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Ferra 04-22-2008 06:45 PM

Menewsha's Software Handbook
Welcome to the New vBulletin Software!

After months of hard work by our coder, Ken, the assistant admins and the development team, we are proud to introduce you to the Beta version of Menewsha. You'll notice quite a few changes have been made since the previous version, so before you get overwhelmed and run away screaming, here's a quick guide to ease into the transition.

This guide covers these basic sections:
  1. A General Overview of the New Forums
  2. User Control Panel (Friends Lists & Groups are explained here)
  3. PMs - Private Messaging
  4. Subscribing to Threads
  5. Organizing Your Inventory
  6. Trading
  7. Stores & Shopping
  8. Blogs
  9. Tips & Tricks

For any specific questions not covered in this guide about the software or Menewsha in general, please check the FAQ section.

Important Issue to be Aware Of:
  • You need to enable Visitor Messaging before you can receive profile comments
  • If your Message Editor Interface isn't set to Standard or WYSIWYG, you won't see a coding toolbar or smilies box
  • Fishing has been disabled for maintenance
  • The Default Post Color isn't working just yet
  • To see custom profiles you must click the "Show User Customizations" button on the top profile menu bar
  • The avatar system isn't completely finished yet, but I'll add it to the guide once it is
  • You might have difficulty editing your thread titles; if it's something urgent that needs to be changed (such as switching "Open" to "Closed") please feel free to PM a moderator and we'll be happy to change it for you

Ferra 04-22-2008 06:53 PM

1. A General Overview of the New Forums

The first thing you'll probably notice is that the sidebar has disappeared completely. Instead, the links from the sidebar have been added to the new dashboard's menu bar. The image of your current avatar, your gold count, and any notifications (such as for PMs, friend requests, etc.) are now located in the upper right hand corner.

When viewing threads, you might notice two new buttons found in the bottom right corner of every post. These are new features available in vBulletin you might want to become familiar with.

The first new button next to "Quote" is the Multi-Quote Button. By clicking this, the button will turn red, indicating you've marked that post for multi-quoting. You can then mark all of the other posts you wish to quote by clicking this button in the corresponding posts. For the final post you plan on quoting, just click the regular Quote button and it'll take you to a normal reply page which includes all of the posts you quoted in separate quote tags. (IMPORTANT: The order of the quotes in your new post is determined by what order you click the Multi-Quote button, regardless of the chronological order of the posts.)

Clicking the second button will zoom you down to the bottom of the page for a Quick Reply. You've probably already noticed the Quick Reply textbox; this lets you make a post without loading a new page to type the message (you'll still be taken to a confirmation page when you post though). Note that you need to change your Message Editor Interface to Standard or WYSIWYG under My Account-->Edit Options before you'll see the coding box like I have in the image below.

The system is relatively the same, but for those unfamiliar with the "!" button, clicking it will let you report a post. Please report any posts you see in breach of Menewsha's site rules and describe the issue clearly so that a moderator can deal with it right away.

Ferra 04-22-2008 06:56 PM

2. User Control Panel

Most of the other links on the dashboard are fairly straightforward, so this guide will explore the new "My Account" link. This area, known as the User Control Panel, is used to access several options dealing with customization settings. Here is what you'll see first after clicking the My Account link:

As you can see, you will be able to track your infractions (warnings) and all incoming requests such as PM Notifications, subscribed threads/forums, friend requests, and invites will be shown here. Notifications will also appear in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Additionally, the User Control Panel is the portal which you must go through to access your account customization options. These options are explained below in greater detail.

Your Profile
  • Edit your details: This section allows users to edit or change their password, email address, birthdate, privacy options, messenger information, and some minor personal details.
  • Customize profile: You're now able to customize your profile. You currently CANNOT use CSS coding or any type of overlay within profile, but this may become an option in the future. Additional information regarding profile customization can be found here.
  • Edit profile picture: In the new software you can upload a small image to be added to your profile. This does not affect the avatar that displays next to your profile comments or within your friends list.
  • Contacts & Friends: Clicking this link will allow you to view the users on your friends list, add or remove a friend, and view any incoming friend requests that you have pending.

    To add a friend, first enter their username and click on "Add Friend". This will send a friendship request to them to accept/deny. Alternately you can click on "Add contact" to simply add them as a contact but not add them to your friends list.
  • Social Groups: These are essentially the equivalent of a guild. You can choose between making your group public, which gives anyone the ability to join, or private, which allows users to join by invitation only. At the moment, all groups allow you to do is chat in a semi-private area and share pictures.
  • Pictures & Albums: You can upload pictures and artwork in your own personal gallery space that will be viewable through your profile.
Settings & Options
  • Edit Avatar: Clicking on this will take you to where you can change your avatar base, mouth, eyes, and hair color.
  • View Inventory: Another link to direct you to your inventory.
  • Edit Signature: Here is where you will be able to enter your signature and upload a signature image. There is now a preview option to out your signature before you select it. Be sure it conforms to the guidelines (at max 500w x 350h pixels and 150kb).
  • Edit Options: This is the main account options page that allows you to change your visibility options, opt out of mass mailings, set whether or not you'd like to be emailed when someone replies in one of your subscribed threads, set private message options, set trade notifications, default post color, thread display options, date and time, message editor, and skins (more may be available in the future).
  • Edit Ignore List: Just like the friends list, you can now ignore users by adding them to your ignore list. This will hide ignored users' posts and block them from PMing you.

Ferra 04-22-2008 06:56 PM

3. PMs - Private Messaging

Accessible through both the User Control Panel or by clicking "Mail" on your dashboard. Everything PM related is now found here. As you can see, it will list out your PMs by date received. You can also see how many PMs you have in the default folders such as inbox, sent items, and imported items.
  • List Messages: Lists all the messages in your inbox in chronological order. You'll also be able to download your messages to your hard drive in CSV, XML, or TXT format.
  • Send New Message: Clicking this link will direct you to the screen where you can create your new message. You will see (depending on your settings) that you have several smileys and other post options available.
  • Track Messages: If you requested a read receipt to a person you PMed (done by checking "Request a read receipt for this message") this area will show those PMs and display if that message has been read or not. There's no longer an Outbox.
  • Edit Folders: Here you can add new custom folders or change the names of existing folders. You can also see that the displayed list on the left updates when you change the name of an existing folder or add a new one.

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:02 PM

4. Subscribing to Threads

The first thing you're greeted by in the User Control Panel is a list of your subscribe threads. At first, you'll probably see "There are no subscribed threads to display in this folder for this time period." However, as you post around the site this is bound to change. Please note that only threads with new replies appear in this list. You can view all of your subscribed threads at any time by clicking the "List Subscriptions" link.

To manually subscribe to a thread, click the "Thread Tools" button found in the top-right corner of the page as you view the topic. Clicking "Subscribe to this thread" will take you to a new page with the option of enabling email notification and the choice of which folder you'd like to add it to. If you're already subscribed to the thread, you'll see an "Unsubscribe to this Thread" option instead.

By default you'll automatically subscribe to any thread that you post in. If you wish to change this setting, revisit My Account and click "Edit Options". Scroll down until you see the following section:

1) Do not subscribe - Will not subscribe you to threads unless you add them to your subscription list manually.
2) No email notification - Will automatically subscribe you to every thread you post in, but you will not receive email updates when those threads get new replies.
3) Instant email notification - Will email you as soon as a subscribed thread receives a reply
4) Daily email notification - Will email you at the end of the day with reply updates for your subscribed threads
5) Weekly email notification - Will email you at the end of the week with reply updates for your subscribed threads
Chose your preferred option and be sure to click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the screen.

To manage your subscribed threads, you can scroll down to the Subscribed Threads section and view a list of every thread you're subscribed to. You can delete these threads, or create folders to divide up and organize your thread subscriptions as you please.

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:02 PM

5. Organizing Your Inventory

The new inventory system is perhaps the most anticipated part of the new software. There's now and Unequip All button and a drawers system that will let you drag and drop items into labeled storage for optimal organization.

Equipping/Unequipping Items

The process is very simple; just click on the item you want to equip and it'll load momentarily and add itself to your "Equipped Items" list. Be sure that your cursor is shaped like a hand before you click and not the arrow icon.

Note that if you unequip an item that's not located in your current drawer, it will temporarily add itself to the drawer you're browsing. If you refresh or move to a different part of your inventory it will move itself back to the appropriate drawer.

Rearranging Your Inventory

Clicking the "Rearrange This Drawer" button will take you to a new screen that displays the entire contents of your drawer, no matter how many items it contains. On this screen you can drag and drop all of the items in that particular drawer to arrange them in whatever order you like and will save automatically each time you make a change. You cannot move items into different drawers from this screen.

The main inventory screen is where you can move items into the appropriate drawers. Click and drag any item and move them towards the list of drawers you've made under "Your Drawers". The drawers that you're capable of placing the item in will light up a dark yellow. Once you've moved the item on top of the drawer you've selected, it will appear green and you can let go. The change is automatically saved and the item will remain inside that drawer until you move it again.

Adding & Editing Drawers

You now have the option to create custom drawers to further organize your inventory. These can be made by clicking "Add New Drawer". A popup box will appear letting you enter a title for the new drawer. You can make up to three drawers for free, but making four or more will cost 25g each time.

To edit your drawers, click the "Edit Drawers" link and you'll be directed to page listing all of your drawers in order. You can change a drawer's name at any time by clicking the "Edit Drawer" button or click and drag your drawers to arrange them however you want.

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:04 PM

6. Trading

When you click on this link you will be taken to the trades section of the site.

You're probably thinking that not much has changed, just the formatting, and you'd be right... for this screen. Let's start a new trade. As you can see I've typed in jellysundae's username. Now I'll click "Start New Trade".

Now you can see where the changes have taken place. Rather than having to select items one at a time, you can now check off whatever you would like to trade so you can trade several items at once.

Once you have selected whatever it is that you'd like to trade, click the "Start Trade" button at the bottom. The next screen has three important sections. The first being the transaction history:

This will show you what time the trade was started and when items were added. It will also show you when the trade was accepted.

The next section is where you can add gold or items and accept or cancel the trade.

The newest section at the bottom is where you can leave comments to the person you are trading with, saying thank you or whatever you'd like it to say.

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:05 PM

7. Stores & Shopping

Unlike the stark shop pages of old, there's now a new vibrant map for you to explore when it's time to shop. Moving your cursor over a shop will inform you of its name, and clicking the arrows will let you navigate from square to square. Clicking a building will pop up a new tab or window displaying the shop's wares. There are now two new icons which let you shop in different ways.

The coin icon represents a "Buy It Now" option, which will take you directly to a checkout page for the item should you click it. In contrast, clicking the shopping cart icon will add the item to your Shopping Cart. Now you're free to browse any of the shops and add them to your cart, the items you add will display no matter what shop you're in!

Once you have added the items you want, you can click the "Check Out" button and you'll be brought to a checkout page. You can review your items and see how much gold you'll have remaining after your purchase. If you'd like to buy the items, click the "Purchase Items" button. Be sure to double-check before you click purchase though since there's no confirmation page this time.

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:06 PM

8. Blogs

Journals have undergone a complete facelift and are now known as Blogs. On the main blog page, you can view a list of the most recent entries in the bottom left corner in addition to random blogs and comments. Most aspects of blogging are simple and self-explanatory, so I'll only cover how to post a new entry and manage your blog settings.

Posting a New Blog

You'll be taken to a page with the same kind of text box as when you're making new posts or PMs. There you can type your new entry and give it a title. You're also given a number of additional options found below the textbox that can alter your blog post.
  • Blog Categories: You can choose which category to place this blog into. Until you make your own custom categories in your Blog Settings, all of your blog entries will be in Uncategorized.
  • Options: Lets you choose whether or not you want to allow comments, moderate comments (you then can individually allow/disallow which posts you want to be public), or enable trackbacks.
  • Miscellaneous Options: You can choose to save the blog as a draft so you can post it later, chose a date when it will automatically post, or publish now to have the blog be visible immediately. You also have traditional options of disabling smilies and shrinking URLs.
  • Blog Entry Subscription: Just like thread subscriptions you can choose to subscribe to your own blog without being emailed (choose "No email notification") or be emailed instantly when you receive comments.
  • Attach Files: You can attach an image or file to your blog that can be downloaded by visitors.
Blog Settings

You can access the Blog Control Panel by either clicking the "Blog Settings" button on the main blog page or clicking "Blog Control Panel" found under the options menu on any other blog-related page. This area lets you adjust the basic default settings for your blog and allows you to change your blog's title, description, and customized categories.
  • Blog Title and Description: You can enter the title of your blog and a description of its contents. The title will be visible in the menu bar of your browser, while the description will sit directly above your list of entries and each individual blog entry.
  • Blog Options: The first page that will appear when you click "Blog Settings". Here you can select the default options that will be selected for all of your blog entries. However, you can alter the settings on individual blogs. If you have a blog via Wordpress, you can use your API key to benefit from their anti-spam service. You can also choose if your blog is open to only friends or everyone, including the option to block users you've ignored.
  • Blog Categories: You have the option to make custom categories that can be assigned to your blogs entries for better organization and easy reference. You can also add subcategories and change the display order of your categories at any time by altering their number value.

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:06 PM

9. Tips & Tricks

Aside from the major changes, vBulletin also allows a plethora of useful tools at your disposal. Likewise, there are some other less obvious changes within Menewsha you should be aware of.
  • BBcode no longer generates gold, so most of the post restrictions related to excess code have been repealed. However, be sure to read over the revised rules, as you will be held accountable to them.
  • Font sizes use different values in vBulletin based off of HTML rather than what you're probably familiar with and range from 1 at the smallest to 7 at the largest.
  • Bolded thread titles indicate that a topic is currently unread. Additionally, a red exclamation point on a forum icon indicates there's a new post in that forum or subforum.
  • The F.A.Q. is now a convenient and easily searchable tool to look up information you need to know. This will be more efficient than flooding the Information Desk with questions after the switch, so please take advantage of it.
  • You may have seen this icon on the left-hand side of a thread title. Clicking it will jump you straight to the first unread post within that topic (unread posts are marked by an orange paper icon). This is extremely useful when catching up on a subscribed thread. When browsing the thread itself, you can also click "View First Unread" at the top of the screen and it'll jump you straight to the oldest unread post.
  • In order to see the text editor box, smilies, and coding buttons you need to have your Message Editor Interface (found in My Account-->Edit Options) set to Standard. However there's another setting, What You See Is What You Get, that both enables those functions and shows exactly how your post will look as you type it. A more advanced guide for BBCode can be found here.
  • New BBcode is available, including alignment coding, and a [thumb] code for instant thumbnails for pictures!

Ferra 04-22-2008 07:07 PM

Please post feedback and suggestions! :D

Things that I will fix later:
- Links
- Add an Avatar section guide once it's finished

(Reserving this post just in case.)

LeeD 04-25-2008 11:32 AM

Super guide Ferra. Fantastic bits of information!

Caroline 04-25-2008 11:41 AM

Awesome guide Ferra, thank you! :hug:
I haven't explored much yet, but this handbook has answered all the questions regarding the new software that I've had so far.
Links need to be inserted though. X)

Kitti 04-25-2008 12:32 PM

Awesome! This is very helpful!
Thank you! n.n

but I do have one question...wheres the Sellback Store?
is it gone for good?

Melody 04-25-2008 12:46 PM

So I've checked about 4 times and am either missing it each time or the default font color thing is gone. >.<

CrepsleyKabob 04-25-2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by melody xyelle (Post 3026499)
So I've checked about 4 times and am either missing it each time or the default font color thing is gone. >.<

I noticed this too >__> It's the first thing I looked for before posting

Melody 04-25-2008 02:42 PM

*sigh* alright so it isn't just me.

Dearest 04-25-2008 03:37 PM

the default colour thing is not there, no....
but everything else is nice ^^

Furious 04-25-2008 04:51 PM

*Glomps Ferra*

Thanks for this <3 It was really great, I certainly was confused on some things, but you really helped ^-^

Ferra 04-25-2008 06:16 PM

I'm glad this is useful! ^^ I would fix/add more to it, but editing posts currently isn't working for me. >__<

fiarra 04-25-2008 06:45 PM

Did you try clicking on the edit button twice. Mine doesn't work unless I do that.

Ferra 04-25-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by fiarra (Post 3027556)
Did you try clicking on the edit button twice. Mine doesn't work unless I do that.

You are a genius! XD

Actually, I tried that before but it was asking be if I wanted to delete the post so I backed out of it. It worked this time though. ^^

fiarra 04-25-2008 07:00 PM


Amo_Angelus 04-25-2008 08:26 PM

FERRA!!!!!!!!!! *runs up to you and clings*
How do I save PMs?
How to I do the coding box again? Please tell me I can. My current coding boxs now just hold the final thing rather than the code.
My inventory isn't auto saving when I rearange things. Only when I put them in drawers.

Ferra 04-25-2008 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jayms_fallen_angel (Post 3027978)
FERRA!!!!!!!!!! *runs up to you and clings*
How do I save PMs?
How to I do the coding box again? Please tell me I can. My current coding boxs now just hold the final thing rather than the code.
My inventory isn't auto saving when I rearange things. Only when I put them in drawers.

I'm planning on appending the guide with more info now that some things haven't been altered (like what you just mentioned). :0

You get the coding box by going to My Account-->Edit Options and change the Message Editor Interface to either Standard or What You See Is What You Get editing. :3 You can switch back and forth between WYSIWYG and Standard using this button:

PMs are saved automatically? Or do you mean save them to your computer? I haven't tried it, but I think you just select the messages and use the drop-down to pick "Download as Text".

It only autosaves when you use the "Rearrange this Drawer", and right now I think only the Main Inventory will save when you reorganize it. ^^;

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