016 02:49 AM

it doesn't count until you've given them a full 24 hours to not post -.- so my killers keep getting a free kill. cause i had to WAIT.

Bearzy 10-29-2016 02:54 AM

Oh okay

`Kitami 10-29-2016 02:55 AM

Bearzy:: I -actually- fixed my laptop. I really need a new one but that will have to wait.
I weirdly feel like I have more time now that I've got on the ball with my school stuff. Like before I felt guilty sitting on my butt playing with the internet. But now, its my free time and I can do what I want. [rofl]

Bearzy 10-29-2016 02:56 AM

Yay! That sounds like an awesome feeling. I have an exam on tuesday that I should probably be studying for now, but nnahhhh

Cora 10-29-2016 02:57 AM

Haha, I am terrible at this, but at least I try right :P

`Kitami 10-29-2016 03:05 AM

Bearzy:: Why study when you can goof off? [lol] No, but I think studying is very individual. I know some people who have to study constantly or they bomb. But if I do that, I burn out. Except history. And biology. But I really enjoy them so studying doesn't drain me like it does with math etc. I read history books in my spare time even.

Bearzy 10-29-2016 03:35 AM

Yeah it's just the one exam left to go for the year and I'll probably pass regardless so I'm not TOO worried. I'm going to spend tomorrow in the library though

`Kitami 10-29-2016 03:47 AM

Yeah, better safe than sorry.
I think I'm going to call it a night. [zzz]

dragoness129 10-29-2016 04:05 AM

-stares and waits for PM-.

Shadami 10-29-2016 04:15 AM

*screams Halloween* its probably my kill word. and since i LOVE IT *sings* i'm gonna get shot. :D

Symphony of the Night 10-29-2016 04:25 AM

I sure hope that Halloween would not be one of the words, haha

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