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-   -   Howl's Moving Castle: Come help us name the castle kitty! [Game&Raffle] It is time to name the Castle Kitty! Don't forget the posting raffle!! (

Calcifer 08-18-2017 02:27 AM

Howl's Moving Castle: Come help us name the castle kitty! [Game&Raffle] It is time to name the Castle Kitty! Don't forget the posting raffle!!

Howl: GAHHH!! Cat!! Get back here!

*Howl goes running thought the Castle chasing after the new resident Castle kitty, one robed arm in taters*

Sophie: Howl! Leave the poor thing alone! He is just trying to get your attention!

Howl: *stalking back over to stand next to Sophie, lifting his arm dramatically* Like THIS?! That cat is a terror! I can't believe I ever let you all talk me into getting a kitty! All it does is sleep all day by Calcifer or tear up my clothes while I'm not looking!

Sophie: But It's so cute! You can't possibly get mad at...

Calcifer: *Cough!*Ahem!*Cough!* Oh Hi Howl! Hi Sophie! I couldn't help overhear your conversation about the kitty! You know... We really should give it a name! We can't keep calling it He or "It" or "Cat"... Don't you both think?

Sophie: What a lovely idea Calcifer!

Howl: Hmm... I guess it would make it easier to yell at it...

Sophie: Ok it's settled then! We'll give it a name! What about, Sweet Pea?

Howl: *quickly holding his hand up in protest* NO! No. Sweet Pea This cat is not. I vote we call it Terror...

Sophie: Howl! You're so mean!

Calcifer: How about... We ask everyone in the Castle what we should name it? That way it will be a fair vote!

Howl: *grumbling* Oh fine... A vote then... But I still vote for Terror!

Sophie: *playfully glaring at Howl* Don't be such a grump Howl! Calcifer I think that's a wonderful Idea! I'll put together some voting slips right away!

The Castle Cat still doesn't have a name?? How terrible! Every kitty should have a name! Even ones that terrorize Howl! It took so much effort to convince howl to get a cat, it's unbelievable how quickly he caved at giving it a name! Hopefully he doesn't provide unnecessary resistance when it comes to actually choosing the winning name... Come in and gather round! Sophie has the voting slips and writing materials and here are snacks and assorted refreshments in the kitchen. Make yourselves at home everyone! We'll get down to the order of the day in just a moment!

zigbigadorlube 08-18-2017 02:30 AM

Welcome everyone! Please gather round and grab your voting slips! We want this contest to be as fair as possible so all submissions will be kept secret! Please keep your votes a secret!

We are done voting out names!! It's time for that moment... THE MOMENT... It's time to vote in the new name for the Castle Kitty!!! Here is the new form to PM to Calcifer! Until the end of the event, you will use this form to vote for your favorite name!:
Please PM this form to Calcifer:
It's time!! I Vote to name the kitty...!: (insert your favorite name for castle kitty here)
You have until 9:00PM PDT to post that day's form! What time is it now? Click here.

You might be wondering, "But Sophie! Why do we have to stay anonymous?" The answer to that question is that we don't want your choices to be biased in any way by the users that submit names! We want the new name for the Kitty to be chosen purely by how much you do or don't like a name!
The other reason is that there is a big prize for the person who's name gets picked! We don't want to have any hijinks going on that make the prize goes to a particular person! *wink*

Make sure you stick around and don't miss your opportunity to help name the kitty!

Name Game Rules
  • Don't touch the Castle door. It's not a toy!
  • Only one name submission per person
  • Keep your submission anonymous!
  • Be nice to your fellow menewshans
  • Follow Mene's TOS

Kitty Name Submissions:
  • -Calypso
  • -Fireheart
  • -Solar
  • -Loki
  • -Soot
  • -Midnight
  • -Jiji
Name Game Prizes

Prize for the person who's name is picked:
Yin Yang Kitties

Calcifer 08-18-2017 02:34 AM

Posting Raffle
We are also hosting a BIG raffle this event! We have 2 CIs, an entire set of '08 Celes Paradi EIs split up and even some gold! If you would like to participate in this raffle, then post! That's all you have to to! Don't send me money because I'll just keep it behind the loose rock in my fireplace [ninja] so post! Every 5 posts you make in this thread counts towards a ticket to the raffle! Please note the RULES! It's very important that you read them! You will need to post at least 20 times in the thread before you qualify for entry into the raffle! Those 20 posts WILL count towards your total raffle tickets. I look forwards to seeing how many posts you all can get and who wins!

Raffle Rules
  • Don't touch the Castle door. It's not a toy!
  • Be nice to your fellow menewshans
  • You must have at least 20 posts to qualify for the raffle
  • You can only win once
  • Follow Mene's TOS
Raffle Prizes

First Prize:

Second Prize:

Third Prize:

Fourth Prize:


Ticket HoldersX

Ticket Holders (updated daily)
  • Elirona - 6
  • xoxoAngiexoxo - 17
  • Kirin Rosenbaum - 11
  • salvete - 10
  • dragoness129 - 7
  • Shadami - 8
  • hummy - 7

zigbigadorlube 08-18-2017 12:17 PM

Good morning everyone!

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 12:24 PM

Yay event castle!

---------- Post added 08-18-2017 at 07:25 AM ----------

Hmmm gonna have to think of a good cat name

zigbigadorlube 08-18-2017 12:32 PM

Hello Angie. Welcome to the castle!

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 12:35 PM

Thank you! I love the castle

Shadami 08-18-2017 12:36 PM

Morning zig Sophie howl calcifer kitty.
We naming the cat right now and voting later?

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 12:39 PM

[squee]I sent my name to calcifer

Elirona 08-18-2017 12:51 PM

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Castle! [drool]

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 12:52 PM

Eli!!! Good morning

Elirona 08-18-2017 12:53 PM

Hi, Angie! How are you?

Shadami 08-18-2017 12:53 PM

I'm eating breakfast still. Who wants picture pancakes with me? :D

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 12:54 PM

I'm good Eli tryna stay awake to a get a head start on posting

---------- Post added 08-18-2017 at 07:55 AM ----------

Pancakes sound yummy

hummy 08-18-2017 12:56 PM

Mmm pancakes

Shadami 08-18-2017 12:57 PM

Probably a good idea. Jaijin bought those squeeze ketchup bottles so he could make artistic pancakes. I ate a turtle a heart and a triforce xD

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 12:58 PM

That makes breakfast fun

Elirona 08-18-2017 01:01 PM

I'm just leaving work now, lol. Usually I'd be getting out later, but I wasn't feeling too hot, so my boss let me go early.

Shadami 08-18-2017 01:03 PM

Yeah the girls are actually home for Friday breakfast so we had to do something fun.

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 01:07 PM

I haven't been home from work long myself

---------- Post added 08-18-2017 at 08:07 AM ----------

I bet they like that shadami

Shadami 08-18-2017 01:12 PM

They did. Princess wanted hers shaped like a spider . XD they started requesting shapes and challenging daddy's artistic skills.

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 01:14 PM

Haha very creative I wouldn't have thought to ask for spider shape

Elirona 08-18-2017 01:27 PM

Yay, pancake shapes!

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 01:29 PM

Now I want pancakes

Elirona 08-18-2017 01:41 PM

I had pancakes last night at the diner, but my stomach was being mean. :/

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:57 PM.