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evlasha 01-31-2008 11:33 PM

Demon Star Cafe [is dead?]
Hello and welcome to the new Demon Star Cafe! Please come in, sit down, and relax. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Deep in the dark corners of the town is a small cafe. Here, despite the crooked and sinister reputation of this neighborhood, is a resting spot. A haven of sorts, where you can rest your feet and recharge your spirits. We take no sides and hold no biases. All are welcome here.

The cafe is hidden by a strange turn in a dark alley. Only a small lamp lighting an aging wooden sign and a dim glow from the cracks in the covered windows announces its presence. Hanging on the door is a small sign stating plainly, "Open" The inside is warmer and brighter compared to the alley. Its decorations are simple, the cherry wood furniture and bare stone floors have a very earthy impression. Faded and fraying tapestries line a few bare spots in the wall. The windows are always shuttered closed but several well-placed lamps light the cafe as well as smaller candles on each of the tables. To the right is a fireplace usually lit to ward off the cold and damp of the dark alley with a rug, a long sofa (seats 3 people), and 2 lounge chairs. To the left is a bar along with a few small square tables, each seating up to 4 people. Ahead to the left leads to a small kitchen. Further in the kitchen is a door that leads to a small store room where various cooking and miscellaneous supplies are stored. Newly discovered is another room attached to the kitchen that appears to be an old bedroom. Ahead to the right leads to a small room furnished with a round table that seats up to 8 people. This room can be rented for meetings and events. Further to the right is a door that leads to a small unisex bathroom.


evlasha 01-31-2008 11:35 PM

I. Of course follow the Menewsha rules.
II. Please be respectful of your fellow players. This means no being rude, also no explicit content (PG-13 only please), and minimal/wise use of cursing.
III. Try to be literate. I think a cafe such as this where you can walk in and out is a great opportunity for new rp-ers to gain experience so it's ok if you're not fully literate yet. Just try your best to be ^^
IV. Keep it to one character at a time. Meaning once your character leaves the cafe, you can come back in with another ^^
V. Follow the AMP guidelines!!! Please T.T... Refer to this thread for more info.
VI. If you do not post after 4-5 days, we will move on without you! So please either post consistently or be prepared to jump back in when you do return.

  • New OOC thread here!
    All job applicants and new customers visit there first for the form you need to fill out ^^
  • We have a full staff now! :3 Everyone interested in joining, please apply as a customer~
  • We are looking for someone to play a special villain role. For more information, check out the announcements in the OOC thread

evlasha 01-31-2008 11:40 PM

profiles in OOC thread


Menewsha Name: Alisania
Character Name: Alisania(ali) Van Ethelon

Hostess/Temporary Owner
Menewsha Name: evlasha
Character Name: Ani Mirenne

Menewsha Name: Uzura
Character Name: Edona

Menewsha Name: Katyasha
Character Name: Katyasha

Part-time Delivery Girl
Menewsha Name: WillowKitsune
Character Name: Willow

Menewsha Name: Clorissa
Character Name: Chlarysa Maiyone

Menewsha Name: x-cutie-x-pie-x
Character Name: Emerald

Customers (only ones currently in the cafe):

Menewsha Name: Californiaswimmergirl
Character Name: Amber

Menewsha Name: Mythrah
Character Name: Mythrah

Menewsha Name: AntiOrder
Character Name: Florian

evlasha 02-01-2008 12:11 AM

[[Ok! We are up and running again ^^;; This is going to be complicated, flipping between 2 threads for now.. Btw, this is going to be difficult with me as a new waitress and no owner, so we're injecting her with knowledge of the cafe >< Sorry.]]

Ani nodded understandingly. "It's okay, don't worry about it." She poured her a new mug of hot water and placed it in front of Katyasha. She quickly went to the kitchen and returned with a broom and dustbin. While carefully sweeping up the shards she asked, "Would you like something else? I find that chocolate cake can make a world of difference."

katyasha 02-01-2008 12:20 AM

"Give me the biggest slice you can," she said as she pulled out her tea pouch and made her own cup of tea.

evlasha 02-01-2008 12:35 AM

"Of course!" Ani sweeped up the last shards and carried the broom and dustbin back with her to the kitchen. She returned with a slice of dark chocolate cake with a little scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. "There you go." She carefully placed the plate and fork in front of Katyasha. "Men like that aren't worth getting upset over. You deserve someone better than that." She smiled warmly.

[[You didn't have to resubmit your profile ^^;;]]

katyasha 02-01-2008 01:06 AM

(sorry :oops: )
"Yeah, but he was so careing and he understood what I was going though," she said takeing another bite, "I though I can trust him but no well I hope he gets what he deserves a good kick in the butt."

Shekil 02-01-2008 02:20 PM

Shekil was now at a near table, he had gone quietly when Kat was about to trow the glass. He observed them while they talked about her boyfriend, "Aaaww~ the wonders of love~" He said loud enough for them to hear, "Could I have hot milk? And that chocolate cake looks wonderful" He said grinning at Ani.

katyasha 02-01-2008 03:42 PM

Kat had finished her piece of cake and went to the washroom to freshen up. She sighed a little when she looked in the mirror she was a mess.
She began to clean herself and to look half ways decent, her heart began to hurt a little she needed something to do to get he mind of him.
Then she remember outside there was a "HELP WANTED" sign and thought it would be a good idea to get some money and work for a while until things cool off.
She took a deep breath and slowing let it out as she came out of the washroom. As she made her way back to the bar she asked Ani.

"I was wondering is there a way I can get a job?" she asked.

evlasha 02-01-2008 08:34 PM

Ani nodded at Shekil, "Of course!" She went off to the kitchen and returned with a warm glass of milk and another slice of cake. After placing it all in front of Shekil she turned to Katyasha, "What kind of position are you applying for? We could use all the help we can get."

katyasha 02-01-2008 10:28 PM

"Well lets see I used to work at a inn doing cleaning, cooking food, laundry, serviering food to guest, oh and I do some entertainment here let me show you."

Kat pulled out a fan from her sleave, bowed, and began to dance(just like this one
Once she was done she bowed once more.

Californiaswimmergirl 02-02-2008 02:34 PM

Is it too latye to join???

Menewsha Name: Californiaswimmergirl
Character Name: Amber
Age: 24 or 17. I’ll decide later…
Race: She can speak to foxes, lions, and leopards. She can turn into a fox, leapord, and/or lion.
Weapopnry: She has a sharp dagger /sword that she carries everywhere with her. It has a golden hilt and the hilt is covered in gems/jewels.

As A child

Now (only with more clothes…):
Personality: She is very kind, nice, and smart although she may sometimes look vicious. She is very fast and is very good at outwitting people. She is very fit and many men are attracted to her. She can ber flirty when she wants to be/if she’s interested. She’s great with kids/loves kids and animals.
Brief History: . She is Alisania’s niece. She trained for the army but never entered the army and has a lot of fighting experience. She comes to the Demon Cafe frequesntly.
Other: None.

evlasha 02-02-2008 03:44 PM

[[It's never too late California, feel free to jump in ^^ Oh and please don't stretch the page, a moderator might come and delete your post ^^;;]]

Ani applauded at the end of her performance. "That was very beautiful! Where did you learn that? I'm not sure where we could host one of your performances," she gestured around the small cafe, "but I would love to have your help with the general cooking, cleaning and waitressing for now. Once we actually hire an official cook you can just worry about waitressing if you like. Or would you prefer being the cook?"

Californiaswimmergirl 02-02-2008 03:47 PM

((I'm gonna change my character...))

Uzura 02-02-2008 03:58 PM

(( Are we aloud to have more than 1 character? ))

Californiaswimmergirl 02-02-2008 04:05 PM

ic: Amber walked into teh Demon Cafe. Her flaming hair was loose adn flowed around her sofe face. It made a beautiful and exotic contrast against her pale, white skin. She had on black jeans and a tank top. Her sharp eyes flickered from face to face taking in everything before softening. She broke into a grand smile. "Hello everyone." she said and walked over to a table and sat down.

evlasha 02-02-2008 04:20 PM

[[Uzura: uhm... I'd actually prefer if you stick to one character at a time. Meaning, once your character leaves the cafe, you can make another one. It would make it less confusing. ^^

California: ^^;; ok changing your profile on my list. Shana! -points- :o ]]

Ani looked up from her conversation with Katyasha and was mildly breathtaken at the burning red hair. She thought to herself, 'It's so firey looking... It even glows... I wonder if it's dyed.' She smiled at the new customer. "Welcome to the Demon Star Cafe! What can I do for you?"

Californiaswimmergirl 02-02-2008 04:27 PM

ic: "Hi. I'm Alisania's niece Amber." Amber said holding out her hand. She noticed the girl looking at her (amber's) red hair.

evlasha 02-02-2008 04:32 PM

Ani let Katyasha think about her job choices and walked over to Amber. "Ah I should have known from the hair." She laughed, "She did mention the bright red hair but I didn't quite believe her." She gently shook her hand. "I'm sorry to say your aunt has stepped out for the time being. I'm not sure when she'll be back." Ani frowned a little.

Californiaswimmergirl 02-02-2008 04:38 PM

ic: Amber nodded. "It's okay." she said softly. "Do you mind introducing mr to everyone???" she asked calmly.

evlasha 02-02-2008 04:49 PM

"Ah of course," She turned around to face the bar and gestured towards the black-haired man, "This is Shekil, he came in not long ago." She then turned to gesture at the woman sitting at the bar, "And this is Katyasha. She will be working here." She turned back to Amber, "And I am Ani. Your aunt hired me a month ago." She bowed slightly.

katyasha 02-02-2008 05:13 PM

"hello, she said to Amber,"Say Ani, I know some dishes that might bring in some customer. Hold on I will be right back."

She closed her fan and hurried into the kitchen to whip up a dish. The two heard some banging going on inside and waited to see what Kat had instore,15min later she appeared with a large tray what look like small cakes her hair was tied back, so was her sleeves, and her face had a bit of flour on it.

"It's been a while I made moon cakes but I think this will do for now," she said putting the tray down, "go on tell what you think."

Californiaswimmergirl 02-02-2008 05:17 PM

ic: Amber nodded at each of them her sharp eyes piercing into tehir eyes.

evlasha 02-02-2008 05:40 PM

Ani stared curiously at the kitchen door while Katyasha was cooking. 'I wonder if she's okay...' She was surprised when Katyasha came out so soon after. "Wow, you're very quick." Ani looked down at the cakes. 'Curious, she said moon cakes but they're not shaped like moons.' Ani frowned a little and looked up at Katyasha, "Why are they called moon cakes?"

katyasha 02-02-2008 05:55 PM

"It's a long story but I can tell you moon cakes are shaped round or rectangular pastries to repersent the full moon. They have inside a thick filling usually made from lotus seed paste which I was amazed there was some in the kitchen to use to make this. Anyway it is surrounded by a relatively thin crust and contain yolks from salted duck eggs which we don't hav I used chicken eggs which works fine as well. Most mooncakes consist of a thin tender skin enveloping a sweet and slightly oily filling. Also, mooncakes may contain one or more whole salted egg yolks in its center to symbolize the full moon. The saltiness of the yolk balances well with the sweet filling in the mooncake. Rarely, mooncakes are steamed or fried but luckly I know how to use a frier."

The girls were amazed Kat knew this stuff quite well.

"Still this is one of many I can make but if you want me whip up something different or amazing I can do that." she to told them.

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