Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Menewsha Hallowe'en Event 2007 (
-   -   Aesthetically Inclined, Evilly Defined {Crys is HURT} (

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 01:28 AM

Aesthetically Inclined, Evilly Defined {Crys is HURT}

(This post really should have only taken me 10 minutes; why it took an hour+ is beyond me. Banner to replace this text later.)

The air is thick with an intoxicating aroma, wafting and curling in tendrils seemingly through the crack in the ever so slightly open, large and ancient looking oaken door. You raise a brow and silently double check the piece of parchment clutched in your hand- the words, 'you are cordially inv-' coiling out from around your thumb, covering the rest in your palm- before gazing back up to check the number by the door. This is the address, alright.

You shrug, reaching forward to grasp at the decidedly a little bit gaudy, large and dragon shaped door knocker, tail coiled in the shape of a handle, with ornate and ruby studded eyes glinting back at you. As you lift tail-handle up warily to knock, you can't help being caught up in a momentary staring contest with the dragon's eyes. No way those are real. Who spends that much on a handle?

Another half-shrug as you begin to descend with your hand to knock--but what's this? Without warning, you lurch forward as the door swings forward, your arm still very attached. Luckily, you have enough forethought to release, and maneuver that sends you barreling into the unsuspecting figure opening the door.

You gaze up, finding yourself face to face with a rusty-haired man who looks even less impressed to meet you than you are him. And with good reason. As you raise yourself to your feet and he picks himself up, miserably brushing the dirt from his uniform, you open your mouth to apologize, but are quickly silenced (and considerably miffed) by a grunt and a head turn away as the man heads back down the corridor. "You know," he calls back; "fashionably late is only a suggestion, not a requirement."

1 - Intro
2 - Rules/Further Intro
3 - I forget but it'll come to me. D:
4 - Reserved for others
5 - Reserved for others
Etc D8 This table of contents will be prettied up, don't worry. XD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 01:31 AM

You gaze about in wide wonderment of your new surroundings. At first glance it seems your average great all, but upon closer inspection your eyes behold lavish scenery that seems like tapistry come to life, with fresh and flourishing flora, all naturally or delicately dyed a deep crimson, vibrant music spilling all around the room and filling your ears, and beautiful decorations of all shapes and sizes in colours of the season strewn about for the eye to behold. The intoxicating aroma more overwhelming and delightful as ever as it coils around your body and embraces you.

Who could be the owner of such a lavish place? You chuckle at the glaring cliches all around you. A wealthy billionaire with too much time on his hands? Or a few eccentric people with none on their hands but a penchant for boredom induced procrastination. Perhaps some dark lord of the undead? That squirrel who always seems to be glaring at you in the tree across the street as you get your morning paper? Who knows.

However, you don't find much time to think about it, as you note a considerable change in tempo, the music growing faster and much more upbeat. As if in response to this musical shift, the room darkens to a near blind black, as you swivel your body about every which way in confusion. "What in the-...?"

The voice rings out. Loud, proud. And distinctly feminine. A cackle, followed by the most peculiar lyrics you've had chance to hear in some time, the background singing (which she seems to be providing herself, or maybe that leathery flutter you hear is the beating of bat background singer wings?!). Was this some haunted dance hall or a campy musical number, seriously?
(Song can be found here: When listening, appease me and substitute Marjoly for Crysjoly xD I do not own, Evil Queen and the Marjoly family (Crowdia, Gao, Myao and Marjoly singing respectively <3) are from the game Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure)
As the onslaught on your eardrums seems to come to a close, a gleeful cackle rings out, followed by a shrill "Hit the lights damn it!".

(Rules: Right, okay guys, if you haven't already gathered, I have decided to stray from the norm and create a somewhat different holiday hang out.
Consider yourself welcome to our first annual RP-based Halloween Ball.
But shouldn't this be in the RP forum?
Normally, yes. However, I believe an exception is in order as this is Menewshan based and in the spirits of this very Halloween Event Forum.
So, some basic stuff.
- Follow the basic ToS, common knowledge.
- Don't be an ass, respect everyone in this thread equally. Have some problems with anyone, take it elsewhere. This may be an rp, but we don't like drama here beeches.
-Adhere to the basic idea of this thread, please? You don't have to be Johnny Literate or overtly creative, but that doesn't mean I will permit chatspeak in the least. Normally, if jokingly, yes. But not today, please. Literacy is not difficult, basically, just take your average conversations here in the forum and drag them out. Rather than "*she walks in* *looks around* Hi." try "The young woman stepped into the room, taking a look around. "Hello," she said." Simple enough.
- Please remain in character, and our characters for this evening? Our AVATARS. Don't get me wrong, I love a good rp, and I LOVE OCs, but I wanna keep this festive and in the Menewshan spirits. =3 If you want to have discussions out of character, please use parantheses ((like so))
- Be creative!~ Nothing like the halloween season for it, darlings.
- We all like description, but no walls of text, please. xX; This is a forum, meaning conversation. A few paragraphs oughtta be enough to say what you want, if that.
- I heart you <3
- From time to time, art will be given, sold, or shown in this thread. If it isn't yours, DON'T TAKE IT.
- No Godmodding. Common knowledge, and nothing pisses me off more. 'd largely prefer it if you checked the magic powers at the door, too. A few here and there in the sake of halloween are great, if yuo wanna be a vampire/werewolf/witch, and you have the avy to match, all the power to ya, but be reasonable. <3
-Have fun!)

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 01:33 AM

You blink, once, twice. Nearly falling over as your eyes attempt to readjust to the returning light.

Your impaired vision focuses in just soon enough to catch a glimpse of a elegantly dressed, long haired woman gracefully taking a seat at the head of a long table. She smiles, knowing all the room's eyes are on her as she begins laying out what looks to be, art supplies out on the table before her? Eh?

She looks up after a moment of organizing, a coy smile still playing on her lips. Finally, she speaks. A soft, feminine voice, albiet slightly higher than most women's, you pay it no mind. Things are weird enough as is. "Good evening my dear Menewshans," she says at last. And welcome. I am one of your lovely hosts this evening, and welcome to our little get together. We sincerely hope you enjoy yourselves, perhaps sample the punch?" A fleeting glance towards a punch ball off to your right with a questionably red liquid causes you to nod. You'll pass. Her smile widens. "I am Lady Crystaline; you will meet my partners as the evening progresses. If you need anything, do not hesitate to summon my man-servant Celreyn to be of service." You hear another grunt from the rusty hair coloured man who seems to be standing against the wall off at your other side. He still looks rather miffed about your crashing into him, it seems.

"As for myself," she continues. "From time to time, for a very slim fee, I will be offering gifts of art to all of you lovely visitors;" she pauses, pursing her lips. "I realize one would expect them to come without a fee after we have asked you all this way, but you understand that celebrations such as these come at no small expense to our own wallets to fund." She nods towards the table. Take a lot and what we have to offer, dears? If not, please enjoy your evening, you have free reign of the grounds. Within reason of course," that ever widening smile and a soft laugh. "We don't need you going through our dirty laundry."

(( Shoppu

Ahh, from time to time, as the mood strikes me throughout the hours, I will be opening temp and quicky slots, partly for entertainment purposes and partly because I really want to collect all the half off shop items while I still can. ;;

The slots, style, and prices will be different each time, so keep an eye open for your chances!

Current Style Offered:

Naddah. Slots closed because Crys is under the weather.

Past styles: Quicky headshots

Want to order? Use the form! You can order more than once, and yes, I do take OCs/RL with reference! <3


Originally Posted by Order Form

((I wants Crys arts!
Prefered Colour:
Extra Info o3o:
Total Cost: ))

1. --- Closed ---
2. --- Closed ---


Quicky Headshots:

1. Murchu Volpe

2. Bug-a-Boo ))

Murchu Volpe 10-29-2007 02:18 AM

Your gaze drifts over to a man leaning against the wall behind the good Lady Crystaline. He doesn't seem to be doing much for the party, other than adjusting his cloak and trying to look as dashing as possible for the guests. He looks up from his adjustments and takes sight of you, casually passing his glance around the room as if he hadn't noticed you at all and leaning against the wall, taking a bored lick of his pumpkin sucker as he attempts to look unenthused. "Eh.", he grunts, staring off. A greeting, perhaps?

Ise 10-29-2007 02:19 AM

Here and there in the shadows of the ballroom your eyes might infrequently catch what would seem to be a rather bustling figure. Small gloved hands are twisting things this and that way, adjusting the lighting to just the right level and primping the flora so that the petals fall in just the right way.

Within that little alcove lies a small round table covered in a filmy crimson layer of cloth beaded in onyx to form similar patterns to the flowers the figure had been arranging. Sitting on top also happens to be an open book with what looks to be a set of figure. A quill and bottle of black ink also sit to the side, awaiting use.
The closer you come the more apparent it would seem that it's a mini artist studio and as you look around for the artist the figure that had been moving about accidentally has bumped right into you in the middle of her affairs. Her, if the size of the shadowed persona could be taken into account.

Gray-blue eyes blink up at you in surprise and mortification from where a young woman has tumbled right to her posterior on the floor along with a fair blush gracing her cheeks. Her voice is quiet and you might have to strain to hear it over the music as she stammers, "Ah, forgive me! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I didn't think anyone would notice this area yet without Lady Crystaline's nudging."

Pulling herself up to her feet, she brushed herself off but seemed to blush even further, noting her lack of proper formal attire for the occasion. "I don't have much money at the moment, so I'm attempting to save and buy a gown similar to my Lady's, but I've got a ways to go. Perhaps you'd like to take a gander at my artwork and perhaps order to help me create something to wear?"

||Bust shots|| 75g

||Chibis|| 50g

||Waist Up|| 250g ||3/4 Body|| 500g

Celreyn Kirsos 10-29-2007 02:44 AM

He bristled slightly , irritably brushing the remnants of dirt from his sleeves and muttering. Without bothering to look out and in a rather gruff and far from pleased tone from his corner, he made a remark intended towards all members of the room. "Yeah, feel free to not bother me with your silly questions at any given time, as I can promise you I don't really care about your petty issues. Just thought you should know." He looked up, giving an all too toothy and malicious grin.

((For those of you wondering, yes, this is Ceridwen's one and only mule. <3 Don't listen to his grouchiness, he's here to help. <3))

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 03:41 AM

A delighted coo, as she reorganizes her papers for the umpteenthed thousand time, nodding to her consort and cohorts. "With that lovely introduction my doves, I believe we're open."

Ise 10-29-2007 03:45 AM

"Doubtless there's not much left to organize, you ought to attempt to relax and enjoy yourself, Lady Crystaline." the oddly older young lady murmured, taking a seat at that hidden little table to keep herself relatively shrouded.

Celreyn Kirsos 10-29-2007 03:49 AM

The rusty haired and apparently shoe less young man could only roll his eyes, leaning further into the wall in an attempt to blend into the shadows and escape; making it all the more glaringly obvious he wasn't exactly a willing participant (as if no one couldn't already see the 'screw you' plastered on his forehead and peeking out between the bangs).

"I've only one question, this thing have booze?"

Murchu Volpe 10-29-2007 03:54 AM

He swaggered up around to her side and slumped down into a chair beside her, setting his chin in his hand and offering a lick of his sucker over to Crystaline. "Sit back and relax, m'dear, we've awhile yet before many guests arrive."

Tossing a glance over at Celreyn, he added, "I may or may not have a reserve of decidedly festive pumpkin rum hiding somewhere around here, but that's not for you to get into yet. Don't need you being any less friendly to our guests than you already are, I should think." A smirk.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 03:58 AM

She nodded, smiling over at the girl. An artist after her own heart, really. She'd see to it that she had a gown of her own before the celebrations were through. One way or another. "Aye, I will. Unless we suddenly find an influx of guests who needed attending to." A quick sweeping glance around the less than filled room. "Doesn't seem to be a problem, so far. Hah." A bemused laugh. She decided to pay no mind to the snippy redhead off at the side. Some people were so snotty when kidnapped and forced into slavery against their will.

She turned her attentions back to her love, now seated with her. She waved a dismissive hand. "I"ll pass, love. But I suppose you're right..." A sigh, followed by a smirk at his lash in Celreyn's direction.

Ise 10-29-2007 04:04 AM

The aspiring artist eventually detached herself from her seat to sidle on over to the hissing redhead with a hairstyle after her own, at least when she got around to cutting and re-dying it again. The color faded so quickly... though she hadn't anticipated it fading off into stark white. It suited her fine anyway, swapping hair colors was always amusing and a good pass time.

"C'mon Cel, at least you get some new clothes out of this, ne?" she shrugged, leaning up against the wall beside him. Here she shot a sour look at Crystaline in warning that she was not to be randomly gifting her with expensive things or she'd get retribution elsewhere.

Celreyn Kirsos 10-29-2007 04:08 AM

He feigned ignorance towards the two at the table and tilted his head towards the woman at his side. She wore her hair currently in the same way as his absentee love, an amusing fact he noted. Not so amusing that she wasn't present, however.

He smirked at her. "I'd settle for the rum, if you're interested in a team operation at some point." A laugh, still with a bitter and biting edge, though declining. He liked this one. "Or we can kill the tall one so I can have his shoes..."

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 04:15 AM

She caught the sour look with feigned surprise, rearing back and blinking innocently, pointing slightly to herself. With the air she emanated at times, you'd never take her for the lady of the house. More like the jester or some sort of smart mouthed kitchen girl who got whipped a lot. She grinned, waving her fingers at the two.

jessamica 10-29-2007 04:15 AM

  • hello everyone how are you all?

Ise 10-29-2007 04:15 AM

Her own lover was missing in action and had been for several months, so she was none to pleased to be constantly left alone and surrounded by couples at times. Made it rather frustrating to deal with, after all. But for the moment she seemed to be ignoring it, despite her slight tiredness and wistful longing.

"Depends on what rum you're talking about," she replied drolly. "If you're going for Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum or Parrot Bay Coconut Rum I'm there for a good daquiri or coke and rum. By the way, go check your closet for a pair of boots."

Ise 10-29-2007 04:18 AM

Glancing over from the wall, the white haired young woman gazed at the first guest to their currently small gathering and offered a wave. "Good evening Miss Jessamica. I'm well, and yourself?"

Celreyn Kirsos 10-29-2007 04:22 AM

"Well," he motioned with his chin towards the table. "scarecrow over there mentioned pumpkin, but I'm not feeling all that festive. I wouldn't mind raiding the pumpkin's liquor cabinet though." A smirk, followed by a wary head tilt and a cocked brow. "Know something I don't?"

A sideways glance at the new guest, without taking his attention fully off the woman next to him. "Evening, Miss. I'm as well as to expected when in captivity."

((Ise: Bugger. D: I'll equip once I can work them into the plot? XDDD ILU D: <33

jessamica: Evening. Please take another quick look over the rules, hun? <3))

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 04:25 AM

The shortest of the bunch leaned over the table, cooing blissfully at the arrival. "Hello dear, I'm well. And I hope you find yourself well this evening."

She shot a fiery glance in Celreyn's direction. "The pumpkin can hear..."

Ise 10-29-2007 04:27 AM

"I'm personally not fond of straight up rum. I'm a taster, not one for shots. I wind up choking on them like an idiot." she chuckled softly in embarrassment. What an oaf she'd made of herself that summer trying to down one shot of high quality rum, forgetting also that at the time it had been heated, thus increasing its proof. She'd stuck to mixing it fifty-fifty or seventy-five - fifty after that and let the others have at it.

Shrugging idly at the inquiry, a small smile traced the edges of her lips. "Maybe a little bird said there's a gift in there."

Celreyn Kirsos 10-29-2007 04:33 AM

A wince. "Yeah, last time I checked, no one enjoyed choking." He shrugged. "Frankly, I'm immune to it now. Far too many nagging women in my life. The gray hair is next." He could feel the fiery glare still on him, may as well give it all the reason to be.

"Heh," a half smile. "a bird with a pencil tucked behind her ear, maybe?" He wondered if she even noticed she'd left it there.

Ise 10-29-2007 04:42 AM

"Lucky you," she chuckled lightly with a note of sarcasm tinging her voice. Stormy eyes rolled at the mention of gray hairs, though. In the motion they glanced at the white hair topping her own head. At least that was cuter than the grays she was constantly trying to hide. She was too damn young to have the bloody things in her mind. Damn Irish genetics and stress...

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Ise smiled sweetly with a shrug. "Can't you guess the invisible fluffy tail attached to my spine or the ears on my head? I'm far from being as much of an obnoxious nuisance as a squawky bird that I could eat for breakfast. Besides," he grin grew impish as she pulled the utensil out from behind her ear, "This isn't a pencil, it's a nib pen."

Celreyn Kirsos 10-29-2007 04:48 AM

He would have back tracked if he thought he could save face, but there wasn't much point. He caught her glance just the same, pursing his lips. "For the record, I did say gray. White is more unique looking."

He smirked, then laughed, rolling his eyes again. "Ah, yes, yes, of course. And that makes all the difference, hmm?"

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-29-2007 04:52 AM

She watched the conversing with growing amusement. It was proving the only entertainment thus far, prompting a sigh at the lack of activity. "C'est la vie..." she trailed off wistfully. "Maybe it's the teeth."

((Apologies and notes to all: If my and Cel's posts gradually fade, it's because I have to get up at 7 and 'll be gone out of town until likely about 7 PM. xD Wish me luck at my heart appointment and keep this active. If you feel like writing my absence in during the day or letting it be, I don't care either way. <33))

Ise 10-29-2007 04:53 AM

"Indeed it's more unique, but I think I miss my flame red." mockly she sighed and hung her head, tugging on a lock of her hair. She was too lazy to change it yet.

"Why yes, it does make all the difference," she huffed, glaring lightly at him with pursed lips. Of course he wouldn't know, she had to remind herself. Non-artists usually didn't know the different between those instruments even if shown directly. Still, it annoyed her to no end, especially when she was tired. "Different tool, different media, different effect. And might I add," the hand with the pen poked him lightly in the arm, "It's quite pointy and sharp."

All times are GMT. The time now is 11:22 PM.